commonghoul · 11 months
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another sketchy headshot 😊
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commonghoul · 11 months
look i have to put on my tinfoil hat again for a second here. but i genuinely believe copia is a satanic parody of barry manilow.
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commonghoul · 11 months
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vampire copia for a fic im working on :p
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commonghoul · 11 months
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no boys allowed
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commonghoul · 11 months
i feel like copia desperately tries to befriend the ghouls outside of work hours but bc they're feral raccoons to me they just trash whatever mcdonald's he takes them to and then run into the dumpsters. and he's left there. alone. with a picture of ronald mcdonald askew behind him. going "ah, i love friendship" [has never experienced it]
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commonghoul · 11 months
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A bunch of Sodo sketches 🔥🔥
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commonghoul · 11 months
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based off terzo's outfit I made for him.
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commonghoul · 11 months
Snow Day
literally just Copia and his daughters in the snow. That’s it. Just that.
1,101k words
Keep reading
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commonghoul · 11 months
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Something within your eyes said it could be the last time ‘fore it’s over (x)
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commonghoul · 11 months
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commonghoul · 11 months
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Columbus, Ohio - May 19, 2013 © Chris Casella
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commonghoul · 11 months
An Introduction to Forever
A quick lil thing for @skywarpie cause Dad!Copia lives in my brain
Copia x GN!Reader, Dad!Copia, Fluff, and slightly suggestive at the end.
He's nervous. You can tell right away. You've been seeing him long enough that you recognize the slight shift to his feet, the way he wrings his hands a little.
What you can also tell is that it's more nervous than when he had explained the whole leader of the satanic church thing. Which you still were getting used to, as ghouls spotted you walking down the hall with him. He's not touching you, though he doesn't flinch or pull away when you rest a hand on his arm. "You're so nervous."
"I like you." He blurts out, the top of his cheeks a little pink. "A lot. Heh. You know that, so I just want this meeting to go well."
Right, you were meeting one of his rats. And if they didn't like you, well, that would be the end of it. You couldn't overly judge him for it, people were attached to their pets. And he had every right to be more invested in a pet than in your relationship.
However, it felt horribly weird that you were nervous about meeting a rodent.
"It'll go fine." You say, but you're only thinking it might. Copia's spoken about this rat, Athaliah, a little. He's so proud each time he mentions her, his chest puffing out. How she nibbled on some cheese she didn't like yesterday, or how she managed to solve a puzzle. "She likes to be held, right?"
Copia's lips twitch as you remember. "She loves it. Always begging her Papa to be held. But she doesn't like everyone holding her..."
That has you nodding, you remember that too. "I'll ask first. Let her see if she wants me to hold her."
You smooth a hand down your clothes, a nice set. Copia had approved of it, and he had seemed sincerely happy about your attempt to make a good impression. Even if it was just a rat.
Yeah, you're in deep. You have only been dating for two months, but you get so many butterflies with him. He's just so... Copia. Awkward and adorable, he's so understanding and kind despite it all. He respected you and you respected him. You liked him, a lot.
You were going to get that rat's approval damn it. Sneaking cheese if you had to.
His personal apartments are deep inside the abbey. You had never been in them before and he rarely stayed the night at your own. He opens the doors and leads you into a tidy living space.
Where there are no rats.
But there is a little girl on the floor, drawing a little awkwardly into a coloring book with a ghoul watching her. He's half sprawled out on the floor beside her, nodding approvingly as she holds up some crayons, to get his opinion on the colors.
Not a rat, you realize, feeling your face go hot.
Well, shit.
"Athaliah," Copia starts, smiling widely. He kneels down next to the girl who couldn't have been more than two. She giggles, excited to see her father. Her eyes are the same green as his own, and the same dark hair. "Have you been having fun?"
"Yes! Rain picks good colors." She said, lifting her coloring book to show Copia. There are random colored squiggles all over the page. In her excitement, she looks up fully and sees you for the first time. Her large baby eyes go even rounder, and Copia is quick to put a hand on her back, as he stands back up.
