coffycowgirl · 8 months
You notice when democrats don’t allow comment on their hateful posts they block comments but I hope you also notice black snake red bidunce always keeps his upper lip tight to keep his dentures from popping out like they have so many times when he babble speaks. But it definitely intensified the truly evil look in this evil look of pure corruption.
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coffycowgirl · 8 months
You notice when radical lefties post something condescending and insulting they don’t allow comments proving they’re true arrogant nature and inability to debate their statement. They are nothing but spineless cowards playingsnarky little crybaby games and will never be anything but hate spitting unimportant crybabies and never be anything but a drain on America and perennial drains on society. You know, willfully ignorant slaves to corruption and meager handouts from corrupt politicians
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coffycowgirl · 8 months
If it wasn’t for hateful lies dribbling out of your fetid behind defending the traitorous enemies of freedom that bought your rotting soul out you’d have nothing to bitch, whine, lie and crybaby about you unimportant waste of human flesh
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coffycowgirl · 8 months
Love these liars. Indians always said they do NOT own the land. The land owns them. It was never theirs dumbazz .
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coffycowgirl · 8 months
Probably the same reason the traitorous criminal democrat party won’t say who gave the order to stop counting votes then somehow miraculously found just enough votes to steal the election for senile career criminal biden,
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coffycowgirl · 8 months
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When a willfully ignorant slave to the corrupt democrat party like this silly fool posts something they know is nothing but shameful indefensible lies they don’t let people respond to their absence of intelligence, displaying their arrogant ignorance to the world like the obedient slaves to corruption they are.
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coffycowgirl · 8 months
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When a willfully ignorant slave to the corrupt democrat party like this silly fool posts something they know is an indefensible lie they don’t let people respond to their absence of intelligence
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coffycowgirl · 8 months
By the way silly infant. Te Klingons got filthy Rick during regains presidency he make america so
Safe and proud. Even top O’Neil liked him but ten again, he wasn’t a spineless communist sympathizer growing his life and freedom away like your worthless butt is
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This POS started modern day division of wealth in America
This POS was solely responsible for destroying UNIONS over the last 40 yrs -
This POS was a GOP rePIGliKlan
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coffycowgirl · 8 months
I realize your delusional lies can’t be defended but sadly democrats have soulessly raided social security to fund special projects for the child molesters and career criminals you constantly lie about like the penis without a spine you are. I supposed you’re too poorly educated to see how corrupt many unions are. But at least you ignorantly hurt stupid lying insults at strangers like a low life ignorant slave to corruption.
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This POS started modern day division of wealth in America
This POS was solely responsible for destroying UNIONS over the last 40 yrs -
This POS was a GOP rePIGliKlan
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coffycowgirl · 8 months
Even stupid people like you know all you liars do is falsely accuse republicans of things your thrived, perverts and communists actually do. When you block comments you’re admitting you can’t defend your stupid and hateful posts.
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Why indeed?
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coffycowgirl · 8 months
Just to recap something this hater doesn’t have the spine or honesty to admit, you can tell when these haters block comments, bidens spent that much of the war hes funded against Russia, while stripping our military down to bare bones. Don’t forget the millions he’s made from communist China as they pump out nuclear aircraft carriers and submarines that make ours look like tinker toys.btw- chinas navy is EIGHT times the size of ours. What brilliant leaderships democrat droolbuckets ‘elected’
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coffycowgirl · 9 months
Raise your hand if you think the liars who took Americans political prisoners and denied them their right to a speedy trial for YEARS should be receive a traitors punishment
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coffycowgirl · 9 months
Simple. The proven corrupt democrat party gets a huge cutback from the health care giants, they can’t squeeze the wallet of someone selling bottles if water.
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coffycowgirl · 11 months
People who make ignorant generalizations and don’t allow comments are wasting their lives one day at a time and nothing but a waste of your time. Spineless game playing haters that have never defended anything they say intelligently or answered a respectful question. All they are capable of doing is changing the subject and parroting another idiotic slogan they read written on a cardboard sign in magic marker held by a fat ugly born male in a pink tutu and stripper heels with purple hair.
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coffycowgirl · 11 months
Do I told my sweet friend Bagsy I wanted to fight crime. He said I better be good at escaping cause I might get captured. I said I’m smart I’m clever and I’m real flexible so I’m not worried about that. So he did THIS to me! Every rope crazy tight, the gag even tighter! I cant touch a knot. I’ve been tied and gagged for hours and he just told me if I don’t get loose by bedtime he’s going to show me what bad guys do to meddling brats!
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That sexy minx @coffycowgirl decided to try her hand as a vigilante......looks like it hasn't turned out that well for @coffycowgirl
(But it's a delight for us)
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coffycowgirl · 1 year
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Memo to the radical left wing midget. Democrats support mutilating the sexual organs of 5 year olds and your leader is a corrupt career criminal that illegally stole top secret files while vice president and cleverly hid them in his garage. Stopnpoibtingbyourvternynlityke ginger at republicans until your tiny azz gives people the full picture of your corruption and sadistic perversions
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coffycowgirl · 1 year
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