Proud of me? Here’s an album that’s NOT name your price. Okay this a Queercore band. That being said, I’ve always found it hard to enjoy Queercore. I’ve supported the movement, and found the bands who have paved the way to be very noble and inspiring. However there’s a difference between appreciating a band and the movement they are involved in and enjoying the music they produce. I’m not gay, and most Queercore bands I’ve come across just don’t play their instruments well so it’s been hard for me to latch onto a band that I enjoyed in the genre. This band however, great instrumentals, amazing singer, and the content is very heart warming and relate-able. If you’ve always wanted to listen to Queercore, or like me just haven’t found a Queercore band you thoroughly enjoyed listening to, start here. I hope to find more bands like this because i cant stop listening to this album!
Price: $7
Fav Song: I Wanna Boy
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Do you like bands that are hard to pin down? Well then here you go! Glocca Morra. This bands been around for a while now and no ones heard of them for some reason not even in the niche communities which is strange cause they’ve done a couple of collabs and put out a good amount of good music. That being said I’m not going to write a full bio on the band just this album. I love this album, when I went on a binge of diving into punk/emo/indie bands from philly they came up, and oh boy... OH BOY! Just listen to the first song... like, shit right! I’ll post a playlist I’ve made on philly bands soon I promise as soon as I find my mixtape(its a cassette too its pretty cool). So for now heres an scratch to your Philly itch
Price: $8
Fav Song: Ya’ll Boots Hats? (Die Angry)
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“Da Fuq is this” they yell! Shut up a minute put on some head phones and listen. This album is so inspiring and up-beat and happy, not everything has to be so sad. I mean I love sad as much as the next guy, but sometimes I just want to sit back and listen to some good ol’ Folk. If it makes you feel better look at the dude:
Girls eat your heart out! This dude is life goals! So if you can stand up to your genre bais and just give his highly emotional lyrics a shot you might just enjoy yourself cause oh god hes so cool!
Price: Name Your Price
Fav Song: Day 1
Ps: Look at more videos hes so crazy and fun seeming
Pss?: Is he better with or with out the beard?
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God, I’m upset. I was going to buy this album on cassette as soon as I got to school. Its so much easier that way and I prefer physically media because I’m a hipster-audiophile-dork. W/e. Well I’m going to talk about this album by Diet Cig, It’s amazing, it has the college outcast vibe to it. But I need to be less metaphoric and more descriptive. It brings me to that college feel, like Freshman year feel. The idea of looking back, dealing with your silly highschool ex you just broke up with, out getting trashed, smoking a cigarette with your friends, and just saying “fuck you all I’m awesome!” After growing up in a small town going to a big city your world just gets so much bigger and overwhelming and the world is just so much stranger and bigger. It really gives that early 20′s world enlightenment finally being happy feel. Thank you Diet Cig keep going!
Price: $5
Fav song: Havard
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This band is hard to find. They’re on Spotify and on Bandcamp, but there’s another band named SPORTS. SPORTS is a halfway decent band themselves but this band (sports.) rocks my ears off. “Good Will Haunting” is by far my favorite song on the album when they say “you make me feel like!” and then the awesome instrumental jam it kills me. I am obsessed with this song I have it on like 5 mix-tapes of mine, one of which I might post at some point on here. Really listen to this band, or at least that song. 
Price: Name Your Price
Fav Song: “Good Will Haunting” 
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Can we take a minute to appreciate this video before I go into how much I love this band. Their version of a music video is dancing on their couch like we all do (at least like I do), dance with their dog,snuggle their dog, and go apeshit. Also just look at the setting: There’s a Joy Division poster in the back with “joy” covered up with the word “meme” , their table is a mess with a makeshift bong, and what appears to be male genitals cut out over the light switch. Okay so there’s the video covered. 
Now to the glory of music which is Jank. This band is amazing, absolutely outstanding. They have a song called the hat store which I can only assume is a continuation of Donald Glover’s old school hip hop rap. So thank you Jank for giving the fans what they needed. 
Their Bancamp page: https://ohnoitsjank.bandcamp.com/album/awkward-pop-songs
If you look their music is labeled: Weed, and their Merch: Weed Stuff.
Their two (maybe three but ill get to that) albums are amazing. Awkward Pop songs, their first album is exactly what its called. A collection of awkward pop songs. They are just all so god damn catchy. I cant listen to this album without breaking out into poor singing and even poorer dancing. Its a shit show of incredible nonsense. Hat Store, Loading Screen, and VVeed is Tight are incredibly stupid and fun and the rest of their songs are just damn good. 
Awkward Chopped Songs is an album of remixed Awkward Pop Songs’ songs. Try saying that ten times fast. Its almost inaudible and crazy and them. I don’t listen to it cause…I just cant. So i don’t count this.. No
Versace Summer is their newest album, and its pretty good. It feels like a continuation of right where they left off. Considering it came out seven months after their last album, we may see a lot of good music coming from this band. Also their from Philly… which I think is one of the best places in the US for music right now. Keep going and making music Jank. You’ll always have me here to listen to it and spread the word. 
Price: Every album is Name Your Price
Fav song: Split the Bill
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As a fan of Always Sunny I appreciate anyone who will reference what to me is one of the top shows on TV right now. If you like twinkle guitar, and emotional lyrics, this is for you. It’s name your price and released on Bancamp via Broken World Media which is one of the best labels on the site. If you like some of the more emo twinkle stuff I recommend it, you’ll probs magovs like this. Go for it:
Fav song: Pepe Silvia
Price: Name Your Price
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You didn’t think I only listened to punk did you? What you don’t like Australian experimental beach rock? Well sucks cause oh my god. Strap on your loudest headphones, sit down on a couch, and get ready for what can only be described as a crazy-bass bumping-harmonic-psychedelic ride. Supplied to you by some crazy women who just want to rock your face off, Bansheeland will make you memorize the lyrics and sway in your bed like some crazy meth addict in the back alley talking to themselves.There really is something just entrancing about this band and the singing is just so fucking good.