She clutches his pant leg, hiding behind it. Or as much as she can, half of her sticking out from behind his calf.
"Athaliah." He sighs, a hand coming down to rest on top of her head. "Do you remember when Daddy said he wanted you to meet someone?"
She nods. Staring at you with those wide eyes. He introduces you, says your name, but she only shyly nods again.
You have just been taking it in that it was a child, not a rat. And somehow this is more of a relief, there's still some tension but it's not as bad as your anxiety drops. Kids are easier, you think, though you'd be informing Copia later on that he'd need to differentiate between his babies and his baby.
You crouch down to her level, not moving forward. A small wave. "Hi, Athaliah."
She hides her face behind his leg. You can hear Copia's sigh from above.
"You draw very nicely." You offer a compliment, glancing at Copia. The man is grimacing, eyes staring down at the floor. You swallow and gaze over at the little girl. Still hiding her face, mostly, one green eye peering out at you. You smile, kindly. "Can I see?"
Very cautiously, she reaches her forgotten coloring back. With a glance up at her dad, who nods encouragingly, she moves forward. Gingerly she holds out her coloring book and starts going through the pages. When you nod approvingly, making the appropriate approving noises, Athaliah begins to smile. And babble like a two-year-old only could about the meaning behind each piece.
The best one is just being "ourple is pretty", which you agreed solemnly on. It wasn't long before she was handing you a crayon, excited that someone was wanting to play with her.
And then Copia coughed. Hands resting on his hips, trying to look stern but there was a glow to his eyes, a slight beam at seeing you both getting along. "Am I chopped liver over here?"
Athaliah pauses, trying to work out the phrase. You nudge her gently with your elbow and she turns to you, looking nervous but you smile. "Daddy is silly, isn't he?"
She giggles loudly, while Copia gives a disgruntled 'Hey!' that has her going into full-blown laughter. And declaring that her Daddy is very silly, and Copia leans down to scoop her up. Tickling her to show her who's the silly one, while she giggles until they turn into cackles.
Rain slips away once you all are getting along, and you only say a quick goodbye to him.
Athaliah will go to bed shortly after dinner, though she demands you also join in for storytime. And you let her lead you to sit beside her bed, listening to Copia say some old fairy tale story. Though one with more satanic visuals that lull his daughter right to sleep.
You both sneak out easily afterward, and you're letting out a gasp when he presses you to the wall in the hallway. One hand comes up to curl around your jaw, cupping your face as he pulls his own towards you. A kiss, brief but passionate. "I love you," he whispers right when he pulls away.
That has your heart fluttering. "I love you too." And then you're kissing again, and again until you finally get to see his bedroom. Though you don't get to see a great deal of any of it until the next morning.
He loves to keep you distracted from seeing his former bachelor-styled bedroom.
Your presence becomes quickly normalized in his home. Athaliah loves having you over, and you are quickly growing to love seeing her almost as much as her Papa.
Copia asks you to move in after a few more months after you've already brought half of your wardrobe from how often you sleep over. You take over helping to read her on nights his work is going late into the night.
And you cry only a little when he makes you Athaliah's second emergency contact for her school.
(And then you hold him when he does send her off to her first day of school. Even if it's only half a day, the man is distraught.)
But it's after you both fall into the rhythm of this new routine, this new life, that he asks you.
You're in bed, arms curled around one another, skin slick and you're wearing the shirt he had torn off only half an hour before. Cuddled together in your bed.
And that's when he presses his mouth against your ear. "I want another one."
"Another round?" You ask softly and he laughs.
"Maybe." His hand rubs over your shoulder, and he's doing that nervous little shuffle with his feet under the blankets. "I want to have another kid. One with you."
You blink, but you're not surprised. Copia had been hinting at the topic for a little while, but you had wanted him to ask directly. For him to be sure of wanting it because you knew for certain you wanted it. Turning your head, you both enjoy a tender kiss, and he smiles at you when he catches sight of your own.
"Yes," It's a whisper between some more kisses. "I want another one too."
