cmaid · 5 years
It has been a while since I used this account, huh. But it's the second anniversary of publishing original music after The Hiatus, so I thought I would publish a total conversion (for lack of a better word) of a really old track! Details under the cut.
You can download this track/listen in higher quality on bandcamp, too!
The original was written 2013. Back then, it was just called 'Freedom' and pretty much existed in a vacuum; no clear inspirations nor purpose. Despite that it's a track that I always had nostalgic feelings for, the sort of feeling that I wanted to convey in the remake. Originally this remake was going to be a solo piano version (hence the solos). However, I also wanted to improve the barebones title. While I won't go into too many details, the new title is slightly inspired by a poem I had to read for class some time ago. Due to this and a couple other factors, somewhere along the way I started thinking of depicting this family where the kid feels on top of the world over something that might seem small to anyone else. Hopefully that came across well!
All the programs/samples used are listed on the soundcloud upload.
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cmaid · 5 years
A quick arrange of Competition Version A from Woofle’s S3Alternate. Woofle just published her new album and it reminded me that I’d wanted to arrange some of her older tracks for a while now. This one ended up with a party vibe, sort of, but can’t promise that’ll be the case for any future arranges.
The only problem I ran into creating it was that Sampletank kept crashing when I used it for drums. From now on I’ll stick to exporting the drum kits to .wav before using them and keeping the plugin for other instruments.
- Blow Tenor (THInstruments.sf2)
- Alto Sax (GeneralUser GS 1.44)
- Rock J Bass Pick (SampleTank)
- Electric Piano (Arachno Soundfont) 
- HughPadhamEco drumkit (Sampletank)
- Jazz Kit (SampleTank, shaker only)
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cmaid · 6 years
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Aaand it’s finally here! You can now listen to all the tracks I’ve published this year through Bandcamp too, and when you download the tracks you also get MIDI or sheet music versions of them depending on the song. There’s also a new track to listen to as a bonus~
Unfortunately, tumblr doesn’t seem to allow embedding bandcamp anymore, so just follow the link below and hope you enjoy listening!
2018 in Retrospect
(Also, just to make something clear: I put the album as Name Your Price, but please don’t feel any obligation to pay for it unless you really want to.)
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cmaid · 6 years
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Only one week until I drop the 2018 compilation, so here’s a quick update on how things are going:
Still need to come up with a solid cover art concept...
Two of the sheets have been sent to someone I trust for proofreading (still waiting for feedback), the third one still needs a lot of work... And while the fourth is done, I am honestly considering converting it into a MIDI due to some technical issues with it.
Apart from that conversion, all the MIDIs have been completed! Kind of sad I couldn’t just upload them as one .zip; either way, I’d currently say The Usurper on his Throne sounds the best out of those.
Speaking of the Usurper: When publishing the album on BC, I’m asked to feature one of the tracks. As of now I’ve chosen 7AM, but perhaps Usurper would be a better choice? Will have to ponder that further, would appreciate feedback on which would make a better first impression too.
You might notice an untitled bonus track in the corner. Consider it an outro of sorts, don’t worry about it...
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cmaid · 6 years
Celebrating Halloween (a couple days early) with a jazzy arrange this year too! This time of Graveyard Raveyard from the album Kintsukuroi by Taylor Eruysal. While the rest of the album isn't particularly spooky, this one just felt right.
Also, this marks the first time I tried recording a solo directly into OpenMPT! ... And probably the last, a lot of tinkering had to be done after the recording was done to make it sound decent.
PROGRAM(S) USED: OpenMPT SAMPLES USED: - Blow Tenor (THInstruments.sf2) - Alto Sax (GeneralUser GS 1.44) - Upright Piano Eco (SampleTank) - 4001 Bass Finger B+N (SampleTank) - Jazz Guitar (THInstruments.sf2) - Hugh Padham Drumset Eco (SampleTank) - Xylophone (GeneralUser) - Vibraphone (THInstruments.sf2)
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cmaid · 6 years
2018 announcement
Promised last week that I would announce something today, so here goes!
