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Ended up getting the awesome hairstyle! I love it!
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Time to save the realm...... Am I doing this right Kweh? Just got the cloud mount. So happy!!!!!!!!!
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.... Might be spoilers IDK Is it just me or do everyone's characters look super pissed off in every cutscene. Maybe it's just Cobra. "You can save the realm" Cobra: f*** off!
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Ohhhh I'm excited!!!
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Haven’t seen this on my dash yet. [x] Click for bigger/better image.
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"... Gazing at the night sky, Saber made a wish, a wish that one day she could return home to what was left of her family. She looked down letting herself frown for now. She then looked up slapped her cheeks and smiled. "Right back to work."..."
Saber Noir
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"...Clumsily landing where she never thought she would land Xhula looked around. This place was different then what she was use too. Grass grew everywhere and so did flowers. She smiled to herself. Liking this strange place more then the hot sandy desert where she was raised...."
~Xhula Aboh
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"...The night went on. The lone figure looked up into they sky with a scowl on her face, cursing the gods the whole time. Would this pain ever end? Wasn't it enough? Her questions would always go unanswered...." ~ Cobra Star'ship
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As Cobra made her way to level 60 MCH she wanted to know what she would do next. Time for another SMN to enter the stage!
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Xhula: S-Saber w-why????
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Xhula: I-I just g-got t-to this part...
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Cobra: so I made a DRK macro. I'm going to tweak it a bit. Add some words in the chat. It switches from RP to Battle then back.
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MEET SABER Hi I'm Saber Noir, I was kidnapped from my home in Othard and brought to this land. I love being a DRG but I really want to be a Red Mage. I also have a beady eyed minion named Dexter! They like flower crowns! Well that is all for me! See you next time!
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MEET XHULA Oh umm h-hello I'm Xhula Aboh..... Ummmm I-I'm on Gilgamesh. I I am a PLD and.... I am shy. N-nice to meet ... You. Xhula.
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Meet Cobra: Hi I am Cobra Star'ship I hail from Ragnorok, I am an Aether Scholar and I like to be alone from time to time. Don't take it personally I have trust issues since my best friend tried to kill me. I have a few classes at lv 60 but my three favorites have to be NIN, AST, and DRK. I do play PVP but mostly with BRD. If you would like to know more ask away. Cobra.
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