Just a quick update
Hey lovelies!
So there've been a few people asking when I’ll be uploading the rest of the script. After some deliberation I’ve decided to wait until after the app update on Wednesday for two reasons. One, I believe the scripts I have from E09 onwards are older versions. And two, I only have up until E13 while vol5 goes up to E14 and I'd prefer to get the volumes up in chunks if I can. 
Seeing as Wednesday is so near, I figured it's better to wait and see whether anything new is included in the update. I doubt much will have changed in terms of the script since it's still so early on within the story, but I think holding off for a couple of days is worth it just in case some minor alterations have been made. If nothing's changed, I'll go ahead and post what I have regardless, and revise it later if needed. I should have vol4 up over the course of Thursday and Friday and vol5 posted on the weekend.
Also, sorry to those who have sent me asks. I've been a little busy the past couple days and haven't had the chance to go through them yet. That doesn't mean they've been forgotten though! Thank so much to all of you who have sent me such wonderful messages of support! I really do appreciate it!
Hope to have more for you soon ❤️
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Thanks so much for doing this 🙌 I know it’s early days but who are you liking so far?
Aww no worries! 🤗
So far my fave would have to be Kat! It's funny because I don't usually like the girls who are supposed to be more antagonistic like Allegra or Lottie. But Kat's antics always put a grin on my face whenever she pops up in the script. I just find her to be a super entertaining character!
Of the guys, I like Finn the best. He's another fun read and does have his sweet moments despite being a total player. But I mostly enjoy him for being a total shit-stirrer. He's what Jakub should have been in S2 imho.
Yup, you can see a bit of a pattern forming there if you squint 😅
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Hello! Thank you so much for your hard work! Curious question from me: from what you’ve seen so far, would you be able to say if the story branching in this season has improved if not better from last season?
Hi! 😊❤️
I would say it's about on par with S4. Although, I do think there are more references to previous choices we've made. However, these are just minor tidbits made in passing rather than what I would class as actual story branching. Maybe there'll be more later on in the season? We'll just have to wait and see.
At the end of the day, Fusebox is looking to maximise profits, so they'll stick with the format that's quicker to produce and requires as minimal testing as possible. Heavily branching stories are a bit of a nightmare to write and code. It's also very easy for bugs to be introduced, like what we saw with the whole amnesia fiasco post casa in S2.
Tbh, I doubt we'll ever get anything on the scale of S2 or S3 again (I'm not including S1 seeing as it shares more in common with S4 structurally speaking imho).
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LITG S5 — Volume III E08 Script
!Spoilers Ahead!
Loose Lips
Two unlikely Islanders look to be cracking on in a kissing challenge.
NARRATOR: Welcome back to Love Island, where Dana just admitted she wants to get to know [MC]’s ex!
NARRATOR: The last time I made such a sudden 180 I got 3 points on my licence and a stern talking to!
NARRATOR: Dana’s face has gone ex-tremely red as she thinks she’s in for a similar telling off.
NARRATOR: Let’s find out if she’s right!
You're on the bean bags with Dana, who’s just dropped some big news: She wants to crack on with Suresh!
DANA: [MC], so what do you think about me cracking on with Suresh?
DANA: I know it might be weird.
DANA: Your best friend in here, getting to know your ex from out there.
{If expressed interest in Dana}
DANA: Plus, me getting to know him while I'm still very interested in getting to know you.
{If expressed no interest in Dana}
DANA: Your friend in here, getting to know your ex from out there.
MC: Yeah, when you put it like that...
DANA: What do you honestly think about me going for Suresh?
MC: Honestly…
①. You crack on, girl!
②. That would be TOO weird
③. I don't know how I feel yet. It's too early
MC: Go for it! I get that you want to get to know all the boys, including Suresh.
MC: You should def crack on with Suresh if you're into him.
DANA: Really? You don't mind?
{If expressed no interest in Dana}
MC: I don’t want to stand in your way of finding love.
{If expressed interest in Dana}
MC: We can still get to get to know each other, even if you’re exploring things with Suresh too.
DANA: Phew! I'm so relieved!
MC: Girl, you know what they say: Hashtag crack on!
MC: What?! No, it's too weird!
MC: No way I could deal with watching you crack on with Suresh right in front of me.
DANA: Well, I'd be respectful. I wouldn't jump him right in front of you.
MC: Still. We've all got to live together in this villa. I'd be uncomfortable.
DANA: Well, if that's how you feel.
She doesn't look happy.
MC: I wish I had an answer for you, but it's just too early for me to know how I feel.
MC: This is all a lot, you know?
DANA: Of course. I can appreciate that.
{If expressed interest in Dana}
DANA: But what about us?
MC: I'm unsure there too!
MC: I don’t know if I’m ready to shut the door on you and me!
DANA: So what are you saying?
MC: I guess I'll let you know how I feel when I know?
DANA: Fair enough.
MC: Well that was a big chat.
MC: Thanks so much for coming to me with this.
MC: I’m glad we can talk about stuff like this.
DANA: Thanks for being so great about this.
{If gave Dana your blessing}
DANA: It's made me even more excited to crack on with Suresh.
{If expressed interest in Dana}
MC: And you!
MC: I'm excited for that too.
{If unsure about Dana & Suresh}
MC: It will be interesting to see how you get on with Suresh.
Dana beams at you.
{If Dana going for Suresh weird}
MC: I respect that you were honest with me.
MC: I was honest back. Hope you see that, even if you aren’t thrilled with my opinion.
DANA: Well, you're entitled to your opinion.
DANA: Even if it's not great news for me.
DANA: Like my granny says: Life’s as fair as an arm wrestle with a bear.
DANA: I know me being into Suresh might have been a shock. So I want to explain.
①. Go on and spill!
②. It’s none of my business
MC: Good, I want to hear!
DANA: It all goes back to my own ex.
MC: What happened?
DANA: Well, you’ve got more important things to think about. So, I’ll give you the edited version.
DANA: I was starting to catch feelings, which doesn’t happen easily with me.
DANA: I was about to have the girlfriend chat. But then I saw their DMs.
DANA: They were basically seeing everyone in Manchester.
MC: No way!
DANA: So I totally lost my cool and blurted out a load of embarrassing feelings stuff.
DANA: I ended up ugly crying in front of them and their mum. Nightmare.
MC: Wait, their mum was there too?
DANA: Yeah! Really not my coolest moment. Don’t be like Dana.
MC: What does this have to do with Suresh?
DANA: Well, my ex never owned it. I know they’re still doing the same stuff now and hurting someone else.
DANA: Cheaters are everywhere. But someone who owns his mistakes and changes their ways…
DANA: Like Suresh might be doing, could be special.
DANA: I’ve made mistakes in the past and learnt from each one. I want a partner that can do that too.
MC: And you think that’s Suresh?
DANA: I don’t know yet, my head’s a bit all over the place, but I want to find out.
MC: Well, thanks for telling me this. I understand where you’re coming from more now.
Dana looks over your shoulder and waves across the garden at Suresh! He waves back giving her one of his suave, mysterious smiles.
MC: Did you and Suresh already talk about getting to know each other?
MC: I mean, before you pulled me for a chat just now?
DANA: I wouldn’t say Suresh and I had a full-on chat about getting to know each other.
MC: Ok, so what WOULD you say?
DANA: Suresh has been dropping hints that he wants to get to know me.
MC: And what did you say when he sent you these ‘hints’?
DANA: I hinted back that I was open to seeing if there was anything between us.
MC: So lemme get this straight. You and Suresh talked about cracking on BEFORE you came to chat with me?
DANA: I guess we did. I didn’t plan it to happen like this.
DANA: Is this a problem?
❶. It sure is a problem!
❷. No problem
➌. Maybe? I’m not sure
MC: Of course it’s a problem, Dana. You should have come and spoken to me first.
DANA: I didn’t think it was a big deal.
MC: Of course it’s a big deal! It totally goes against girl-code.
DANA: Sorry! I didn’t think about that.
MC: I can’t with this right now. I need some time to cool off.
MC: It’s all good, girl.
MC: I wanted to know all about it.
DANA: Oh, phew! I’m so relieved you’re not angry with me.
MC: I’m not sure how I feel, Dana.
MC: You should’ve spoken to me BEFORE Suresh.
DANA: Yeah, I get that, and I’m sorry. Like I said I didn’t plan it.
MC: I think maybe I need some time alone to figure out how I’m feeling about things.
MC: You don’t owe me an explanation.
DANA: I really want to tell you. I think you’ll understand when I give you all the deets.
❶. Give me the deets!
❷. Not interested
MC: Alright, you’ve twisted my arm. Tell me everything!
(directs to scene above from choice ①)
MC: I don’t need to know.
You leave Dana on the bean bags, a sudden awkward tension between you.
Later, you're enjoying a quick nap on the sun loungers when Kat subtly nudges you awake.
She's lying next to you on the sun lounger, wearing big, dark sunglasses and a hat. She whispers to you.
KAT: Close your eyes.
MC: What?
KAT: Shh! Close your eyes and keep them closed, like you're sleeping.
MC: I WAS sleeping before YOU woke me up.
KAT: Babe, forget your nap! Don’t look, but Alfie and Finn are by the pool dishing hot goss...
KAT: About you.
MC: Me?
KAT: Yeah. Listen.
You listen in to Alfie and Finn's conversation.
ALFIE: Lower your voice, mate. They'll hear us.
Finn glances over at you and Kat on the sun loungers. You both pretend to be asleep.
FINN: Relax, man. The sleeping beauties are seriously getting their beauty sleep.
FINN: So, my man. Talk to me. You're into [MC]?
ALFIE: Yeah, mate. She's special, innit?
Omg, Alfie's really into you! You keep listening in, intently.
ALFIE: I'm not sure how to play it with her though.
FINN: Alfie, fella. You've come to the right man.
ALFIE: I don't usually need relationship advice, but this is a tricky situation with Suresh.
FINN: No sweat, man. You're my boy. Time to launch Operation [MC]!
ALFIE: Love it! Thanks, man.
FINN: So listen up. This is serious, man. Your tactic: play hard to get.
ALFIE: Not sure that's my style.
FINN: It's a sure fire way to draw her in. Always works.
You and Kat look at each other. Kat whispers to you.
KAT: It’s a good thing that boy is hot.
KAT: His face and body are grade A, but the stuff that comes out of his mouth sometimes, honestly.
KAT: He’s clueless about what women want. Am I right or am I right?
①. You are SO right
②. No, I think you’re wrong
③. Ummm, I don’t know about that
MC: I don’t always agree with you, Kat, but I’m soooo with you on this one.
MC: Finn is way off on this one. As if that’s what women want!
KAT: One hundred million percent.
Kat hesitates for a second.
KAT: Hey, babe. Look at us getting along.
MC: Hey look at that.
You and Kat share a smile.
KAT: Stranger things have happened, babe.
MC: Kat, you’re way off on this.
KAT: Oh is that so, babe?
MC: Yeah, actually. Finn has a point.
KAT: A stupid point.
MC: I don’t know if I agree with you on this.
KAT: Well you should, ‘cos I’m right. Like always.
MC: Sh! We’re missing what the boys are saying.
You listen in.
ALFIE: I'm not gonna resort to playing games.
FINN: Oh Alfie, Alfie. Sweet innocent Alfie.
ALFIE: I’m not into all the head games and plays. That’s Suresh’s bag. I'm gonna be myself.
FINN: That's noble, but it's not a level playing field in here, man. You got to factor in Suresh.
FINN: Suresh is a smooth customer. He'll play dirty to get [MC].
ALFIE: True. He's dining out on that bad boy vibe.
FINN: Come on, mate. Chest up, shoulders back, balls forward. Don’t let Suresh intimidate you.
ALFIE: I won't play dirty, but I won't shy away from conflict with Suresh either!
Kat subtly nudges you again and whispers.
KAT: What are you saying, babe? Time to interrupt their little bro-chat?
①. I'm going to keep eavesdropping
②. Time to crash their chat
You whisper back to Kat.
MC: I'm not done listening in.
MC: I want to hear all the goss I can.
You and Kat stay on the sun loungers, pretending to nap as you eavesdrop on the boys.
ALFIE: Next time I get the chance, I'm gonna try to chat with [MC], obviously, only if she’s up for it.
FINN: I tell you what, man? We're going to accelerate Operation [MC].
FINN: I'll distract Suresh now so you can chat to [MC] without him watching.
The boys fist bump. Finn goes to find Suresh and take him inside.
Alfie comes over to the sun loungers. You and Kat sit up, blinking your eyes open. You yawn and stretch as if you just woke up.
ALFIE: Good morning, sunshines! Good nap, girls?
MC: I was out cold.
KAT: Didn’t you hear [MC] snoring? Hikers on Mt. Everest could hear her.
You shoot Kat a look.
ALFIE: [MC], could we have a chat?
MC: Kat, could you give us a minute?
KAT: Fine.
Kat sassily leaves.
You sit up.
MC: Time to stick my beak into this boy convo.
You walk over to Finn and Alfie and sit down.
MC: So what are we talking about?
ALFIE: Just lad bants.
MC: Such as?
FINN: I was giving Alfie some gym tips.
MC: Really? ‘Cos when I walked over here, you boys looked pretty serious about your chat.
ALFIE: Excuse, me?! Are you suggesting gym tips AREN’T serious?
FINN: How dare you, [MC]! We are very serious about gym tips.
FINN: As I was saying, Alfie, the key is to squeeze the glutes as you bend.
MC: Suuuurrrre. You boys were having a full-on heart to heart about glutes?
FINN: Absolutely. In fact, I’m off to spread the glute gospel. I'm out.
He goes off to find Suresh and take him inside.
ALFIE: How much of that did you hear?
①. Hear what?
②. Wouldn't you like to know?
③. I *def* didn’t hear about a certain Operation
You pretend to be confused.
MC: How much did I hear of what?
ALFIE: Of mine and Finn’s chat just now.
MC: I was having a nap.
ALFIE: Good.
MC: Good?
ALFIE: You were spared having to listen to a massive pile of boy bants.
You play coy.
MC: That's for me to know and you to find out.
ALFIE: Oh, really?
ALFIE: Well I am trying to find out. I’m asking you, aren’t I?
ALFIE: I know, I know. I’m such a super sleuth.
ALFIE: So? You gonna give me a clue?
MC: Maybe I overhead some things. Maybe I didn't.
You playful tease Alfie.
MC: I totally didn’t catch anything about any silly boys’ plan.
You smirk.
ALFIE: Oh, really?
MC: Nope, nothing whatsoever about you and Finn plotting to charm me.
ALFIE: Oh good. Because if you did, that would have been incredibly embarrassing for yours truly.
Alfie grins.
MC: Go on then. What was so important you were about to wake me up from my nap?
Alfie sits down.
ALFIE: I do want to check in with you, though.
ALFIE: About last night…
MC: You mean your kiss with Kat.
ALFIE: Yeah.
MC: But it wasn’t just the kiss, was it?
Alfie looks sheepishly down at his feet.
MC: You told Kat you only had eyes for her.
{If not turned of Alfie E07}
ALFIE: Last night you said you understood. That it hadn’t turned you off me.
{If Alfie hasn’t helped chances E07}
ALFIE: Last night you said I hurt my chances with you.
{If not sure about Alfie e07}
ALFIE: Last night you said you weren’t sure how you felt about that yet.
ALFIE: How are you feeling now? Do you trust me?
①. Yes, I trust you
②. Sorry, I don’t trust you yet
③. I can’t tell if I trust you or not
MC: I totally trust you, Alfie.
ALFIE: Phew! That is a massive relief.
MC: People make mistakes, but I know you’re a good guy.
MC: I trust you going forward.
ALFIE: You know what you are, [MC]? A top girl.
MC: Trust takes time, and I’m not there with you yet.
ALFIE: I hate that I’ve been stupid enough to lose your trust.
MC: Well, lost for now, at least.
MC: Trust can be lost, but it can also be gained.
MC: I’m still not sure how I feel yet. Trust is hard after what happened.
ALFIE: Fair. I get that. Don’t like it, of course, but I understand.
MC: I need more time to get to see what kind of person you really are.
ALFIE: I promise you, [MC]... I’m gonna work overtime to get the trust into high gear.
ALFIE: I feel like we're developing a genuine connection…. Maybe you feel that, too…?
Before you can answer, you get a text!
LITEXT: Pucker up Islanders! It’s time to get your snog on. Please head to the challenge stage for a game of ‘Kiss The Islander Who…’ #GettingLippy #SecretCrush
ALFIE: Maybe I’ll find out in the kissing game.
ALFIE: They say a kiss is worth a thousand words.
MC: That’s not how that expression goes.
ALFIE: Well, if a kiss did equal a thousand words, this challenge is going to be pretty chatty!
You and the Islanders gather on the challenge stage. Your phone chimes.
MC: I got a text!
Dana claps her hands and hops up and down.
DANA: I’m so excited I’m going to explode!
MC: Should I tell you or should I let you squirm a bit longer?
KAT: Cut the joking around and read the text already, babe.
You read it out to everyone.
LITEXT: Islanders, you will take it in turns to pick a card from the board. Written on each card is a statement about one of your fellow Islanders. Please kiss the person you think the statement is about.
FINN: I’m here for it!
SURESH: This is my kind of challenge.
DANA: Mine too!
ALFIE: Watch out, boys. I have an advanced degree in kiss-ology.
KAT: Please. You might be a student, but I’m a pro, babe.
DANA: Let’s go, let’s go! I’m ready to play!
ALFIE: Ladies, form an orderly queue. No pushing or cutting. You all might be lucky to get a turn on Alfie’s-Lips-O’-Magic.
EDDIE: But hopefully, girls, you’ll be lucky enough to avoid kissing a man who refers to his mouth as a carnival ride.
DANA: Awwww, were you one of those kids who got sick on the Ferris wheel, Eddie?
EDDIE: I will neither confirm nor deny that. Focus on the game, everyone.
FINN: I’ll kick us off.
Suresh rolls his eyes.
SURESH: You love being the centre of attention, don’t you?
FINN: That’s just nature’s way, mate. The universe revolves around the sun.
ALFIE: Well, you are full of hot air.
SURESH: And gas.
FINN: Moving on...
FINN: Girls, try to control yourselves. Kidding, that’s Finn-possible around me.
You and Dana giggle. Kat turns to you both.
KAT: No joke. You girls really better control yourselves around my man.
KAT: I’m as serious as a librarian when you get a bit too rowdy.
DANA: This is a game, Kat. Don’t take it so seriously. Right, [MC]?
①. I’m with Dana. It’s all a laugh
②. I’m with Kat. This is no joke, girls
MC: It’s all in good fun.
MC: Can’t take these games too seriously.
DANA: Woman after my own heart.
MC: This might be a ‘game,’ but I’m not going to overlook something just because it took place in a ‘game’.
DANA: You two need some chill.
Finn swaggers to the centre of the stage and picks up a card. He reads it aloud.
FINN: ‘Kiss the Islander who has the best chat.’
FINN: Technically, I should kiss Alfie. My man’s a banter-saurus.
ALFIE: Oi! Puns are my thing, geezer.
FINN: Maybe they were, but I’ve been throwing down some sick puns lately.
ALFIE: I taught him everything he knows.
FINN: The student has become the master.
FINN: Anyway, as sick as Alfie’s chat is, I’m kissing a girl.
FINN: This girl can chat me up and down…
He swaggers up to Kat and snogs her. Kat goes full-on tongue!
Kat grins at Finn.
KAT: Smart choice, babe.
Kat takes the next card and reads it.
KAT: ‘Kiss the Islander with the best abs.’
She bats her eyes at Finn. He grins back.
KAT: Only polite to return the favour...
She struts toward Finn but at the last second she gives him the shoulder.
KAT: Politeness is overrated.
She kisses Suresh instead! And Suresh is hardly complaining!
FINN: Whaaaaaaaaat?
When Kat is finally done kissing Suresh, she struts over to you.
KAT: Don't be upset. I'm just playing the game.
①. Don’t wind me up!
②. I’m calm
MC: You did that just to rile me up. Why else would you kiss, Suresh?
SURESH: Because I’m devastatingly handsome. Obviously.
Kat throws up her hands and innocently blinks her eyes.
KAT: How could I not kiss, Suresh?
She lifts Suresh’s shirt.
KAT: There’s no denying those abs are lush.
You just smile at Kat.
MC: It’s chill. I’m not upset.
KAT: Tell that to your face, babe.
MC: Sorry to disappoint you, Kat, but I’m not bothered.
KAT: Oh that’s right. I guess you’re used to Suresh kissing other girls.
FINN: Kat! That was savage, even for you.
MC: Whatever, Kat. You can’t get under my skin that easily.
MC: Your turn, Suresh.
Suresh swaggers over and picks up a card nonchalantly.
EDDIE: Bro! I hate to admit this…
EDDIE: Even the way you hold a card is cool.
SURESH: Some of us have a gift.
ALFIE: He looks like a movie star presenting an award.
FINN: Yes, Suresh is a suave fella. We know. Get on with it, Suresh.
Suresh reads the card out.
SURESH: ‘Kiss the funniest Islander.’
Everyone looks at you.
You hold your breath, wondering if Suresh will take the chance to kiss you.
Suresh smiles an unreadable smile. He very calmly and cooly strides past you and kisses Dana!
Dana doesn’t shy away from kissing him back.
Kat elbows you.
KAT: Looks like he’s finally given up on you, babe.
①. Good!
②. Never, and I don’t want him to
③. Maybe he has; maybe he hasn’t. Early days
MC: About time!
KAT: Oh, babe. You don’t have to pretend to be happy about it.
MC: Looks like the boy’s finally taken the hint and moved on.
MC: Suresh doesn’t give up that easy.
KAT: I like a determined man.
MC: This is probably another one of his games. Maybe he’s trying to make me jealous to get me back.
KAT: Maybe it’s working.
MC: I can’t tell if he’s given up or not.
MC: Maybe he really has had his head turned by Dana.
KAT: Dana’s not me, but she is cute.
MC: On the other hand, Suresh could be playing games to get to me. He can be so hard to read sometimes!
KAT: He’s so mysterious. It’s sexy.
Dana unlocks her lips from Suresh’s and looks at you.
DANA: Yeahhhhhhh, I just kissed your ex. This is awkward.
DANA: Well, I can see why you liked him, [MC]. Good kisser.
EDDIE: Not that good, though, right Dana?
DANA: Ummm…
EDDIE: Ugh! Is there anything Suresh ISN’T good at?!
KAT: Being faithful?
Alfie laughs, Suresh ignores her coolly.
DANA: And before I dig myself any deeper… Time for another card!
Dana heads for the centre of the stage. Eddie mischievously sprints to the stack of cards ahead of her.
DANA: What’s got into you, speedy pants?
MC: Yeah, what happened to chilled out Eddie?
EDDIE: Chilled out Eddie goes out the window when it comes to sport and games.
EDDIE: Brings out the competitive five year old in me.
FINN: Or maybe he didn’t appreciate his girl getting lipsy with Suresh.
ALFIE: It’s Dana’s turn. She was the last one to be kissed.
DANA: Nah, I want to see the cute, competitive five-year-old go.
Eddie reads the card out loud.
EDDIE: ‘Kiss the Islander with the best body.’
EDDIE: Hey, Suresh, watch how it’s done then.
Eddie comes to kiss you!
①. Turn away and deny him a kiss
②. Let him have a cute little peck on the lips
③. Give him a full-on snog
You turn your face away from Eddie.
MC: Sorry, Eddie. Not happening at the mo.
SURESH: Oohhhh, Eddie, mate. That’s gotta sting!
MC: Ignore him, Eddie.
MC: I may not have snogged you, but everyone knows you’re a handsome fella.
You let him peck you sensually on the lips. Eddie beams with pride.
EDDIE: That’s how it’s done, boys!
SURESH: That was hardly a game of tonsil tennis, Eddie.
MC: Ignore him, Eddie.
EDDIE: He’s just jealous.
You go in for a full snog. You part your lips and give Eddie a long, juicy kiss.
FINN: Oo! Suresh, man, you got shown!
SURESH: Whatever. It’s just a challenge.
EDDIE: Don’t be jealous, Suresh.
Dana laughs.
DANA: Boys are so competitive. Ok, it’s finally my turn, after Eddie so childishly stole mine.
She picks up a card and reads it aloud.
DANA: ‘Kiss the Islander you fancy most.’
DANA: Watch out, boys. The girls are back in the driving seat.
The group cheer her on. Everyone except Eddie, who looks a little anxious to see if she picks him.
DANA: Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Dana skips over to kiss you!
FINN: This challenge is heating up!
①. Snog
②. Peck
③. Jokey smooch
④. Cheek kiss
You give Dana a long, sexy kiss. When you two part lips, you smile coyly at her.
MC: Nice lips.
DANA: You too.
Suresh nudges Eddie, playfully teasing him.
SURESH: You catch that, pal?
EDDIE: Yeah, yeah.
You meet Dana’s lips with a tasteful peck.
DANA: Nice style, [MC]. Give a girl just enough to leave her wanting more.
DANA: I like a classy gal.
MC: Got to keep some things to the imagination.
Suresh nudges Eddie, playfully teasing him.
SURESH: That turn you on or make you jealous?
EDDIE: Both.
You give Dana an over the top, jokey kiss on her neck. Dana laughs and gives your neck an equally hammy smooch.
Everyone laughs except Eddie. Suresh playfully nudges him.
