Blog Post #10
May 3, 2022
The Finale. 
While creating my short story, I gained more confidence in my ability to formulate behind my comfort zone. Thus far, after reflecting on my process and product, I would surely be proud to work on having my story published. I don’t think it could happen immediately, but this is my first short story, and I would love to share it with the world. 
After researching a few literary magazine companies, I believe submitting my work to Under the Gum Tree would be an incredible fit. Under the Gum Tree publishes creative nonfiction but specifically highlights revealing authentic truth, provoking conversations, and examining universal topics. Nia Uncovered is an excellent fit because the story highlights mental health, grief, and discovery. 
Furthermore, the word count is around 1000 words and deals with concepts that can seem personal. This publishing company believes “We see our mission as sharing stories that remind readers of our shared humanity.” This opportunity is definitely a testimony and moral of mine: to share! Another reason I believe Under the Gum Tree is a great publishing company for my short story is that they encourage personality. It highlights that “your story is personal; it is true (to the best of your recollection); the way you put your words together, the language you choose, and the layers of meaning you have built generate an experience for the reader.” In Nia Uncovered, there is so much meaning beyond the themes and lessons in the text. Nia actually evolves to be who she never imagined she’d be.
My career as an English educator would indeed allow me to create more stories in the future. I am considering revisiting my piece after graduation and eventually submitted because it would be an exciting accomplishment. Thank you all for being along my journey of writing and creating!
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Blog Post #9
Short Story Revisions
I stepped out of my comfort zone throughout this semester and wrote a short story. Although it is my first one, I must say that I am proud of the journey. Is it perfect? No, it’s mine, and I am happy to have put in the work.
During the revision process, I had an excellent opportunity to work alongside one of my classmates. She provided great feedback and suggestion. For example, in one of my scenes, the main character meets up with her sister, having a difficult conversation. My classmate encouraged me to strengthen the connection between the two characters and a resolution for the sisters’ conflict. Next, I decided to include more details regarding Nia’s stages. Nia, who is the main character, suffers and battles her thoughts. During the revision process, I included more of Nia’s inner thoughts and the process of her battles. Although I don’t display how she overcomes it completely, I show Nia on the other side of sadness. I revised that end because I didn’t want Nia’s issues to appear unresolved. 
The revision process took longer than I thought, but I truly appreciated the time of learning and growing--and ultimately writing.
Thank you for being a part of my journey and story! 
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Blog 8: Plot, Climax, Conflict
There’s no denying that Nia needs work and development; that gesture is exactly what the plot focuses on: her development. Throughout the story we watch Nia self-sabotage her our growth because of her childhood traumas. In fact, the story's conflict is actually when Nia “hits rock bottom” and gets stuck in her confusion with life. Her road becomes lonely and scary.
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Yet, the most remarkable aspect of Nia’s life is her sister, Vanessa, and her ability to hold her accountable. Vanessa and Nia have a strong relationship. We will see throughout the story how Vanessa is always there for Nia and provides a balanced perspective. Although Vanessa is always there for Nia, Nia receives Vanessa's hand this time. The climax of Vanessa’s strength and compassion guides Nia out of her troubles.
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Blog 6: POV
Monday, March 14, 2022
Welcome Back (to me)! A part of developing and progressing the growing pains of life and school is indulging in rest; therefore, spring break was needed and appreciated. 
Now, as I consider the process of my story, I decided that Nia Unrevealed will take place in a third-person perspective. This POV will allow readers to view Nia’s story from the lens of others and grant them an opportunity to develop their thoughts, rather than seeing Nia from her eyes. 
Although I initially wanted this story to be first-person, I reconsidered because I want the audience to grow aside as they watch her. I’m currently thinking of how the story will end and the lessons Nia will obtain from her journey.
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I want my audience to understand Nia’s flaws and have grace and mercy, yet hold her accountable. I want my audience to feel Nia’s heart and pain while rejoicing as she flies.
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Blog 5: Setting Sings: *Send Me Your Location*
February 28, 2022
Well, thus far, I can truly say I am not the greatest at writing narratives; however, I am stepping outside of my comfort zone. I’m noticing my story-telling includes most telling without showing. For this portion, I want to work on developing my descriptions. 
