coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
10 mins 
Ice, Cold Milk, Vanilla Syrup, Caramel Sauce, Espresso
This refreshing and tasty iced coffee drink is yet another Starbucks classic, and just like the frappuccino, the caramel macchiato can be prepared in as little as 5 minutes – perfect for quenching your thirst and entertaining guests.
Related Articles : www.coffeegloriouscoffee.com/easy-tips-to-making-the-best-americano-coffee-recipe
Eugenie Kitchen’s recipe for iced caramel macchiato is very simple. Here’s what you need:
Vanilla syrup (20ml) Cold milk (240ml) Caramel sauce (20ml) 2 shots of espresso or 80ml of strongly brewed coffee A cup of large ice But preparing it is even simpler:
Step 1. Simply add espresso, milk, vanilla syrup, and ice in a serving cup. Step 2. Blend the concoction until it has a smooth texture. Step 3. Drizzle caramel sauce on top and that’s it!
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
2-4 mins 
Espresso, Hot Water
Many espresso-based drinks use milk, but not the café Americano – or simply 'Americano'. The drink also uses espresso but is infused with hot water instead of milk. The result is a coffee beverage that has the same strength of drip coffee but with a different flavor.
Related Articles : www.coffeegloriouscoffee.com/how-to-brew-coffee-without-a-coffee-maker-3-best-tasting-ways
If you wanted to make this drink at work, you don't need an office coffee machine, quite simply all you need to make your own Americano is:
Espresso Hot water Stark Insider has a very straightforward instruction for preparation:
Step 1. Get a latte or coffee mug ready. Step 2. Put a 3oz-shot of espresso into a separate glass. Step 3. Pour 3oz of hot water into the mug you intend to drink from. Step 4. Add the espresso shot into the mug
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
How to Make an Iced Americano
americano coffee recipe www.coffeegloriouscoffee.com/easy-tips-to-making-the-best-americano-coffee-recipe
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
Cold Brew Coffee Making in a French Press
The basics of cold brew coffee are explained in the article Cold Brew Coffee is Not Rocket Science. Let water steep over coffee grounds at room temperature for 12+ hours then filter and serve. Let’s get brewing.
how to brew coffee without a coffee maker www.coffeegloriouscoffee.com/best-ways-to-brew-coffee-without-a-coffeemaker-4-point-tips
#1 Measure Coffee
How much coffee should you use? The answer to this question will vary depending upon whom you ask. The short answer is more than you would for regular brewed coffee. If you do not want to deal with math or scales, just double the amount of the coffee you normally use when making hot French Press coffee. If you want to jump into the math, read on, otherwise skip ahead to Step #2.
In our French Press tutorial we use a 17 to 1 ratio. This means 17 parts water to 1 part coffee. For cold brew the advice is to use between 3 to 1 and 7 to 1. We found a 7 to 1 ratio was ideal for the French Press due to volume limitations. If you find 7 to 1 is not strong enough, I would extend the brew time by a few hours instead of adding more coffee.
The sizes of French Press brewers is an interesting topic. There is the size on the box, how much liquid it holds filled to the very top and then the estimated coffee yield when you brew the coffee. Seattle Coffee Gear did a comprehensive test of these numbers in the post Coffee Presses: Overall Volume vs. Actual Yield. What you notice when you scan this chart is that the actual yield of brewed coffee is always a few ounces less than the volume on the box. The difference is the coffee grounds and the amount of water lost.
The more coffee added to a French Press, the more space the coffee occupies and the more water is trapped in the grounds at the end of a brewing cycle. As it shows in the Seattle Coffee Gear article, when we use a regular hot French Press we can expect to lose a few ounces. For cold brew, we will lose more, so it is advised to use a large French Press for cold brew. Smaller French Presses might not be worth the hassle, because they yield so little. And unlike hot French Press, we aren’t ready to brew again in 4 minutes. We are waiting another 12 hours.
We used the 34 ounce French Press from Procizion for these tests. For easy math, I’m going to round this to 1000 grams. I did three brew cycles each at a different strength ratio. My goal was to keep the brew weights close and not fill it to the very top.
Regular 17 to 1:  809 grams water + 48 grams ground coffee = 857 grams brew weight. Brew Yield = 733 grams (or 26 ounces) Strong 12 to 1: 800 grams water + 67 grams ground coffee = 867 grams brew weight. Brew Yield = 686 grams (or 24 ounces) Cold 7 to 1: 756 grams water + 107 grams ground coffee = 864 grams brew weight. brew Yield = 588 grams (or 21 ounces) As you can see as we increase the strength of the brewing ratio, we see a decline in coffee yield. Using the same math, we would expect a 20 ounce French Press to yield 13.5 ounces of cold brew.
#2 Grind Coffee
You can use a medium to coarse ground when brewing cold brew coffee in a French Press. We used a more coarse grind, but either work. If you find the coarse ground cold brew is too weak, tighten up your grind. If the the medium grind is too strong, you can either add more water or loosen up the grind.
See our Coffee Grind Chart to view the range between Medium Coarse and Extra Coarse.
#3 Add Ground Coffee and Water to French Press
Just like you would for a regular French Press, add the ground coffee to the bottom of the brewer. Only this time instead of hot water off boil, you will add room temperature or cold water. Filtered water is ideal.