On the 17th of November, I plan to gather nearly all original songs I uploaded this year and make them available for download as one album on Bandcamp. The reason I announce this now is that there's still work to do, and there's no motivation like trying not to let people down. For one, it’s hard to come up with cover art ideas when there’s no cohesive theme across the tracks. Since I stick with screenshots of the project when uploading single tracks, I might implement that in this cover as well, in a manner similar to this:
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More importantly, the album download will also include MIDI files or scores of each song. I've included a list under the read more of the specific songs and how far I've gotten with their bonus versions, and will try to keep it updated in the meantime. I’ll only make posts about it if I decide to record videos of them, though.
Hope you look forward to it!
(Note: Scores/MIDI are created for chiptune songs as well. Mostly because I can't include their project files due to Bandcamp's restrictions, and I'd rather not spread the downloads out over several sites.)
Lurking Menace: MIDI ready! 7AM: MIDI ready! The Dying City: Score in progress Déjà Vu: MIDI ready! The Usurper on his Throne: MIDI ready! Workshop in Reverse: MIDI ready! Chapelwaltz: Sheets in progress
Tree-Minor: MIDI ready! Cobalt Halls: Sheets in progress Someone else's Home: Sheets need proofreading Placeholder Battle Music: MIDI ready!
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cmaid · 6 years
BASED ON: A folk melody that has been used for a lot of songs since the 1700-hundreds, so it’s kind of hard to tell where it’s actually from.
It’s my birthday today! So here’s an arrangement that I did earlier this year of the traditional birthday song from Sweden. Since this version doesn’t include the lyrics it feels a bit overkill to translate them, but the gist of it is hoping that whoever has their birthday today is going to live for 100 years. And then when they’ve lived that long they’ll be pushed around in a wheelbarrow for some reason. Fun times.
Made in FamiTracker 0cc, using the 2A03, VRC6, and MMC5 modules. No DPCM samples used.
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cmaid · 6 years
Reached 100 likes across all tracks on SC last week, so thought I’d upload this one a bit earlier than planned as thanks! ... Even if it’s a complete style departure from usual. (I should probably note it’s called a waltz because the 3/4 segment was written way before the intro.)
Oddly enough I finished the OMPT version before the score. Even then I won’t publish the score as soon as it’s done; rather, I’d like to wait until the end of the year. You’ll see why.
It’s also the leitmotif for another of my characters! More info below the cut.
Admittedly I haven’t zoned in on the character’s design, hence the album art. But his name’s Valdemar, though occasionally he gets nicknamed Vlad in-story due to paleness. He’s a priest who fell into depression due to issues with his family - or what remains of it - so I tried conveying a complete lack of cheerfulness in this.
Score (not included yet): MuseScore
Everything else: OpenMPT
Samples through SampleTank, specifically the preset Grand Piano 2 Eco.
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cmaid · 6 years
BASED ON: Nearly every track of the Kioh Gyoku soundtrack by ZUN
This one’s on bandcamp too for best quality
Cover art by @blacklimes
On the 15th of August 2008, Shunsatsu Sare Do?[sic] released the last ever entry to the Seihou Project series. I have complicated feelings toward the games themselves - varied and fun gameplay, the two first games have great music courtesy of ZUN, but the way story concepts were handled... - either way I wanted to celebrate the anniversary somehow. To celebrate I made this medley of the whole soundtrack from Kioh Gyoku, the second game in the series. (Excluding the title theme, sadly.) The titles and timestamps for each song are sneaked under the read more. The result dips into a few slightly different sounds, but hopefully you can enjoy the full arrange nonetheless!