The setting for Nia’s journey will include Dr. Natasha’s office--where the orange couch, dim lighting, and elevator music offers an atmosphere of “release” and safety for Nia. Although Nia is in the midst of having a mental breakdown, she feels accepted in Dr. Natasha’s office. The calmness of the room is welcoming and bright. 
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Nia is a beautiful, yet her heart is shattered and dark. Her mind is uneasy and continuously races on the “should haves, would haves, and could haves” of her life. Her imperfections are result of her traumas; therefore, her story is a powerful one. 
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Nia’s house reveals that she demands all items remain in its respective location. It’s perfect, in fact all most too perfect. Her clothes are color-coordinated based upon seasons, textures, and tones. Her shoes her aligned with her clothes. Nia has a different style and color watch for every outfit. There’s no surprise that she highly depends upon being in control of EVERYTHING. 
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Blog #4: Research and Relatability
February 21, 2022
I remember thoroughly enjoying reading the novel “Bud, Not Buddy” in my sixth-grade English class. In fact, I remember enjoying it more because for the very first time, I’d encountered a text with black and brown characters. The complexity of the reading wasn’t that the vernacular was broken or that the Bud’s journey was arduous, the complexity was with me and how I was unaware of how to possibly feel.
According to Bryan Alexander of USA Today, “Two in three Black Americans don’t see themselves in movies and TV.” Furthermore, the article includes, “The study found that 91% of the Americans surveyed believe that media has the power to influence society. Further broken down, 75%, or 3 in 4 of all people surveyed (and 87% of Black Americans surveyed), believe the way Black Americans are portrayed in the media influences perceptions of them in the real world.”
Although my current plan isn’t to publish my short story, I pray some day a black or brown skin individual may have the opportunity to reflect on their traumas, uncertainties, lost, happiness, wonders within my art. I’m getting more excited, considering that I am in charge of the storyline and all details. My research also gives me more certainty that this is a process I should be proud of.
I have not entirely worked out all of the details, I have considered the main factors. Nia’s experience will be one that I pray everyone can relate to.
Lastly, the main character’s name is Nia, a girl of Swahili origin, meaning "resolve; brilliance." Although she encounters hardships, the story lives up to Nia’s name; she finds resolutions. Nia also means short but energetic and substantial. The website, Nameberry informs “Nia has special meaning for African-American parents, as it's one of the days of Kwanza. Nia also benefits by its similarity to (yet differentness from) the megapopular Mia.” Sooner than later, you all be dive into Nia’s life! I hope you all enjoy it.
Sources: https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/movies/2020/09/17/study-black-americans-no-representation-movies-tv/3476650001/
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Blog Post #3: Nia Uncovered
February 7, 2022
Nia just turned 30-years-old, and her life isn't exactly how she pictured it would be. In fact, Nia discovers in therapy that many of her struggles root from never forgiving her father from abandoning her family. The only problem is that Nia must heal on her own--without closure from her father because he suddenly passed away 2 months before Nia’s 30th birthday.
Growing up, Nia was great at many aspects: the star basketball team player, the Valedictorian of her high school, and every teacher’s most remarkable student; unfortunately, Nia has to deal without the spotlight and fan. Instead, she must deal with her thoughts, wants, desires, hurts, and challenges. Nia struggles with accepting her present life which causes her to constantly reflect on her childhood. She sits with her therapists and flashes back towards what moments made her feel worthy.
Everyone felt her presence whenever she stepped foot in any room. She was beautiful-- with chocolatey-silky-smooth skin. She voice her soft, yet her statements and thoughts were loud. She made the simplest article of clothing look like a masterpiece, yet somehow, she was utterly insecure. 
Nia wasn’t who everyone thought she was. Nia’s learning; that’s Nia Uncovered. 
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Blog #2 Story Time: Fear’s Conclusion
January 31, 2022
“Wake up Nia. You’re fighting yourself in your sleep.” Nia is a 30-year-old woman, a child of immigrant parents, and a seeker of love in all of the wrong places. Nia’s life is hard because she struggles with setting boundaries and because she hasn’t forgiven her father, leaving the family in an undesirable state. Nia longs for love and happiness. But, most importantly, Nia longs for belonging. 
Throughout my story, I will incorporate the development of Nia’s life by utilizing flashbacks of her upbringing and how they tie to her adulthood struggles. Alongside Nia are her two sisters, Vanessa and Zipporah, and one baby brother, Judah, who see her struggles, yet don’t truly understand her actions and thoughts. Nia loves her siblings but wishes they could relate to her more, especially since their father abandoned them all.
