clue-pursuer · 11 months
Happy Friday!! Here’s a few of my favorite Joe moments as promised
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clue-pursuer · 11 months
Theory: Josh is the most OP Host
You know those unexplainable abilities that the hosts have like bringing objects to life and manifesting/summoning things? For the sake of brevity, we’ll label them “host powers”. It’s sort of assumed that all the hosts have the same type and level of power but I’d like to say the Josh majorly disrupts the equality. For starters, the way his own powers are represented.
I’m gonna detour for a quick second: You know that iconic blues clues swirl pattern? (I promise this has meaning, stick with me on this.) It’s been shown throughout the og and reboot series, mainly in the houses interior. It also shows up in merch and promo material for the shows too! All this to say, the swirlies are intertwined with the face and energy of the show itself.
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(The pattern in question ^^)
After Josh leaves an inanimate object alone, these swirls appear over the object and bring it to life! (Something neither Joe or Steve do, making this a unique detail about Josh’s own powers.
If I remember correctly, there’s a general rule in Musical theater that says to make characters sing when they’re overcome with emotion and when they can’t talk you then make them dance. With Josh being the most hyper of the hosts by far, he slips into this rule quite often. When he does, those swirls I mentioned will appear around him. For this reason, I think they’re apart of his host powers as an aura. (Disclaimer!: It’s worth mentioning that these swirls don’t always appear while he’s happy, They seem to just be a visual representation of when Josh is using his own powers and less of a guaranteed sighting.)
OKAY NOW LETS GET TO THE OP STUFF HE DOES! Through more than a few rewatches, I’ve seen the swirls cause things to come to life but also affect the people around him in an almost hive mind sort of way.
Before this point in the gif shown below, Josh was singing all around the park with a bunch of people, then they start dancing all together, and here they are STILL following with the swirl aura trailing behind Josh. And then after this scene we cut to not just a single object being brought to life but literal trees flowers and birds from the same park. If we’re gonna follow the idea that the swirls show his magic in use, Josh is causing all of this just by moving around and having the time of his life.
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Still not convinced he causes people to drop everything on the spot? In “We’re on Our Way”, Josh stumbles into an arguing pair of cab drivers who’d gotten into an accident. As he’s singing, they stop in their tracks, follow Josh’s gesture to look at Blue, and start joining in on another dance number. (Which has people either from the last scene Josh was in or they’re jus pedestrians around him that also stop to dance???)
This scene below also shows that whole musical rule of thumb I mention! He’s so overcome with the city and the group of people he’s around that the aura comes out on its own! Then a cut to dancing, music, and singing! It’s all coming together baybeeee
(Notice the swirls appearance coming out as people join in!)
The entirety of “Happiness is Magic” is kind of shakey to use as proof but I’m still going to lol. Josh’s heightened emotions from finally completing his childhood dream after nearly losing it all are the main focus here. It’s right up the alley with his powers being woven in with positivity and musical self expression. I will admit that because he’s preforming on stage you could argue the unanimous preforming with the extras has nothing to do with his powers. Although we do see rainbow puppy and bd wong dancing with Josh off stage for a bit when as directors they really don’t need to be dancing so it could still stand that he’s using his powers here.
TLDR;Josh is able to do the following,
Visually represent his powers
Bring things to life in mass amounts
Control other’s emotions and bodies in mass amounts,
Change his environment, and change his appearance quickly and in real time
All just because he’s over the moon happy :)
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clue-pursuer · 11 months
Things i am working on again:
a super cool summer art piece!! Made this one in the absolute dead of night. Sleep deprivation is CRAZY i know.
Floor is lava! Got inspired all over again to have another go at it (つ▀¯▀)つ
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clue-pursuer · 11 months
Steve: I’ve connected the three clues.
Blue: Bow bowbow bowbow bow.
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clue-pursuer · 11 months
Don’t Forget Me: Part Two: Joe (a Blue’s Clues Story)
Author’ Note: Remember that party Micha mentioned in A Place To Fall? Well, I turned that into a memory for Blue! Hope you enjoy! Tagging: @clue-pursuer and @pseudovillain
Part Two: Joe There was a flurry of activity at The Blue’s Clues House:
Laurie was coming back to visit, and Micha, Joe, Blue, and Magenta had planned a surprise party for her.