Track list: 天鵞絨少女戦 ~ Velvet Battle : 0:00-1:35 新幻想 ~ New Fantasy : 1:22-2:02 (slight overlap with Velvet Battle) Castle Explorer -in the Sky-  [sic] : 2:03 - 3:22 オルレアンの聖騎士 (Holy Knight of Orléans) : 3:22-4:30 オルフェの詩 ~ Pseudoclassic : 4:35-5:48 My Maid, Sweet Maid : 5:48-7:15 エニグマティクドール (ENIGMATIC DOLL) ~ God Knows : 7:15-8:36 乙女戦士 ~ Heart of Valkyrie : 8:25-9:04 桜花之恋塚 ~ Flower of Japan : 9:05-9:35
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cmaid · 6 years
Finished that WIP from a couple months back. Context for the title is that this is a remake of a song I composed in 2014-ish... but parts of it were reversed. Specifically, the song consisted of a part A and part B: the first segment is A like it was in the original, then B based on the reversed version, and finally A from the reversed. ... I can’t make the description less confusing than that. At least it doesn’t sound confusing, if anything B works better this way than in the original.
Made in FamiTracker 0cc, using the default 2A03 module and N163 (with 6 channels). No DPCM samples used.
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cmaid · 6 years
BASED ON: Not Glamorous, from the soundtrack of Legend of Dark Witch. Title taken from the official arrange included with Legend of Dark Witch 2.
It’s been a while since the last upload... And it’s been a long while since the last time I made an arrange that really toyed with the song it’s based on. It’s good to be back even if just for a little bit!
This arrange’s combination of grittier and smoother sounds mostly came from overanalysing the song’s titles and comparing them with the character they were attached to - Sola’s absolutely the ‘cute and doted on by her parents, but will leave you bruised and bloodied after a fight’ sort of deal. Hopefully that came across in the cover art, too...
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- Upright Piano Eco (SampleTank 3, effects used for the harsh sound)
- Humbucker LP Bridge (SampleTank 3, Mod Distorted on the left and Vintage Distorted on the right)
- Violin (THInstruments.sf2)
- Viola (GeneralUser GS)
- Rock J Bass Pick (SampleTank 3)
- Saw Lead (made in OpenMPT itself)
- POWER Drumkit (GeneralUser GS)
- Crowd_Talking (Sourced from a YouTube video that did not require permission before use... Unfortunately I lost the link, so sorry about this)
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cmaid · 6 years
What started out as an exercise in having small variations of a leitmotif working together became the definite theme for a character of mine. Even though said character had only existed for a few weeks at that point, and still doesn't have a name. Now I kind of want to describe him further, but anything interesting would fall into spoiler territory if I actually published anything (original) I'd written...
As a side-note, I started working on the track around November, and still don't know if I'm 100% satisfied with this result (mostly due to that middle part and the sax samples I have at hand). But back then I promised it would be uploaded in May, so here it is despite my schedule still being too busy right now to create much.
SoundCloud | WritScrib
Blow Tenor (THInstruments.sf2, original source unknown)
Rock Piano (Arachno SoundFont)
Stereo Strings Tremolo (GeneralUserGS)
POWER drumkit (GeneralUserGS)
... And four SampleTank instruments, namely:
Clarinets 1
P Bass Finger
Grace Nylon Pad
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cmaid · 6 years
BASED ON: Doesn’t Matter Who It Is, from the soundtrack of Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary
First off, I just want to say thank you for the 1k listens over on SoundCloud. Let’s just say that felt impossible around this time last year and leave it at that.
Been in a Puyo music mood lately, even though it’s been months since I actually played any of the games. Nasu Grave’s theme from 15th Anniversary in particular is an underrated gem that I honestly think could make a really good comeback if used as a VS Online theme or something, even if the character himself wouldn’t get any sizable roles. So have a chiptune-y interpretation!
Also tried doing something different for the cover art and drew Nasu himself on top of the customary screenshot of FamiTracker. Not sure about the shading but otherwise I really ought to make a habit out of that, makes things a bit more interesting!
Made in FamiTracker 0cc, using the modules 20A3, VRC6, N163 (2 channels) and FDS. DPCM samples based on samples from SampleTank (snare sound) and GeneralUserGS (Orchestra Hits).