SURESH: Don’t tell me you’re upset about that, pal.
ALFIE: Here, Eddie. So you don’t feel left out…
Alfie jumps on Eddie, wrapping his legs around him. He nuzzles in Eddie’s neck pretending to kiss him. Eddie plays along.
You give Dana a kiss on the cheek. She looks a little disappointed but laughs it off.
Alfie excitedly rushes up to grab a card.
ALFIE: ‘Kiss the nicest Islander.’
Everyone awws. Finn gives Alfie a wink.
FINN: Remember Operation [MC]?
Alfie goes for a full snog.
①. Snog for the win!
②. Peck on the lips
③. Brush him off
You passionately press your lips against Alfie’s, wrapping your arms around his neck.
FINN: My man!
You kiss Alfie back, just letting your lips caress against his.
DANA: Awww, cute.
You give Alfie your cheek, denying him a kiss.
FINN: Walk it off, fella!
MC: My turn!
You go and collect a card.
MC: ‘Kiss the Islander with the best hair.’
EDDIE: Not to brag, but my hair is very popular with the ladies.
KAT: Oh really, babe? Was there a survey?
SURESH: If there was, I’d have come out on top.
DANA: So, [MC], who do you want to snog most?
①. Suresh
②. Alfie
③. Finn
④. Eddie
⑤. Dana
⑥. Kat
You walk over to Suresh and look into his eyes.
❶. Passionate snog
❷. Peck on the lips
❸. Kiss on the cheek
You snog Suresh passionately. Most of your fellow Islanders gasp and whoop in surprise.
MC: Sometimes you gotta shake things up.
SURESH: I‘m stirred, not shaken.
You peck Suresh on the lips. He looks happy but seems like he may have hoped for more.
You peck Suresh on the cheek, he looks a little disappointed. Most of the Islanders seem to have expected more fireworks.
You walk over to Alfie and look into his eyes.
❶. Passionate snog
❷. Peck on the lips
❸. Kiss on the cheek
You snog Alfie passionately letting the moment take you. Most of your fellow Islanders whoop. When you release Alfie from the kiss, Finn squeezes Alfie’s shoulders.
MC: Sometimes you gotta shake things up.
ALFIE: I‘m very stirred up.
FINN: My man! Operation [MC] is a go!
Suresh rolls his eyes.
SURESH: Boy being the key word there, not man.
Dana pokes Suresh in the ribs, playfully.
DANA: Maybe you need to grow up, Suresh. You’re sounding a little jealous.
You peck Alfie on the lips. He looks happy but you sense he may have hoped for more.
You peck Alfie on the cheek, he looks a little disappointed. Most of the Islanders seem to have expected more fireworks.
You look the boys over, grinning mischievously. Finally, you go to kiss Finn.
❶. Passionate snog
❷. Peck on the lips
❸. Kiss on the cheek
You snog Finn passionately letting the moment take you, he doesn’t hold back. Most of your fellow Islanders whoop, Kat glares at you.
KAT: Oi!
MC: What? Finn has the best hair.
You run your fingers through it.
KAT: Hands off, babe.
She pulls Finn away from you.
FINN: I can’t help that I have the luscious locks of an Irish Thor-male model hybrid.
ALFIE: In-Finn-itely better than any of ours.
SURESH: Speak for yourself.
He runs a hand through his own hair. He tries to play it cool, but you think maybe he’s jealous of Finn.
FINN: Pun master Alfie is back!
Alfie laughs it up, but you sense he’s masking some hurt.
You peck Finn on the lips. He looks happy but you sense he may have hoped for more.
KAT: Oi!
MC: What? Finn has the best hair.
You run your fingers through it.
KAT: Hands off, babe.
She pulls Finn away from you.
FINN: I can’t help that I have the luscious locks of an Irish Thor-male model hybrid.
ALFIE: In-Finn-itely better than any of ours.
SURESH: Speak for yourself.
He runs a hand through his own hair. He tries to play it cool, but you think maybe he’s jealous of Finn.
FINN: Pun master Alfie is back!
Alfie laughs it up, but you sense he’s masking some hurt.
You peck Finn on the cheek, he laughs it off. Kat looks relieved.
You look the boys over, grinning mischievously. Finally, you go to kiss Eddie.
❶. Passionate snog
❷. Peck on the lips
❸. Kiss on the cheek
You snog Eddie passionately letting the moment take you, he doesn’t hold back. Most of your fellow Islanders whoop, Dana looks a little surprised.
KAT: Where did that come from?
MC: Got to keep everyone on their toes.
MC: Besides, Dana can stand a little competition.
DANA: Do I look worried?
She’s being jokey, but you think that she actually does look a little worried.
You peck Eddie on the lips. He looks happy but you sense he may have hoped for more.
You peck Eddie on the cheek, he laughs it off but you can tell he’s stung…
You walk past the boys and go to kiss Dana.
❶. Passionate snog
❷. Peck on the lips
❸. Kiss on the cheek
You snog Dana passionately letting the moment take you, she doesn’t hold back. Most of your fellow Islanders whoop.
Most of the Islanders cheer you on.
KAT: Yeah, more Dana, less Finn, please [MC].
You peck Dana on the lips. She looks happy but you sense he may have hoped for more.
KAT: Yeah, more Dana, less Finn, please [MC].
You peck Dana on the cheek, she laughs it off but you can tell she’s stung…
You walk past the boys and go to kiss Kat.
❶. Passionate snog
❷. Peck on the lips
❸. Kiss on the cheek
You go to snog Kat, who kisses you back happily. Most of your fellow Islanders whoop.
You peck Kat on the lips. She happily pecks you back.
You peck Kat on the cheek, who grins at the boys.
Suresh interrupts the moment by clearing his throat dramatically.
SURESH: You know what they say. Save the best for last.
He reads out the last card.
SURESH: ‘Kiss the one girl you'd want to take home to meet your family.’
All eyes are on you, including Suresh's.
Suresh swaggers over to kiss you.
①. Bring on the kiss!
②. No thanks!
You tilt your head up to his. You close your eyes and pucker up. His lips meet yours
KAT: That’s twice now, you two!
❶. It feels so natural
❷. Omg, it's exciting!
❸. This feels weird
You kiss him back. You two immediately slip into your familiar style of kissing. He nibbles your lip, just like he used to. Kissing him feels comfortable.
ALFIE: Well this isn’t awkward at all.
You kiss him back. You immediately feel a spark. It's so exciting to taste his lips again.
KAT: You look like you liked the taste of that, [MC].
You scrunch up your lips. The kiss feels weird. You're not into it, so you pull away. Suresh steps back.
ALFIE: Well that could have been worse.
You turn your head to the side, avoiding his kiss. Suresh quickly steps back.
SURESH: Fair enough.
EDDIE: That’s twice, bro. Stinger!
SURESH: Stop chipping in, Eddie.
When you pull away, you see everyone is watching you and Suresh.
SURESH: The answer had to be you, [MC].
SURESH: I've already introduced you to my family, and they adored you.
He's speaking so honestly.
SURESH: You seemed so close to them. The way you made pancakes with my mum. How you helped my little sister with her homework.
SURESH: Even Pickles, the cat who hated everyone, curled up on your lap.
Suresh is being frank and vulnerable in front of everyone.
SURESH: My family is tight and don't let many people in, but with you… They hung up a stocking for you every Christmas.
You look at your fellow Islanders, they haven't seen this side of Suresh before.
They looked moved... except maybe for Alfie.
SURESH: They loved that you’re as strong and bold as they are. They considered you family.
DANA: Aww!
KAT: Yeah, even I give that an ‘aww.’
KAT: And I don’t ‘aww’ lightly.
SURESH: My family fell in love with you. Seeing that made me fall in love with you even more.
Kat dramatically throws her hands in the air.
KAT: Ugh! Stop! You’re gonna give me a cavity with all the sappy sap.
DANA: That is super sweet. [MC], aren’t you going to say something?
①. You sure can put on a show
②. You really sound like you care
You give Suresh a slow clap.
MC: You always could put on a show.
ALFIE: A hammy performance, if you ask me.
EDDIE: I wouldn't have done the things Suresh did, but even I can tell he's being genuine here.
You study Suresh's face.
MC: You sound so... sincere.
MC: I haven't thought about the good times in a long time.
SURESH: No matter how badly we ended, you can't deny our history, the connection we shared.
You notice Alfie looking jealous and maybe upset.
Everyone watches you, unsure what to say, or what will happen next.
ALFIE: Well, this is awkward.
KAT: Yeah the villa vibe’s going to be interesting after all the sap Suresh just spilled.
Suddenly embarrassed, Suresh legs it back to the villa. Alfie hurries after him.
ALFIE: I think we need a chat, geezer.
Dana rushes over to you.
DANA: What do you think Alfie's going to say to Suresh?
You hear raised voices coming from the villa.
ALFIE: Oi! Don’t walk away from me, Suresh!
You all rush over to see the commotion.
You and the other Islanders rush into the garden to find Alfie and Suresh arguing.
ALFIE: You’re a player, Suresh! A game player and a manipulator!
SURESH: No one talks to me like that!
ALFIE: You used the challenge to get in [MC]'s head about your past.
ALFIE: I’m not buying this sudden sensitive act!
SURESH: It’s not an act! Now get out my face.
Both boys’ tempers are about to boil over.
①. Oi, pack it in!
②. Talk it out like adults, boys
You run over to Suresh and Alfie.
MC: Break it up!
SURESH: Why don't you tell Alfie to grow a pair.
ALFIE: YOU grow a pair, Suresh! You’re a joke.
MC: Enough! Both of you!
MC: You two need to talk through this stuff and squash it once and for all.
Suresh and Alfie ignore you and stare at each other.
Finn and Eddie hurry over and pull Alfie and Suresh away from each other. Kat rushes over too, thirsty for the goss.
Finn and Kat go to calm Alfie down, while Eddie leads Suresh away from the commotion. With the other Islanders distracted, Dana gently pulls you aside.
DANA: Sorry, this timing sucks, but I didn’t get to ask you earlier and I don’t want to leave it any longer.
DANA: Did you mind me kissing Suresh?
①. I actually did
②. Heck no, girl!
③. I’m not sure
MC: I didn’t like having to watch that.
MC: I’m upset that you kissed him.
DANA: I get that.
MC: I know I gave you my blessing to crack on in our chat this morning.
{If gave Dana your blessing}
MC: But when I actually saw you two kiss, I hated it.
{If Dana going for Suresh weird}
MC: I can’t believe you did that after our chat this morning.
MC: I told you that’d it’d be too weird for me to see you and Suresh cracking on.
{If unsure about Dana & Suresh}
MC: I can’t believe you did that after our chat this morning.
MC: I told you I wasn’t sure how I felt yet. I thought you were going to give me time to get my head sorted before you cracked on.
DANA: I’m sorry, [MC].
MC: You do you, girl!
MC: You kissed him in a challenge. I can’t get upset over it.
DANA: Thanks, [MC]. Relieved to hear that.
{If gave Dana your blessing}
MC: I gave you my blessing to crack on in our chat this morning, and I meant it!
{If Dana going for Suresh weird}
MC: I told you that’d it’d be too weird for me to see you and Suresh cracking on.
MC: I really thought it would, but when it happened in the challenge, I was ok with it.
{If unsure about Dana & Suresh}
MC: I know I said in our chat this morning that I wasn’t sure yet how I felt.
MC: Well, seeing you kiss Suresh actually helped me figure out how I feel.
MC: Turns out, it’s not a big deal for me.
MC: I don’t know how I feel about it.
MC: It’s not everyday you watch someone kiss your ex.
DANA: Totally get that.
{If gave Dana your blessing}
MC: I know I gave you my blessing to crack on in our chat this morning…
MC: But now I’m not so sure that was the right thing to have told you.
{If Dana going for Suresh weird}
MC: I told you that’d it’d be too weird for me to see you and Suresh cracking on.
MC: I really thought it would, but when it happened in the challenge…
MC: Well, now I’m not sure how I feel.
{If unsure about Dana & Suresh}
MC: I said in our chat this morning that I wasn’t sure yet how I felt.
MC: I wasn’t expecting you to crack on with Suresh until I’d figured things out and spoken to you again.
MC: You kissing him in the challenge has left me as unsure as I ever was.
You hear Alfie and Suresh kick off again. You and Dana rush over to see Alfie and Suresh glaring at each other.
KAT: This is ridiculous.
SURESH: He’s ridiculous! Hasn’t got a clue but keeps sticking his nose in!
Alfie looks ready to reignite the row.
SURESH: Move on, Alfie.
ALFIE: You’re the one who needs to move on, geezer.
SURESH: Shut up, will you, geezer?
KAT: Suresh, babe, he might be right?
KAT: All this agro with you and [MC]? You seriously need to cool it now.
Kat isn’t messing around and Suresh calms slightly.
KAT: You two need to hear this and no one else is gonna say it right now. You’re exes for a reason.
KAT: And if you think it would ever work like it used to after all your drama, soz babes, but you’re dreaming.
KAT: Going back to an ex might feel right, but it ain’t. Trust me, I’ve done it enough.
Everyone waits awkwardly for someone to speak, Suresh takes this in.
KAT: Seriously, Suresh, don’t you think you’d be happier if you forgot about [MC]?
Everyone stares at Suresh. You could hear a pin drop.
SURESH: I never thought I’d say this but… maybe I would be.
The Islanders are shocked. Even Suresh seems surprised by what he’s just said.
Suresh storms off. Meanwhile, Finn takes Alfie aside for a cool-down chat.
Eddie turns to you, Kat, and Dana.
EDDIE: Bro, I think Suresh is actually for real. This is, like, a new leaf for him.
DANA: Seriously? After his emotional trip down memory lane just then?
KAT: There's only one way to find out...
KAT: Put him to the test.
Kat follows Suresh into the villa, her hips swaying. You wonder if Suresh has given up on you finally… and if he will crack on with Kat?
NARRATOR: Well, that escalated faster than the time I Mansplained Mansplaining to a girlfriend. She’s now an ex. Weird.
NARRATOR: Anyhow, Alfie’s unsure whether Suresh’s sensitive side is genuine. And Suresh is unsure whether to move on from [MC].
NARRATOR: Come on guys, have some conviction like me! Or not. It’s up to you.
NARRATOR: But with Kat putting Suresh’s intentions to the test, how will the unpredictable ladies man respond?
NARRATOR: Find out in the next episode of Love Island.
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LITG S5 — Volume III E07 Script
!Spoilers Ahead!
Dana’s Confession
Dana and Finn have some explaining to do…
NARRATOR: Welcome back to Love Island, where Suresh’s flirty past has landed him in the doghouse once again!
NARRATOR: Surely another night out on the daybeds and Suresh will be ready for Crufts!
NARRATOR: But it seems Suresh isn’t the only dirty dog in the villa! When we left them Kat had just accused Alfie of being a ‘Player’ himself’!
NARRATOR: Will Suresh have company on the day beds or will [MC] declare Alfie a ‘good boy’?
NARRATOR: It’s time to find out!
Alfie looks over at you, uncomfortable and embarrassed. Kat remains stern, arms folded expectantly.
KAT: Are you going to tell her or do I have to?
MC: What is it, Alfie?
ALFIE: [MC], there is something I need to tell you.
Alfie looks into your eyes.
ALFIE: Last night…
ALFIE: When me and Kat were in bed…
MC: Yes?
ALFIE: Well, we kissed.
KAT: Snogged each other’s faces off more like...
ALFIE: It wasn’t planned, it just kinda happened in the moment.
KAT: And you were just gonna try and get with [MC] without telling her?
ALFIE: I tried to tell you earlier, [MC]. But it was awks as I’d said I didn’t want to rush things.
KAT: Suresh gave you the perfect chance to reveal it during the quiz…
ALFIE: Whatever, Kat! It didn’t mean anything, honestly.
KAT: That wasn’t what you said to me last night.
Alfie looks at you awkwardly.
MC: What did you say to her last night?
ALFIE: It just kinda came out in the moment, guess I got carried away.
MC: Go on…
ALFIE: I told her I only had eyes for her.
MC: Really? And you meant it?
ALFIE: Honestly? In the moment I kinda did.
ALFIE: But I regretted it after I’d said it.
KAT: Whatever, babe.
ALFIE: I never thought I’d even get into the villa. All the first day nerves and adrenaline kinda overflowed…
ALFIE: And before I knew it those words had come out my mouth.
ALFIE: But it’s not how I’m feeling now.
ALFIE: It’s early days, [MC], but I think we could have a good thing here, whatever it turns out to be.
ALFIE: And so much has already changed since last night. Just hope this hasn’t turned you off me?
①. You haven’t turned me off you
②. You haven’t helped your chances
③. I’m not sure just yet
MC: Everyone gets carried away sometimes, I get it. Appreciate you being honest with me.
KAT: In the end…?
ALFIE: Thanks, [MC],
MC: But, you could’ve handled this better. Honesty is super important to me, Alfie.
ALFIE: Yeah, I get that. I won’t hold stuff back from you again.
MC: You should’ve told me sooner off your own back. Not a great start is it?
ALFIE: I get that. I’ll tell you straight off next time.
MC: You're saying there’s gonna be a next time?
ALFIE: Wait, nah, that came out wrong. No next times. Lesson learnt. Stupid mistake.
KAT: Oi!
ALFIE: I’m sorry but it was, plus you’re with Finn now anyway.
MC: Well, it’s been a long night. Guess we’ll see soon if you’re the type of boy who always gets carried away.
MC: I don’t know what to think yet. We weren’t coupled, but still…
ALFIE: I know, we’d had that moment earlier.
KAT: When you were coupled with me!
ALFIE: And this was just a stupid mistake and it wouldn’t happen if we ever coupled up.
MC: I guess I need some space to think.
ALFIE: I am sorry about all this drama. I really wanna see where this goes with us.
ALFIE: I’m gonna give you some space, but let's talk soon.
Alfie smiles at you sincerely as he makes his way out of the room.
You slump back on your bed. Kat approaches cautiously.
KAT: I’m sorry it had to come out that way.
KAT: It just got to me when Alfie said earlier he had nothing to hide about last night.
KAT: I didn’t want you to get involved without knowing all the facts. Especially after what’d just happened with Suresh!
KAT: You know I had to tell you, right?
①. Yeah, thanks for looking out for me
②. No, mind your own business
MC: It wasn’t easy to hear. But I needed to hear it.
KAT: I’m glad you understand.
MC: I don’t need all this drama and I certainly don’t need you sticking your nose in.
KAT: Well soz for wanting to tell the truth.
KAT: But don’t worry, if that's how it is I won’t tell you anything anymore.
MC: Maybe I need to be alone for a while, I’m going to go to bed.
KAT: Okay, I need some air anyway.
Kat gets up to leave.
KAT: For what it’s worth I don’t really think Alfie’s a player. I think he’s really into you.
KAT: I wouldn’t pie him off just yet.
Kat leaves the bedroom and you put on your sleepwear and nestle into bed - vowing to deal with the drama tomorrow.
It’s the next morning and you wake to find Suresh wisely slept on the daybeds last night.
The others lay in their beds gossiping in hushed tones about last night's events.
KAT: I can’t believe she didn’t know already. Didn’t they break up like ages ago?
EDDIE: He’s a player! He probs just thought he could get away with it and never said anything.
DANA: No one deserves to be treated that way.
KAT: I wanna know who this girl is. Do they know each other?
FINN: Would pay to see those two in a room together.
EDDIE: Ha! Who would win that fight?
FINN: Would have to see the other girl, but I don’t see [MC] as much of a fighter.
①. Call Finn out
②. Ignore it like nothing’s wrong
③. Throw a pillow at him
MC: Come on then big man! Shall we take this outside or what?
FINN: You know what, I take it back, you’re proper scary.
MC: That’s what I thought.
You emerge from your duvet making an effort to look chilled.
FINN: Oh, [MC]! You’re up! Sleep okay?
MC: Never better. Till my Irish alarm clock started bantering.
FINN: Hearing my dulcet tones must be a delightful start to a day.
You launch your pillow at Finn, Kat ducks and it hits him square in the face.
FINN: Where did that come from?!
MC: You were saying something, Finn?
FINN: Oh, [MC]! Just saying what a fighter you were.
MC: I thought so.
FINN: And thanks for protecting me…
KAT: You’re a big boy, I thought you could handle it.
Alfie’s face lights up when he sees you.
MC: I know what you guys were talking about, you don’t have to whisper.
DANA: Sorry [MC], we just still can’t believe he did that to you.
EDDIE: Yeah, if I were him I’d make myself comfy on those daybeds.
EDDIE: Would any of you girls really want him in your bed after he did that?
The room falls awkwardly silent.
EDDIE: Exactly. He needs to learn how to treat a woman.
FINN: True, but everyone needs a second chance sometimes, right?
Alfie looks over at you for a moment.
EDDIE: Once a cheat, always a cheat if you ask me.
KAT: No one did, hun.
DANA: It only really matters what [MC] thinks, doesn’t it?
①. Suresh isn’t all bad
②. Suresh has gone too far
③. I don’t know what to think
MC: He did some stupid things. But our relationship wasn’t all bad.
DANA: And we should just stay out of it… Eddie?
Eddie shrugs.
MC: I don’t want much to do with him right now. I’d stay away too, girls.
EDDIE: See, I told you.
FINN: Well, it’s none of my business so I’ll stay out of it if it’s all the same.
MC: We have a very... complicated history. I have a lot to figure out.
DANA: Of course. I think it’s best we just stay out of it… Eddie?
Eddie shrugs.
EDDIE: Just trying to have [MC]’s back though. I like to treat girls right.
FINN: You’ve never cheated, Eddie? Not even once?
EDDIE: Never have, never will.
You catch Dana looking affectionately at Eddie.
ALFIE: Well, I want the juicy deets. You couples started crackin’ on with each other yet or what?!
Kat and Finn start to laugh.
FINN: Well....
Kat slaps his shoulder playfully.
KAT: Don’t you dare! Gents don’t kiss and tell.
FINN: My lips are sealed.
Finn winks at Alfie.
ALFIE: Ahh Kat you’re no fun! Eddie my boy, tell me you’re makin’ moves son!
EDDIE: I might’ve been a cheeky big spoon last night.
DANA: Eddie boy, you were totally the little spoon.
Eddie happily shrugs as everyone laughs.
FINN: What about you, [MC]?
FINN: You weren’t tempted to sneak into my boy Alfie’s bed for some midnight mischief?
①. The bed felt empty without Alfie
②. No, I was happy having the bed to myself
③. Alfie needs to do some grafting first
MC: Could have done with some company.
ALFIE: Now you tell me!
Alfie’s face lights up.
MC: Some much needed alone time.
Alfie looks down a little hurt.
FINN: Well, looks like it’s grafting time, Alfie me lad.
MC: Alfie needs to graft if he wants me to go near his bed.
Finn cheers and Dana looks at you in intrigue.
ALFIE: Just glad I’m still in the game.
ALFIE: Well, today's my day I can feel it.
EDDIE: You guys think there’s more chicas coming our way soon?
DANA: Yass, please.
Dana gives Eddie a cheeky wink.
DANA: I meant for Alfie...
FINN: Sure you did.
ALFIE: Wouldn’t mind not being the only singleton to be fair.
MC: Is that so?
ALFIE: Need the moral support since pirate boy left me on my larry lonesome.
FINN: Arrrgh, my boy needs some options!
KAT: Well, this one’s all mine.
Kat leaps onto Finn and wraps herself around him.
FINN: I can’t breathe.
DANA: Well, if new gals might be coming in, I’m putting on something fresh. Come on huns.
MC: Maybe I’ll take Dana’s lead here then.
You and Dana start making your way to the dressing room when you see Kat still latched onto Finn, his face turning purple.
DANA: Kat! You’re literally suffocating him, come on, girl!
KAT: Argh.
Kat releases Finn and slinks out of bed. Finn gasps for air.
You, Kat and Dana crowd around the make-up mirrors. Kat grins from ear to ear.
DANA: Well, someone clearly had a good night. You two get any sleep?
KAT: Some. His pecs are rock solid but are actually like amazing pillows.
DANA: Wonderful...
KAT: Were you hoping for a cheeky fork instead of a spoon, Dana?
Kat cracks up.
She catches herself laughing and stops.
Dana rolls her eyes.
DANA: Yes, yes. Much funny. But the only forkin’ I will be doing is me breakfast thanks.
MC: Not getting melty for Eddie’s cheese grater abs then?
DANA: Don’t get me started on those abs! But me and Eddie are still getting to know each other.
KAT: Don’t worry, Dana, it’s not everyday you get to be with a boy like Finn, but it could happen for you too.
DANA: Thanks?
Kat smiles proudly at her compliment.
{If expressed interest in Alfie}
DANA: What happened with you last night, [MC]? I thought you and Alfie might have been getting an early night...?
{If not expressed interest in Alfie or Dana}
DANA: What happened with you last night [MC]? I thought I might have seen you before bed?
{If expressed interest in Dana}
DANA: I was planning to offer you a free trial at my award-winning big spoon business?
DANA: I call it Spooning and Swooning.
MC: Maybe I’ll take up my trial another time?
Dana gives you a cheeky smile.
Kat looks away as though she isn’t listening.
MC: Everything got a little complicated, with Suresh and all.
DANA: Must be hard having everyone begging for your attention.
KAT: It really is.
DANA: Urm, I meant [MC]?