Joe and Micha were putting up decorations, the Spice Family were making the food, and Magenta was outside, and was going to alert them when Laurie arrived.
Blue was supposed to keep an eye on things, but she kept thinking about if Steve was coming with Laurie or not.
Joe always reminded her that Steve was busy, but whenever he told her that, she knew he was missing Steve as well.
She lost her train of thought when someone bumped into her, and she looked up to see Micha, carrying a box full of decorations.
“Sorry, Blue: I didn’t see you there.”
Before Blue got to reply, they both heard Magenta’s excited bark.
“Laurie’s here? Already?” Micha asked, panicking.
Micha often got panic attacks, and Blue, Magenta, Laurie, and Joe all knew what to do whenever that happens.
Stop, breathe, and think.
Blue took a deep breath, and when Micha noticed what she was doing, he took a deep breath too.
“Blue, can you go outside and stay there with Magenta and Laurie until we’re done in here?”
Blue nods, and Micha smiles.
“Okay, good.”
When Micha left, Blue went outside, where Magenta and Laurie were, but she was looking around for someone else.
“Bow? Bow?” she asked, and that’s when Laurie looked at her, and her expression was sad.
“Oh, Blue, I’m sorry: he didn’t come with me.”
“Is it because of me?”
Blue, Magenta, and Laurie looked up to see Joe and Micha coming outside, and Laurie shook her head.
“No, of course not.”
Blue thought Joe looked angry, but on closer inspection, he looked sad, like Blue was.
“Then why doesn’t he want to come home?” Joe asked, and Laurie shook her head again.
“I’m not sure. He told me he was busy with mid-terms, but I assure you that has nothing to do with you.”
Micha nods and takes a hold of Joe’s hand, squeezing it gently.
“He’d be extremely happy to know how well you’re taking care of Blue and everyone else.”
Joe nods, squeezing Micha’s hand back.
“Yeah, I guess.”
After a pause, Laurie looks at Micha and Joe.
“So, I heard there’s a party for me?”
Blue, Magenta, and Joe all looked at Micha, while Joe laughs while Blue and Magenta shake their heads.
Micha looked embarrassed as he looked at Laurie.
“I’m sorry: I know it was supposed to be a secret, but I was really excited to see you.”
Laurie smiles as she leans over and hugs Micha.
“It’s okay, Micha: I know you were just excited.”
Suddenly, a bus stopped in front of The Blue’s Clues House, and Laurie, Micha, and Joe looked at each other.
“Did you invite anyone else?” Micha asked, and Joe shook his head.
“The only other person coming is Periwinkle, but he won’t be here until the party starts.”
The door of the bus opened, and out came Steve, carrying a bag and some flowers, which were obviously for Laurie.
Before anyone could react, Blue barked happily, running over to her previous owner, and when she got to him, she leaped on him and started to lick his face while Steve laughed.
“I missed you too, Blue.”
“Bow wow bow!”
Blue led Steve over to Joe, Micha, and Laurie, who all looked stunned to see Steve.
“You’re here? Why?” Joe asked, and Steve looked at Laurie, who gave him an encouraging smile, before he looked back at Joe.
“After Laurie left, I got the package you and Blue had sent me, and I realized it wasn’t fair to you guys that I have been away for so long.”
Joe shook his head.
“You were busy.”
“I was, but I was also homesick. But, if I came home, then I would just undo everything you had accomplished since I left.”
Joe looked at Steve.
“You wouldn’t do that: I think everyone would be excited that you came home.”
“I’m sorry to break up the conversation, but it looks like Periwinkle is on his way here.” Mailbox stated, and Steve looked at Joe and Micha.
“Can Laurie and I help?” he asked, and Joe shook his head.
“No: you and Laurie are guests, and it wouldn’t be fair to have you guys help.”
“But, it would go a lot quicker if Steve and I help you: please?” Laurie asked, and Joe looked at Micha then, who nodded.
“Sure, let them help. Like Laurie said, it’d go a lot quicker if they helped us.”
As they were going back inside, Joe looked at Steve.
“Are you happy that you came home?”
Steve paused for a minute, looking at the house, and he nods.
“Yes: I just hope everyone feels the same way.”
“Of course they will: right, Blue?”
Steve smiles.
