cmm1016-blog · 5 years
Today is April 12 I think it’s been a lazy day in Minnesota there’s a Tonna snow outside we just had a thunder blizzard yesterday I spent most of the day in bed got up made supper and took a bath and now I’m just spent I’m tired and my body is tired the days of exciting drug dealing higher than a kite moments are over now I am depressed and bedridden for most of the day everything hurts all the time I’ve gained 50 pounds in six months I cry a lot I wanted to do this every day but I just can’t even gather up the energy to talking in my phone hence why there’s no punctuation well it’s 730 in the evening and I’m ready to go to bed 38 years old single ready to go to bedAt 7:30 on a Friday night
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cmm1016-blog · 5 years
They never wonder why I did drugs?
Today started off like normal I woke up and my arms worker came and I went to town went to the YMCA to fill out a financial aid application and the gentleman asked me how come I had no income last year and I had to explain to him because I was a drug addict on the street the lady I need to talk to wasn’t there so I came home and took a nap because it’s hard for me to stay motivated and awake throughout the day and then it was off to court for my daughter I went to Menards with my mother came home watched a movie with my kids took a call from my ex-husband in prison and then came downstairs to my room to watch Netflix like I do every day and decided to start a Tumblr about my daily life today was just a simple day but not every day is simple I’m recovering meth addict with three children I’ve been sober six months I’m in outpatient treatment I’m in a time convicted felon with currently five felony charges I suffer from anti social personality ADHD PTSD depression and anxiety I don’t take any meds and I struggle just to get out of bed every day
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