KAT: Oh... really?
DANA: Anyway, if I were you I’d forget about the Suresh drama. Pick out a new sexy outfit you’ll feel amazeballs in.
DANA: Plus it sounds like Alfie’s getting his flirt game on today too, just saying.
MC: Yeah, though it’s not me who needs to impress.
DANA: Even better, show him what he needs to work for.
{If expressed interest in Dana}
DANA: Plus, if some new girls are coming soon, my eyes might start wandering. Outfit game better be strong AF.
MC: Is that a challenge?
DANA: It sure is...
MC: Let me take a look. Oh look at this!
DANA: Well you’ve certainly caught my attention... Ladies hide your misters.
DANA: Right! I’ve gotta go see an Eddie about some pancakes he promised. He’s been sweet this morning.
{If only eyes for Dana E06}
DANA: Hopefully you were right that he’s only got eyes for me.
{If wandering eyes E06}
DANA: I know you said you thought he had wandering eyes.
{If expressed interest in Dana}
DANA: I know me and you have a vibe. But I should still get to know Eddie as he’s making an effort.
MC: I guess you are coupled up…
DANA: I’m sensing you’ve got some doubts about him.
DANA: You still feeling the same as you were yesterday?
①. Eddie sounds like boyfriend material
②. Not sure I’d trust Eddie if I were you
③. I can’t read Eddie
④.   I’m still into you  {If expressed interest in Dana}
MC: Pancakes and spooning is almost more than a boyfriend, you’re practically married.
DANA: Nah, takes Belgian waffles to tie this honey down.
{If expressed interest in Dana}
MC: Just running off to make my best pancakes ever.
Dana breaks into a big smile.
MC: I’m getting weird vibes from Eddie.
DANA: Still?
MC: Just not sure you should fully trust him just yet. If you know what I mean?
DANA: Well, I guess that’s up to me really isn’t it! I’m just trying to have some fun...
MC: Oh yeah of course, sorry.
MC: I can’t tell if he’s all talk. Just not 100% on him just yet.
DANA: Oh.. okay. Well I guess that’s up to me isn’t it. Just trying to have some fun.
MC: Oh yeah, of course.
MC: My eyes are still focused on you, Dana. Put it that way.
DANA: Hope you’re enjoying the view, girl. I know I am.
Dana raises an eyebrow and gives you a cheeky grin.
DANA: Right, well, I’m off. See you later.
KAT: Awkwaaaard....
MC: Is she pissed off with me?
KAT: The girl just wants to have fun, can’t blame her.
MC: Just trying to look out for her.
An awkward silence fills the room.
KAT: So... last night.
MC: What about it?
KAT: We good? After everything?
Before you can answer a knock at the door interrupts you.
SURESH: Hey, [MC]...
MC: What do you want?
SURESH: Can I steal you for a sec?
KAT: Someone got some grovelling to do after last night?
Suresh scowls at Kat.
MC: I guess.
You sit beside Suresh on the day beds, you can see the cogs whirring as he thinks of what to say.
{If wearing gem outfit}
SURESH: You’re looking gorgeous in that outfit. Your eyes always look amazing when you wear [MC].
MC: Just say what you’ve got to say, Suresh!
MC: I’m waiting?
SURESH: Right, I just thought we needed to chat. Things last night got… Out of hand.
MC: And whose fault is that?
SURESH: Look I thought we had already been over all this. I don’t know what more you want from me.
MC: You didn’t even apologise yesterday.
Suresh looks away moodily.
SURESH: You already knew all that stuff.
MC: Clearly not all of it!
MC: I knew you cheated. I didn’t know it was building for months! And you lied about me!
MC: You need to start being fully honest with me.
SURESH: I’ve been nothing but truthful here. I told you I’m not like that anymore.
MC: Then prove it. Apologise properly, for all of it.
SURESH: Again?!
MC: You want me to speak to you again?
Suresh suppresses a pained look.
SURESH: Fine. I told you I’d changed and I meant it, so here it is.
SURESH: I’m sorry I flirted with the waitress. But I was telling the truth when I said it was all innocent fun.
SURESH: It was never real until... that night. It was just harmless banter, you know.
MC: So, what changed then?
SURESH: What do you mean?
MC: Well, Suresh, how did it go from not meaning anything to sleeping together!
SURESH: Alright! It was after that huge fight. Everything felt like it was falling apart.
SURESH: Things hadn’t been right for a bit and it seemed like we were heading in different directions.
SURESH: In the beginning it felt so right, we were spontaneous and did whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted.
SURESH: Then all of a sudden it got so serious and we wanted different things. And it... hurt.
MC: Why didn’t you say any of this at the time?
SURESH: I tried, but we weren’t communicating well. It felt messy and bitter and I needed to breathe so I went to the bar.
SURESH: I was drunk and angry and confused and she just happened to be there. One thing led to another and the rest is history.
SURESH: It could have been anyone, really. I regretted it instantly and just wanted to go back in time and fix it.
SURESH: It was a one time mistake and nothing like that had happened before. You’ve gotta believe me?
①. Alright, I believe you
②. I don’t believe you
③. I don’t know
MC: I believe you, but it’ll take time before I know if I can forgive you.
SURESH: How much time?
MC: I don’t know Suresh!
MC: I don’t believe you on that right now! How do I know you’re not lying about that too?
SURESH: Because, I’ve learnt from my mistakes.
MC: I don’t know Suresh. How am I supposed to trust you after everything?
SURESH: Because I’ve learnt from my mistakes!
SURESH: Whatever you’re thinking, you know we had something amazing together.
SURESH: We drove each other wild, admit it! Those weekends where we went out on Friday night and came home on Sunday morning!
SURESH: Flying in helicopters around Dubai, swimming in the Med, fine dining in Venice.
SURESH: Or that time in Budapest, getting frisky in Roman Baths...
SURESH: You know what I’m talking about!
You look deep into Suresh’s passionate eyes.
SURESH: I know I hurt you. But we could have that life again.
SURESH: Is it really worth throwing it all away over one little mistake?
SURESH: Or do you just want to play it safe like the rest of them?
①. I’m not about playing it safe
②. I’m not playing these games with you
③. I’m not sure
MC: I never play it safe.
SURESH: Glad to hear it.
MC: We can’t keep doing this Suresh. I’m sick of it!
SURESH: What do you mean?
MC: Yes we had good times, but I don’t know what to think anymore!
SURESH: I get that.
MC: Those memories have been tainted now!
MC: If you really want me to trust you again you need to show me that I can!
MC: That means actions, no more empty promises.
SURESH: Okay. I hear you.
MC: I get you’ve always got attention from girls. And you said you went to so much effort to be good when we were together.
MC: But I want someone who’s so in love with me they don’t care about flirting with other girls.
MC: It meant what I said that it shouldn’t be an effort if you’re with the right person.
SURESH: I made mistakes, but it wasn’t because I didn’t love you. Maybe I didn’t know fully what I had. But I do now.
SURESH: I can be the person you want me to be. I’ll prove that.
MC: Okay.
SURESH: Well, if we are being honest. I should say…
SURESH: Yesterday I was trying to give you some space. So I spoke to the other girls…
SURESH: To see if I could move on.
MC: Why are you telling me this?
SURESH: Because… it didn’t work.
SURESH: Sure, it was fun, Kat and Dana are stunners and we had some flirty banter.
MC: Dana flirted with you?
SURESH: I picked up a vibe, put it that way.
①. Dana wouldn’t flirt with you
②. More of your harmless flirting?
MC: I don’t believe Dana would go near you.
MC: Was this more or less harmless than with that girl?
SURESH: It doesn’t matter, because I couldn’t stop thinking about you, [MC].
SURESH: The one that got away.
①. That’s actually sweet
②. Your lines won’t work right now
MC: Why can’t you just be like that all the time?
SURESH: I can. And I will.
MC: It’s just more words.
SURESH: It’s not. I mean it.
SURESH: And I’ll prove it. In time.
You hear the other Islanders piling out onto the lawn.
SURESH: Look, have a think about all this. But I have more I want to talk about.
SURESH: Maybe later.
You get up and make your way over to the kitchen. Suresh goes to join the others near the pool.
As you approach the kitchen Finn pops out from behind the counter looking sheepish.
MC: Argh! Finn!
MC: Were you hiding back there?
You give him a stern look.
FINN: Alright, I came out for a drink and saw all the frowning and pointing and kinda got stuck here.
MC: Argh I’m sorry. It’s Suresh, brings that out in me.
FINN: I can see that. It looked intense.
FINN: It’s not good for you, you know. All that stress will give you wrinkles.
MC: Perfect, one more thing to worry about.
FINN: Don’t stress, I’ll fix you a drink.
MC: Oh, thanks, Finn.
Finn opens the fridge and starts making a fruity concoction.
You watch as the other Islanders mess around by the side of the pool, care free.
MC: How do you do it?
FINN: What?
MC: Stay so chill? Nothing seems to bother you.
MC: You barely even broke a sweat when Suresh kicked off at the recoupling.
FINN: Just taking everything as it comes. And never overthinking things.
FINN: Staying away from the wrong people helps. A big personality can mean a big problem.
FINN: I want chill people around me, you know?
MC: Oh yeah? Is that why you picked Kat over me?
Finn laughs.
FINN: Good point. Kat can be chill though, I think. Under the right circumstances.
MC: Uhuh, sure she can.
FINN: I realise we haven’t really had a chance to chat.
FINN: Are you annoyed with me for coupling up with Kat?
①. Yes
②. No
③. A bit
MC: I am annoyed. Especially after our date...
{If kissed Finn E05}
MC: I mean... we did kiss.
FINN: The kisses we shared will live on in my mind.
MC: No, no! It’s all part of the game I guess.
{If kissed Finn E05}
MC: I was a little surprised, seeing as we, you know… kissed.
FINN: The kisses we shared will live on in my mind.
MC: I’m not raging, I get it’s all part of the game. But I felt a bit blindsided.
{If kissed Finn E05}
MC: And I was a little surprised, seeing as we, you know… kissed.
FINN: That kiss on the terrace will live on in my mind.
MC: And what you said about Kat.
FINN: Yeah, I’ve kinda given mixed signals, and I am sorry about that. My head’s been all over the shop.
FINN: You and me had great chat, you’re a beauty and super smart and can talk the talk, like.
MC: But you still picked Kat…
FINN: You deserve a proper explanation, especially considering the chemistry on our date.
FINN: But we’re a bit close to the others for this chat. Come chat about it on the swing seat?
MC: Not sure Kat would be too happy about that...
FINN: Well, I’m my own man.
MC: I dunno she seems to have a grip on you, quite literally.
FINN: Ah, she’s just excitable, it’s all fun and games.
FINN: But seriously, I think my explanation might change things for you in the villa.
FINN: Will you let me reveal all?
①. I NEED to know
②. I’m fine not knowing
MC: Not sure I want a list of my faults, thanks.
FINN: No, it’s nothing like that! Trust me, you’re still a rose in my eyes.
FINN: It’s just that... There's more to all this and it took me by surprise. I was going to couple up with you. Let me explain?
❶. Okay, now I HAVE to know!
❷. Nah, I’m good
(directs to scene below from choice ①)
MC: I’ve heard enough.
FINN: No bother!
Finn hands you the fruity drink.
FINN: In honour of our first date.
Kat calls out from the pool.
KAT: Where’s my big lumberjack man with my drink!
FINN: Well enjoy, [MC]. Duty calls.
FINN: And remember, don’t let Suresh get to you. There’s plenty more fish right here in the villa.
As you take a sip of the gorgeous mixture you watch him run and leap into the water beside Kat, holding the drinks above his head.
{If let Finn explain}——————————————————————
Finn carries your drinks over to the swing seat, nearly spilling them as he falls back into it.
MC: Careful!
FINN: Trust me, it takes a lot more than that for me to spill a drink.
MC: Well, you continue to impress.
FINN: Just wait till you taste it. Inspired by our first date.
He hands you your drink and you take a sip. It’s a dream, bursting with flavour.
MC: Wow.
FINN: Never made it before, that one’s uniquely for you.
FINN: Maybe I could make it for you again though?
①. Every. Single. Day
②. No, thanks
③. Let’s see…
MC: I could drink that every morning. Although Kat might get jealous.
FINN: She just might.
MC: It wasn’t that good, Finn. The sangria on the date was better.
FINN: Ouch, but maybe practice will make perfect then.
MC: I guess we’ll see how this chat goes won’t we?
FINN: I guess we will.
As you sit down beside him the seat dips and you slip closer together.
MC: Oh, sorry.
FINN: No problem, cosy on up.
MC: Not till you’ve explained your change of tune since our date? What’s with the 180?
FINN: Remind me what I said on the date again?
①. You said Kat was too clingy...
②. You said you wanted someone more mysterious...
③. You said ours was one of your best dates ever...
MC: I believe you said she was a bit too keen…
FINN: Yes, I suppose I did say that and I meant it.
MC: You hinted you wanted someone mysterious like me...
FINN: You’re right, I did say that. And I meant it one hundred percent.
MC: You said our date was beaten only by the date.
FINN: And it was, I had a great time with you. The chat flowed and there was a vibe between us.
FINN: But then I had my date with Kat.
MC: So what was so special about it?
FINN: We just had a raw, animal connection.
MC: And we didn’t?
FINN: Not quite like me and Kat, us two almost didn’t need words.
FINN: It’s just a kind of sexual chemistry. It was off the charts.
MC: I get that. You’re not worried she’ll be too much though?
FINN: Don’t get me wrong, she seems like trouble. But it’s trouble I like.
FINN: There is something chaotic and alluring about her that I can’t put my finger on.
MC: How do you know I can’t cause a bit of chaos?
FINN: On second thoughts, maybe you could.
MC: Well, if you’d picked me you might have found out.
FINN: Ooh well, now you’re just teasing.
FINN: Well, if you’re so chaotic, how about a dare to prove it?
MC: Maybe, what’s the dare?
FINN: Hmm.
Finn looks across the lawn at the Islanders chatting and messing around by the pool.
FINN: Eddie’s lilo, I want you to steal it.
Finn points to Eddie who is lounging peacefully on a lilo in the pool.
①. Lilo heist!
②. No, I can’t
MC: A lilo heist? Piece of cake.
FINN: Yeah? Let’s see about that.
MC: Just you watch.
You approach the poolside where the Islanders chat amongst themselves.
Eddie is floating leisurely, drink in hand and sunnies on. You stealthily slip into the water, gliding beneath the surface till you are under the lilo.
Like a great white shark, you leap from the depths and pull the lilo from under him, sending him splashing into the pool.
Taking the lilo with you, you scramble out of the pool and back to Finn before Eddie realises what happened.
You sit back down beside Finn, dripping wet. He hands you a towel.
Eddie emerges from the water in a daze.
EDDIE: What the hell just happened to me?!
The Islanders fall about laughing.
FINN: Wow. I’m impressed.
MC: Told ya I could bring the chaos.
FINN: You weren’t lying. And not gonna lie, I’m kinda turned on.
MC: Look at him, he’s basically asleep! It’s too cruel.
FINN: Ah I see how it is, you’re too nice!
MC: Isn’t that good?
FINN: Sure, but it’s not always the most fun and that’s why I’m here! Fun!
MC: So you don’t regret your choice then?
FINN: With Kat? Ah you know, all I can say is right now, at this moment I’m happy.
FINN: But would I say I’m all in on Kat right now? No.
FINN: If you catch my drift.
FINN: And I could still see us connecting romantically for sure. There’s something about you.
MC: Interesting.
FINN: Mind you, I don’t want to step on Alfie boy’s toes.
MC: What do you mean?
FINN: Well, the geezer seems to have a soft spot for ye.
MC: Oh you two are pretty close right? Has he said anything to you?
FINN: Well, let's just say your name’s come up a few hundred times in conversation.
MC: Really? Wow. Can I ask you something?
FINN: Sure.
MC: You don’t think Alfie’s a player do you?
FINN: Alfie?! That boy’s got a heart of gold! Don’t think you have anything to worry about.
MC: Hmm, okay.
FINN: If you want I can keep my eyes and ears open for ye? See who's catching feelings and what not?
①. Yes!
②. No, thanks
MC: That would be amazing! Always good to have someone on the inside.
FINN: At your service.
MC: I’d rather figure it out on my own.
FINN: Suit yourself!
FINN: Glad we’re all good though, with the whole Kat thing.
Kat calls out from the terrace.
KAT: Where’s my big lumberjack man!
FINN: Oh here we go. Duty calls! I’ll catch you later.
MC: Good luck.
FINN: You too, oh and don’t let that Suresh get into your head. It’s all a big game, remember.
Finn hops up and heads toward the villa.
You spot Dana sat on her own on the bean bags looking pensive, and remember Suresh’s comment about his flirty banter with her last night.
It’s definitely time for a talk with Dana!
Dana’s initial smile drops as she senses your seriousness as you sit on a bean bag opposite her.
DANA: You look like you mean business.
MC: Have you got anything to tell me?
DANA: I’m sorry about walking off earlier. Just got a bit thrown when you were talking about Eddie like that.
DANA: Guess it just wasn’t what I wanted to hear at the time. I know you were just trying to look out for me.
MC: I wasn’t talking about that…
Dana looks away from you, guiltily.
DANA: I do have something to tell you. And I’ve been trying to work it out in my head all morning.
DANA: It’s such early days so I’m still not certain how I’m feeling about everything.
DANA: But Eddie’s breakfast left me thinking that…
DANA: Maybe I don’t wanna get tied down too soon. I just really want to get to know everyone!
MC: Anyone in particular caught your eye?
DANA: Well, other than you obviously.
DANA: But anyway, I just need to come out and say this.
DANA: I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this, but yesterday I got chatting to Suresh.
MC: I was waiting for you to bring that up.
DANA: You knew we chatted?
MC: He mentioned there was a flirty vibe…
DANA: There was!
{If expressed interest in Dana}
MC: Wow! I didn’t believe him when he said that.
DANA: I’m really sorry. We were just chatting and without meaning to things started getting a little flirty.
MC: How flirty?
DANA: Nothing full on, there was just a hint of chemistry, y’know?
MC: What happened to staying away from the dicksand?
DANA: I know and I feel like such a hypocrite, but I saw a different side to him last night.
DANA: Maybe I was too harsh before, but I get why it’s so hard with him.
DANA: Under all that alpha energy he can be sweet.
DANA: He literally caught me blushing at one point.
{If expressed interest in Dana}
DANA: I still want to explore things with you. I think you’re an actual 10/10.
DANA: I feel just really a bit torn now.
DANA: Look, I know it’s awkward with him being your ex.
DANA: And I know he’s been trying to win you back...
MC: You couldn’t tell me all this earlier?
DANA: This was the last thing I thought I’d be feeling. Been trying to process it all day.
MC: And…?
DANA: Honestly…?
DANA: I want to get to know him better.
DANA: Would you be okay with that?
Dana looks at you awkwardly whilst you work out if you can be okay with that.
DANA: So, would you?
NARRATOR: So, Dana wants Suresh?
NARRATOR: And Suresh wants [MC]?
NARRATOR: But [MC] wants… Well who knows what [she] wants!
NARRATOR: Until next time on Love Island….
117 notes · View notes
LITG S5 — Volume III E06 Script
!Spoilers Ahead!
Guilty Secrets
A game of Guilty Secrets spills some home truths.
NARRATOR: Finn’s about to choose which girl to couple up with, and Suresh is sticking his chest out more than a rooster who’s been hitting the gym.
NARRATOR: I haven’t seen this much macho posturing since I last flexed in the mirror! At least I think it was my mirror!
NARRATOR: I may have just been watching the bodybuilding championships on my little TV! Don’t judge me, there’s not much to do in my shed!
NARRATOR: Anyway, I can’t wait any longer. I need to know who Finn is gonna pick, and which boy is gonna be left single!
Suresh and Finn square off, Eddie and Alfie quickly get between them.
EDDIE: Easy now, boys.
ALFIE: We’re all tense but let’s bring it down a few notches, yeah?
SURESH: Well, he’s winding me up!
DANA: If you two alphas stick your chests out any further you’re gonna rip your best shirts!
KAT: Not that I’d complain seeing you both topless.
Everyone laughs except for Suresh, the tension breaking slightly.
FINN: Why don’t you sit back down, fella?
SURESH: Why don’t you sit down?
FINN: Cos I’m the one making the decision, aren’t I?
Suresh sulkily sits back down. Kat cracks up laughing.
KAT: Oh my days, you boys are more drama than me! I can’t cope!
FINN: What was I saying?
SURESH: A load of crap about knowing [MC] better than I do.
FINN: Ah yeah. Well, [MC], who knows how to treat you better?
①. Finn
②. Suresh
③. Neither of you
MC: After everything you did today, Suresh… At least Finn knows how to have fun.
SURESH: Like we never had fun?
SURESH: I’m not giving up on you yet, I told you I was gonna fight for you!
MC: I never asked you to.
SURESH: I see how it is.
FINN: Sorry, big man.
SURESH: This doesn’t change anything.
MC: Suresh, we have had our ups and downs. But you do know me, I’ll give you that.
SURESH: There you go! So maybe you should keep your little opinions to yourself, Finn.
FINN: Whatever, man.
MC: You’re both as clueless as each other so why don’t you just get on with it.
Alfie and Dana burst out laughing
FINN: Wow. Double burn.
Suresh leans back in his seat looking a little embarrassed about his outburst.
An awkward silence lingers.
FINN: Well, I want to couple up with this girl because we had the best connection, she’s spicy, and great craic.
FINN: She’s a bit of a handful and it might not be an easy ride but I think she’s worth it.
Alfie grips Kat’s hand.
Eddie scooches closer to Dana.
Suresh places an arm around you.
FINN: The girl I am going to couple up with is....
FINN: Kat!
Suresh lets out a relieved breath as Kat runs into Finn’s arms.
Dana leans in and whispers to you.
DANA: I thought he’d pick you.
Suresh overhears and looks at you jealously.
FINN: Sorry, Alfie mate. I had to go with who I had the best spark with.
ALFIE: I saw it coming a mile off, geezer!
Finn gives you a cheeky look.
FINN: It was a close call, believe me.
KAT: Was it?
MC: You okay, Alfie?
ALFIE: It is what it is.
DANA: Still very early days, Alfie.
Alfie’s phone pings. Everyone looks at him.
ALFIE: Got a text!
LITEXT: Alfie, you are now single. In a few days there will be a recoupling. The person left single afterwards will be dumped from the island. #SingleReadyToMingle #GetGrafting
KAT: Wow!
EDDIE: Things just got real.
FINN: Now I feel even more guilty.
SURESH: Nah, you don’t.
FINN: Course I do, Alf’s my boy.
EDDIE: If this doesn’t ruin your bromance.
KAT: He came here for romance not bromance.
FINN: Hopefully I’ll still get both. Let’s chat when you’re ready, Alf?
ALFIE: Born ready, geezer.
SURESH: Unlucky, Alfie. Wouldn’t wanna be in your shoes right now.
ALFIE: Mate, I’m wearing grafting boots. Hope you’re all ready for me to crank this up a notch!
DANA: Yes, Alfie!
SURESH: Yeah, good luck with that.
FINN: I wouldn’t be too cocky, fella. My boy Alf’s got the chat.
SURESH: It takes more than chat to get a girl like [MC].
DANA: And to lose her.
SURESH: Who says I’ve lost her?
ALFIE: Who says I’m only gonna be grafting [MC]?
Dana cheers.
DANA: Go on, Alfie. This is gonna be a lively few days.
FINN: We need to talk strategy, man.
ALFIE: Let’s go then you big, sexy pirate thief.
Finn and Alfie leave, bantering.
Everyone goes too, but Suresh stays and catches your eye.
MC: What’s going on?
SURESH: I know it’s been a lot already. But I want you to know I’m pumped we’re still coupled.
MC: Because you didn’t want to be single and at risk like Alfie is?
SURESH: No, because I wanted to stay coupled with you.
MC: You’re not finding it awkward then?
SURESH: It’s weird not being properly together like we used to be, know what I mean?
MC: I know exactly what you mean.
SURESH: I know you won’t get over everything that went down overnight. But we’ve got some time to work through it together.
MC: Only a few days by the sounds of things.
SURESH: Listen, you know I love the chase.
SURESH: But with everything that’s happened, I wanna make sure I’m not chasing a lost cause?
Suresh looks deep into your eyes.
DANA: [MC], need to talk to you right now!
SURESH: Can’t it wait?
DANA: Absolutely not, lad! Get over here, [MC].
SURESH: To be continued then.
You follow Dana over to the swing seat.
DANA: Thought you were about to be sucked into the dicksand, girl.
MC: Dicksand?
DANA: When you get sucked in by a boy and can’t do anything about it. Like quicksand, but with dicks.
Dana’s infectious laugh rings out.
DANA: Suresh is the ultimate dicksand! That’s why I rescued you, girl. What was he saying?
MC: He wanted to check he wasn’t chasing a lost cause.
DANA: He doesn’t need to know after what he did! He needs to be kept on his toes.
MC: Maybe talk of the next recoupling got him making moves?
DANA: Classic dicksand strategy! Try to get you to commit now he knows Alfie’s about to get his proper graft on.
MC: You think Suresh’s playing a game?
DANA: I’ve got no idea what game he’s playing! But you do not wanna put all your eggs in his basket right now.