For this brew we went Extra Coarse. Your grind does not need to be this coarse.
Add room temperature water.
#4 Gently and Slowly Stir
You want to make sure all the coffee grounds are making contact with water. Stir the coffee slowly. Try and cover as many grounds with water as you can.
Gently stir the coffee.
#5 Cover and Set Aside for 12+ hours
You can cover the French Press however you like. A small plate or plastic wrap are two ideas. You could use the French Press filter, just make sure you only press down enough to hold it into place. You do not want to press the filter down until the brew is finished, which is still 12+ hours away.
There is a debate on if you should cold brew the coffee on the counter on in the refrigerator. Either is fine. I prefer the counter as I think it brews faster, which means that if I need to cut the brew cycle short by an hour I can. However, if I was going to be away for much longer than 12 hours, I’d brew it in the refrigerator.
Peeking at the cold brew prior to pressing the filter down.
#6 End Brew and Serve
This trick also works great for regular French Press. By SLOWLY pushing the plunger down, you get a cleaner tasting French Press. Strive for a 30 second plunge. At this point you can transfer the coffee to a mason jar for storage or serve it up.
Not every grinder is awesome, so you might have some fine coffee particles that make it into your cup. If you experience this, you can filter the coffee again. Place a paper coffee filter over a jar and slowly pour the coffee. This will catch any loose grounds.
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
Coffee Effects for Mental Performance
The caffeine in coffee acts as a mild stimulant to the central nervous system. Studies have shown that, depending on level of intake, caffeine can help to improve mental performance, especially on alertness, attention and concentration.
For more info : coffeegloriouscoffee.com
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that a cause and effect relationship between improved alertness and attention and 75mg caffeine (the amount in a regular cup of coffee) had been established1. Caffeine can improve wakefulness in situations of reduced alertness or lack of sleep, for example; night-time driving2,3, working at night4, suffering from a cold5 and during the post-lunch dip6. In a sample of people under 40, a study found that caffeine or coffee may be effective in improving performance in those suffering from jet lag or shift work sleep disorder7. Some studies have shown that caffeine may enhance memory performance, particularly when tedious, repetitive tasks are involved. However, higher intake may decrease performance, possibly due to over-stimulation8.
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
Is Coffee Drinking is Good in Pregnancy
Current recommendations advise that pregnant women should decrease their caffeine intakes during pregnancy to 200mg per day from all sources92. A regular cup of caffeinated coffee contains approximately 75-100mg of caffeine. Studies have failed to show convincing evidence for increase in risk of reproductive or perinatal outcomes with low to moderate caffeine consumption.
Studies assessing the effect of caffeine on fertility have evaluated a variety of outcomes including time to pregnancy, infertility and semen quality but the evidence is unclear and insufficient to provide guidelines for preconception advice93,94.
Related Articles : coffeegloriouscoffee.com
During the early weeks of pregnancy caffeine consumption tends to decrease, with the onset of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and aversions to smells and tastes95. The reduction is likely to be a response to higher levels of pregnancy hormones rather than higher caffeine intake being related to any reproductive complication. Two extensive reviews assessed the association between caffeine consumption, intrauterine growth restriction and reduced birth weight96,97. The results were inconsistent and do not provide convincing evidence that moderate caffeine consumption increases the risk of any reproductive complication. The current evidence for any effect of caffeine on miscarriage is difficult to assess, due to a lack of well-designed studies accounting for all confounding factors, and does not provide an adequate basis on which to draw any conclusions.
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
Filter Coffee Brewing Tips
Start with delicious freshly roasted coffee. 
Preheat your serving cup or vessel with hot boiled water. Use a clean filter paper each time. If using a permanent filter (like the Swiss Gold), make sure it's also clean. Stale coffee oils can cause bitterness to subsequent brews. 
Easy Tips to Making the Best Americano Coffee Recipe www.coffeegloriouscoffee.com/easy-tips-to-making-the-best-americano-coffee-recipe
Make sure your coffee is ground correctly for the filter method (ie. ground finer than espresso for a paper filter, and slightly courser than espresso for a permanent filter), to allow for the proper extraction to take place. Fill the filter with the quantity of coffee you require (approx. 1 tablespoon per 100mls of water). Add freshly boiled water slowly, in a circular motion, to allow for the correct rate of extraction. Remove the filter basket; stir and serve. Essential accessories include filter papers, and filter brewers.
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coffeeglorious-blog · 7 years
Caffeine Can Improve Physical Performance
Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, causing it to send signals to the fat cells to break down body fat.
Finding the Best Coffee: Macchiato vs. Latte www.coffeegloriouscoffee.com/finding-the-best-coffee-macchiato-vs-latte
But caffeine also increases Epinephrine (Adrenaline) levels in the blood.
This is the “fight or flight” hormone, designed to make our bodies ready for intense physical exertion.
Caffeine makes the fat cells break down body fat, releasing them into the blood as free fatty acids and making them available as fuel.
Given these effects, it is not surprising to see that caffeine can improve physical performance by 11-12%, on average.
Because of this, it makes sense to have a strong cup of coffee about a half an hour before you head to the gym.
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