“Well, then: let’s go help set up a party.”
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clue-pursuer · 11 months
Blue’s Clues headcannons (and one singular question): part 5
(continuing from my main tee hee)
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• HC: Josh REALLY REALLY REALLY likes playing doctor it’s like his second favorite thing to do. Medical stuff is very interesting to him
• HC: Josh will make his bed but hardly ever sleeps under the comforter because he just likes his blanket that much
• HC: During his era, Joe has a MacBook laptop and takes it everywhere. He doesn’t do anything important with it ever. He just likes to hold it, click on stuff, and play purble palace for like 3 hours. Nowadays he actually uses it but it’s from 2005 and Josh is begging him to upgrade it to something the functions more than 50% of the time (yes this bc is based off that one picture)
• Once again. I implore us to ask how old the hosts are. There’s a very specific avoidance the show has for all of them where they’re allowed to acknowledge they were once kids but aren’t allowed to literally present as adults (ex: they never cook on the stove, use ovens, or drive). They can have grandparents, but if they had parents, then it would age them to certainly be adults. But the show just. Doesn’t do this. How old are they Nickelodeon. How old.
• HC: Whenever Steve is on the phone with Miranda he’s kicking his feet and giggling. I’m talking pacing around the room and forgetting where he is bcs he’s so wrapped up in her and her voice and how much he likes her.
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clue-pursuer · 11 months
Detective Steve and his cousin 🫶🏾
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clue-pursuer · 11 months
I forgot that all three hosts are in support of the WGA strike. And that the actors guild is also going on strike. Oh.
Yeah…. Yeah we not getting no announcement anytime soon.
I am starved for at least a CRUMB of season 5 news please. Please just announce an air date Nickelodeon.
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clue-pursuer · 11 months
I am starved for at least a CRUMB of season 5 news please. Please just announce an air date Nickelodeon.
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clue-pursuer · 11 months
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My Redbubble | Commission Info | My Kofi | Art Only Blog
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clue-pursuer · 11 months
Bed time with blue ‧˚₊*̥✧
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clue-pursuer · 1 year
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Blue’s Clues Plate, cup & spoon!
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clue-pursuer · 1 year
Milkshakes And Revenge (Micha, Blue’s Clues)
Author’s Note: Happy Pride to Micha and Joe! Hope you enjoy! Tagging: @pseudovillain and @clue-pursuer
The day was bright, sunny, and the street where Joe’s Present Store was located was bustling with activity.
Joe wanted to attract new customers to the present store, so he had an ice cream stand situated in front of the store, serving ice cream and the occasional milkshake.
A few feet away were Laurie, Micha, and Nick, and Laurie was telling Micha and Nick about her double date with Steve, Josh and Aly.
“So, what’s the verdict? Does she make Josh happy?” Micha asked, and Laurie nods.
“I think so: he seems pretty happy.”
Nick looks at her.
“I think he’s happy all the time: the only time I’ve seen him worry was when he was trying to get to his audition with Rainbow Puppy.”
Micha looked at Josh, who was talking to Steve and Joe, and it seemed like Nick was right:
It seemed like happiness was Josh’s default setting, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of feeling other emotions, such as worry.
Micha turned back to Laurie and Nick.
“Where did you guys go for your double date?”
Micha and Joe had a double date with Josh and Aly later, and there wasn’t a plan of what to do.
Laurie looked at him.
“If it isn’t New York’s own detective, Steve! Did you find any clues for that case you’re working on?”
Micha, Laurie, and Nick turned to the sound of the voice, and it was a man that Micha didn’t know.
Micha turns to look at Nick, who seemed to know practically everyone in New York.
“Who is that?” he asked, and Nick frowns.
“Frank: I don’t really know him all that well, but I guess he likes to cause trouble.”
“Well, he isn’t getting away with bullying Steve.”
He was about to go over there, but Laurie placed a hand on his arm, and pulled him back gently.
“Let’s wait and see what Steve does first.”
Nick gave her a look in disbelief.
“So, you’re going to let him get away with talking to our husband that way?”
Nick had a not so secret crush on Steve, and while Laurie and Steve weren’t married (yet), it was a running joke between them that Steve was ‘their’ husband.
Laurie shook her head.
“No. But, I know Steve will probably just ignore him.”