①. My eggs are staying out of Suresh’s basket
②. Suresh does have a tasty basket
③. There’s better baskets for my eggs
MC: Trust me, my eggs are going nowhere near Suresh’s basket right now.
DANA: Good! Once you’re sucked into the dicksand you’re never getting out!
MC: I’d never heard of dicksand.
DANA: Good job you met me then, right?
MC: It is kinda tempting to put my eggs in his basket though again. Tasty, familiar basket.
DANA: Lesson one in avoiding dicksand. Keep your eggs in as many different baskets as you can.
DANA: Trust me, Suresh needs to work a lot harder to get another shot with you.
MC: There’s plenty of other hot baskets in here that I might put some eggs in.
DANA: Yes, girl! That’s the way.
DANA: I know it’s tempting to go back to your ex. But in my book it’s never a good idea.
DANA: There’s other options for you in here, if you know what I’m saying?
{If expressed romantic interest in Dana E01}
Dana smiles at you sexily.
MC: Yeah I do.
DANA: Defo feels like there’s a love triangle developing between me, you and Suresh.
MC: You think?
DANA: Feels that way to me. Some of the others mentioned it earlier too.
MC: Interesting.
DANA: I’ve never liked triangles. Worst shape ever.
{If no romantic interest in Dana E01}
Dana laughs charmingly.
DANA: Defo feels like there’s a love triangle developing between you, Suresh and Alfie.
MC: You think?
DANA: Feels that way to me. Some of the others mentioned it earlier too.
MC: Interesting.
MC: Where’s your head at with Eddie?
DANA: I can’t look at him without wanting to snog his face off. But I haven’t got to know him properly yet.
MC: Well, it’s only day two. Did he get jealous about your date with Finn?
DANA: Not at all. He said he wants me to get to know the boys and be with him by choice.
MC: That is chill.
DANA: Almost too chill. Sounds bad but I wanted him to get a bit jel about it.
MC: You catching feelings for him?
DANA: I’m catching fanny flutters, not sure about feelings further north. He hasn’t really opened up to me much.
DANA: I’m wondering if he’s trying to keep his options open a bit.
DANA: Do you think he’s into me?
①. He’s only got eyes for you
②. His eyes are everywhere
③. He seems into me
④. I’m into you
MC: Don’t stress it, I’m sure he’s into you.
DANA: He’d be a fool not to be, right?
You smile at each other.
DANA: Guess he’s just not a factor 50 type of boy.
MC: I think he’s the type of boy to keep his options open. Sorry if that’s not what you want to hear.
DANA: That’s one thing we’ve got in common then.
MC: You’re keeping your options open too then?
DANA: Damn right.
You both laugh.
MC: I think he might be into me.
DANA: Really?
MC: He seemed very interested in my date with Finn, put it that way.
DANA: Wow, okay!
{If expressed romantic interest in Dana E01}
MC: Well, I’m into you Dana, in case you weren’t sure.
DANA: Now that’s what Dana wanted to hear! And right back at ya with a vengeance!
{If no romantic interest in Dana E01}
MC: Feels like there’s a connection between us, doesn’t it?
DANA: Abso-blooming-lutely! And you’re still distracting me from the boys, especially Eddie.
You share a flirty smile with each other, chemistry in the air.
MC: How are you going to play it with Eddie then?
DANA: Time to up my flirt game and see if I can get to know him better then.
DANA: Gonna low-key grill him a bit and see what his deal is!
DANA: Take it as it comes I guess! Still early days getting to know everyone.
A phone pings across the garden.
SURESH: Everyone! I got a text!
LITEXT: Islanders, please gather by the pool as it’s time to find out each other’s naughty secrets! #NaughtyPast #RevealTime
DANA: Can’t wait to find out more of your naughty secrets, [MC].
The Islanders gather on the lawn, nervous and excited. There is a judge’s wig and gavel on a mock courtroom judge’s table. Eddie dons the wig and gavel and holds a stack of cards containing ‘Guilty Secrets’.
KAT: Time to find out who I’m really coupled with, babe.
FINN: We’ve all got a past. No judging, right, Beour?
ALFIE: Come on then Eddie boy, let’s ‘ave it then.
EDDIE: Oof starting strong! Which Islander once had a fling with their best friend’s sister?
DANA: If there’s a spark, there’s a spark. Why not?
SURESH: Cos it’s your best mate’s sister!
ALFIE: Sure you’ve done a lot worse, geezer.
SURESH: Nah, mate’s sisters are off limits. My monies on Alfie.
KAT: Sisters before misters, Alfie?
ALFIE: Nah, not my style.
You notice Finn looks unusually sheepish.
MC: You’re a bit quiet there, Finn?
KAT: You didn’t, babe?
FINN: I absolutely did. What can I say? She was a worldie.
ALFIE: Never intro-ing you to my sister when we’re out of here, geezer.
KAT: Spill the tea then, babe.
FINN: We did spill the tea actually. Knocked it off the kitchen table when we got down to it.
EDDIE: On the kitchen table, bro? That is hot to be fair!
FINN: I didn’t plan it. My mate Jonno was having a bath after footy so I was having a wee chat with his older sister.
ALFIE: You love an older woman, don’t ya?
FINN: Always!
KAT: First I’ve heard of that.
FINN: Anyway, there’d always been a cheeky spark. And before we knew it we were cracking on in the kitchen.
MC: While your mate was upstairs in the bath?
FINN: He was taking ages in fairness.
Dana and Alfie laugh.
SURESH: Bold move, bro!
MC: What did your mate say?
FINN: He never found out.
KAT: Gimme those cards, Eddie.
Kat snatches the secrets cards from Eddie.
KAT: Oh my days. This better not be you too, Finn!
KAT: Which Islander once got a tattoo of a camel on their big toe?
FINN: This has gotta be Dana or my boy Alf!
SURESH: Eddie, seen Dana’s camel toe yet?
DANA: He hasn’t got close enough to me yet.
EDDIE: Maybe we’ll get a bit closer tonight.
DANA: That’ll depend on whether someone else has been catching your eye?
EDDIE: Nah, course not.
KAT: Keep him on his toes, babe.
ALFIE: Yeah, this one’s me. Seemed funny at the time.
ALFIE: There’s not much I won’t do for a dare. Got it removed of course.
MC: Good to know, Alfie.
Alfie takes the cards from Kat.
ALFIE: Which Islander has a secret fetish for sex on boats?
MC: That’s gotta be you, Alfie. You said you love having sex in weird places.
ALFIE: This ain’t me, people. Although I did get caught having sex on a bridge by a barge boat full of tourists one time.
DANA: Amazing!
KAT: Whatever floats your barge.
ALFIE: Anyway, who’s got a boat fetish?
Suresh gives you a cheeky grin.
SURESH: That must be one of the few places we haven’t had sex. Maybe one day, though?
①. That could float my boat
②. That ship’s sailed
MC: Sounds like a bit of me.
SURESH: Hopefully one of our dates is on a boat then?
Alfie looks over jealously.
MC: Nah, can’t see me getting on that love boat again.
SURESH: Never say never.
FINN: I think I remember a certain girl telling me about this on our date. My girl Kat!
KAT: You know it! It weren’t no boat though. More of a superyacht.
DANA: Now I’m curious. Who? Where?
KAT: Who? The captain. Where? Hot tub on the roof.
ALFIE: Steamy!
MC: Who was piloting the ship if you were nailing the captain?
KAT: It was only a quickie. He probs had autopilot on.
Suresh takes the cards and glances at you naughtily.
SURESH: Which Islander once had to be rescued naked from a hotel rooftop?
MC: Why would you be on a hotel rooftop?
SURESH: I’ve been naked in a lot of hotels but never on a rooftop.
DANA: Hope it was somewhere exotic. Or your packages won’t have been much to write home about.
EDDIE: It was a warm night.
Eddie grins mischievously.
EDDIE: There were six of us stuck out there. We were on a massive night and it escalated quickly.
EDDIE: I heard a helicopter so I thought it’d be funny to all get naked, get on the roof and do the helicopter with our… equipment.
KAT: You mean swinging it round in a circle?
FINN: Just for the craic?
EDDIE: Yeah! Total banter, until we got locked out on the roof for hours. Gave the builders renovating the roof a surprise in the morning.
DANA: Now I bet that was a sight that’ll live on in the memory!
DANA: Maybe I’ll get a private helicopter ride with you some time?
EDDIE: It’s always a smooth ride with pilot Eddie.
Everyone laughs.
DANA: Anyway, my turn!
DANA: Which Islander once accidentally got paid for stripping?
DANA: This is one million percent you, kitty Kat!
KAT: Nah it ain’t. I get approached to do stripping work all the time though.
ALFIE: Sorry, I’ll stop asking ya now, Kat.
Everyone laughs.
FINN: You’ve never stripped?
KAT: I didn’t say that. I just said I’ve never been paid to strip.
FINN: Maybe I’ll get a private dance one night?
KAT: Might tease ya until the heartrate dance off!
DANA: Alfie! Could see you in fancy dress and someone thinking you’re a stripper.
SURESH: I know this one and it’s not Alfie.
Everyone looks to you.
ALFIE: This is you, [MC]? Wish I saw that.
SURESH: It was a beautiful sight believe me.
EDDIE: I bet it was.
Dana shoots Eddie daggers.
ALFIE: Reveal the deets then?
MC: Well, Suresh and I were out for this big club night. He went to the bar and left me on the dance floor.
MC: And when he looked back…
Your eyes meet Suresh’s and you start to laugh, which quickly turns into an uncontrollable attack of the giggles. Dana and Alfie look charmed by this side of you.
SURESH: Guess I’m finishing the story then. She was cutting shapes on a podium. The whole club was cheering her on.
DANA: Get it, girl.
SURESH: She was wearing this tight little black dress I got her for our anniversary. Looking unbelievable.
ALFIE: Unnecessary detail, geez.
SURESH: Then one of her mates passed her some cash for a joke. And these boys assumed she was a stripper and started throwing notes up.
EDDIE: So what did you do then, [MC]?
①. I gave them a proper striptease
②. I didn’t even notice
③. Bought champers with the money
MC: I treated them to a cheeky striptease. Yolo.
SURESH: Got us kicked out of the club.
MC: Worth it.
MC: I was in the zone, I didn’t even notice everyone staring till the song finished.
ALFIE: You know how to turn heads for sure.
MC: Took the money and ran straight to the bar. Free round!
DANA: Woop woop.
DANA: Sounds like you’re in for some competition in the dance off, Kat!
KAT: I love a bit of competition. But only if I win.
MC: I’ll read one. Yes! This is a good one. Which Islander has had a foursome?
ALFIE: Awesome foursome. Goals.
KAT: How many of which sex?
MC: Doesn’t say.
SURESH: Got close once, but that story’s for another day. Boys, any of you?
ALFIE: I wish.
{If listened to Finn’s story E05}
Finn gives you a cheeky grin but stays quiet.
MC: Nothing to reveal Finn?
FINN: Let’s just say I got four-tunate one night.
KAT: Tell the story then, babe.
FINN: I’ve already told this story to [MC]. My old man said to never tell the same story twice.
{If turned down hearing Finn’s story E05}
FINN: I got four-tunate one night.
KAT: Dish then, babe!
FINN: [MC] had a chance to hear this and she turned me down. So, I’m gonna sulk and keep it to myself.
DANA: Well, Finn wasn’t the only one to score with four!
The group cheer and look at Dana in surprise.
KAT: Total bucket list! Tell me you’re gonna spill?
DANA: Two girls. Two boys. Would have invited more but we were the last four standing at the party. Except we weren’t standing.
Everyone laughs.
DANA: Well, we were standing for some of it. But you don’t need all the deets.
EDDIE: I kinda want them. Bit of a turn on knowing you’re that adventurous, babe.
MC: Last card.
FINN: I’m all over it.
Finn takes the card and laughs in shock.
FINN: This is a biggie. Which one of you reprobates did this? Hmm.
EDDIE: Get on with it, bro.
FINN: Which Islander hid a long-term relationship from a person they were flirting with?
FINN: Relieved this one isn’t me.
KAT: You’d have been on the daybeds tonight if it was.
FINN: This is not what you wanna hear about someone you’ve just coupled with. Who’s gonna be on the daybeds tonight then?
KAT: What if it’s me?
The group looks at each other, tension hangs in the air. No one wants to admit it.
MC: Come on then, which one of you boys was it?
DANA: Who said it was one of the boys?
You catch Suresh looking at you, his trademark cockiness suddenly gone.
FINN: I see that look, Suresh! This was you wasn’t it, fella?
KAT: Oh my days! Not that surprised to be honest.
FINN: Nah, I thought it was him too.
ALFIE: This was when you were together?
Suresh looks away guiltily.
MC: It would have to be! I was supposedly his first proper girlfriend.
EDDIE: Better explain yourself, bro.
SURESH: I don’t need to explain myself to you, bro.
①. You need to explain yourself to me
②. No one wants to hear your explanations
MC: You owe me an explanation and it better be good.
DANA: Yeah, you really do.
FINN: We’re all ears.
MC: No one wants to hear you try to justify yourself.
FINN: Yeah we do.
SURESH: This has got nothing to do with anyone but me and [MC].
KAT: It does when we’re sharing a villa with your dirty laundry.
ALFIE: Is there anything you haven’t lied about, geezer?
Suresh grits his teeth.
MC: If you want me to believe anything you’ve said to me in the villa then you need to come clean.
Suresh cringes as he looks deep into your eyes.
MC: You said it was just a one time thing! Was that another lie too?
SURESH: No, that was the truth.
ALFIE: How’s anyone supposed to believe that?
SURESH: I don’t care what you think! I care what [MC] thinks.
MC: You need to tell me the full story before I know what I think about you.
Everyone stares at Suresh.
SURESH: This sounds worse than it was. So, the girl I got with that night.
DANA: You mean the one you cheated on her with?
MC: You mean the one I saw a picture of on your phone!
DANA: That’s seriously how you found out?
MC: Yeah, I spotted a picture on his phone of him lying next to a girl with a turtle tattoo.
KAT: Busted.
FINN: Sounds better than Alfie’s tat at least.
SURESH: The details don’t matter. Let me finish.
SURESH: Anyway, I met her at that cocktail bar I always went to with my workmates.
SURESH: I always had this chat with her. You know I’m a flirt! Never planned to take it anywhere.
MC: But you did!
SURESH: It was just banter between us for months. I got to know her pretty well.
SURESH: Well, we’d always have a flirt and a laugh and she just assumed I was single.
MC: Because of how much you were flirting with her?
SURESH: You never came up at first. And then we’d been chatting for too long and I couldn’t bring you up.
KAT: Three easy words, babe. I’ve got a girlfriend.
DANA: That’s four words. Five if we’re counting the apostrophe.
KAT: Whatever, Dana! He didn’t want to bring it up ‘cos he wanted to keep that flirty tension going.
FINN: That ‘something might happen one day’ vibe. Done it myself to be honest.
SURESH: Finn knows what I’m talking about!
FINN: But I know where the line is, man.
SURESH: I only stepped over it once. And I paid the price.
KAT: How’s she supposed to believe it was only once after all this?
Suresh turns away from the others and looks into your eyes - sincere, passionate.
SURESH: It was only once, you’ve gotta believe me on that.
①. I believe it was once
②. I don’t believe it was just once
③. I don’t know what to believe
MC: I believe you that it only happened once.
ALFIE: Once too many.
SURESH: Like I don’t know that?
MC: I don’t believe it only happened once!
SURESH: I wish you did.
MC: You’ve just admitted you flirted with her for months!
MC: How am I supposed to know what to believe right now?
MC: This is a lot.
SURESH: I know it is.
Alfie and Dana look at you, supportive. Suresh broods intensely.
SURESH: Nothing happened with her apart from that one night. Like I told you already!
MC: So you were saving the details to avoid hurting me?
Suresh shifts under your levelling gaze, his jaw hardening in defensiveness.
SURESH: Pretty much, yeah.
ALFIE: Yeah, right, geezer.
SURESH: Like you’ve told the whole story about everything, Alfie?
ALFIE: What’s that supposed to mean?
SURESH: Nothing you wanna reveal about last night, then?
Kat looks at Alfie, who seems a bit sheepish.
ALFIE: Nah, nothing to admit on my end, geezer.
Kat looks surprised to hear this.
SURESH: You’re not as good a guy as you’re making out. I’m sure of that!
ALFIE: I’m not the one making out I’m something I’m not, geezer.
EDDIE: Come on, boys. Cool, calm, collected yeah?
KAT: I’m feeling cool, calm, neglected... Haven’t been centre of attention for at least four minutes.
This breaks the tension with everyone laughing, except you and Suresh. He holds eye contact intensely.
MC: Would you have ever told me about this if it hadn’t come out in the game?
SURESH: I know you’re pretty pissed off right now, but we need to talk about this alone.
EDDIE: Don’t agree with what he did, but I think you should hear him out, [MC].
DANA: Nah, I reckon you’ve heard enough from him for now.
ALFIE: Maybe do the right thing for once and give her some space, Suresh!
SURESH: Maybe stay out of it guys! None of you were there and you don’t know how any of this went down.
SURESH: Gimme a chance to explain all this. Away from this lot. There’s a lot we need to say to each other!
①. Let’s talk on the swing seat
②. I need time alone
MC: Fine, let’s get this done then.
Suresh looks at you with fiery determination.
MC: I’m done speaking to you right now. I’m going to the bedroom to get my head straight.
SURESH: Neither of us will get our heads straight without having this out.
DANA: Your baggage isn’t just affecting you two anymore.
KAT: Whatever you’re looking for in the villa, you ain’t gonna find it till you sort this stuff out.
ALFIE: I agree with the girls.
SURESH: Come to the swing seat with me?
❶. I need to know, I’ll go to the swing seat
❷. I need time alone
(directs to scene below from choice ①)
MC: I’m going to the bedroom. By myself!
SURESH: Okay, babe. Talk soon then.
{If talk with Suresh  on swing}—————————————————
You sit across from Suresh on the swing seat, an awkward tension and large gap between you. The other Islanders stare at you both across the garden.
SURESH: Wanna mind your own business?!
KAT: Don’t get your knickers in a twist, hun. Weren’t us who did her dirty was it?
Suresh shoots Kat side eye until Finn leads her away.
SURESH: This lot need to back off.
MC: Well it affects them when you’re ruining the villa vibe!
SURESH: They didn’t need to make this such a big deal!
MC: What you did wasn’t a big deal?
SURESH: I reckon everyone here has done what I did.
MC: You think I have?
SURESH: You telling me you never had a flirt with someone when we were together?
①. I flirted with people when we were together
②. I never flirted with anyone but you
③. I’m not the one who needs to explain myself
MC: Yeah, I got my flirt on sometimes.
SURESH: So why the high horse about me then?
MC: You asked if I flirted. I don’t need to answer any more of your questions.
MC: I only ever had eyes for you, Suresh.
SURESH: I believe you on that.
MC: I brought you up as soon as anyone started flirting with me.
MC: You’re the one who should be explaining himself, not me!
SURESH: So that’s a yes then!
MC: Stop deflecting! You’re the one who acted out.
Suresh looks away petulantly, clearly hating being on the backfoot.
MC: You just gonna sit there and sulk?
SURESH: I’m not sulking! I’m thinking.
MC: Thinking about what?
SURESH: Honestly? Despite all this noise I’m thinking about how good we were for each other.
MC: Are you for real?
SURESH: You brought out a different side of me. A more caring, thoughtful side that I didn’t even know I had in me.
SURESH: And I brought out your impulsive, wild side more than anyone else had.
SURESH: You know you were my first proper serious relationship. And I doubt I’ll ever have a girlfriend who gets close to you!
MC: These are all nice words and maybe you do mean them.
SURESH: I don’t say things I don’t mean. Not to you, anyway.
MC: But if what we had was that special. Then for you to cheat and blow it all…
MC: Is that just because that’s who you are?
SURESH: You know how many girls I turned down when we were together?
MC: You want a medal? You want me to thank you for only cheating on me once?
SURESH: I want you to know how much effort I went through to be a good boyfriend to you!
①. I know you tried
②. I know you failed
③. It shouldn’t be an effort
MC: I know you did try to be a good boyfriend to me. I guess it’s tough to move on from being a player.
SURESH: I wanted to. For you.
MC: It doesn’t make any difference when you fail like you did. What you did was a joke.
Suresh clenches his jaw in frustration.
MC: The fact you have to make an effort to be a good boyfriend says it all.
SURESH: Everyone has to make an effort to be a good boyfriend.
MC: Everyone isn’t like you, Suresh!
SURESH: Well, it wasn’t all on me was it?
MC: What’s that supposed to mean?
SURESH: There was more to what happened between us.
MC: Like what?
SURESH: All that matters now is that we try to move past it. I can’t undo what I did.
MC: You’re not even gonna apologise?
SURESH: I’m done apologising.
MC: Are you being serious?
SURESH: I’ve apologised a million times to you. I’m done with it!
①. It’s not done until I say it is
②. I might be open, if you apologise properly
③. I don’t care what you do
MC: After what you did, I’m nowhere near done with it!
SURESH: Yeah, that’s obvious.
MC: You’ve not even apologised for flirting with her for months.
MC: How am I supposed to forgive you if you don’t think you did anything wrong?
SURESH: I didn’t say that, did I?
MC: Apologise then!
SURESH: I’m not apologising with this lot gawping at me!
MC: You do you, Suresh? Like usual.
MC: Where does that leave us, then?
SURESH: Like I know!
Suresh squirms as the other Islanders all stare at you again.
SURESH: This is going round in circles. I’m going to work out.
MC: Are you actually for real?
Before the words have left your mouth, Suresh paces away towards the gym.
SURESH: At least you’ve heard what I’ve gotta say on this.
MC: And your reaction says it all!
With everyone staring at you, you storm away into the villa!
You sit on your bed, your head spinning from the revelations about Suresh’s cheating. As you glance at the side of the bed Suresh should’ve been sleeping on, Alfie enters.
ALFIE: Alright, lovely. Just thought I’d check in on you. Need a hug?
①. I’d love a hug
②. I’m doing fine
③. I’m raging about Suresh
MC: I’m all about the cuddles right now.
Alfie smiles at you sensitively and brings you in for a tender cuddle.
MC: This is our second hug already.
ALFIE: Less dramatic than the first one.
Alfie laughs as he softly pulls away from you.
MC: I’m all good, thanks though Alfie.
ALFIE: Course, sweetheart. I’ll save you a free hug token. Redeem it whenever.
MC: I’m trying to be calm but it’s not easy with Suresh.
ALFIE: Too right, anyone would’ve lost their chill in your position.
{If refused talk with Suresh}
ALFIE: I think you made the right call getting some space from Suresh.
{If talk with Suresh on swing}
ALFIE: I couldn’t believe some of what I overheard from your chat with Suresh!
ALFIE: That geezer’s got a lot of cheek after what he did. He should be grovelling for another shot with you!
MC: Grovelling isn’t really his style.
ALFIE: I can’t stand people like Suresh!
ALFIE: Anyway, wanted you to know I’m here for ya, sweetheart.
ALFIE: I probably get your situation more than anyone else here.
MC: Why’s that?
ALFIE: Remember I mentioned I had a similar ex situation myself?
MC: Oh yeah, what’s the deal with that?
ALFIE: Well, just between us, but she cheated on me. With some player guy.
MC: Sorry to hear that, Alfie. Guess you do know what I went through then.
ALFIE: She was my first proper girlfriend. And I was kinda all in with her. Didn’t see it coming at all!
ALFIE: The worst part was the guy she cheated with was a total player.
ALFIE: She probably meant nothing to him. A story to tell his boys.
ALFIE: When she meant everything to me.
MC: Did you love her?
ALFIE: I thought I did. But maybe I didn’t even know her like I thought I did.
MC: Were you tempted to take her back?
ALFIE: I wanted to. Nearly did a few times. But she’d broken my trust and I knew there’d be no going back to how it was before.
MC: Trust seems pretty important to you.
ALFIE: Hundred percent! You need that solid foundation if you’re gonna build anything that’ll last.
MC: Did your dad teach you that at work?
Alfie laughs.
ALFIE: Day one at building school.
Alfie holds your gaze, now more serious with passion stirring in his eyes.
ALFIE: I know we’re just getting to know each other, but...
ALFIE: But I hope you know I’d never do anything like Suresh did?
①. I trust you already
②. I don’t trust you yet
MC: I trust you wouldn’t cheat like Suresh. You seem like an honest guy.
ALFIE: Glad to hear that, darlin’.
MC: It’s too early to know whether I trust you yet, Alfie. I’ve been burnt before.
ALFIE: I get that, it’s only day two.
ALFIE: You’ve been on my mind a lot today. Feels like we’re already on the level and the chat always flows.
ALFIE: Let’s just say I’m having second thoughts about saying I wanted to be just friends with you.
ALFIE: I think us having similar ex-periences has kinda fast tracked the connection between us.
MC: You and your puns, Alfie.
ALFIE: Can’t help it. Like how I can’t help wanting to kiss you right now.
As Alfie looks deep into your eyes, Kat enters the bedroom.
KAT: Heard some of this cosy chat from the dressing room. Thought I’d better chip in.
ALFIE: Can you not? We’re in the middle of something, Kat.
KAT: Don’t you think [MC] should know the truth before you try it on with her?
MC: The truth about what?
KAT: About what happened last night between us.
