cmonyoulittleshit · 5 years
dont get me wrong i love the outsider’s voice actor in dishonored 2 but the voice actor in dishonored 1.. idk, it’ll always hold a special place in my heart
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cmonyoulittleshit · 5 years
i find it hilarious that, in dishonored 2, when you choose to play as corvo, delilah and the conspirators simply lock him in emily’s office. it’s almost as if they’re like, “surely this feeble lock will be able to hold corvo attano, famed royal protector who escaped the inescapable dunwall prison, defeated 2 conspiracies against him, AND defeated the infamous assassin daud. perfect.” and then act all surprised when, literally 10 minutes later, he’s down in dunwall streets like sipping a soda with one hand while holding back the entire guard with the other.
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cmonyoulittleshit · 5 years
i dont know why everyone says skyrim thieves guild members are all dicks who are disinterested in tld. their passing dialogue—especially at the start—is that way, sure. but as the storyline progresses they show obvious care/respect for tld. vekel talks about how much tld has improved the guild and how grateful everyone else is. delvin voices his respect and admiration. even vex recognizes tld as a good thief. and before the “crowning” ceremony everyone (except like 1 person) has something nice to say. + when tld passes them after that, everyone greets them with “boss” or “guild master, how are you!”
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cmonyoulittleshit · 5 years
if EA wants to make money—which we all know they do—then they need to get around to making deadspace 4, with the professional badass isaac clarke and killer queen ellie.
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cmonyoulittleshit · 5 years
first off..
the DLC’s of bioshock were both a great addition to the bioshock series. it gave us more depth into elizabeth, her abilities, and her way of thinking. it also showed us more of the history of rapture and the war. however.. i was (and still am) super disappointed with how they portrayed pre-civil war rapture. it was beautiful, yes, but it kind of lacked that art deco style from the first game. everyone war fancy, put together outfits and dresses instead of those 50’s, meet the jetson’s kind of outfits that really goes with art deco (which were featured in the first game). i also wish they spoke a little more about characters like steinman, peach wilkins, sullivan, etc. like even if it was a slight reference here and there, gossip that was overheard or something.
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cmonyoulittleshit · 6 years
i wonder what happens to the luteces now that everything is over with. do they return to a single reality, as robert had wanted? or do they continue to linger in their quantum super-position with unlimited knowledge, as rosalind had wanted?
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cmonyoulittleshit · 6 years
You have some fascinating points yourself! and you’re very right, booker does have the ability to display racist views. But, he also can present non-racist ideals. Whether or not he displays either one depends on you, the player. And, yes, he did warn elizabeth of her sympathetic nature. But think of it this way: in the early 1900s, everyone was incredibly racist. Like, everyone. If a white person displayed sympathy towards a colored person, then they were often beaten/ostracized/killed by the KKK. However, in this instance, it would be the feathered brotherhood doing the beating. Some cases of ostracizing include the white people who were tossed in finkton, and an example of public beating and shaming is the couple from early on in the game. Booker, being about twenty years older than her and generally more knowledgeable of society, warns her of this. his warning doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t have any empathy for them. And, yes, the booker the player plays does not help the vox populi unless it is helping him. However, in an alternate reality, he does help them. At first, he helps them only to help himself, but after a while, he gives up on finding Elizabeth and focuses all of his attention on helping daisy, Fitzroy. And he dies because of it. In his last audio recording (the one he records as he is dying), he says, “maybe I did right by you and the vox. But in the end, that doesn’t square anything.” and the only reason Booker turns on Fitzroy is that she, believing him to be an imposter Booker, (remember, Booker and Elizabeth are now in a reality where he--a martyr for the revolution--died), orders for her people to kill them both. So, he really had no choice. It was either kill her or let he and Elizabeth be murdered. I’m not saying it was the best thing because Fitzroy was definitely my favorite character, but that’s just how it be sometimes. Overall I do agree that Booker was more morally gray than anything else. In my opinion, irrational games did an excellent job of portraying an imperfect (very, imperfect) protagonist. great time debating with you, it was definitely fun!