To prove Laurie’s theory right, Steve continued to talk to Josh, Joe and Aly.
Still, that doesn’t give Frank the right to bully Steve and make fun of Blue’s favorite game.
“How did Frank know about finding clues?” he wondered out loud, and Laurie shrugs.
“Maybe he overheard it during passing. I think it’s safe to assume that everyone knows about Blue’s Clues at this point.”
Blue’s Clues was a game that every new care-taker for Blue had to learn how to play, and both Laurie and Micha played Blue’s Clues with Steve and Joe respectively.
“That doesn’t give him the right to bully Steve and make fun of Blue’s favorite game.” Micha explained, walking away from Nick and Laurie, and walking towards the line of cars that were parked in the street.
Micha looks at Nick.
“Which one is Frank’s car?” he asked, and before Nick replied to him, Laurie interrupted him.
“Micha, whatever you are going to do, don’t do it: today is a day of celebration, and Joe would be disappointed.”
Micha stopped walking when Laurie said Joe’s name.
Joe would be disappointed, but he would also understand what Micha was planning to do.
Micha turned around so he was facing Laurie.
“You don’t even know what I’m going to do yet.”
Laurie shook her head.
“It doesn’t matter: you shouldn’t be doing it anyway.”
“I wouldn’t be doing this if you stood up for Steve! You’re supposed to be his girlfriend!”
As soon as those words left his mouth, he instantly regretted them.
“Laurie, I’m sorry: I didn’t mean–” he started to say, but Laurie had turned around so she wasn’t looking at him anymore, and she looks at Nick.
“Make sure he doesn’t get into trouble. I’m going to check on Blue and Magenta.”
Micha and Laurie hardly ever fought, and like Steve and Joe, Micha and Laurie were super close, and besides Joe, Nick, and Magenta, Laurie was the one other person who knew Micha the best.
As soon as Laurie left, Nick walks up to him, frowning.
“You didn’t mean that, did you?” Nick asked, and Micha shook his head.
Instead of replying to Nick’s question, Micha repeated his question from earlier:
“Which one is Frank’s car?”
He noticed that Nick didn’t answer, and he sighs.
“I know you think this isn’t right–”
“Because it’s wrong!”
“But if you were in my position, you would have done the thing, right?”
It took a moment for Nick to answer.
“You’re right: I would. I would do anything to make sure that no one else bullied Steve ever again. But, look at how Steve handled it: like Laurie said, he didn’t give Frank the satisfaction that it bothered him and continued to talk to Joe, Josh, and Aly as if he wasn’t there.”
Micha knew that Nick was right (because he seen it for himself), but he was still really angry at what Frank said about Steve and about the game Blue’s Clues.
When Micha didn’t reply, Nick just shakes his head and he points to a red, shiny car.
“But, if you’re interested, that’s Frank’s car.”
Micha nods and he turns to Nick.
“Thanks: and I understand if you don’t want to be around if I get caught.”
Nick looks at him and he smiles.
“Laurie told me to make sure you stay out of trouble, and I’m your best friend: I’m not letting you do this thing alone.”
Micha smiles too and after making sure there were no cars coming on either side of the street, he made a beeline for the front of Frank’s car.
The top was down, so Micha could easily spill the entire content of his milkshake on the front seat of the car.
After throwing away the empty cup, Micha and Nick make their way towards The Present Store, where Joe was still serving ice cream and making milkshakes.
Micha walks up to the stand.
“Hey, Joe, can I have another milkshake?” he asked, noticing that his voice has gotten high, and that only happens if he’s nervous, scared, or upset.
Joe only smiles.
“Sure: one milkshake coming right up!”
Steve paused his conversation with Josh and Aly, and he looked at Joe.
“Joe, I think someone has a crush on you.”
It was a joke bcause everyone knows that Micha and Joe have been together for awhile now, but nevertheless, Micha blushes as Josh laughs and Aly gives Micha a sympathetic look.
However, Joe ignores his older brother’s teasing remark, and hands Micha another milkshake.
“Here you go: enjoy!”
Micha accepts it, and he looks at Joe.
Joe nods and he smiles.
“You’re welcome!”
But, his smile turns into a frown.
“Hey, do you why Laurie is upset? Steve saw that she was crying and before he could do anything, she brushed him off and told him to leave her alone.”