{If gossiped with Kat E04}
KAT: I know I didn’t tell you the full story about last night. But you should hear it now.
{If didn’t want to know Kat gossip E04}
KAT: I know you said you didn’t want the full story earlier, babe. But you should hear it now.
KAT: I’d have told you everything earlier if I thought he’d make moves on you so soon.
ALFIE: I was just telling her how I feel.
KAT: Well, I’m just making sure [MC] don’t get hurt again by trusting another player.
ALFIE: I’m no player!
KAT: After last night I’m not so sure, babe. Especially now you’re trying it on with her… Again.
ALFIE: You’re just being a drama queen! Nothing major happened with us last night.
KAT: That ain’t true though is it, babe?
MC: Alfie…?
Alfie shifts uncomfortably and looks into your eyes…
NARRATOR: Well, a game of Guilty Secrets was never gonna end with the Islanders skipping hand in hand into the Mallorcan sunset now was it?
NARRATOR: It seems we’re only just beginning to uncover the secrets [MC] and Suresh have buried away.
NARRATOR: And it sounds like Alfie and Kat may have a guilty secret of their own from last night.
NARRATOR: Will [MC] judge Alfie to be innocent? Or will she find him guilty of being a secret player?
NARRATOR: Find out next time on Love Island!
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Hey i have a question, are you able to see the islanders that are not introduced yet? If so are you able to post
xoxo, Madoki
Nope, sorry, I don't have them, unfortunately (except for the one girl's face). All the info I've found is already up on this blog. I'll be posting anything new as soon as I get my grubby little data mining paws on it.
After the leaks from last season, I think the cheeky buggers at fusebox are a little reticent to include any errr… extraneous files shall we say within the game. Either that or S5's release has been so rushed that they legitimately have not finished the artwork for the unintroduced islanders whiiich… well, I sincerely hope that's not the case, but I have my doubts.
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post the unedited scripts sexy
Oh my...
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But you will have to try harder buttering me up to get me to fold anon, my answer is still
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I promise I have my reasons. I will go into more detail after I have vol 3 up.
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Hii! I just wanted to say thank you for posting the scripts! I don’t particularly want to play until I know we’re getting more than one decent female LI, so being able to read the scripts is super helpful. You’re awesome ❤️
You're welcome! That's totally understandable. In S4 poor Najuma was forgotten and as much as I love Anj, she was barely a route. I hope it will be better this season, but I'm keeping my expectations low so as not to be disappointed 😅
Whenever I have anything new on any LI's it will promptly be posted! Fingers crossed the wait won't be too long 🤞
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I tried to send this off-anon but I'm super shy oof, but I just wanted to say thank you sooooo much for being willing to share your findings with us! I have no clue what the scripts look like, but it kinda sounds like it takes some effort to make it more comprehensible for the average Joe Blow? I mean even if it was easy, thank you for sharing The Good Stuff, maybe especially seeing what happened last time if you know what I'm talking about...
Hope you've been having a great day!
awww thanks for your kind words, I appreciate it! There's no need to be shy, but I get it. I'm happy to answer anyone, anon or otherwise 😊
I'll be fully transparent here. It's not that the raw scripts are the next Voynich manuscript or anything. It's more the fact that making them presentable is just plain time-consuming, not to mention extremely tedious. There are around 600+ lines per episode that I have to go through. I've created macros to make the process a little quicker which means I'll be able to release everything earlier than I anticipated, but it still takes time.
Here's a little overview of my process:
Get rid of the junk code in every line
Rework all the Islander names
Rebuild choice scenes
Remove duplicate scenes resulting from story branching
General formatting for ease of reading
Proofreading and final edits
Thank you to everyone else who've sent me such lovely messages ❤
btw I know what you're referring to and I'm planning to give some insight into that whole situation soon.
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in the game there are 7 sillhouettes, does tuis mean there will only be seven bombshells?
!Spoilers Ahead!
Again, sorry, I don't know. Based on the episode synopses, two girls come in before episode 25. Beyond that is anyone's guess. There are 6 named girls who have yet to appear, 4 of which have placeholder sprites within the game files. Judging by that, we'll probably get 4-6 guys to match. Casa would need at least 3 new characters to set it apart from a regular bombshell introduction. So 7 does seem to be in line with the minimum when you add it up. However, apparently, last season had fewer silhouettes than Islanders, so it wouldn't surprise me if we do get a couple more.
All of this is entirely speculation on my part. Everything concrete that I have (apart from the scripts I've yet to publish) has already been posted here.
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Hi there! Thanks so much for these spoilers. Do you happen to know if suresh will be endgame? Thanks so much 🖤
Sorry, I have absolutely no clue who any of the endgame LI's are. Unless there's an insider leak from fusebox it's unlikely we'll know until much later. Besides which, I would take any such leaks with a grain of salt given how much misleading info was floating around over the course of S4's release.
In the meantime enjoy the ride that is Suresh's route. Hope he does end up as endgame for you anon!
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LITG S5 — Volume II E05 Script
!Spoilers Ahead!
Sorry, Tumblr messed up the formatting in my E04 post. It should be fixed now.
Finn’s Steal
Who will Finn pick at the recoupling?
NARRATOR: Last time on Love Island, Bombshell Finn was just about to announce which girl gets to date him first.
NARRATOR: Will [MC] be Finn’s number one? I’ve never been anybody’s first choice for anything. I wasn’t even the first pick for this job!
NARRATOR: I was just the only person willing to spend the summer alone in this shed!
NARRATOR: Maybe Finn will surprise us all and pick me for a date? I could do with a bit of fresh air! Let’s find out!
The islanders are gathered around Finn, anxiously awaiting his first date decision.
Kat clears her throat a little too loudly, flicking her hair back behind her ear expectantly.
FINN: Well, I guess my number one girl has gotta be, the Ca...
KAT: Yes!!
FINN: ...Captivating [MC].
Suresh looks irritated and Dana can’t stifle her laughter.
KAT: Grow up, Dana!
DANA: I’m sorry but I’m only human and that was so jokes.
FINN: Sorry, Kat. I didn’t mean to…
KAT: Save your sorrys, hun.
KAT: I’m sure you’re keeping the best till last anyways.
She gives Finn a cheeky wink. Dana chuckles.
DANA: Well, guess that makes me the third date then?
DANA: Oh cheer up, Kat, I’m only winding you up.
SURESH: What happened to bro code, Finn?
FINN: It’s nothing personal, pal. I had to pick someone.
SURESH: Ah whatever, man.
Suresh skulks off.
You spot Alfie looking over at you, a little dejected.
Dana pulls you and Kat in for a chat, squeezing your hand with excitement.
DANA: So, you’re up, [MC]! First round ding, ding. Fight! How you feeling?
CHOICE ①. Let’s get ready to rumble!
②. I think he’s punching above his weight
③. I’m hedging my bets
MC: Let’s see what he’s made of!
DANA: Yas, girl! Fighting talk!
KAT: Urgh.
MC: I’m gonna run circles around him.
KAT: I don’t know about that, [MC]. He’s pretty... big.
MC: Nothing I can’t handle.
DANA: Yas, girl!
MC: I guess we will see what he’s made of.
DANA: I like it. Keep him on his toes.
DANA: Float like a butterfly, sting like a bad bitch.
DANA: Well, we gotta make sure you’re a knockout, girl. Dressing room, let’s go!
Dana takes your hands, pulling you and a reluctant Kat towards the villa.
FINN: I’ll be waiting ladies!
Dana kicks open the dressing room door and paces in, dragging you and Kat in behind her.
DANA: Right ladies, first dates mean no messin’ about. This is the real deal.
KAT: Can’t believe this is our first proper date! And [MC] gets him first…
DANA: Oh get over it, Kat. There’s plenty of him to go around, you’ll get your slice of the pie.
KAT: If [MC] doesn’t eat it all...
DANA: Oi! [MC] is just warming him up for us, right?
①. He’s all yours 
②. He’s all mine
③. I haven’t made up my mind
MC: I have enough on my plate to be honest with the whole Suresh situation. But I guess I have no choice.
KAT: Perfect, more for me.
DANA: Or me…
MC: I dunno, he looks pretty tasty to me. Might get carried away.
DANA: Ooh saucy.
KAT: Gross.
MC: I might sack him off…
MC: Or I might be tempted to have a cheeky nibble…
DANA: Oi! Naughty.
KAT: Ew.
KAT: Well, I happen to know Finn thinks I’m a bit of him.
DANA: Oh yeah, how’s that?
KAT: I know a vibe when I feel it. We just get each other you know? We’ve been chatting a lot actually.
MC: Yeah, we know.
KAT: What’s that supposed to mean?
①. You’re like Finn’s shadow 
②. You and Finn seem to be getting on! 
③. I’ve been getting some vibes myself
MC: It’s like you’re playing a game of kiss chase at school.
KAT: Shut up!
MC: You even came over when we were chatting in the gym…
KAT: He was burning up! Sorry for being caring.
You and Dana share a knowing look.
MC: I just noticed that you two have been vibing!
KAT: Aw thanks, [MC], he just gets me.
DANA: Well, [MC] gets him first today.
MC: We had a really good chat in the gym.
MC: About him offering to spoon me earlier, while I watched him pump weights. It felt like a real moment.
KAT: Right...
You and Dana share a playful look.
DANA: Well, anyway, you still need to be lookin’ 100%, [MC]. Give him a date he won’t forget.
DANA: It’ll require the perfect outfit. We’ll help you, won’t we Kat.
KAT: I guess...
DANA: Great, loving the enthusiasm.
DANA: You know Finn pretty well then, Kat, right?
KAT: Yep, why?
DANA: So, what gets him going? You know, what floats his dingy, revs his engine?
KAT: I know what he likes.
MC: Okay, care to enlighten us?
KAT: He likes tattoos. Oh and beer!
DANA: Wow Kat, you’re a regular Sherlock Holmes.
KAT: And jewellery, he was showing me his rings.
DANA: Oh, that was actually helpful.
DANA: Well, [Mc], I picked out an outfit that you’re gonna look and feel gorg in!
DANA: Probs drive the other Islanders wild with jealousy too!
KAT: Ooh try it on then!
KAT: I wanted to hate it.
KAT: But you look fit as, babe.
DANA: You going for this look then, or something else?
DANA: I’m so excited for you! I wonder what kind of date it will be? Wouldn’t mind a cheeky bottle of vino blanco, por favor.
KAT: Please let it be Sangria!! With all the fruit and everything.
DANA: Anyway times nearly up girl, you gotta go!
DANA: Careful walking past Suresh in that outfit, his eyes might fall out of his head.
KAT: I bet Suresh ain’t too happy Finn picked you first...
DANA: Ah it’s just a date, does it really matter what Suresh thinks?
①. Who cares?
②. I hope he’s okay with it
MC: Not like I had a choice anyway. Can’t help it if I’m irresistible!
DANA: Yas! Love that confidence!
MC: He said he was going to fight for me earlier, I hope he’s not upset…
DANA: Great! Let him fight! No harm in a bit of friendly competition.
KAT: Yeah, if he wants you back he has to graft!
DANA: Right, so what’s your game plan?
MC: My game plan?
KAT: You don’t have one?
DANA: For the date, you gonna get your flirt on?
①. I’m gonna get my flirt on!
②. I’m letting him do the grafting
③. I’m going with the flow
MC: Show him what he’s been looking for.
DANA: He won’t know what’s hit him, girl!
KAT: Good luck with that...
MC: Oh don’t worry, by tonight I’ll have him wrapped around my little finger.
KAT: Sure you will.
MC: I don’t need a game plan. If he wants this he’ll have to work for it. Bring on the graft!
DANA: Fierce, I love it.
KAT: Good luck with that.
MC: Will see where the night takes me.
DANA: I like that, play it cool.
DANA: Well what are you waiting for! Get out there.
DANA: Good luck!
Kat stays silent until Dana nudges her.
KAT: Good luck! You might need it…
In a beautiful, flowery courtyard you find Finn waiting patiently beside a table.
FINN: Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes. Here...
Finn approaches you and offers his arm, guiding you to the table where he pulls out a seat.
MC: I thought chivalry didn’t exist anymore.
FINN: Maybe in England, but us Irish are keeping up the good fight.
MC: Wow, how noble of you.
FINN: Well if pulling out a chair for a beautiful girl makes me a saint then so be it.
Finn takes a seat beside you, he pauses for a moment, looking you up and down and taking in a deep breath.
MC: What is it?
FINN: Just taking it all in. I wasn’t expecting this.
MC: Oh really? You do know who you picked first, right?
FINN: Yeah, but I wasn’t expecting the Rose of Tralee to stroll out the door.
MC: Are you calling me a rose?
FINN: No, well yes. It’s a festival down in County Kerry to try and find the most beautiful woman in the world.
FINN: But I think I may have already found her, don’t you?
①. Here I am!
②. I’m not that special
③. That’s so cheesy
MC: When will I be crowned?
FINN: Well that depends, whether you are standing by my side at the end of the night.
MC: Oh I see, and would that make you my King?
Finn raises his eyebrow with a cheeky grin.
FINN: If you’re lucky.
MC: I think they should keep looking.
FINN: I beg to differ. Just because Suresh doesn’t make you feel that way, doesn’t make it so.
MC: Well...
MC: How many girls have you used that line on?
FINN: It’s no line. Just because Suresh hasn’t told you that, doesn’t mean it’s not true.
MC: Urm…
{If wearing gem outfit}
FINN: Any man should be thanking their lucky stars to be with you, especially in an outfit like that...
MC: You like it?
FINN: Let’s just say you already know me pretty well picking out that number.
FINN: Can I pour you a drink?
Finn reaches across the table and picks up a jug of bright red sangria, glowing in the midday sun.
Finn pours you both a glass of sangria and raises his.
FINN: Sláinte is táinte!
MC: Who is what now?
FINN: It means health and wealth.
MC: Well, I’ll cheers to that.
Finn looks into your eyes as your glasses clink together.
MC: Not on the beers then? What with the brewery and all.
FINN: Well, I guess I’m full of surprises.
MC: Ah I see, and are we in for a surprise later on at the recoupling?
FINN: Well that would be telling.
MC: Seems like you might be enjoying all this power.
FINN: Who wouldn’t? A villa full of lovely ladies and I get to take my pick.
MC: Well when you put it like that. Is that why you’re here on Love Island? To take your pick?
FINN: It’s certainly a perk of the job.
MC: I don’t imagine you have much trouble with the girls back in Dublin though?
FINN: You think I’m a player?
MC: Aren’t you?
FINN: I try not to be. You don’t seem short of attention yourself y’know.
MC: Oh?
FINN: You haven’t noticed? Every guy in here has their eyes on you.
FINN: I don’t need to tell you about Suresh, based on that display earlier.
FINN: What’s the deal? Is there anything there between you?
①. Yeah, there is something between us
②. No way
③. I don’t know, it’s complicated
MC: We have a lot of history. Those feelings never really go away, you know?
FINN: Life’s too short to go backwards if you ask me.
MC: He keeps making me all these promises.
FINN: Is it enough to heal all the wounds though?
MC: Maybe it just takes time?
MC: Suresh is in the past. I’m looking for a change, not to go backwards.
FINN: I’m glad to hear you say that. You deserve a lot better.
MC: Him being here has just sent my head spinning a bit.
FINN: Well don’t worry, I’ll catch you if you get dizzy.
MC: Smooth.
FINN: You got your eyes on anyone else then?
FINN: I’m sure you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket just yet?
①. I’m keeping my options open
②. There might be some others
③. Your basket is looking pretty appealing right now
MC: Don’t want to rush into anything, seeing as I’m such hot property, or so you say.
FINN: Very wise.
MC: There are some sparks flying.
FINN: With who?
MC: Well ‘that would be telling’.
FINN: Touché.
MC: Might be tempted to jump in your basket.
MC: Wouldn’t mind cosying up inside.
FINN: Well now we’re talking...
MC: How about you? I hear from Kat that you are two peas in a pod.
FINN: Did you now... Kat seems like a nice girl and all, but...
MC: But what?
FINN: She’s a tad clingy. It was grand at first but sometimes I want to be alone in the pod. You know?
MC: I think she may have a bit of a crush.
Finn chuckles.
FINN: Don’t get me wrong I’m flattered and she’s great craic but I tend to go for someone a bit more… laid back.
FINN: You on the other hand are a bit of a mystery.
MC: You’re a bit of an enigma yourself.
FINN: An enigma? That’s a new one. How can I fix that?
MC: You can tell me who you are going to couple up with tonight.
FINN: Wow, guess we are past the small talk then!
FINN: Well, I still have two more dates and all, but...
FINN: How would you feel if I said I was going to couple up with you?
①. Consider me yours
②. I’m not sure we’re a match
③. It could work, if you play your cards right
MC: I think you may have met your match.
FINN: Well, there is only one way to find out.
Finn places a hand around your waist and pulls you in close. He leans in slowly.
❶. Kiss him
❷. Not yet
You let Finn take hold and embrace you in a passionate kiss.
You stroke Finn’s cheek gently as you sit back.
MC: One step at a time, playboy.
FINN: I can wait.
He smiles at you warmly.
MC: You seem like a nice guy and everything, but I’ve got a lot to figure out.
MC: Not sure I have time for mystery playboys at the moment.
FINN: Well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed, but I appreciate your honesty.
MC: Let’s hope you have some aces up your sleeve.
FINN: I think I’ve got a pretty good hand.
MC: You’re not bluffing?
FINN: Well, that’s up to you to figure out...
He shoots you a wry smile.
FINN: Well, I must say, [MC] this has been one of the best dates I’ve had the pleasure of going on.
MC: One of? You mean it wasn’t the best?
FINN: Unfortunately that position is held by a particularly special occasion. But I’ve already said too much.
MC: Some people might call that rude!
MC: What date could possibly be better than a date with me?!
FINN: Well, just trust me it’s a pretty wild tale.
FINN: My boys told me not to tell anyone in the villa this as it might change their mind on me.
FINN: But you seem like you’ve got a naughty side. So maybe I’ll take a gamble on you.
FINN: Might even help make my mind up on whether to choose you tonight.
FINN: If you can handle the heat that is?
①. Yes, I can handle the heat
②. Nah, might be too much for a first date
FINN: Strong choice, Beour. Hope you’re ready!
Finn stands up and offers you a hand.
FINN: Let’s find somewhere a bit more private…
MC: Okay, we’re here, now stop stalling and spill!
FINN: Alright, alright! Well basically it was a couple of years ago.
FINN: And I was visiting some friends who were working in Paris, staying at their place.
FINN: They were busy one of the nights and I got back to their flat and I was locked out.
FINN: So I thought, no bother. I jumped on the apps and get chatting to this nice Parisian girl.
MC: Go on....
FINN: So, I end up going to meet this girl up in Montmartre.
FINN: But when I get there she’s brought her flatmate with her.
MC: Oh, wasn’t it awkward?
FINN: Well, turns out the girl I was talking to didn’t really speak much English.
FINN: Her friend had been helping her and she brought her along to translate and the like.
MC: Weren’t you all speaking the language of love then?
FINN: Well, yeah we were. They’re both rather lovely. Like, really rather lovely.
FINN: So the craic is great and then it’s the wee hours.
FINN: And they invite me back to theirs. Don’t mind if I do, I say.
MC: And you had a threesome.
FINN: No no no.
MC: Oh?
FINN: Well, we get in and to my surprise there’s another really rather lovely lady. A third flatmate.
MC: You didn’t!
FINN: I did.
MC: Three girls!
FINN: You asked for the story.
MC: Wow, well you did say it was extraordinary.
FINN: Well, this has the potential to be even better.
Finn gives you a cheeky wink.
FINN: But first, I want to know more about what makes you tick before my decision later.
FINN: What would you have done?
❶. Join the party!
❷. I’d want you to myself
❸. You do you. But that’s not me
MC: Sounds like a good time to me!
FINN: Well we can have our own little party right now?
Finn scooches closer to you.
FINN: How about a kiss? A perfect end to a perfect date.
⓵. Make out!
⓶. Not today
MC: I thought you’d never ask.
Finn kisses your neck, leading all the way to your lips.
He kisses you passionately before pulling away and looking deep into your eyes.
MC: Let’s take it slow.
FINN: As you wish.
MC: I’m not one for sharing.
FINN: Well, I’m all yours.
Finn scooches closer to you.
FINN: What about a kiss? A perfect end to a perfect date.
⓵. Make out!
⓶. Not today
MC: I thought you’d never ask.
Finn continues to kiss your neck, leading all the way to your lips.
He kisses you passionately before pulling away and looking deep into your eyes.
MC: Let’s take it slow.
FINN: As you wish.
MC: Sounds super awkward.
FINN: Sure, it’s not for everyone.
FINN: This has been something special. I’m sad it has to end so soon.
FINN: But I’m sure we will be seeing lots of each other.
Finn heads back into the villa.
FINN: See you at the recoupling.
FINN: That’s a shame as I was hoping revealing my wild side might bring us closer ahead of tonight.
FINN: But I could always save that for one of my other dates and see if the other girls are interested.
FINN: But I picked you first for a reason. So how about it becomes our little secret?
❶. Now you have to tell me!
❷. I’ll pass. But I’m sure Kat’ll love it
(directs to above scene from choice ①)
Finn scoffs.
FINN: Yeah, I’m not so sure.
Finn’s phone pings.
MC: Times up?
FINN: Sadly, so. I wish we could stay here together all day. This has been something special.
FINN: But I’m sure we will be seeing a lot of each other.
MC: You happy you picked me first then?
FINN: Guess you’ll find out at the recoupling.
Striding back into the villa, your head still spinning from your date with Finn, you’re hit by a splash of water.
Eddie has performed a perfect somersault into the pool whilst Alfie clumsily flops over, slapping his back onto the water.
You approach the poolside as Alfie comes up for air.
ALFIE: Arghh! The pain!! The agony! I’m a goner!
Alfie looks up and sees you watching.
ALFIE: Ah! [MC]! Where did you come from?!
MC: Hello to you too.
Eddie bursts out of the water, slicking back his blonde hair.
EDDIE: [MC]! She returns!
They both slip out of the pool and join you.
{If wearing gem outfit}
Alfie looks you up and down.
ALFIE: You look...
EDDIE: Gorgeous!
ALFIE: I was gonna say stunnin’ but yeah... thanks Edward.
ALFIE: So, how was your date with the hairy biker?
EDDIE: Did he lay it on thick?
ALFIE: Did he steal your heart away?
Over the boy’s shoulders you spy Suresh, laid back on a lounger, pretending not to listen.
MC: Wouldn’t you like to know.
ALFIE: I would actually. How was it really? Was Finn all he’s cracked up to be?
①. He was even better
②. He seems like a bit of a player
③. I can’t read him
MC: I had a really nice time actually! He definitely knows how to treat a woman.
ALFIE: Well, that’s... good.
MC: His date game was on point, what can I say?
You see Suresh squirm in his seat.
EDDIE: Uhuh, I bet he knew all the right things to say...
MC: It felt like he was just saying everything I wanted to hear… but with an agenda.
ALFIE: All gab and nothin’ to back it up?
You see Suresh smirk.
EDDIE: Sounds about right.
MC: I don’t know. I can’t tell what his vibe is yet.
ALFIE: Whatcha mean?
MC: I just wasn’t sure how to take him.
EDDIE: Sounds like he’s playing games to me.
ALFIE: Sounds like the guy’s got game.
MC: Enough to keep you two on your toes.
{if wearing gem outfit}
MC: He was practically drooling when he saw me in this outfit. Said any man should thank their lucky stars to be with me.
Suresh overhears and shakes his head.
ALFIE: Well, he’s not wrong there.
EDDIE: Drooling... that is charming.
EDDIE: Let me guess, he probably compared you to the Rose of Tralee next.
MC: What? How did you know?
EDDIE: You’re joking! Did he actually!
Eddie starts to laugh. Alfie looks down awkwardly.
EDDIE: One of the other boarders at school was this Irish boy, Ross, he used that line on all the English girls.
MC: Oh right...
EDDIE: Knew he was a player the second he came in! Can’t trust what guys like that say! He’s just playing games.
ALFIE: Cut it out will ya, mate?
EDDIE: Oh, sorry. What am I saying?
ALFIE: We don’t know that he was lying. Right, [MC]?
①. Yeah, I think Finn was being genuine
②. I dunno, guess it was just a pickup line
③. It was cheesy either way
MC: He seemed to really mean it.
ALFIE: I’m sure he did. Right, Eddie?
EDDIE: Of course, sorry, [MC].
MC: Maybe Finn is just a player..
EDDIE: Hey, doesn’t make it any less true!
Eddie places a comforting hand on your shoulder.
MC: Made me gag a little.
EDDIE: Sounds like you saw through him.
Alfie looks unsure.
ALFIE: Well, whatever, Finn seems like a decent geezer and he’s a laugh.
EDDIE: Yeah, I guess.
MC: You boys aren’t worried about him coupling with one of us?
Alfie’s smile fades as he looks lost in thought.
Eddie lowers his voice to a whisper, glancing at Suresh shifting in his lounger.
EDDIE: A certain someone isn’t as chilled as he’s making out. Seemed super tense when you were out on your date.
ALFIE: Went to the gym three times! Guess it stings knowing your ex is on a date with another geezer.
MC: Maybe so.
EDDIE: But I’m chilling. Finn can use every trick in the book, but Dana will see through it.
MC: What about you, Alfie? Feeling chilled about Finn and Kat?