anyway, bioshock infinite is by far the worst instalment of the bioshock franchise. booker dewitt is the worst fucking human being ever and here’s why: during the ending, its revealed that booker dewitt is actually father comstock from a different reality. oh, how different a reaity?????? HE ACCEPTED A BAPTISM. the only major change in dewitt and comstock’s stories was that booker was a tiny bit less of a coward. im so fucking pissed. comstock founded columbia and wrote the books their morals are based on. obviously, comstock’s views are a bit of a product from his time but he litERALLY FOUNDED A CITY JUST TO BE RACIST. THEY SECEDED FROM AMERICA JUST TO BE RACIST. and booker’s views didn’t change just because of that baptism, he obtained the means to promote them because of the man that he became afterwards. that such a small change caused so much suffering is just???? fuck booker dewitt and every single goddamn version of him.
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cmonyoulittleshit · 6 years
hello! i just wanted to leave my opinion (not that anyone asked for it). so while booker dewitt isn’t the best human being around, he also isn’t the worst. he is elizabeth’s father, and he did sell her, but please consider the circumstances that surrounded what he did:
• he was 19 years old
• he was a war veteran suffering severe PTSD
• he was struggling to cope with the loss of his wife, anna (who had died during childbirth)
now, these do not justify what he did to elizabeth. but just imagine being in his shoes. not only do you have to deal with your PTSD (something which many did not believe in the early 1900s) but you also have to raise a baby alone without your wife! he was under a lot of stress. he still shouldn’t have sold his daughter, but hey, what can a guy do?
now, let’s focus on how he is father comstock. yes, booker IS father comstock from a different reality. but, booker does not equal comstock. comstock is a different reality, a different universe, a different person! booker realized his mistakes and knew that nothing, not even a baptism, could change what he had done. he even says that in the game. his knowledge of that is what also led him down a trail of booze and depression. comstock, however, thought that his baptism would make him into a different, better man. in an audio book early in the game, comstock expresses that view. he stopped being booker when he took that baptism. also, booker literally allowed himself to be drowned to death just so that he could stop himself from accepting the baptism. if that doesn’t make him a decent guy, i don’t know what will.
according to the multi-parallel universe theory (which the game is surrounded by), there is a universe out there in which YOU are very racist and homophobic. there is even a universe out there where you created your own little city to spread your racism and your hate. would you want people out there to equate you with your parallel, racism loving self? No, of course not!! Because you two are not the same people, you’re completely different!
My point is, while Booker is most definitely a Trash Dad™, he is not as awful as you think. he is a decent man who realized his wrongdoings and tried his best to fix them. comstock, however, is and will always be an awful man.
anyway, bioshock infinite is by far the worst instalment of the bioshock franchise. booker dewitt is the worst fucking human being ever and here’s why: during the ending, its revealed that booker dewitt is actually father comstock from a different reality. oh, how different a reaity?????? HE ACCEPTED A BAPTISM. the only major change in dewitt and comstock’s stories was that booker was a tiny bit less of a coward. im so fucking pissed. comstock founded columbia and wrote the books their morals are based on. obviously, comstock’s views are a bit of a product from his time but he litERALLY FOUNDED A CITY JUST TO BE RACIST. THEY SECEDED FROM AMERICA JUST TO BE RACIST. and booker’s views didn’t change just because of that baptism, he obtained the means to promote them because of the man that he became afterwards. that such a small change caused so much suffering is just???? fuck booker dewitt and every single goddamn version of him.
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cmonyoulittleshit · 6 years
ruvik is still alive
OKAY, hear me out!
i’m not just saying that ruvik is still alive because he is one (1) of my favorite villains, i’m saying it because it is true. now, i know that at the end of the evil within, sebastian castellanos smushed ruvik’s brain to smithereens. i know what you’re saying: what person can live without their brain? well, ruvik can. and that is because he was able to absorb leslie (something which we saw happen just moments before the boss battle)!! therefore, leslie’s brain became his brain, so it didn’t really matter if his original brain was smashed out of existence. and at the very end of the game we can see leslie walking out of beacon without anyone by his side. and he didn’t walk as he had walked the entire game--meaning it didn’t look like he was mumbling to himself, and he wasn’t hunched over and fearful. so, i’m just saying.. ruvik took over leslie and was therefore able to walk out of STEM relatively unharmed.