Micha felt a pang.
He didn’t mean to make Laurie so upset that she cried.
“What in the world happened to the front seat of my car?” a voice asked, and everyone turned around to see Frank looking at the front seat of his car with anger, and Steve and Josh hurried over to investigate, while Nick and Aly joined Micha and Joe.
“Micha, what did you do?”
MIcha knew Joe was disappointed in him when Joe called him Micha instead of Micheal, and only Joe and Magenta were allowed to call him Micheal.
“I didn’t–” Micha started to say, but Frank came over to the ice cream stand, and he looked furiously over at Joe.
“Did you do that?” he asked, pointing at his car, and Joe shook his head.
“No, I didn’t.”
“Don’t lie to me! You did it because–”
“I did it.”
Joe and Frank turned to look at Micha.
“What? Why would you do that?” Frank asked, sounding more surprised than angry, and Micha looks at him.
“Because you were bullying Steve, not to mention making fun of Blue’s favorite game, Blue’s Clues.”
Frank turned to look at Steve and Josh, who were still over by Frank’s car, attempting to clean up the mess, and then he turned to look at Joe and Micha.
“I’m sorry.”
Joe looks at him.
“Don’t say sorry to us: go say sorry to Steve instead.”
Frank nods as he heads back to Steve and Josh.
Joe sighs in relief.
“What a tricky situation.”
Micha nods, looking at the ground instead of Joe.
“I’m sorry too: I didn’t mean to ruin your big celebration.”
“What you did was wrong, but…”
Micha looks up to see that Joe was smiling.
“But you only did it because you were defending Steve, so, apology accepted.”
Micha smiles too.
“Thanks, Joe.”
Joe nods.
“You’re welcome: and speaking of apologies, I think Laurie deserves one.”
The guilt he felt after what he told Laurie in the middle of their fight returns.
“You’re right: she does.”
“I usually am.” Joe replied before kissing Micha on the cheek, and going over to help Steve and Josh with Frank’s car.
Micha went inside The Present Store, and it was mostly empty, except for Cody, who was sleeping on top of the front counter.
Suddenly, he heard Laurie ask:
“What do you think, Blue and Magenta? Do you think Ophelia will like the koala stuffie?”
Micha followed Laurie’s voice towards the toy section, where Magenta, Blue, and Laurie were talking about different stuffies for Ophelia.
“I think she would.” Micha replied, and while Magenta and Blue were excited to see Micha, Laurie was not.
“Listen, Laurie, I’m sorry about what I said: it was dumb.”
After a moment’s silence, Laurie looked at him.
“Do you really think Ophelia will like the koala stuffie?”
Micha nods, and he looks at her.
“So, does that mean I’m forgiven?”
Laurie nods too.
“Of course: to be honest, I can never stay mad at you: you’re one of my best friends.”
“You’re one my best friend too.”
Magenta picks up the koala stuffie from the shelf, and hands it to Micha, who smiles.
“Before I wrap her, she should have a name.”
“Row!” Magenta explained, and Blue nods in agreement.
“Maya? I like it.”
Micha nods in agreement too.
“It’s perfect.”
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clue-pursuer · 1 year
followers from my main welcome welcome welcomeeee!! I know it’s been a good while, but I’m back on track from a nice getaway trip now!!
The blog is. Extremely barren. Right now. I know. But I’ll fill it up from reblogging stuff from the main and it’ll all be cool again 💪🏾💪🏾
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clue-pursuer · 1 year
“Did you see which way Blue went?”
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Hey out there! It’s me, Raiuh! I’m so glad you’re here! Welcome to my blog for all things Blue’s Clues!! ☀️⛱️
|| I’m keeping this place sfw and bigot free. “Bi/Pan lesbians”, dreamsmp fans, and proship leave. I will also occasionally use curse words here. If this makes you uncomfortable this is not the blog for you. ||
Here’s my tagging system!
• thinkingthoughts - any original post of mine!
• arttime - my tag for my art and writing
• mailtime - the ask tag
• we just got a letter - a tag full of my favorite asks lol
• raiuhsfriends - my beloved mutual tag
Please don’t be shy to interact! (Especially any Joe stannies) I love talking about this comfort show of mine with anyone who comes around! 🫶🏾
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