He smiles widely at your declaration, and you realize all at once. "I know she's not mine but-"
"She's yours too now. She cries for you and asks you to carry her. You cut the crust off her sandwiches and sing to her when I'm not here. She asks you to read to her more than she asks me, she says you tell the stories better." He kisses your cheek. "Athaliah loves you."
Good, you think, your eyes stinging horribly quickly. Because you love her and her Papa very much.
And the eventual additions to the family, you will love just as much.
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commonghoul · 11 months
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i can see through the scars inside you
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commonghoul · 11 months
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Ghost - Chapter Two: The Cardinal / Ghost - Chapter 11: Family Dinner
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commonghoul · 11 months
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the way he's walking... damn.
from this video
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commonghoul · 11 months
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‘Ghost’ Moments That Altered My Brain Chemistry 3/?
“Sympathy for the Devil” (Cover)  - Papa Emeritus IV & The Hellacopters on  På Spåret
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commonghoul · 11 months
You Are My Sunshine
Dad!Copia drabble. Copia spends a little time with his baby girl in his office.
Copia scribbles his signature on the document before him, the paper moving slightly, causing the V in IV to skew crookedly across the signature line. He chuckles softly to himself and then looks down at the little bundle wrapped in his left arm.
"A little harder to write, but entirely worth it, eh, bambina?"
He sets down his pen to adjust the blanket, pulling it down slightly so his baby girl's face is clear. Copia grins, joy in his eyes as he watches her little mouth pucker, searching for a pacifier or a bottle even in her slumber. Her eyelashes are such a light brown, delicately dusting her cheeks. He gently smooths a hand over the fuzzy hair on her head, and Copia idly wonders if she'll have curls when she's older.
“My little sunshine baby," he coos at her, leaning back in his chair to hold her closer. Paperwork can wait when his very life rests in his arms.
For a man above 50, alone most of his life, this baby is his miracle. He can never thank his Prime Mover enough for showing him he deserves to be loved and to give love. For accepting him as their husband, and now the father of their child. Copia loves his little family with every fiber of his being and could burst into tears from just the very thought of what the Dark Lord has blessed him with.
The baby squirms and makes a disgruntled noise, her little hand coming up, fingers moving in reflex against her face. Copia gently cups her hand, letting the small digits wrap around his finger to pull it softly away from her cheek. Newborn nails, to his surprise, are awfully sharp, and he nearly had a panic attack the first time he saw a small cut on her sweet face.
"We'll have to clip these again, piccolina," he tsks.
She stretches, slowly coming out of her doze, those precious little newborn grunts escaping her lips as she opens her eyes, blinking heavily against the light. Copia sighs softly, entirely in love with his baby. He strokes her warm cheek with a finger, gently tapping the tip of her nose.
"Buongiorno, my love. Did you sleep well?" The baby's tiny mouth opens wide as she yawns, and he laughs in delight. "Oh, si, mio dolce bambina, hai dormito così bene mentre Papa lavorava."
She looks toward his voice with sleepy eyes, her pink lips stretching into a smile, and although Copia has been told it is a reflex at this stage, he chooses to believe that she is smiling at her Papa. It never fails to make tears spring to his eyes, and he wipes them away, his shoulders shaking with quiet laughter.
"Look at your Papa, bambina. Such a mess. You have me wrapped around your little finger, you know this, huh?" He uses a single finger to tickle at her belly. "Are you laughing at your sciocco vechio Papa?"
Another smile stretches across her small face, and she moves in his arms, fingers opening and closing, legs kicking under the little embroidered rat blanket she is wrapped in. Copia leans his head against the back of his chair, staring up at the ceiling for a moment while a rush of emotion flows through his chest. He swallows and looks back down at her, a watery smile on his lips.
“I love you so much,” he whispers. “My precious little miracle. This is my paradise. This is my home.”
Oh, si, mio dolce bambina, hai dormito così bene mentre Papa lavorava - Oh, yes, my sweet baby, you slept so well while Papa worked. Sciocco vechio Papa - Silly old Papa.
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