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cmaid · 6 years
Was brainstorming melodies to use a few days ago when I came into the intro of this and was heavily reminded of... Well, I still don't know what song specifically I remembered, but it was SOMETHING, hence the title. The similarities made me wonder if I should upload it in the first place, but consider this an advanced form of "hey do you guys remember the song that goes like[...]?"
By the way, I ended up tagging the soundcloud upload with both acoustic rock and pop. Which would you say fits better?
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PROGRAMS USED: OpenMPT, SampleTank INSTRUMENTS USED: Originally came from the SampleTank MAX plugin, apart from the strings. - Stereo Strings (GeneralUserGS) - Hugh Padgham Drumkit - Steel String 3 Picked - Smaller Steel - J Bass Pick
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cmaid · 6 years
BASED ON: Billie Jean from the album Thriller, plus Chemical Plant Zone from the soundtrack of Sonic the Hedgehog 2
ALBUM ART: Courtesy of the Sonic Boom comic (don’t know which volume it is from. If you happen to know inform me so I can credit it properly!)
My April Fool’s joke for 2018... Which I had ready all the way back in January for some reason. Heavily inspired by Yuzoboy’s remix combining a MIDI of Chemical Plant Zone with Billie Jean’s melody, which I’ve linked under the readmore if you’re curious how that sounds. (The joke was simply that I advertised it as if it was a regular Chemical Plant Zone mix.)
SoundCloud | WritScrib
Before the technical details, link to Yuzo’s mix:
PROGRAMS USED: OpenMPT, SampleTank MAX SAMPLES USED: - GeneralUserGS v1.44 (Jazz Guitar, Acoustic Bass, POWER Drumkit) - Arachno Soundfont version 1.0 (Synth Strings 1) - THInstruments.sf2 (PercOrganSinkla) - A Genesis sound-alike soundfont (Mute Trumpet preset) - SampleTank MAX (Synth Guitar Lead, Alto+Tenor Sax)
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cmaid · 6 years
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED: 16th of March, 2018
... And that brings us to the end of the scheduled reuploads. Thank you for sticking with me this far - or if you just came in, hope you’ll enjoy all this! (As always I’ll leave the equipment used-list under the read more.)
Ironically enough this song was based on tablescraps. I had two ideas for melodies that I didn’t know where to put, so decided to mix them together because they had similar chord progressions... And out of that stemmed something that I could only describe as sappy, yet bombastic. That I’m unreasonably proud of, at that.
As for the title... I was a bit distracted from schoolwork one day when the thought came: “hey, each phrase of that song starts with the chord A major 7th, I’ll throw the letters around and it can be called 7AM!!” I jotted the idea down in case I couldn’t think of anything better, and... there we are.
SoundCloud | WritScrib
SAMPLES/PLUG-INS USED: - Orchestral Pad (from Arachno SoundFont v 1.00) - Vibraphone, Tubular Bells, Stereo Strings Tremolo, and POWER drumkit (all from GeneralUser GS) - SampleTank MAX, specifically the presets “Grand Piano 1 Classical” and “Grace Nylon Pad” (both guitar & bass)
I should mention that importing the Orchestral Pad straight into OpenMPT didn’t work too well… so I played all Cs and F#s across the scale in LMMS, exported those sounds, then put those into OpenMPT and tweaked them when necessary.
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cmaid · 6 years
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED: 2nd of March, 2018
You might notice that the very first post I put up here was stated to be originally uploaded 2nd of March, 2017. Yes, I thought it would be a fun idea to remake that song for my first anniversary of putting original stuff up on SoundCloud to see how much I had improved. Turns out that was hard to gauge when I used a different program this time, but in the end this sounds more polished than the first version, so mission success!
Made in FamiTracker 0cc, using the modules 20A3, N163 (4 channels) and FDS.
The archived version of the original is over here if you want to compare and contrast, or you can check either of the links below:
SoundCloud | WritScrib
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