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Our Blender work from today.
Make a collection of 3D pixel art!
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HCI  - prototypes and presentations
Morning all, welcome back to the last term of your first year!
We’re focusing on getting the last Units out of the way this week so that we can have the rest of the term to focus and play around with Unity and a bit of Blender ready for next year!
Presentations are scheduled for early next week (date to be finally confirmed ASAP) so for this you will need the following...
Portfolio of work - Your shared document that has your research and your ideas all brought together in a professional looking document that tracks the journey you and your team have taken in terms of completing the brief. REMEMBER this needs to be colour coded with each member of the group having a different colour for their input and your key on the front page for Chris and I.
Prototype and concept design - Some of your designs will be in your portfolio but you may have some working sketches to show with your actual prototype for your HCI device. This will ideally me made so that we can hold it or wear it and ideally as life sized as possible to get a feel of how it would work with current gen tech. Please use some common sense here, if it’s not possible to be actual size then scale it back.
You can use some resources that we have in college but I suggest you root through the recycle bins at home before the binmen arrive and use plastic bottles, cereal packets - whatever you can find, go full Blue Peter on this!
Presentation - Your presentation needs to be just that - a presentation NOT A COPY OF YOUR PORTFOLIO. Think about all the items we covered in the early part of the year when you put together your individual presentations for your game ideas. Your presentation is there to assist the presenter NOT REPLACE THEM. Use bullet points, brief annotations that you can expand on. Use cue cards if you want to to elaborate on these bullet points. As a group you need to ensure your presentation is highlighting your hard work and allowing you to show it off in the best way possible, we have about a week until E3, so watch some old videos and get inspiration about how you could present this.
We will record these and we will be looking for professionalism in your delivery and your understanding of the work that you are sharing. Practice in the mirror!!
So its to do. You’ve had a week of sleeping late and may need to catch up with each other on whats going on, remember that you all need to input and you all need to take ownership of your idea.
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The Group HCI Assignment
This is a group assignment, and should be contributed to be each of your group.
Make sure that each individual has a task and a responsibility in the tasks, and that everyone has a part to play in development, research and presenting.
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A reminder that these slides are regularly updated - recently BACK AND FORTH ENEMY MOVEMENT and TOPDOWN MOVEMENT was added.
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Stencyl checklist
Structure: Good Narrative, Cut scenes/Exposition, Different levels, Start screens, Option screens.
Interactivity:  Characters to control, NPCs to meet, Enemies to attack, Power ups to use, A HUD to display information.
Design: Different environments, Use of depth of field, Different assets in levels, Character animation for protagonists and antagonists. Animation and design for losing lives and gaining lives,
Sound: Sound effects (power ups, attack sounds, death sounds…), Different soundtracks for different levels.
REMEMBER for sound you can go to www.beepbox.co
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April 30 - Research HCI
Morning all
Last week Chris began going through the HCI unit with you and looking into some of the different aspects of Human-Computer interfaces. 
So far you’ve been asked to...
Find an interface device for each of the following HCI technologies - how do we use it? What is good and bad about its design? 
Think of a product in the HCI range and find data about whether it would sell well/is needed in the current industry. Find sales figures of similar items to show interest Find forums/opinions on the product Find statistics in games sold in recent years
These will need to be completed and give a good insight into different HCI and also the different types of research that we can utilise in creative media.
This morning I want you to focus on a slightly different area that will help with the later parts of this unit. Below are four case studies. I want you you to choose two of them and then
Write a short 300 word report on the HCI tech that is being discussed. (Explain a little about what the product is and what it allows the player to do. Include in your report how this may help those that may have a physical disability and also the implications for the gaming industry as a whole)
Once you’ve done this I want you to discuss a game/games that you think would benefit the most from this form of HCI in you’re opinion.
Write all of these on your Summer SWAY blogs please. When you thinking of game examples try and think of different ones that may be featured within the video to push yourselves further. Case Studies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooL5kohv9X8&t=118s
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Research types from our lesson this morning.
Think of a product in the HCI range.