Alfie seems flustered and starts to dry himself off with his towel.
ALFIE: What? Oh nah. I’m sure it’ll be fine.
ALFIE: I’m gonna run inside for a bit. See ya later.
MC: Is he okay? What was all that about?
EDDIE: Yeah, I dunno. Not sure if I can say?
MC: Say what?
EDDIE: Well it’s no secret that Kat has been paying Finn a lot of attention.
MC: Yeah, seems like everyone has noticed that.
EDDIE: Guess all this chat about Finn is making him nervous he might lose his shot with his dream girl.
MC: Maybe Kat will stay loyal...
EDDIE: Maybe it’s not Kat he’s worried about.
MC: Then who?
Eddie looks at you knowingly.
MC: Me?!
EDDIE: Don’t tell me you haven’t seen the way he looks at you?
①. Yeah, I’ve noticed
②. No, I haven’t noticed
③. I’m not sure
MC: But he’s still with Kat... and I’m with Suresh.
EDDIE: Just saying! Might all be different tonight!
MC: I haven’t noticed him giving me the eyes.
EDDIE: I have. And if Alfie was doing the picking tonight, I’m pretty sure you’d be his choice.
EDDIE: All I’m saying is, the couplings will all be pretty different by the end of the night!
MC: I don’t know if that means anything, plus he’s with Kat.
EDDIE: Just saying! It might all be different by the end of the night.
MC: You seem pretty confident about not losing Dana?
EDDIE: Yeah, don’t get me wrong, Dana is a bit of me. But it’s still early days. Anything can happen.
EDDIE: Plenty of chat to go around.
EDDIE: Wouldn’t want to miss out on getting to know the other beautiful girls in the villa.
Eddie winks at you.
EDDIE: Plus, you seem pretty ‘unfazed’ about being taken from Suresh?
MC: Suresh is…
Just then you sense someone behind you.
SURESH: Go on…
MC: Oh, Suresh!
EDDIE: How’s it going, maters?
Suresh scowls at Eddie.
SURESH: Yeah all good, maters!
He turns to you with a concerned look.
SURESH: We need a chat.
Suresh leads you over to the day beds and you sit down beside him.
SURESH: You didn’t finish your sentence.
MC: What sentence?
SURESH: With Eddie... Suresh is... Guessing it was the man of my dreams?
①. How did you know?
②. More like nightmares
③. You’re on thin ice
MC: That was exactly what I was about to say.
SURESH: I can read your mind.
MC: Can’t seem to wake up from this nightmare.
SURESH: Feisty.
MC: Don’t push your luck.
SURESH: Just having some fun with you.
MC: Is that why you pulled me over here?
SURESH: Just wanted to say I’m glad your date with Finny boy went so well. I like seeing that smile of yours.
MC: Even if it’s because of another guy? Someone who treats me well.
SURESH: I’ll let him have his fun, makes no difference to me.
MC: The boys said you weren’t this chilled during my date?
SURESH: I wouldn’t believe everything you hear.
SURESH: Plus you should know that even if Finn couples up with you tonight, I’m not giving up on you.
SURESH: We’re meant to be together, [MC]. That’s a fact.
Suresh looks at you with sexy, serious eyes…
You hear a commotion coming from the villa as Kat returns from her date with Finn.
Dana calls out to you as she approaches Kat.
DANA: Girl, you better come dish the goss right now!
SURESH: Sounds like she won’t be denied. See you at the recoupling.
Suresh winks at you as he gets up and makes his way over to the guys.
Dana gestures toward Kat who is giggling like a schoolgirl.
DANA: Someone’s in a good mood.
MC: I can tell.
KAT: Well, sorry not sorry, babes. I’m just living my best life and Dana’s jealous.
DANA: Ha! Good one, but I think I’ll survive the heartbreak.
DANA: Don’t get me wrong, Finn’s a fitty. And we had a laugh.
DANA: But the whole mysterious, sexy Irishman routine wore a bit thin.
KAT: Are you actually for real?! How? I mean that accent, and his bod is just...
DANA: Just what?
KAT: ...Fanny flutters, that’s all I’m saying.
DANA: I like the guy but think we will both be living in the friendzone from now on.
KAT: Works for me, babes!
MC: Go on then, you’re dying to tell us.
KAT: So, he gets up and leads me to the table, pulling out the chair and everything, proper gent.
KAT: Then the chat was just like so easy and he was just all charming and his chirpse game was on point.
KAT: I’m telling you I ain’t had that much chemistry since my GCSE’s.
DANA: What did you get in your GCSE’s?
KAT: A ‘D’ but that ain’t the point.
DANA: Did you get the ‘D’ from Finn too?
Kat rolls her eyes. Dana chuckles to herself.
KAT: No.
DANA: How about a kiss?
KAT: I ain’t telling...
KAT: But he did tell me that I was sexiest girl in the villa, so...
MC: Did he call you the Rose of Tralee too?
KAT: No, the rose of wha-? Was he flirty with you?
①. Yeah, he was grafting hard
②. Nah, not really
③. I couldn’t tell
MC: He said I was the Rose of Tralee, it means the most beautiful woman in the world apparently?
DANA: Someone’s melty for [MC]!
KAT: Whatever.
MC: He seemed more taken with himself to be honest.
KAT: Who can blame him?
Dana rolls her eyes.
MC: The man’s a mystery, what can I say.
DANA: Whose got time for it?
KAT: Me, I do.
DANA: Oh really? I couldn’t tell.
KAT: Well, I’m pretty sure he has his eye on me for the recoupling anyway. And ain’t complaining.
MC: What about Alfie?
KAT: I can’t choose who couples up with me can I, babes!
Dana looks over at you.
DANA: Looks like Alfie might be a single pringle soon…
Finn shouts out from the garden.
FINN: I got a text!
LITEXT: Finn, it's time to make your mind up and choose which girl you would like to couple up with. #StealingHearts #MakingMoves
KAT: I got a text!
LITEXT: Islanders, please make your way to the fire pit in your existing couples.
KAT: Ahh! Let’s gooo!
All of the Islanders sit in their couples around the Firepit. Finn stands up before you all.
Suresh smiles at you and leans into your ear.
SURESH: I really meant what I said earlier.
Before you can reply Finn spreads his arms out wide, about to make his announcement.
FINN: Well! Ain’t this grand? I want to start by thanking the ladies for gracing me with their presence today.
FINN: I’m sure they’ll all agree that we had quite an eventful day... But a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.
Finn looks over to you and winks.
You feel Suresh looking at you with an air of jealousy, but don’t make eye contact.
Alfie looks at Kat suspiciously.
FINN: Dana. You’re a laugh a minute. And to top off you’re as smokin’ hot as you are hilarious. Great craic all round.
FINN: I don’t think I’ve heard a dirtier joke than that one you told me.
Finn and Dana both burst out laughing.
EDDIE: Sounds hilarious…
FINN: Sorry! Guess you had to be there.
Dana settles down and looks a little embarrassed.
FINN: Then we have Kat. What.. a...firecracker.
FINN: Kat you’ve had your little claws in me since I walked through the door and I’m not complaining.
FINN: And our chat was so on fire, I was practically sweatin’, like.
FINN: We had some major chemistry, no disrespect to Alfie.
Kat hides a giddy smile. Alfie folds his arms and nods.
ALFIE: All part of the game.
Dana whispers to you with a wry grin.
DANA: Sounds like Finn gave her the D+.
FINN: And then we have [MC].
FINN: What can I say, stunning, sharp as a razor, and an absolute rose.
FINN: It’s no surprise that you have some people obsessing over you.
FINN: The competition seems heated but I love a challenge, sorry Suresh.
Kat slumps back in her seat in a huff. Suresh leans forward.
FINN: You definitely deserve someone who can treat you the right way.
FINN: Someone who knows what they’ve got.
Suresh tenses, he is visibly agitated.
FINN: You certainly give as good as you get. So maybe Suresh didn’t know how to handle you.
SURESH: Watch your mouth you idiot!
FINN: You’re the eejit to let a girl like [MC] go.
SURESH: Why don’t you pipe down? Stop talking about things you know nothing about!
FINN: Me? I know nothing? I’d say I have a better connection with her than you do.
FINN: And after tonight, I might get to know her even better still!
Suresh snaps out of his seat with fire in his eyes, Finn stands his ground. You stare at them in open-mouthed shock.
NARRATOR: Suresh needs to chill out, it’s not like Finn is about to hook up with his ex or anything! Oh, wait, maybe he is!
NARRATOR: Plenty more fish in the sea though. Seriously, there is, it’s all I’ve been eating for weeks!
NARRATOR: Maybe the boys need to dangle their hooks elsewhere though, as one of them is about to be single. And staying single on Love Island means only one thing…
NARRATOR: You’re either dumped, or you’re chucked in a shed and given this job! Neither option is ideal!
NARRATOR: Find out the fall out on the next episode!
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LITG S5 — Volume II E04 Script
!Spoilers Ahead!
I ended up cutting out the outfit selection dialogue because it was virtually identical to the previous episode’s and it saves me time. It doesn’t have any direct impact on gameplay anyhow.
Who’s who? What’s what?
Get to know the boys and decide who’s playing a game and who’s looking for love.
NARRATOR: ‘No cracking on’ pacts may have been broken quicker than the plates at a Greek wedding.
NARRATOR: Suresh might have been telling tales to get in Alfie’s head.
NARRATOR: And flirty Finn really just wants someone in his bed.
NARRATOR: Let’s get the goss on last night’s cheeky bedroom antics.
You start to wake up, brushing at your eyes.
The iconic Love Island bedroom appears around you. It wasn’t a dream, you really are here!
You look down at the empty space in your double bed where Suresh should be, then hear giggles rising from Kat and Alfie’s bed.
KAT: Alfie, you really are good with your hands!
Yawns and stretches signal the rising of the rest of the Islanders.
FINN: All those big tools he gets his hands on.
ALFIE: Yeah, yeah. Whatever mate, how’s sleeping alone?
FINN: Temporary.
You look over at Dana and Eddie. They are spooning, half-covered by the sheets.
EDDIE: Would you lot keep it down? We’re trying to snuggle over here.
DANA: I’d be enjoying this if it wasn’t for the racket going on.
EDDIE: My spooning skills are legendary, the rest of you could learn something from me.
FINN: Dana hasn’t felt the joy of being held in my arms yet pal.
DANA: I generally prefer my spooning to involve less chit chat than this.
EDDIE: Yeah, Finn. A good spoon is supposed to be quiet and peaceful.
DANA: Follow your own advice, Eddie.
Finn turns to you.
FINN: Fancy showing this pair how it’s done?
①. Brace yourself Finn, the spoon queen is jumping in
②. I’m not up for a spooning session Finn 
③. Finn, I might answer that if you pick me later
MC: Go on then, scoot over.
You dive into bed with Finn, nestling against his chest and settling into his big strong arms.
FINN: Now that’s spooning.
MC: You’re right about that. This is so nice.
FINN: You make a perfect little spoon.
DANA: See Eddie, that’s how you do it.
MC: It really is. I might stay here all day.
EDDIE: If you give me a chance, [MC] you’ll see how it’s properly done.
DANA: I’m right here still Eddie.
EDDIE: Sorry babe, just bants.
You stop spooning Finn and climb out of his bed.
MC: No thanks. A consolation spoon isn’t really my idea of a good time.
FINN: Well, you’re missing out. You wouldn’t believe what these arms can do.
MC: If you want to wrap those arms around me you better think ahead to tonight’s decision.
FINN: Oh, I am, darling.
MC: You really should be. It might be me that shows you a thing or two!
FINN: Now you’re really getting me excited.
ALFIE: How’d you sleep, [MC]? Not too lonely I hope.
①. It was nice to have the space
②. I could have done with some company
③. I couldn’t stop thinking about Suresh
MC: These beds are the absolute dream. I loved not sharing mine with anyone else.
KAT: You’re missing out, babe. Ain't that right, Alfie?
ALFIE: Yeah, it’s a shame not to fill a double bed.
MC: I could have done with somebody beside me
FINN: Well, you’re missing out. You wouldn’t believe what these arms can do.
MC: I couldn’t stop thinking of Suresh alone on the daybeds
EDDIE: I’m sure he was kept company by all the mozzies knocking about
FINN: Probably not the attention that he expected when he arrived here
ALFIE: Bet he’s buzzing
DANA: Not sure if I should be laughing at that
ALFIE: You only regret the shots that you don't take
DANA: Swing and a miss
FINN: So, who did what last night? I heard a few tell-tale sounds that certainly weren’t snores.
KAT: Well, my lips are sealed.
FINN: Naughty. Not sure they were sealed last night
ALFIE: Mate, you’re making me blush.
DANA: I defo heard some snoring, quite close to my ears funnily enough.
EDDIE: I was exhausted.
ALFIE: Must be hard tensing your pecs all day. Bet you were cream-crackered.
EDDIE: Maybe if you put a bit more work in you’d have some pecs to tense.
ALFIE: What do you call these?
Alfie flexes like a champion bodybuilder. Kat is a little embarrassed.
KAT: You don’t need to compete babe, seriously.
DANA: Oh yes he does, check me out.
Dana begins flexing in a fun and flirty way. Pulling silly faces as she does. She turns to you.
DANA: What do you think, [MC]?
①. Alfie wins
②. Dana wins
③. Flex your own body
MC: Sorry, Dana, but Alfie’s looking like he can compete with the best of them.
ALFIE: Thanks, [MC], this is prime British beefcake you’re looking at.
MC: Looks like Dana may have shown up all the boys this time.
DANA: Thanks, [MC], I think I won that with just my daft face pulling!
MC: You guys haven’t seen anything yet.
You flex as best as you can beneath your nightwear. The rest of the Islanders cheer you on.
FINN: Go on, [MC].
ALFIE: You’ve shown me up for sure.
EDDIE: I’m actually impressed.
DANA: Nobody has ever got me this worked up doing exercise.
MC: Maybe you should join my gym. Wait till you see my star jumps!
DANA: I imagine this would have been even better with bikinis and baby oil.
EDDIE: No doubt about that.
ALFIE: I didn’t pack my bikini.
FINN: I’ve got baby oil if anyone fancies a massage.
EDDIE: No need, the comfort of a beautiful girl next to me is all the relaxation I need.
ALFIE: Yeah, all the tension has been drained from my body by Kat.
DANA: Ew, Alfie!
FINN: Sorry to disappoint, fellas, but I was offering my services to the ladies.
KAT: I might take you up on that offer later on.
DANA: Yeah, me too!
ALFIE: Enough massage chatter. It’s time to get this show on the road.
Alfie jumps to the floor and performs a few push-ups.
FINN: What a start to the day. You guys might have to join me for a workout.
KAT: There’s time for that later, Finn. Right now, it’s girl time. And we’ve got things to discuss.
FINN: I hope I’m the main topic. Don’t forget that I’ll be coupling up with one of you later.
KAT: How could we forget?
DANA: Let’s go girls.
You and Kat both excitedly chase Dana out of the room.
The warmth of the sun hits you as sprawl on the loungers, next to Kat and Dana.
KAT: Seems like the boys are well up for this.
DANA: Yeah, a right bunch of charmers.
KAT: Especially that Finn. What a babe.
DANA: Yeah, he’s bloody gorgeous isn’t he? He could charm the birds from the trees.
KAT: You got your eyes on him then, Dana?
DANA: Well, I can appreciate some top crumpet when I see it.
KAT: I’m sure Eddie would appreciate you saying that.
DANA: And I’m sure Alfie would be over the moon hearing you talking about Finn.
KAT: Alfie is a puppy dog. He’d just be happy to get the attention.
DANA: That’s cruel. Alfie is more than that. He’s as sweet as they come.
KAT: That don’t mean that he’s got what it takes, if you know what I mean.
KAT: [MC], do you think Alfie could hit all the right spots?
①. Alfie could give me the "O" face.
②. Alfie’s the guy you take home to the fam.
③. It’s too early to tell.
MC: I think Alfie has got a naughty side, I think he’d be a right demon between the sheets.
DANA: Yeah, sometimes it’s the ones you least suspect that have all the dirty moves.
MC: I think Alfie would be more than up to the task, but hugs are probably his speciality.
DANA: Yeah, he’s the guy that your mum loves more than you.
MC: I’m not sure. We haven’t really got to know the boys yet.
DANA: Exactly. The true stud is yet to reveal himself in all his glory.
KAT: I know exactly what Alfie is like, I spent the night with him after all.
DANA: Yeah, so dish already.
DANA: Hot goss is what the villa is all about. I don’t want to miss this.
DANA: I want to know if Alfie’s worth coupling up with. What do you think, [MC]?
①. Yeah I want to know as much as I can about Alfie
②. I don’t want to know about what you and Alfie got up to
MC: Dish already.
KAT: Ok. Strap yourselves in girls.
DANA: Dish, girl, dish!
KAT: Alright, stay chill girls. I’m just gonna say it, stuff happened.
MC: What stuff?
KAT: Lets just say that me and Alfie both got a little bit of what we wanted.
MC: Get specific already.
KAT: Well, Alfie definitely has potential, he’s just a little clumsy with his hands.
DANA: I thought you said he was good with his hands.
MC: I definitely heard you say that. In fact, you were giggling at the time.
KAT: I was, and he is. It’s just that maybe he’s not used to something more delicate than a plank of wood.
MC: Are you calling yourself delicate?
DANA: Like a bull in a china shop!
KAT: Hey, I can be delicate if I need to be.
You and Dana laugh together.
KAT: I can be anything I want to be. Nobody’s gonna tell me I can’t.
DANA: I don’t know about you guys, but being delicate between the sheets isn’t always what I’m looking for.
MC: Kat, what happened to girl-code?
KAT: What about it, babe?
{If made pact E03}
MC: Didn’t we agree to not start cracking on straight away?
KAT: Things just got a little hot under the covers that’s all. No big deal.
You and Dana share a quick look.
DANA: It seemed like you wanted it to be a big deal to me.
DANA: You defo wanted us to see what you were up to.
KAT: What can I say, I was enjoying the moment. Alfie was enjoying it too, how could he not?
MC: So, Kat, How far did you actually go?
KAT: Well, I showed him how to be a little more delicate when using his hands.
DANA: Bet he was loving it.
KAT: Sounded like it.
MC: Do you think that something deeper might develop between you and Alfie?
KAT: Maybe it will, maybe it won't.
KAT: I mean, who knows? Gonna have to just wait and see.
KAT: He’s defo into me, but all the boys are. We’ll see how things play out. It’s still early days.
DANA: Well, I for one am even more intrigued by Alfie now.
MC: Seems like he might have some hidden talents.
MC: I don’t want all the details of a private moment.
KAT: This is the first bit of juicy action in the villa, and you really don’t want the deets?
DANA: Yeah, this juice might help us out in future couplings.
❶. You’re right. I need this info! Give us the details!
❷. I’m passing
MC: Dish already.
KAT: Ok. Strap yourselves in girls.
DANA: Dish, girl, dish!
KAT: Alright, stay chill girls. I’m just gonna say it, stuff happened.
MC: What stuff?
KAT: Lets just say that me and Alfie both got a little bit of what we wanted.
MC: Get specific already.
KAT: Well, Alfie definitely has potential, he’s just a little clumsy with his hands.
DANA: I thought you said he was good with his hands.
MC: I definitely heard you say that. In fact, you were giggling at the time.
KAT: I was, and he is. It’s just that maybe he’s not used to something more delicate than a plank of wood.
MC: Are you calling yourself delicate?
DANA: Like a bull in a china shop!
KAT: Hey, I can be delicate if I need to be.
You and Dana laugh together.
KAT: I can be anything I want to be. Nobody’s gonna tell me I can’t.
DANA: I don’t know about you guys, but being delicate between the sheets isn’t always what I’m looking for.
MC: Kat, what happened to girl-code?
KAT: What about it, babe?
{If made pact E03}
MC: Didn’t we agree to not start cracking on straight away?
KAT: Things just got a little hot under the covers that’s all. No big deal.
You and Dana share a quick look.
DANA: It seemed like you wanted it to be a big deal to me.
DANA: You defo wanted us to see what you were up to.
KAT: What can I say, I was enjoying the moment. Alfie was enjoying it too, how could he not?
MC: So, Kat, How far did you actually go?
KAT: Well, I showed him how to be a little more delicate when using his hands.
DANA: Bet he was loving it.
KAT: Sounded like it.
MC: Do you think that something deeper might develop between you and Alfie?
KAT: Maybe it will, maybe it won't.
KAT: I mean, who knows? Gonna have to just wait and see.
KAT: He’s defo into me, but all the boys are. We’ll see how things play out. It’s still early days.
DANA: Well, I for one am even more intrigued by Alfie now.
MC: Seems like he might have some hidden talents.
MC: Seriously, I’m only interested in what happens between my sheets.
DANA: Okay, but we also need to talk about the decision that Finn’s gonna be making later!
KAT: I’m excited about it. But I suppose that’s because I know who he’s gonna pick.
DANA: I’m confused Kat, there’s three banging girls here, it seems like he’s spoilt for choice.
KAT: No offence, girls, but I can tell he is really into me. I’m the obvious pick.
MC: Seems like Finn has been flirting with all of us. Maybe you shouldn’t be so sure of yourself.
KAT: I’m always sure of myself.
DANA: You do realise that you’ll lose Alfie if Finn picks you don’t you?
KAT: Can’t be helped. It’s not my decision.
MC: Won’t you feel bad for leaving Alfie single?
KAT: Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to hurt Alfie.
KAT: But when Finn steals me away from him, Alfie is just gonna have to get over it.
MC: Have you thought that maybe Finn is an absolute player? He might just be toying with all three of us?
DANA: He can toy with me any time he wants.
KAT: Just to be clear, babes, he’s gonna be mine, graft on him all you want, you’ll both be wasting your time.
MC: You haven’t seen me turn it on yet.
DANA: Yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing what moves you’ve got.
KAT: You two are forgetting that you’re both coupled up already.
You and Dana share an eye roll.
MC: So, how are you getting on with Eddie, Dana?
DANA: He seems nice. I’m sure you’ve noticed that he’s hot as hell.
KAT: I have.
DANA: I’m just not sure if he’s the type of guy that I’d catch feels for.
MC: Maybe he’ll win you over.
DANA: Yeah, maybe. I’ll give him a chance. Wouldn’t mind a wriggle on those abs.
KAT: You’d wriggle on anything wouldn’t you, Dana?
DANA: Love takes many forms. Often, perfectly toned, impossible to resist forms.
DANA: Speaking of hard to resist, what about your ex?
DANA: Think Suresh might get in the way of your chances with the other boys?
①. I think he might do that
②. I don’t think he would do that
③. I can’t tell if he would or not
MC: Suresh has a habit of making things complicated. I think he might be up to something.
DANA: Yeah, he gives me that kind of vibe. Obviously you’d know.
DANA: Might make cracking on with the others a little awkward.
KAT: Maybe play him at his own game.
DANA: You go, [MC]. Sneaky and sly.
MC: Suresh has a habit of making things complicated, but I don’t think he would sabotage me on purpose.
DANA: Yeah, probably too much of a low move.
MC: He’s probably just trying to get his head around an awkward situation, the same way that I am.
DANA: He knew you were in here, but suppose it’s awkward for him, too.
MC: I really can’t tell what he’s thinking.
DANA: Me neither.
MC: If he’s playing me, I will be livid. But on the other hand, I guess I have to remember this is all a game.
DANA: Yeah, you’re right. Play it chill.
KAT: Right girls, I think that’s enough sun to get us going. Let’s glam up!
You enter the dressing room with Kat and Dana.
KAT: I reckon I might turn a few heads with what I’m gonna wear today.
DANA: I’m going all out for our first full day too! Wanna look and feel my best today.
DANA: [MC] will probably outshine us both though.
KAT: As if. The crown is mine girls.
DANA: You might if you wear this!
KAT: I know you’re my competition, but you’d defo be best dressed for the first coupling.
DANA: Even I want to choose you in that look! You’ll be turning all the heads.
DANA: So are you going to wear that and stand out for the first coupling?!
Once you are dressed, you all proceed to get made up. Kat raises her head from the make up table.
KAT: So, how are you going to feel if Suresh starts grafting on us other girls?
DANA: I suppose there is that to think about. That is why we’re here.
KAT: You can’t blame him. Not with girls like me around to grab his attention.
Dana coughs.
KAT: Sorry. Girls like us around
DANA: Would you be cool if Suresh starts grafting on one of us?
①. Love Island is all about the graft 
②. Not gonna lie, it would hurt a little
③.I’m not sure that he’d graft on you guys
MC: He’s got to make his own choices. If he’s got his eye on somebody already, well that’s up to him.
MC: If I can get my graft on, I guess he can too.
KAT: Yeah, and no matter how you feel about it, players gotta play.
MC: I have to admit, it would probably hurt a little, seeing him try it on with one of you two.
KAT: Rehashing all his old moves.
DANA: I can only imagine the cringe.MC: Yeah, it might be a little awkward.
KAT: Hearing him repeat things that you thought were special and unique.
Dana looks at you sympathetically.
KAT: Sharing what you thought were private moments with another girl.
DANA: Ok Kat, let’s leave it at that. We don’t need to dwell on things if we can help it.
KAT: Just saying, I wouldn’t want any of my exes strutting around the villa.
MC: I’m not sure that either of you are really his type.