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cmonyoulittleshit · 6 years
why do people hate bioshock infinite so much? it’s an excellent addition to the series that makes a lot of new and exciting points. it’s not perfect, of course, but then again no game is perfect.
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cmonyoulittleshit · 6 years
the good and the bad of: the death of the outsider
hello! y’all probably don’t care, but here is my opinion of the death of the outsider. beware of spoilers!
-there was a lot of detail in the game that I loved. like those little “help” notes outside of the taxidermy shop? or the new drink that doubled as a weapon (I think it was called plagued spirit?).
-DOTO also showed us what happened after the ending of dishonored 2. it showed us what happened to sokolov, to emily/corvo, and even to the witches.
-I really liked the outsider’s appearances. instead of seeing him through his shrines, billie was able to hear him through the hollows (is that what they’re called?? idk lol) throughout the game and I thought that was pretty creative.
-I really liked the eyeless in the last mission. they were very interesting to look at and to listen to.
-the void! oh, I loved the void! being in the void and seeing/dealing with the envisioned was amazing!
-they revealed the outsider’s full and complete origin, and I loved it.
-the entire series they’ve used high/low chaos, and then for this DLC they use something else? it’s inconsistent, and it bothers me.
-they completely shit on daud’s redemption. at the end of briggsmore witches daud had come to the realization that his actions were not the outsider’s fault, they were his own. and he came to terms with that. but then in DOTO, he blames the outsider for everything that has been done? like? 
-as wonderful as the eyeless was on the last mission, I kind of wished they had used a different model for them. made them appear more.. idk.. older and pandyssian like?
-it kind of shit on billie, too. here you have this independent, amazing woman who is suddenly doing something because her former mentor is telling her to? she has no real reason to kill the outsider. she only wants to do it because daud is like “he’s awful!” and she's like “you know what? yeah, yeah he is!” 
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cmonyoulittleshit · 6 years
the outsider in death of the outsider
apparently, a lot of people think the outsider in dishonored 2′s DLC acts like a whiny child. it’s true, the outsider behaves differently than he did while in the other games and DLCs. but I wouldn’t say that he acts like a whiny child. rather, he acts like someone who is desperate for freedom. think about it: if you were trapped in the void for 4,000+ years, wouldn’t you jump at the chance to be free? the outsider never wanted to be the outsider. the eyeless took him from the streets and forced it upon him. so when he sees the opportunity to be free from the void, he jumps at it. he doesn’t care if he lives or if he dies so long as he is freed from his prison. on top of wanting to be free, he also wants someone to know his story. a story which, thanks to the eyeless, has been erased. but he does everything he can to tell billie his story, his life, and his reasoning so that she can understand him. 
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cmonyoulittleshit · 6 years
why corvo x daud is so awful
ah, okay, let me explain myself:
1. daud didn’t just kill the empress. he killed corvo’s best friend, his lover, his confidant, and the mother of his child! do you really like corvo could come to love a man who killed someone who meant so much to him?
2. once again, daud killed the mother of corvo’s child. do you really think corvo would be with a man who put his emily through such pain? he would do anything to protect emily, so of course he wouldn’t! (I mean unless you played high chaos I guess? but low chaos is usually what becomes canon)
3. corvo may have spared daud, but that doesn’t mean he forgave him. he actually only spared daud because he believed death was the easy way out. he wanted daud to live the rest of his life in fear. (source) 
4. corvo will never be able to love someone as deeply and passionately as he loved jessamine. even delilah realizes this, and she points it out to him while inhabiting the heart. (source) 
5. that being said, even though jessamine is dead corvo is still so deeply in love with her. this is proven by his comments throughout the game. ie:
- when he first saw the heart again he said, “there you are, my love.”
- he still hasn’t completely gotten over jessamine’s death, and in the introduction to the game, he told emily that every year only gets harder for him.
- if you saved the duke he writes in the journal why he didn’t kill him, saying that he didn’t want to disappoint jessamine (or something along those lines).
- on the same mission with the duke, when he releases jessamine’s spirit he writes how when she fled the heart, she took a part of him with her.
- and, of course, his heartbreaking goodbye speech to jessamine
but, anyway, this is why whenever I see art/stories with corvo x daud I’m like “no, no, no.”  
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