Find data about whether it would sell well/is needed in the current industry using the research methods we have discussed.
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Our slides on HCI from this morning.
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Helpful code for making title and ending scenes.
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23 April - All change
Morning all
Remember please if you’re reading this before the lesson starts that you need to check your emailed timetable for our room change today. If you’re reading this in the lesson then you should already know where we are!!
The challenge today is to ensure we have everything we need and then organise appropriately.
Stencyl - I have tested it but thats different from 20 of you testing t all at once. You will need to load it up and go to Stencyl>Preferences>Work space and choose the folder that you designated at the start of the year for your game saves. It will have a folder called stencylworks in it.
One ting to test is does your Stencyl export the game to test? Please try this asap.
Photoshop (Adobe) - Again these should all work. If you’re Photoshop isn’t working then go to the applications folder (desktop>go>applications) and find the 2018 version and double click the app icon.
Piskel etc. - These are all online apps (Piskel, Beepbox etc) so you will have access to these as normal just remember you may need to log into them again - can you remember your password!
In all of this please be patient and we will get ourselves sorted as best we can as quick as we can.
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A link to a large selection of code events.
If you would like any others, do ask!
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18 April - Stencyl focus
Morning all, 
Use the checklist to go through your games and develop your games further to a finished article. Some dates to aim for now!!
Final exported builds will be needed to be ready and uploaded on the macshared area by Thursday 17th May 2018.
This will give the Friday and some time the following week for you to have your games tested by your peers and some potential bug fixing time. This WILL NOT be the time to carry on and complete. It will be troubleshooting at best so we can get the games collated and uploaded for the CGX (College Games eXpo)  on May 24th.
Today you need to focus on the balance of your games in terms of levels. 
How many are complete?
What levels need to be added?
Do any need to be removed/replaced to allow the story to make more sense?
Do the designs match the story? Do these need to be changed?
Do you have assets that are appropriate to the levels?
Are these assets something that can be interacted with?
If not, why not?
Structure: Good Narrative, Cut scenes/Exposition, Different levels, Start screens, Option screens.
Interactivity:  Characters to control, NPCs to meet, Enemies to attack, Power ups to use, A HUD to display information.
Design: Different environments, Use of depth of field, Different assets in levels, Character animation for protagonists and antagonists. Animation and design for losing lives and gaining lives,
Sound: Sound effects (power ups, attack sounds, death sounds…), Different soundtracks for different levels.
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Welcome back
Morning all
We have 6 weeks until the next half term and by that time your games will be completed! May 24th is the date of CGX our very own mini games con that will showcase the upper sixths 3D work and will also have ready to play your games from Stencyl.
We have two more units to finish of this year and then the vital 6 week Unity project where you get your hands on some of the software we will be exploring through the upper sixth.
So this mornings focus is to spend your first hour back revisiting your game. What have you learnt around the sound and graphics units that might inspire you to develop or change elements to your game.
Use the check list below to help go over your games. We will add to this over the next few lessons but this is a good starting of point.
Structure: Good Narrative, Cut scenes/Exposition, Different levels, Start screens, Option screens.
Interactivity:  Characters to control, NPCs to meet, Enemies to attack, Power ups to use, A HUD to display information.
Design: Different environments, Use of depth of field, Different assets in levels, Character animation for protagonists and antagonists. Animation and design for losing lives and gaining lives,
Sound: Sound effects (power ups, attack sounds, death sounds...), Different soundtracks for different levels.
Remember your games will be on show at CGX. You will need to export and test and check everything over the next 6 weeks and the best games will be those that have time spent on them outside of the class time.
Let’s make some games!
Homework for Thursday (19th April)
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Principles of Sound design
When you’re ready this is the submission link for your illustrated essay on the different developments of sound design across console generations.
Deadline is 29/03/2018 @ 1630.
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March 26 - Sounds gooood!
Last week Chris started the second part of your sound unit. We would like you to work through this this week and have it ready fr submission for Thursday 29th.
You have resources to explore from Chris’ slide show on the previous post and to get you inspired and thinking about the technical developments we’re going to have a look at these...
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