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The focus of my story will be the flashback and how they play an intricate part in Nia’s desire for belonging because this is how I want to keep my audience engaged. However, Nia’s conflict overall will be how determined she truly is to discover herself. This will also serve as the plot twist because Nia’s life isn’t because of her father’s actions but how she chooses to blame him rather than accept the decisions she's made. 
Lastly, this story will take place from a third-person point of view. I have not entirely figured out all of the details; however, I look forward to developing a work of art from my imagination.
Cheer me on along the process, please? :)
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Blog #1
January 24, 2022
Greetings Readers!
One of my greatest pastimes is reading--reading the lives of numerous individuals who can share wisdom based on their journeys. As an English educator, I teach nonfiction and fiction texts, but I love hearing survival stories of how people overcome their tragedies, hurts, and pains. Honestly, I think we all have something to share regarding life, whether we feel qualified to do so or not. For the most part, my readings entail nonfiction because it grants me an opportunity to escape my own reality and dive into someone else's. I gravitate to it easily; therefore, I'm extremely elated to indulge in fiction, yet simultaneously nervous to create my own.
This semester, I look forward to the exposure of indulging and stretching my imagination more. The stretch will focus on getting me to escape the structured world of nonfiction and apply my creative juices to formulate a masterpiece. This class is timely because it is also my last semester in grad school. The PERFECT chance to cover pieces of literature with grace and an open mind. 
Let’s dive into an adventure together and enjoy where the road may lead us!
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Blog Post #10
Happiness. We all deserve it, despite life’s hurdles. I hope you all enjoy! 
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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Blog Post #9 Revisions- The Finish Line
Ecclesiastes 9:11 reminds us the race is not to the swift but those who endure to the end! 
The semester is rapidly drawing to a close and I must say I pushed myself more this semester than any other school experience I had thus far. I’m thankful for a finish line. I’m thankful for a race that teaches character building and patience. I’m truly proud of myself and proud of how much I gained this semester. 
I am also thankful for my colleagues who are in the same race with me. During my semesterly paper, they had an opportunity to review and edit my paper and give me pointers to work on. I appreciate evolving in my writing and here are a few pointers I can develop on for my final paper:
1. Clarification (acronyms and some statements) 
2. Dialogue (incorporate more)
3. Recreating my Conclusion (make more powerful)
4. Wordiness (Being Concise)
I’m thankful for a chance to write my story and include my endless thoughts. How I execution them matters and will assist me get the finish line. During our meeting, we discussed actually having an opportunity to enjoy each others’ writing style and presentation. Most times in our program, the professors are the ones who read our writings so hearing from my colleagues allowed me to grant myself more grace. 
For my final paper, I am extending the thoughts and ensuring they are clear, yet colorful. I will also work on my wordiness, but ensure I include more dialogues. 
I can definitely see the white at the end of the tunnel to cross the finish line. 
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Blog #8
October 18, 2021
Hey Blog-Followers!
It seems to have been a while since my last, post but I am back and better. Over a week and a half, I am beyond thankful for an opportunity to pause-- pause the demands of work and just re-evaluate my life. Thank you Fall Break!
A few days ago, my husband and I were having a discussion and I abruptly said, “I no longer want to be perfect.” Though it seemed random to him, it had been on my mind for quite some. For those of you all who don’t know me, I am a perfect addict. I somehow think that perfection is achievable and within arm’s reach for all that I do. I’ve been left feeling drained time after time; however, this time, I meant it! I mentally, physically, and emotionally hit a wall. “I no longer want to be perfect.” The opportunity to rest from all that is required of me granted me a clear vision because I wasn’t living life using the best method. 
Just as I hit a wall with life, running incorrectly can negatively affect the journey too. Many of you guys are aware that I am training for a race in November. Coach Pete Rea informs, “When you push yourself into the anaerobic zone then eventually you’ll run out of glycogen. This will not be pretty. Running out of glycogen is what we all know and dread as “hitting the wall” or “bonking.” Proper training for a race is necessary or one could hurt themselves. In addition, recently I also had to learn to listen to my body physically when it desired a break from running. 