KAT: I’m everybody’s type.
DANA: That’s quite a statement.
KAT: A statement of fact, babe.
Dana turns to you with a cheeky smile.
DANA: So [MC], are you suggesting that I don’t stand a chance with your cheating ex? What a shame!
DANA: And here I was mentally planning the wedding!
You look back and forth between Dana and Kat.
MC: Seriously though girls, are either of you interested in him?
Dana and Kat share a look, seeing if the other will speak first.
KAT: Not gonna lie. He’s hot. And, I’m open to any guy that looks that good taking a shot at me.
MC: So, is that a yes?
KAT: Right now, I’m with Alfie, pretty soon I’ll be with Finn.
DANA: This confidence of yours is a sight to behold.
KAT: So, I’m gonna be a little busy, but, a little further down the line, well, who knows what might happen?
MC: I get you. Can’t blame you for being honest I suppose.
MC: How about you Dana? Do you think Suresh could turn your head?
DANA: Hooking up with the ex of somebody you know is messy, even if you’ve only known that person for one day.
DANA: And maybe Eddie will turn out to be perfect for me, or somebody else might even come in for me.
Dana smiles at you.
DANA: I don’t want to tread on anyone’s toes and ruin the start of a potentially awesome relationship.
{If expressed romantic interest in Dana E01}
DANA: You never know, the right girl could be standing right in front of me.
{If no romantic interest in Dana E01}
DANA: I don’t want to tread on anyone’s toes and ruin the start of a potentially awesome friendship.
MC: Aw, thanks Dana.
KAT: You’re telling me that Suresh doesn’t give you at least a few flutters?
DANA: He’s a good looking guy obviously, but my tastes lie elsewhere.
KAT: Not with Finn I hope.
DANA: Maybe, maybe not.
Dana smiles playfully. Kat looks at Dana. She is annoyed.
KAT: That boy won’t have time to even notice you once I get my graft on.
Kat struts out of the room as if her words were a mic drop. Dana looks at you with a smile and a shake of her head.
DANA: She’s a handful that one.
MC: Yeah, she is.
As you and Dana both finish your final touch-ups, Suresh steps in.
{If wearing gem outfit}
SURESH: You’re looking amazing in that by the way.
Dana leans in close to you.
DANA: I assume he’s here to talk to you. I’ll be nearby if you wanna catch up after.
Dana steps out.
SURESH: Let’s talk.
You step out into the bright morning sun. Suresh sits down on the day beds, and you sit yourself down next to him.
SURESH: So, how was your first night?
SURESH: Mine was fine, could have done with a few less mozzies and maybe a few more cuddles.
SURESH: But, you know, I had to make do obviously.
Suresh smiles charmingly.
MC: Sounds like maybe it was for the best then?
SURESH: Whatever you say, babe.
You look around for a moment at the beautiful surroundings.
SURESH: It’s amazing here, isn’t it. It reminds me of that time we went to Turkey.
MC: And where are we going next, Memory Lane?
MC: We need to talk.
SURESH: Sure, about what?
MC: About me and you, and whatever it is you’re up to.
SURESH: I’m not up to anything.
MC: Then why are you telling Alfie that I’m trying to make you jealous?
SURESH: Who did you hear that from?
MC: It doesn’t matter who I heard it from. Is it true?
Suresh smirks at you.
SURESH: Why? Should I be jealous?
①. You should be jealous
②. There’s no point being jealous
③. I don’t really care how you feel
MC: You probably should be. I mean, look at me, look at what you lost.
SURESH: You’re getting no complaints from me. You look absolutely stunning.
MC: I know I do. The other boys know I do too.
SURESH: Now, that sounds like you’re trying to make me jealous.
MC: No, you shouldn’t. It’s not a good look.
SURESH: I can’t help how I feel.
MC: Maybe you should grow up and stop playing childish games.
SURESH: I’m not being childish, I’m just trying to be honest.
MC: I don’t care if you are or not. There’s more to this summer than our baggage.
SURESH: Like what?
MC: I don’t know, fresh starts maybe, new friends, new romances, the sun, the banter!
MC: People come here for all sorts of reasons.
You look at Suresh for a moment. Trying to work out what he is thinking.
MC: And maybe I’ve got my reasons.
SURESH: And what kind of reason could that be? A reason like Alfie?
MC: I never said that, Suresh.
SURESH: How do you think Kat would feel about that?
MC: She seems more interested in Finn actually.
SURESH: Oh really, she moves quick. Maybe I’ve missed my chance already.
MC: I’m not sure you’d be able to handle Kat.
SURESH: Yeah, maybe she’s not the one for me.
SURESH: She’s not really my type, but you know that already.
MC: Look, maybe I’d feel better if you were straight with me?
SURESH: What do you mean by that?
MC: You know what I mean. All this gossiping, spreading rumours, all that stuff.
SURESH: When have I ever gossiped? If something needs saying I just say it. I don’t hide things.
MC: You don’t hide things? Are you being serious right now?!
Suresh looks away for a moment, thinking.
SURESH: If somebody asks me a question I’ll answer it. I’m gonna be honest with them.
MC: So, what, Alfie asked you a question about me?
SURESH: He might have mentioned you, that’s all.
MC: And what exactly did you tell him?
SURESH: I told him that you were a great girl.
MC: And?
SURESH: That any man would be lucky to have you.
MC: Anything else?
SURESH: And I told him that...
Suresh looks you in the eyes.
SURESH: That you and I have always been great together, and probably could be again.
SURESH: So I basically said nothing bad.
SURESH: Me and you had something, and maybe we could again, don’t you think?
①. Could we really still be a thing?
②. Why would I ever get back with you?
MC: Do you think that you and I could really work after what happened?
SURESH: I don’t see why not? We’ve both grown, moved forward, changed.
MC: Maybe it isn’t great to dwell on the past.
SURESH: Exactly. We might have shared a past, but maybe now it’s time to share a future instead.
MC: Getting back with you is the last thing on my mind.
SURESH: No need to be so defensive. I was just telling Alfie how I felt. It wasn’t a big deal.
MC: Maybe I’m just unsure how you're going to affect things in the villa.
SURESH: If Alfie’s put off by what I said then he’s not the right person for you anyway.
MC: How can you know that?
SURESH: Because a meaningless thing like that wouldn’t put me off.
You think for a moment, considering the situation.
MC: You know this could be a once in a lifetime experience.
SURESH: I couldn’t agree more.
MC: And to make sure it is, maybe we should think about trying to chill and enjoy it?
SURESH: No problem.
MC: Maybe a little space would be a good idea?
SURESH: If that’s needed, babe. I wouldn’t want to ruin your summer.
MC: We are both going to be around each other, so let’s just be mature about it.
Suresh stands up and moves closer to you.
SURESH: I know exactly what you mean. I just want you to know that I’m not the same person that I used to be.
MC: Really? Sounds like you might just be trying to please me.
SURESH: Seriously, I’ve owned my mistakes, I’ve changed who I am. You can trust me.
①. I’m not sure that I can trust you 
②.I hope that I can trust you
MC: Well, we will see. Trust is a hard thing to repair once it’s been broken.
SURESH: I understand that, but anything broken can be fixed, you know.
MC: I hope that you can prove to me that you have earned my trust.
SURESH: I understand.
Alfie appears and waves to you.
ALFIE: Hey, [MC] can I grab you for a sec?
MC: Sure.
MC: We’ll speak later, Suresh.
SURESH: I’m sure we will.
You join Alfie on the bean bags.
MC: So what’s up, Alfie?
{If wearing gem outfit}
ALFIE: You’re looking fire again today, like you’re about to burst into flames!
MC: Thanks, Alfie.
MC: Soaking up that sun?
ALFIE: Figured I’d enjoy myself while I can.
MC: While you can?
ALFIE: Yeah, not too sure how long I’m gonna be here. Have you seen the competition, my days!
MC: Don’t sell yourself short.
MC: I’m sure you’ve got some skills that make you a handy guy to keep around.
You wink at Alfie.
ALFIE: You’re winking like you know something I don’t.
MC: We’re all in the same boat Alfie. Who knows who's gonna win?
ALFIE: I ain't too fussed about winning, just hope I’m here long enough to meet the right girl.
MC: I’m sure you will. You might’ve grabbed my attention.
ALFIE: You saying the other boys are just a bunch of tryhards compared to this king you see before you?
①. I’m saying exactly that
②. I’m not sure I’d call them that
MC: Ha, yeah. You’re on a whole different level.
ALFIE: Love to hear that. Hey, you know these beanbags are pretty comfy. Hint, hint.
MC: Not sure I’d call them that.
ALFIE: Fair does… These beanbags are pretty comfy. Hint, hint.
You sit down on the bean bag next to Alfie. The sky is a beautiful bright blue.
MC: I still can’t believe I’m here.
ALFIE: Nor me, it’s a world away from where I’m from.
You look across the lawn and see that Finn is lifting weights at the gym.
MC: Working out in this weather? Isn’t it too hot for that?
ALFIE: He’s only doing it because he thinks he might catch your eye.
MC: You sure? He looks pretty serious about it.
ALFIE: He looks constipated to me. Barnacle Brawn over there.
MC: What, Barnacle Brawn?
ALFIE: He looks like some kind of muscly pirate, don’t he?
MC: You got dirty names for the rest of us too?
ALFIE: Ok, well you’ve got Barnacle Brawn over there, with his eyes on the many treasures of the island.
MC: Booty, if you will.
Alfie laughs.
ALFIE: Nice. Then there’s King Edward the Thirst, always polishing his crown jewels.
MC: Ha, yeah.
ALFIE: And finally, my dude Suresh aka One-eyed Willy. Been peeping you with side-eye all morning.
MC: Has he?
ALFIE: Yeah, and he’s not great at hiding it.
MC: And what about me? Do I have a name?
Alfie pauses for a moment.
ALFIE: I think that you deserve something better.
MC: Really?
ALFIE: Yeah, something that shows your sparkling personality. Something like...
You jump in with your own nickname before Alfie can give you one.
MC: Call me [MC]
MC: I think it suits me.
ALFIE: Yeah, it’s a bit of you.
MC: So, I’ve got a sparkling personality, have I?
ALFIE: It’s unmissable. You’re magnetic?
MC: I’m magnetic as well, am I?
ALFIE: Yeah, like paper to my wallet.
Alfie tries to look suave. Before smiling and laughing at himself.
MC: Rolling in it are you?
ALFIE: Probably not on the same level as the others, but I could still treat you to a tasty little date.
MC: A date? Is this why you wanted to chat with me in the first place?
ALFIE: Don’t be daft.
Alfie composes himself for a moment.
ALFIE: Look [MC]. I know I’m with Kat, and you’ve got stuff going on with Suresh and that.
MC: Right?
ALFIE: Well, I don’t want you to think that I’m not interested. Because...
Alfie looks away, seeming a little bashful.
ALFIE: I am into you, and I don’t want to stay away from you if there could be something between us.
①. There could be something romantic between us
②. I think there could be more of a friend thing between us
MC: Thanks Alfie, I don’t want to stay away from you either.
MC: But things in this villa can get complicated.
ALFIE: Cool. I’m glad I took my shot anyway. Now I know there might be a chance.
MC: To be honest Alfie, I don’t know what the future holds.
MC: But at the very least there’s a chance we’ll turn out to be great mates.
ALFIE: True that.
You hear Finn grunting from over at the gym.
ALFIE: So, how are you feeling about the pirate swinging in and swooping up one of you girls?
MC: I’m not sure.
ALFIE: I think you might have caught Finn’s eye.
MC: It seems like maybe every girl has caught his eye.
ALFIE: Makes me a little jealous. I kind of wish I had the choice of the girls.
MC: Maybe you will later, who knows?
ALFIE: So, who do you think Finn’s gonna go for?
①.I think he will pick me
②. I think he will pick Kat
③. I think he will pick Dana
MC: How could he resist coupling up with me?
ALFIE: Yeah. How could he? I like your confidence.
{If chose Alfie E01}
ALFIE: It’d be like how Kat took me from you.
ALFIE: People are always trying to get their hands on the hottest things in the villa, ha!
MC: I think he will couple up with Kat.
ALFIE: Yeah? You think? Not sure how I’d feel about that.
ALFIE: I wonder whether Kat would want that?
MC: I think he will couple up with Dana. I think she’s open to anybody at the minute.
ALFIE: That might upset Eddie.
MC: Yeah it might.
You hear giggling from across the lawn. You see Suresh and Dana getting on well together.
ALFIE: Those two seem to be getting on well.
MC: Yeah, looks like it.
ALFIE: Maybe Dana would prefer Suresh to be making the big coupling decision?
ALFIE: Anyway, I’m gonna catch some more rays, maybe take a swim. Want to join me?
The sound of Finn exhaling loudly is heard from over at the gym.
Finn waves you over to join him.
MC: Maybe later, Alfie, right now I think Finn wants a chat.
ALFIE: Ok, no probs. I’ll see you in a bit then, [MC].
You approach Finn. He’s standing by the gym equipment. He wipes his face and chest with a towel.
MC: Looks like you’ve been working hard?
FINN: I never stop, sweetheart.
FINN: You know, you’re the only girl that hasn’t come up to me.
FINN: Normally all the ladies just flock towards me.
Finn brushes his hair back behind his head, flexing his chest and arms as he does.
FINN: Were you hanging back waiting for me to make the first move?
①. I like to play hard to get.
②. I had other boys to link with first.
③. No reason. I’m still taking it all in.
MC: Sometimes I like to make a boy work for me. It’s not on a plate, you know.
FINN: A challenge? I like a girl that knows what she’s doing.
MC: You’re not the only stunner in the villa, you know? I had other boys to check out.
FINN: You’re wasting your time with anything but the best, Beour.
MC: I’m not rushing anything. I just want to soak up the atmosphere of the island for a bit.
FINN: Well, make sure you spend some of that time checking out this four leafed clover over here.
He flashes a cheeky smile at you.
{If spooned Finn}
FINN: I bet you loved being wrapped up in these arms this morning didn’t you?
MC: Absolutely.
{If rejected spooning Finn}
FINN: I bet you regret not letting me wrap you up in these arms this morning now don’t you?
MC: I try not to regret anything.
{If spooning answer later Finn}
FINN: That promise of a potential spoon might still sway my decision, sweetheart.
MC: I didn’t promise anything.
FINN: I’m not easily put off a girl, you know?
MC: Why would you be put off?
FINN: Well, sometimes a girl’s ex keeps eyeballing me from the other side of a garden.
You turn and look across the lawn. You catch Suresh pretending not to be watching you. You turn back to Finn.
MC: Don’t worry about that.
FINN: I don’t worry about anything. It’s all part of the game.
MC: So, you’re here to play games then, are you Finn?
FINN: Well, be a shame not to, wouldn’t it? Gonna need to keep myself entertained all summer.
MC: There’s gonna be plenty of ways to be entertained this summer.
FINN: I’m sure there will be. Speaking of games, how do you feel about me picking you later tonight?
①. Yes, please.
②. No, thanks.
③. I’m not sure.
MC: Go ahead and choose me. I think that would be a great idea.
FINN: Ok. I’ll keep that in mind.
MC: I think that you should pick one of the other girls.
FINN: Can’t give you any promises on that.
MC: I’m not sure how I feel about the whole thing.
FINN: Well, I’m feeling all kinds of good about it.
FINN: No matter what happens, I’m gonna be the centre of attention.
FINN: Unless you want to be it, of course.
Finn gives you a cheeky grin.
KAT: Finn! Finn!
Kat suddenly appears out of nowhere, holding a bottle of sun cream.
FINN: Hey, Kat, want me to rub some cream on your back?
KAT: I was hoping to rub yours. You’ve been out here pumping all this iron, it’s time you took a break.
Kat picks up Finn’s towel and lays it on the ground.
KAT: Lay down and let my hands do all the work.
FINN: Ok. I can’t say no to that, darling.
Kat looks at you with an exaggerated smile.
KAT: This doesn’t require the two of us, [MC].
FINN: That’s a shame.
①. I think I’ll stick around.
②. I know when I’m not wanted.
MC: I’m not going anywhere babe. I’m enjoying the view too much.
FINN: I can’t blame you.
KAT: I can.
MC: Fine, I’ll leave you to it.
KAT: Love ya, babe.
Finn gives you a flirty grin as Kat rubs his back increasingly sensually.
Suddenly, the sound of a text is heard.
FINN: I’ve got a text!
Kat stops rubbing cream into Finn’s back. The rest of the Islanders gather around Finn as he reads the text.
LITEXT: Finn, get ready to get your date on! You'll be taking each of the girls on a date. But you must choose in order of preference, starting with the girl you like the most. #RememberTheDate #Finnderella
ALFIE: Oh mate, which girl are you gonna pick first?
EDDIE: Which girl is he planning to steal later you mean.
SURESH: He’s a man of taste. I can guess who he’s going to pick.
DANA: Well, I’m excited for a date, whether I’m picked first or not.
KAT: So, who’s your number one girl then, babe?
MC: Yeah, who gets the first date?
FINN: This is tough, but there’s one girl that I’ve been seriously vibing with more than the other two.
NARRATOR: The Islanders wait with bated breath…!
NARRATOR: Sounds like Finn’s Finn-ished making up his mind…Finn-ally!
NARRATOR: But which girl’s going to be his Finn-al choice at the recoupling later?
NARRATOR: How will the girls react to their alone time with the world’s flirtiest land-based pirate?
75 notes · View notes
Just a collection of PSDs of the islanders with all their outfits, hair, and expressions on separate layers.
Have fun!
31 notes · View notes
do you have the scripts? if so, who are the love interests so far?
Currently, I have the scripts up until episode 13. I should be able to get my hands on the later episodes further into S5's release schedule. I'll post them once I've cleaned them up into a legible format. I'm aiming to have the scripts released the Friday before their episode airs. If I don't manage that, I'll upload the raw files for anyone who wants to brave them.
As for the LI's this season, I honestly have no clue. If we're going by previous seasons everyone who stepped forward for MC (including Dana) should be an option in the future. But this is fusebox we're talking about, so who knows at this point lol
37 notes · View notes
LITG S5 — Volume II E03 Script
If there are any glaring mistakes please let me know*
!Spoilers Ahead!
*I know the Dana & Kat changing scene is wonky but it wasn't worth the effort to make it flow well for a scene that's only there to encourage you to spend gems on outfits.
Ex in the Rear View
Something stands in the way of a budding new romance.
NARRATOR: Something is brewing. Is it coffee? Is it one of Finn’s craft IPAs? Nope, it’s drama with a capital D.
NARRATOR: Kat’s storming towards [MC]. This can only mean one thing!
NARRATOR: A handshake and a mutual appreciation of opposing opinions.
You and Alfie are on the bean bags as Kat storms across the garden towards you!
KAT: I need a chat with you, now!
You try to leave, to give Alfie and Kat their space.
KAT: With both of you!
You freeze.
ALFIE: You don't need to get [MC] involved.
KAT: From my view, she looked VERY involved with you, babe.
MC: Oh so you're spying on me now?
KAT: The whole villa just saw you two.
ALFIE: It wasn't a big deal. It was just some cheeky flirting.
KAT: Wise up, hun. She's after you.
MC: Excuse me?!
KAT: Cracking on with someone else's guy?
KAT: Whatever happened to girl-code?
①. I’ll flirt with who I want
②. Sorry, you're right
③. I can flash some claws of my own, Kat
MC: If I want to flirt with Alfie, I will.
You seductively place your hand on Alfie’s arm
MC: Alfie doesn’t seem to mind.
MC: Do you, Alife?
KAT: You’re messing with his head.
MC: Chill, Kat. Maybe it’s just flirting.
MC: You're right. I'm sorry.
MC: You and Alfie are in a couple, and I should have respected that.
MC: I get that what we did could have seemed over the line from your point of view.
MC: If you want to go there, Kat, I’ll go there.
MC: And you don't give a crap about girl-code.
MC: You're acting all aggy about me having a chat with Alfie.
MC: But everyone knows you'd bin him, as soon as, for a bit of Finn.
KAT: You're a sneak!
MC: Are you serious?
MC: In the couples quiz, you said we all need to get to know each other!
{If kissed Alfie E02}
KAT: That doesn't mean kissing him for everyone to see!
{If smiled at Alfie E02}
KAT: That doesn't mean flirting with him for everyone to see!
{If hugged Alfie E02}
KAT: That doesn't mean hugging him for everyone to see!
Alfie slides between you and Kat.
ALFIE: It's calm, it's calm.
ALFIE: Kat, I owe you an explanation. Can we have a chat?
KAT: To be continued then.
ALFIE: Come on, Kat. Let's have a private chat. We'll sort this between us.
Kat reluctantly allows Alfie to escort her to the swing. You exhale. Dana hurries over to you.
DANA: Oh my days of the week! That chat was A LOT.
DANA: Do you think Kat will let it go now she's said her piece?
①. Yeah, it’ll be chill
②. I’m worried she won’t
③. No, but bring it on
MC: I think it’ll blow over.
MC: She’s let it out. I bet she calms down now.
MC: I doubt she’ll drop it, but I wish she would!
MC: Not everyone wants a lot of drama.
MC: No way is she over this. But, bring it on, Kat!
MC: If she’s out to cause drama, I won’t back down.
DANA: She was the one out of line.
{If flirt who I want}
MC: Exactly! I’m entitled to flirt.
{If said sorry}
MC: Even so, I apologised. That’s all I can do.
{If flash claws}
MC: Exactly! And I don’t put up with that.
You see Kat glaring at you from across the garden.
The afternoon sun is hot and heavy. You're on the day beds with Eddie and Finn.
EDDIE: That confrontation with you and Kat was intense!
FINN: Kat was breathing fire, so she was.
He flaps his arms and cries like a dragon. You laugh.
FINN: Day one and the drama is here!
EDDIE: [MC], how are you feeling after that?
①. Whatever. I'm not rattled
②. I feel bad. I hate drama
③. I'm feeling good. No regrets
MC: I’m not bothered.
MC: Kat's all bark, no bite.
MC: She can say what she wants. I’m not gonna let it bother me.
MC: Ugh. I feel kinda bad.
FINN: Why? Kat was the one kicking off.
MC: Yeah, but I hate drama.
MC: I hope this blows over fast.
MC: I’m great! I know I did nothing wrong.
MC: It’s not against the rules to flirt in the villa.
MC: So what if Alfie and I were flirting in front of everyone?
MC: Would she rather we did it behind her back?
FINN: You're a little drama-magnet, aren't you?
MC: Hey! Maybe I think it's healthy to be open and upfront.
MC: If someone has a problem with me, I want to know.
MC: Hey! Maybe I think it's healthy to be open and upfront.
MC: If someone has a problem with me, I want to know.
Finn chuckles.
FINN: No way Kat's gonna let this go.
FINN: I can hear the fireworks already.
He cups his ear and pretends to listen.
EDDIE: Don't stoke the flames, bro.
FINN: Talking of stoking flames…
{If don't remember date E02}
FINN: [MC], you said in the quiz you didn't remember that hot air balloon Suresh took you on.
FINN: Loved seeing you winding him up.
MC: Are you stirring the pot, Finn?
Finn holds up his hands, innocently. But he's smiling.
MC: I see you smiling, Finn.
FINN: A bit of drama keeps life interesting.
{If love adventure dates E02}
FINN: I think you get it, [MC]. You said in the quiz, you're into adventurous dates.
MC: Dates, yeah. Don't know if that always applies to life in general.
EDDIE: There's a difference between adventure and drama.
EDDIE: Gotta keep it chill, keep it calm.
{If prefer chilled dates E02}
EDDIE: [MC], you said in the quiz that you like chilled dates.
EDDIE: Chill is my goal in dates and life.
FINN: Eddie, I can't picture you having a barney.
EDDIE: That's because you've never seen me after losing a rugby match.
They laugh.
MC: Boys and sport.
You roll your eyes.
FINN: Don't hate on sport.
FINN: Sport is one of the ways we let out our feelings.
He and Finn tackle each other in a bear hug.
You laugh. Finn pulls you into the bear hug and the three of you roll on the day bed, laughing loudly.
This draws the watchful eyes of Suresh. You notice him hanging about by the pool, pretending to not be looking in your direction.
FINN: Hey, [MC]!
Your attention is drawn back to Finn and Eddie. Finn stands on the day bed, flexing in ridiculous poses.
Eddie bench-presses pillows. He pretends to strain under their ‘weight'.
EDDIE: This doing it for you, [MC]?
You laugh, entertained by the boys' shenanigans.
FINN: Fancy a private chat with one of us manly specimens?
{If get to know the boys E02}
MC: Finn, we had a private chat on the terrace earlier.
FINN: But there’s so much more Finn to get to know.
{If turn the guys down E02}
FINN: You turned down my offer of a private chat earlier.
FINN: Don’t tell me you’re gonna pie me off again?
FINN: I promise Eddie won't cry when you pick me.
Eddie playfully jabs Finn in the ribs.
EDDIE: As if she'd pick a cocky bro like you.
You laugh but it’s interrupted by Kat calling across the garden from the kitchen.
KAT: Finn? Can you help me move this chair? I need your muscles.
Kat shoots you a mischievous look as Finn stands up.
FINN: I must go where I’m needed.
FINN: Lucky break for you, Eddie boy.
Finn grins and swaggers off to the kitchen to help Kat. You and Eddie are left on the day beds.
