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OHSHC ep. 1:  Starting today, you are a host!
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Hikaru didn't have anything against Kaoru's suggestion, and since he had nothing better to do at the moment, he silently agreed to go out and do something of the sort. "I have to change if we're going out." Said the older twin, turning on his heel and stepping back inside the bedroom, feet leading him to the enormous closet that held designer clothing.
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He made a not so soft grunt as he passed hanger after hanger, displeased with everything he owned. "I have nothing to wear." He said. "It's like everything is out of season." Though the statement wasn't true, considering their mother sent them countless articles of clothing that was always up to date in the fashion world.
        young gold jewels note that the danger          has disappeared; the danger of a delicate         balance, a give and take motion if one would.
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                    and he smiles; a charming smile, a sparkling simper                     one that was near scarce upon adolescent features                      reared its presence more so around his older twin.
❝we could go mess around the     commoner’s land. like go to     one of those amusement parks     they have or to one of the markets     we haven’t been to with haruhi and     the others yet.❞
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Swing Life Away - Machine Gun Kelly feat. Kelin Quinn
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Slender figure halted just as Hikaru made it to the doorway. He was intrigued by the suggestion, but because his brother made it, he himself had nothing in mind as to what they could possibly do if they ventured out. "Like what?" He asked, head tilting as he looked over his shoulder.
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Now that he thought about it, he wasn't good at coming up with ideas on what to do out in public, mostly because he knew nothing of the outside world. Sure, he grew some and had a little bit of knowledge concerning the commoner plane, but even so, he still knew next to nothing.
The question didn’t earn a response, at least not one right away. Hikaru himself didn’t know how Kaoru could help his current boredom, but he supposed Kaoru didn’t have the responsibility to help his little problem.
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"Nothing, I guess." Came the flat reply. He would have been more rude, but his personality towards Kaoru differed from other people. Standing tall, he moved towards the hall, mind set on disturbing the staff members that worked out in the garden.
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Requested by [x] : Tamaki building a hamster house
"I'm not your senpai..."
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The question didn't earn a response, at least not one right away. Hikaru himself didn't know how Kaoru could help his current boredom, but he supposed Kaoru didn't have the responsibility to help his little problem.
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"Nothing, I guess." Came the flat reply. He would have been more rude, but his personality towards Kaoru differed from other people. Standing tall, he moved towards the hall, mind set on disturbing the staff members that worked out in the garden.
A disgruntled sigh sounded throughout the nearly abandoned bedroom, the older Hitachiin becoming bored—rather easy as usual—and wanted absolutely nothing to do with his new video game. Tossing his controller to the side, he glanced about the room, golden brown hues spotting his twin near immediately. “Kaoru. I’m bored.” He said, tone hinting towards the fact that he wanted Kaoru to fix the problem.
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A disgruntled sigh sounded throughout the nearly abandoned bedroom, the older Hitachiin becoming bored--rather easy as usual--and wanted absolutely nothing to do with his new video game. Tossing his controller to the side, he glanced about the room, golden brown hues spotting his twin near immediately. "Kaoru. I'm bored." He said, tone hinting towards the fact that he wanted Kaoru to fix the problem.
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"--Oops. There goes the tea set mother and father just bought. Oh well."
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"Seeing as my dopy boyfriend fell asleep on me, I guess I'll head out too."
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There's so many of you lovely people but I'm afraid I  can't make a starter for everyone. But I can make you one if you specifically want one. Just like, let me know.
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"Its best to keep me pleased."
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Hikaru held up a hand. "First off--shut up. You're going to give me a headache. And second; Kaoru lives with me. Yeah he'd be bummed without me around school but he's a big boy. He can handle it. And third; the guests enjoy our company more than anything. If I'm not there, they'd wanna console Kaoru and all that other crap. They would miss me too, not for my act, but for me."
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"Boy, for claiming to be the King, you sure don't know how our guests work, do you, M'lord?"
"But it wouldn’t be the same!"
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The blond proceeded to ramble on in his dramatic fashion. “Besides, what if he misses you? And how else are we supposed to play off the brotherly love aspect of our host club? Our guests will be disappointed.”
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"The fact that The Host Cub is your first priority makes me care even less about being on the verge of expulsion." Hikaru scowled while turning his gaze to Tamaki. "And Kaoru would be fine without me in the club. He can function with out me, you know."
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Eyes glanced towards the ginger. “Odd ways, you say?”
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He huffed softly in disapproval. “Still, it’s not polite to play such pranks, Hikaru, you could get expelled,”
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Turning aside, he wrapped his arms around himself as if he were hugging himself. “And we’d have one less host club member! Without you, Kaoru is like a dog without a bone, or a milkshake without the ice cream and just the milk! How awful!”
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Babysitting? Hikaru couldn't help but laugh at the irony of his words. "Your mind works in odd ways, M'lord." Mused Hikaru, turning away from the blond. "And I'm sure he'll get over it. After all, he get's payed more than enough to work here. So a prank every once in a while isn't going to push him over the edge."
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A sigh escaped him. “Honestly, I feel like I’m a babysitter, and the poor teacher!”
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"How could you be so cruel to our educators, Hikaru?”
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"Of course not. I pulled the pranks on the teachers."
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"Their reactions weren't the best, though. I mean--I glued all the stuff that was sitting on top of one guys desk to the wood and he got all angry. Pff, kind of a buzzkill."
"You haven’t been disturbing our guests, have you?”
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"Sure. I've been a good boy. I only pulled five pranks today. I'd say that record earns me the title saint."
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"Hello, Hikaru. Have you been behaving yourself?"
And keeping your hands off of my Haruhi.
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