Running and life has taught me that it is beautiful, but not taking the proper steps can lead to “hitting the wall.” So as I grow from my epiphany about perfection and finalizing some of my running techniques, I continue to tag you all along my journey.
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Blog #7 A Honeymooner’s Dream
October 4, 2021
As my husband and I prepared for our honeymoon, we hit a wall. I’m still not sure if our delayed honeymoon was a dream or a nightmare but you can read the details in the following link:
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Blog #6: Evolution of Me (Personal History Collage)
Wednesday, September 22
Structuring this assignment granted me with the grace of pausing and asking myself “who are you truly?” During the process, I combined a few images that represent my joys and growth. They represent my understanding of who I am and who I’ve grown to be. In essence, nothing is final. So, I’ll like to call it the “Evolution of Me” because it leaves more room and positive space for growth! I hope you enjoy. 
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Blog #5: Pandemic-ally Teaching
“Love takes off the masks we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” ― James Baldwin
Everyday after work, my husband and I have dinner together and utilize this opportunity to talk about our day at work, our hopes, our dreams, our sadness, and all that beauty entails. Our conversations have been been deeply rooted in work lately-- teaching and the frustration that occurs while there. I LOVE my students, I truly do; however, education has been rough in many aspects as I consider all that occurs. With the pandemic, the demands of teachers are rising without more hours in the day. 
Lesson plans, seating charts, virtual recordings, quarantine-emergency plans, data analysis, EOC testing, grade book, student-centered learning, COVID shift are all terms that I encountered almost daily. It’s rough because I truly love teaching students and having conversations with the students, but aside from the kids, I’m scared that I maybe overwhelmed more than I desire to. I find myself staring and daydreaming more to have a moment just to escape my reality.
Physically, I’ve been wearing a mask lately at work-- one to protect me from contacting COVID-19 and the other to help me hide behind my sadness. Both help me get through the day. 
Coming home to my husband allows me to take off my mask and discuss my thoughts and life. Love allows me to freely do so, but I’m praying my love for teaching will soon grant me the same opportunity to unmask myself and enjoy what I once loved the most. 
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Blog #4 Research: The Benefits of Running
Monday, September 13, 2021
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As I’m preparing for my race, it’s not by happenstance that I keep confronting research that discusses “running assists with mental health.” In fact, in every article that I read, it incorporated some form of mental health benefit. Honestly, although many of us are already aware how running can assist the body, mind, and soul, I am thankful for such a timely, consistent reminder. This project is absolutely necessary for my life right now. 
Throughout my last few blogs, my thoughts on my never-ending-to-do list definitely gets overwhelming at times. Mostly, I’m overwhelmed a great percent of the time; however, since my training, I am feeling better. Of course I have good days and bad days, but overall, I feel much better. I’m still working on my time management and ensuring I have at least three days out of the week to investigate in my personal goal, but I’m making a conscious effort in remembering my mental health is just as important (if not, more important) than my grand to-do list. 
The point is, this week I am extremely grateful for the push to challenge myself to go beyond my life’s demands and do something I enjoy, something liberating, something necessary for my progress. I’m thankful because I am seeing the benefits slowly but surely. 
My weekly training is a reflection of my life: I don’t always get it right; I may not always indulge in training when I should, yet my progress is guiding me towards a finish line. Thankfully, I’m slowly seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. 
Mental Health Benefits of Running
The Truth Behind “Runner’s High” and Other Mental Benefits of Running
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Blog #3: The Struggle is STILL Real
September 8, 2021
Currently, I have 8 items on my To-Do List that must be completed by the end of the evening. My heart has been racing since I woke up this morning and my mind won’t close all of the tabs that are opened. It seems that life keeps going and going and items keep piling up, no matter how many get done. To top it off, while I was at work today, my students managed to overwhelm me with excessive phone use. 
Within my previous posts, I’ve been discussing preparing for a physical race and along with that, helping myself manage life better. So, just because I had an eventful day, doesn’t mean that my goals change. Lately, I’ve been making it my priority to continue training for my race and in doing so, I’ve found myself liberated. It grants me a moment of peace. Of course, I haven’t been able to hit 5 miles just yet, but I’m realizing that life is a race and how I decide to train or run matters. I could let the rain stop me from going outside, I can allow the inconsistencies in the pavement to detract me, or I could even let my list hinder me from training but I’m deciding to continue because the struggle is still real but so is the race! 
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