EDDIE: The mosquitos are out. I’ve got this great lemongrass oil that you rub on your skin to keep them away.
EDDIE: Shall we go upstairs and get it? I can help you rub it in.
①. Yes, please!
②. Nah, I’m good as is
MC: I’d love that, thanks.
MC: You can do my back for me.
EDDIE: My pleasure.
EDDIE: Lead the way.
MC: I’m happy chilling here and I already put some oil on… But we can chat here.
EDDIE: Wouldn’t you rather get to know each other somewhere we can talk a little more freely?
EDDIE: Away from ol' Hungry Eyes?
He points at Suresh over at the pool. Suresh is still pretending - badly - not to be watching you.
EDDIE: We haven’t had a proper chance to get to know each other yet.
EDDIE: You sure you don’t want to move someplace more private?
❶. You’re right. Let’s go!
❷. Nah, let’s go to the swing seat instead
MC: To upstairs!
EDDIE: After you.
He gestures for you to lead the way towards the villa.
MC: I don’t want to go all the way upstairs, but let's move to the swing seat.
MC: We’ll be able to talk more openly there, but it won’t look like we’re sneaking off to do anything too naughty.
MC: Maybe there’s been enough drama already.
Just then, you see Suresh approach Alfie and take him off for a private chat. You wonder what Suresh is up to.
{if chat with Eddie privately}—————————————————
You and Eddie recline next to each other on one of the beds.
MC: How are you finding villa life?
EDDIE: This might be my fave bit so far.
He slowly rubs lemongrass oil on the top of your back.
MC: Of the villa or of my back?
EDDIE: Both.
EDDIE: Thanks for having this chat with me.
MC: Of course. I want to get to know you better.
EDDIE: I’m an open book. Read me!
MC: OK, then. Tell me, in relationships, are you a player or a stayer?
EDDIE: Stayer, a million percent. I was with my last girlfriend for 3 years.
MC: And you never cheated?
EDDIE: I've never, ever cheated! That's not who I am.
MC: A good guy, huh?
EDDIE: I try to be. I love animals. I'm close with my family.
MC: So you're saying you're a catch?
EDDIE: Hopefully you think I’m boyfriend material?
①. You’re a dreamboat
②. Not in my opinion
③. I'm not sure yet
MC: Sounds like you're a dream guy.
EDDIE: Are you saying I'm YOUR dream guy?
MC: Maybe. Although it’s still early days.
EDDIE: True, but you’re seeming pretty dreamy yourself so far.
MC: Maybe I look for something else in a boyfriend?
Eddie pretends to have been stabbed in the heart.
EDDIE: No! You're ruining me.
MC: You'll get over it.
MC: I can't tell yet.
MC: Like you say, this is only our first proper chat.
EDDIE: You'll just have to get to know me more then, won't you?
EDDIE: Whatever I am, at least I'm not like Suresh.
MC: Meaning?
EDDIE: He's a cheater. And he walks around the villa all cocky. Not my vibe.
①. Hey, don't slag off Suresh
②. You’re right about Suresh!
③. Let's change the topic
MC: You don't know Suresh well enough to talk bad about him.
EDDIE: I know I don't trust a cheater.
MC: People are complicated.
EDDIE: Treating people right seems pretty simple to me.
MC: You're so right. Suresh is way too cocky.
MC: He always was.
EDDIE: I can't picture you with someone like him.
MC: Ugh, let's not talk about Suresh.
MC: I can't seem to get away from him in this villa.
EDDIE: Sorry! We defo don't have to talk about him.
MC: Thanks!
EDDIE: Let’s talk about something much more fun: me and you.
MC: You think there’s a potential ‘me and you’?
EDDIE: I have a feeling there could be.
MC: Time to turn the tables. I want to hear what you think of the girls.
EDDIE: You're all stunning, obviously.
EDDIE: You've certainly caught my eye.
①. Flirt back
②. Play it cool
MC: Oh really?
EDDIE: What do you think about that?
MC: I can't imagine nicer eyes to be caught in.
EDDIE: Back at you. I can feel myself melting every time you look at me.
MC: Thought you were cool?
EDDIE: Things heated up when you walked in.
Both of your eyes move to the bottle of lemongrass oil.
①. Offer to rub oil into his back
②. Hold back for now
MC: Want me to return the favour?
EDDIE: If you’re happy to, I’m not complaining.
You spray the oil onto his toned back and gently rub it into his shoulders, feeling his muscles tense and relax as you do.
EDDIE: That feels amazing.
You work your way down his smooth back a little, rubbing in circular motions. You notice how the smell of the oil combines with his own fragrance.
He turns and smiles at you, attraction and affection in his eyes.
You return Eddie’s smile but leave it at that, for now.
MC: You're just saying that as I'm sat here.
EDDIE: I'm not. You really have caught my eye.
MC: Who says I want your eyes – or any of you – on me?
EDDIE: I think you might.
You can't help smiling. Another boy in this villa is after you.
MC: How are you feeling about Dana? I thought I picked up a vibe between you two.
EDDIE: Maybe I was just trying to make you jealous?
MC: That wouldn’t be very nice of you.
MC: I thought you were Mr Nice Guy?
EDDIE: I am! I was just joking.
EDDIE: Luckily, what I lack in jokes, I make up for in honesty.
He gives you a beaming smile with his perfect teeth and gorgeous, sparkling eyes.
{if chat with Eddie on swing}—————————————————
You and Eddie sit on the swing. The other Islanders are in view but out of earshot.
Eddie plucks a flower from a vine on the wall and sticks it behind your ear.
MC: You're loving this, aren't you?
EDDIE: Being here with you? Yes.
MC: I meant being in the villa. You look like you're in your element.
EDDIE: I'm loving villa life. Beautiful place, beautiful girls, not much competition to speak of.
MC: Oh really? So what’s your read on the other boys?
EDDIE: Finn? He's a hunk, but he knows it. Head’s too big.
EDDIE: Alfie's fun… as a mate. He's got bants for days.
EDDIE: And Suresh? He's got a cool spy vibe going. But that's also his problem: too slick, too slippery.
MC: Sounds like you've got everyone figured out.
EDDIE: What? You don't agree?
①. I agree, a million percent
②. You're talking out of your arse
③. A girl never reveals her secrets
④. I guess I agree with some of that
MC: I totally agree.
MC: You might come across as cocky, but you're not wrong about the boys.
EDDIE: Ya see?
He winks.
MC: I think you're way off about the boys.
MC: You're selling them short. There's more to each of them than you think.
EDDIE: Oh really? Interesting.
MC: Wouldn't you like to know?
MC: I'm not letting you in on what I think about the other boys.
EDDIE: Go on. I won't tell them.
MC: My lips are sealed.
MC: I think you’re spot on about some of those things. But off the mark on some stuff too.
EDDIE: Enlighten me, please.
MC: I think I’ll let you figure it out for yourself.
MC: Time to turn the tables. I want to hear what you think of the girls.
EDDIE: You're all stunning, obviously.
EDDIE: You've certainly caught my eye.
①. Flirt back
②. Play it cool
MC: Oh really?
EDDIE: What do you think about that?
MC: I can't imagine nicer eyes to be caught in.
MC: You're just saying that because I'm sat here.
EDDIE: I'm not. You really have caught my eye.
MC: Who says I want your eyes – or any of you – on me?
EDDIE: I think you do.
EDDIE: You’re giving me a lot to think about, [MC].
MC: Like what?
EDDIE: Let’s just say it involves eggs and baskets. And where to put them.
Eddie gives you a playful wink and a chuckle. You can't help smiling. Another boy in the villa is competing for you.
You enter the kitchen to grab a drink. And who's there? Suresh.
MC: Hi.
SURESH: Surprised to see you taking a break from riling me up.
MC: I've barely spoken to you tonight.
SURESH: Exactly. You've been flirting and chatting with all the boys in front of me.
MC: That's what people do in the villa.
SURESH: Except you're doing it to put me off.
SURESH: You're hoping I'll give up on you and move on to another girl.
MC: That's a big assumption.
SURESH: I know your games, babe.
①. I’m not playing games
②. My games are too good for you to spot
③. You don’t know who I am now
MC: How dare you tell me I’m playing games?
MC: If anyone’s playing games, it’s you.
SURESH: That doesn’t sound like me.
MC: Suresh, if I were playing games, you’d never even know.
MC: I’m on another whole level than you.
MC: I could play games around you all day long if I wanted to, and you’d never be the wiser.
SURESH: Now that’d be interesting.
MC: Whoever you thought I was then isn’t who I am now. I’ve changed since our break-up.
SURESH: People don’t change. Not really.
MC: Well, then, I guess you’ll have to wait and see.
SURESH: Games or no games, my head won't be turned, no matter who walks through that door.
SURESH: I'm going to win you back.
{If could want Suresh back E02}
SURESH: I know you said I need to convince you, and I will.
{If don't want Suresh back E02}
SURESH: I know you said you don't want me back, but I'll change your mind.
{If not sure E02}
SURESH: I know you're not sure, but you will be.
SURESH: I’ve changed a lot since you last saw me… I’ll show you.
SURESH: I admit it: In the past, I didn’t treat you as well as you deserved.
SURESH: And I'm not claiming to have turned into an angel now….
SURESH: After all, angels are boring…
SURESH: But I am done cheating.
①. Maybe you’ve learned your lesson
②. I don't buy it, Suresh
MC: I might believe you.
SURESH: Do you?
MC: I’m saying it’s possible you mean it when you say you're not a cheater anymore.
MC: Whether you can follow through is something else.
MC: You can save your breath, ‘cos I'm not buying it.
SURESH: I'm serious.
MC: You can talk the talk, but so far, your actions don’t match what you’re saying.
SURESH: Don’t worry; I'll show you I'm serious.
SURESH: I'll give you some space to get your head sorted. That’s what a good guy would do, right?
MC: Are you saying you’re a good guy now?
Suresh gives you a mysterious smile as he hovers closer to you…
SURESH: Fair. I'll never be good, but that's what turns you on about me.
①. Don’t tell me what I think!
②. I like nice guys
③. Maybe it does
MC: Don’t assume you know my mind! Ugh, that’s so typical of you!
MC: You haven’t changed at all.
You turn to leave.
SURESH: Hear me out.
MC: What turns me on is a nice boy.
MC: ‘Good’ is what I’m into.
MC: Not that you’d understand that.
SURESH: Actually, I do. I get it now.
MC: Maybe I like the bad boy thing…
MC: Maybe I just don’t like it on YOU anymore?
MC: Or maybe I like a bad boy who’s actually a good guy deep down.
SURESH: Maybe that’s who I am now.
SURESH: I’m different now.
SURESH: Back then, I’d do anything – say anything – to get in your bed.
MC: Now you’ve gotten back into my bed ‘cos we’re a couple. No change there.
SURESH: That’s where you’re wrong.
SURESH: I’m stepping back and giving you the bed.
MC: What?
SURESH: I’ll sleep on the day beds tonight.
MC: Why would you do that?
SURESH: Got to give you a chance to miss me.
SURESH: But seriously. I’ll give you all the space you need. I’m ready to play the long game.
SURESH: Sweet dreams.
He swaggers away with a sexy smirk.
You watch him as he walks out into the garden, sipping gently on his drink.
You and the other girls are in the dressing room, removing the day's make-up. Obvious tension in the air between you and Kat.
MC: Intense day, huh?
KAT: That's one word for it.
DANA: Today was bonkers-tonkers! But I'm having a blast.
DANA: I'm obsessed with those little birdies that keep drinking from the pool!
DANA: Worst case scenario and I don't find love in here? At least I'll have seen some sick wildlife.
DANA: I'll be the girl who leaves the villa with a nightingale!
The mood lightens in the room.
DANA: Girls, what'd you say to a 'no cracking on' pact?
KAT: Babe, cracking on is the whole reason I'm here.
DANA: Just for tonight, I mean.
Kat raises an eyebrow.
DANA: As a way to keep the drama at bay on the first night. Ya know?
KAT: OK, then. I'm all about girl-code.
She shoots you a look.
DANA: You down, [MC]?
①. Yes girl-code! I'm down with the pact
②. Nah, I reserve my right to crack on!
MC: Absolutely.
MC: I'm so down with this pact. Great idea!
MC: The Suresh situation has caused enough drama for one day.
KAT: Let's not forget the Alfie situ, too.
DANA: Yay! Pact!
MC: No cracking on sounds like no fun.
MC: I'm all for girl-code, but this is Love Island, not friend island.
DANA: I just thought maybe after the whole Suresh situ this afternoon, we'd want a drama-free night?
MC: Sometimes you need to step on toes to find love.
MC: Sorry, girls. I vote no on the pact.
DANA: Fair; you do you, girl. But Kat and I are committed to the pact.
DANA: Right, Kat?
KAT: 'No cracking on' doesn't mean no looking.
She smiles mischievously.
KAT: Sharing a bedroom full of hot guys is my kind of paradise.
You and Dana exchange a nervous glance. Kat catches you.
KAT: Don't get moody, babes.
KAT: The pact ain't stopping me from being the hottest girl in the bedroom.
KAT: I've got a banging outfit for tonight.
DANA: Me too. The pact doesn’t mean I’m not going all out to make an impression on the first night.
DANA: Gonna make sure I’m looking and feeling lush!
KAT: Talking a strong game, Dana. Wonder whether {0} will go big or go home?
DANA: I’ve got an idea. Try on this gorgeous bedroom outfit, {0}.
KAT: That's a saucy little outfit.
KAT: Guess you're trying to compete with me.
DANA: Woooooooooo, girl! You look hot!
DANA: I can't get enough.
DANA: So, are you gonna go with that or something else?
①. Yes, I’m wearing this!
②. I’m going to see what else I’ve got
③. Maybe I’ll stick with what I was wearing
① & ②.
You pose confidently in front of the mirror.
MC: I love it.
DANA: You are looking absolutely fire!
KAT: Yep, even I can’t argue with that!
MC: I can just change back…
MC: Is it too blah?
DANA: OK, real talk.
DANA: You know I think you’re hot as heck, but
DANA: You’re selling yourself short in that.
DANA: Plus, the boys might not get your whole… uhrmmm… effortless chic thing.
KAT: Your whole grandma thing, more like.
You study yourself in the mirror. Maybe you do look a little basic.
DANA: If you're not feeling those PJs, change into something else.
❶. You’ve swayed me. I’m going for this fancy outfit!
❷. I’m going to see what else I’ve got
❸. I’m sticking with my original look
❶ & ❷.
DANA: So, you’ve settled on the saucy outfit anyway. Can’t blame you.
KAT: Yeah, you look stunning. I’m not sure I’d have been able to pick anything else.
MC: I look nice in this.
DANA: You do you, [MC].
KAT: Sometimes it helps to be a little bit more than nice though, babe.
MC: Actually, I do look absolutely stunning in this!
DANA: You sure do.
KAT: I’ve got to give it to you. You look pretty good. Almost as good as me.
DANA: No need to be sour, Kat.
DANA: You look great in that outfit!
KAT: Yeah, it’s a good choice too, you look hot as.
DANA: So, you’re sticking with the basics. Fair enough.
KAT: Well, I guess you’ll be comfortable at least.
Kat and Dana strut out of the dressing room.
You check yourself out in the mirror for a moment before heading towards the bedroom.
As you're stepping out of the dressing room, Alfie catches you.
ALFIE: Can we have a quick chat?
MC: Sure. What's up?
ALFIE: I've been feeling low-key awks about the Kat drama earlier.
MC: Not your fault. Kat is…
ALFIE: She's fiery.
You chuckle.
MC: She’s not shy, that’s for sure.
ALFIE: She knows her mind and doesn't take any crap. I like that.
MC: Oh. Ok.
ALFIE: It's all good.
ALFIE: Listen, I wanted to say I hope that the drama with Kat hasn't jeopardised our friendship.
MC: So we're just friends?
ALFIE: Of course not 'just friends'.
{If kissed Alfie E02}
ALFIE: Who could forget our near-kiss earlier?
MC: Not me. The sparks were flying.
ALFIE: I think I got an electric shock.
{If smiled at Alfie E02}
ALFIE: How could I forget that steamy smile you gave me at the bean bags?
MC: Glad you didn’t forget about it.
ALFIE: A man could never forget getting lost in your beautiful eyes.
{If hugged Alfie E02}
ALFIE: I haven’t forgotten that loooooong hug we had on the bean bags.
MC: Glad I left an impression on you.
{If kissed Alfie's neck while hugging E02}
ALFIE: And don’t think that sexy little neck kiss escaped my notice either.
ALFIE: There's definitely chemistry. Chemistry that could maybe synthesise –
ALFIE: Synthesise? That’s a chemistry word, right? I’m counting it as a pun.
ALFIE: Anyway, we’ve got chemistry that could develop into a romantic connection. I think.
MC: You think? You don't sound too sure.
Alfie shrugs.
ALFIE: Early days, innit? But obviously I'll be sharing a bed with Kat tonight.
ALFIE: But nothing is set in stone yet, ya know?
ALFIE: It's only the first day and I'm not putting all my eggs in any one basket yet.
ALFIE: People in here are still just starting to show their true colours. Like your ex…
MC: I saw he pulled you for a chat earlier.
ALFIE: I like to chat to everyone. See who's who. Social butterfly, innit?
MC: Sure. But it looked like a kinda deep conversation you had with Suresh.
ALFIE: We had a solid chat, yeah.
①. Any goss?
②. Don't trust him
③. I don’t want to pry
MC: Come on, spill the tea
ALFIE: It was just a casual chat.
MC: Why are you so interested in talking to Suresh all of a sudden?
ALFIE: Why is it a problem if I am?
MC: It could be if you're digging for dirt on me.
ALFIE: Whoa, who said anything about digging for dirt?
MC: So you’re saying I didn’t come up?
ALFIE: Well…
MC: You know you can't believe everything Suresh says, right?
ALFIE: Why not?
MC: He's a cheater. Cheaters can't be trusted. Take it from me.
ALFIE: Don't worry. I took anything he said about you with a pinch of salt.
MC: It’s none of my business what you talked about.
MC: I’m not assuming you guys talked about me.
ALFIE: We talked about a bunch of stuff. It wasn’t just about you.
MC: So you and Suresh DID talk about me!
Alfie hesitates.
ALFIE: Yeah, Suresh told me some stuff. Why?
①. None of my business
②. Is Suresh turning you against me?
③. I care about your opinion, not Suresh’s
MC: Whatever. You boys are entitled to your private chats.
MC: It’s not my place to constantly censor people’s opinions of me.
ALFIE: I still think you're a top girl. You've got the bants, the looks, the personality.
ALFIE: But there's still loads we don't know about each other yet.
MC: He better not be feeding you lies about me.
ALFIE: You don't know what he said about you.
MC: I know there are two sides to every story. Suresh could be biased when it comes to our past.
MC: He has no right to try to sabotage whatever connections I might be building here in the villa…
MC: I’m not bothered by what Suresh thinks about me. I care what you think about me.
MC: Suresh is going to say what he feels. But remember he’s my ex.
MC: My past is my past. Anything you've heard, I hope it hasn't ruined any potential here and now.
ALFIE: Don't worry. I form my own opinions on people.
ALFIE: You and me, we've got a connection, for sure.
{If wearing gem outfit}
ALFIE: And you’re looking incredible in that outfit, my days.
ALFIE: But like I said, It's early days.
ALFIE: Who knows what will happen?
{If chose Alfie E01}
ALFIE: Sure, you originally chose to couple with me, but things change fast in here.
{If chose Eddie E01}
ALFIE: Sure, you originally chose to couple with Eddie, but things change fast in here.
{If chose Suresh E01}
ALFIE: Sure, you originally chose to couple with Suresh, but things change fast in here.
ALFIE: A day is like a week in the villa.
ALFIE: We're still all figuring each other out. Don’t you think?
①. Absolutely! Same page
②. I’m neutral
③. I’ve figured out I’m into you
MC: Definitely agree! We’re still the getting-to-know-everyone phase.
MC: In the meantime, it’s good we keep things light and easy.
MC: After all, tomorrow’s a new day.
MC: I want everyone to be open-minded and not write people off too fast.
MC: Do you and I have a clean slate moving forward?
ALFIE: I hope so!
MC: I already know I’m into you.
MC: I know what I like.
MC: If you’re not completely sold on me yet, I’ll just have to get grafting tomorrow, won’t I?
ALFIE: I look forward to it.
ALFIE: Excited to see what’s in store for us in the morning!
You enter the iconic villa bedroom and cosy up in bed, alone. Suresh is outside on the day beds, ‘giving you space’.
You look around the room at the other couples snuggled up in bed together: Kat and Alfie, Dana and Eddie.
Finn stops by the foot of your bed.
FINN: You alright in that big bed all by yourself?
①. Heck yes! Extra space!
②. My mind is racing. I can’t relax
③. Actually, it's kinda lonely without a hot boy in here
MC: I'm loving all this room.
You stretch out, luxuriantly.
FINN: Bet you wish I was taking up some of that room.
MC: Sounds like that’s YOUR wish, Finn…
MC: I'm enjoying having the bed to myself.
MC: Ugh, no. I just can't turn off my brain and get comfy.
FINN: Would be a lot comfier with me in there with you.
MC: If you’re trying to help, thanks…
MC: But I just can't relax.
MC: My brain is whirling.
Finn perches on the edge of the bed.
FINN: Worried about the Alfie/Suresh situation?
MC: I'm not sure where I stand with either of them.
FINN: Try to sleep. Save sorting it for the morning.
MC: All I’m missing is a sexy boy beside me.
FINN: Sounds like you need some company.
MC: Who says I was talking about you?
FINN: Of course you were. I'm VERY good company.
MC: I'm sure you are…
MC: But we're not a couple.
FINN: Yet.
He winks.
Finn wanders off toward his own bed, but continues chatting away to the whole room.
FINN: Don't worry, ladies. I won't be going to bed on my lonesome after tomorrow.
①. I'd love to get in his bed
②. I wish he’d cut the cockiness and let us sleep
You lean across to the neighbouring bed and whisper to Dana.
MC: Imagine what it'd be like to curl up next to Finn?
MC: His shredded, tatted arms spooning you?
You shiver with excitement. Dana giggles.
DANA: That could be you in 24 hours, if he chooses you to couple up with tomorrow.
You lean across to the neighbouring bed and whisper to Dana.
MC: I could use a break from Finn's constant cockiness.
MC: Ugh, I’m trying to sleep.
DANA: Like, we get it, Finn. You're hot and single.
MC: My brain is fried from all the drama today. I just want to sleep and wake up clear-headed tomorrow.
The bedroom lights go out and you settle in for sleep. But some rustling and whispering makes you open your eyes.
You look to your side and you can just make out Alfie and Kat in the next bed. A few tell-tale giggles suggest something more than just snuggling is going on.
KAT: Oh, Alfie.
ALFIE: You’re naughty.
You roll over. In the bed on your other side, you see the shadows of Dana and Eddie. They're spooning!
But Eddie soon nods off. A full day of flexing his pecs must have left him exhausted. He starts snoring, loud enough to drive Dana to the very edge of their bed.
You're distracted by more giggles rising from Kat and Alfie's bed.
Alfie and Kat are completely under the duvet. You see Kat's outstretched arm drop a piece of her nightwear to the floor. You can't be sure exactly what's happening, but it certainly seems like she's abandoned the no-cracking-on code.
①. Hide your head under a pillow
②. Get Dana's attention
③. Cough loudly
You shove your head under your pillow. You don't want to see or hear any more.
You roll over onto your other side. Psstt! You softly get Dana's attention.
When she blinks open an eye, you lean over and whisper.
MC: Are you seeing this?!
You nod toward Alfie and Kat's bed.
Dana sits up, looks over, and whispers back to you.
DANA: Is she breaking the pact already?!
You shrug.
Dana throws a balled-up pair of socks at Alfie and Kat's bed. You giggle.
Dana hisses at Alfie and Kat's duvet.
DANA: Oi! What happened to the pact, Kat?
Kat pops her head over the duvet, shoots you a grin, and then disappears back under it. Dana turns to you.
DANA: We're definitely grilling her about this tomorrow!
You cough, loudly and on purpose. Alfie and Kat's giggles stop for a second.
But as soon as you shut your eyes, the giggles start back up again. You sigh and bury your head in your pillow.
Dana sneaks over to your bed and whispers.
DANA: I have to tell you! I can't sleep on it.
MC: What?
DANA: Earlier, Alfie told me that Suresh was hinting that your flirty behaviour with Alfie was just games.
DANA: Just a way to make Suresh jealous.
Before you can react to this revelation, Suresh walks into the room to get some insect repellent. You and Dana instantly stop talking.
Suresh looks over at you. There's a moment of tension. You hold your breath.
Suresh gives you a smile.
SURESH: I know I said I’d give you space, but good guys say good-night, right?
SURESH: Sleep tight. See you in your dreams.
He winks and leaves for the day beds.
DANA: Seems Suresh wants to play some games after all.
DANA: Question is: What are you going to do about it, [MC]?
NARRATOR: Kat and Alfie have already had more under the sheets action than I’ve had all year.
NARRATOR: Just kidding. I went dressed as a ghost to a fancy dress party. It counts.
NARRATOR: But will Kat and Alfie’s coupling come to a premature Finn-ish tomorrow night?
NARRATOR: Or will our crafty bombshell couple up with [MC] instead?
NARRATOR: Find out next time on Love Island.
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