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Houseleaks-Before I Grow
Okay give me a minute ill explain:
I love this music video, I love the cheap quality, I love this song, I love the fun they’re having, I love it!  https://houseleaksband.bandcamp.com/album/entitled
Theres the link to the band camp so you can have it, my transitions are awful . Back to the song.
The albums solid, 6 songs, all okay, worth Name Your Price status, worth a buy. However the real reason to buy: This song. Can we talk about how this song will get you if you’re just graduated/graduating and are about to have to face the “grown up world” and be an “adult”. It has to happen... and it should. We would all want to be Tom Hanks in Big would we?... We’ll maybe we would. However we do all grow up eventually and this song really gets that feeling down in a happy beat. I feel more of a sense of “man I really did use this time before i grow up well” and feel some nostalgia. Like god this a good song. Just a real good song. Enjoy this sweet video of kids having fun too. Its great.
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Well there’s a band called “Crushes” with an album called “Wicked Bummer”. Fitting. But all emo stereotypes aside. Really solid four track album with like a twinkle tinge and some broken vocals. But like, those good broken vocals, like just broken enough to hear the pain. This bands so emo.If you are emo revival, this is so you. 
“How emo is it”
I went to listen to this whole album again in the dark in my room before writing this like. I’m not going to lie I cried. Not sure why I cant really pick out what it is about this band, but I cried. When I heard:
“If love is a battlefield, I think I lost the war If love is a ship, I saw you sink of the shore Those heels that you wore That tight dress fit to your form Yeah, I won't be saved because I have been thoroughly warned No, I won't know the difference because I have been warned”
I lost it. So if you are so emo that stuff like this makes you lose it like I am and aren’t afraid to hide it. Go for it. Now I’m gonna give this band another go around in the dark hugging a pillow. 
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They say I’m cheap. Well yes... yes I am. I’m sorry that I keep buying these name your price emo/folk/indie albums but come on.  
“There's a man behind the bar who feeds me drinks. We don't speak, but I like to think that he gets me. “
Thats like my life right there, and how can you not sing along with “ Oh wow look at my new life it's shit just like my old one” on the song ironically called “ ~*deleet ur blog LMAO*~ ” I... I just cant not sing along. Oh and that uke oh my god.
 I’m dont know what it is with Tallboys but every song on this 3 track album from 2014 just eats me on the inside. The lyrics get me right to my core. That with the most bad ass rock and roll emo uke in the world is godly to me. probably because it’s the only instrument I’ve ever tried to learn and own. 
I guess what I’m trying to say is: Listen to them.
P.S: The stuff at the end of each song I’m sorry if that’s not your thing
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Hey kid, I hear you like emo. Well then do I have a band for you. The Dork Ages! How did I find this band? Well they’re from Grand Rapids. Who else is from Grand Rapids? That’s right... La Dispute! Now don’t get confused. These guys are not La Dispute, however this 4 song name your price album is reallllll good. With some sick guitar, killer drums, and amazing lyrics if you like emo you gotta make a go for it. This band gives a real personal feel to it, I can’t really tell you what it is but its good. 
“I just wanted to say, hey, and then be on my way”
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So, Spacefish. Note: They’re weird... really weird. No wait dont run away stay a while this message is brought to you by the intergalactic society of heathens. My roommate who isn’t the biggest fan of weird stuff( at least as weird as fucking spacefish) loves some of their songs. I’m gonna be real with you here if you cant stand weird ukulele, nuts baselines, and some strange af vocals its not for you. However this album sounds like one of two things happening to your ears:
1) An alien (space fish if you will) has landed on earth with 50 foot sub woofers and just started blasting so WEIRD SHIT or
2) You are tripping way too hard and need to listen to that unicorn next to you and just FUCKING BREATHE ALREADY. 
Either way give it a listen “Spacefish has Landed” and ”Lift Off!f” are buy far the strangest with “Rest in Pieces” and “Prize Fighter” being some good good music to my ears... I really regret not seeing this experience live in Pittsburgh when I was down there.
Pay your tolls 
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Who has two thumbs and just learned how to post a band camp album to Tumblr? This guy! Haha never gets old! Anyways I love this album its great and I thought to post this before the their second album blows up. I’m telling you now, the song you will love....and everyone loves... is Beachboy. Its amazing. like just so amazing. If you like the old Front Bottoms you’ll love this band, they’re clearly inspired. Solid album especially for the price of “Name your price” go for it... really its worth the $1 you’ll throw down. 
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Martha is a band from Durham, or more specifically, Pity Me. Yes a town named Pity Me! *Ma, book me a flight I’m moving to Pity Me!” Great name for a town... but I digress. The band is a four piece with colorful characters that if you where to google you would almost for sure fall in love with one, if not all of them. They are Vegan-Straightedge-Anarchists because any of those characteristics wouldn't be bad ass enough on their own.
Now to the music! If you heard of this band its probably for one of two reasons: You REALLY like NPR and heard them praise Courting Strong, or heard a lot of people praise Blisters In The Pit of My Heart. Well both Albums are great but in my stupid opinion Courting Strong is the best. I’ve been listening to that album like every other week for a year now so I’m a bit biased. Their self titled Album is pretty damn good too. 
Martha (The album) is name your price on Bandcamp so download that shit for sure if you want a taste.(https://marthadiy.bandcamp.com/album/martha) I Cant recommend a song in particular, because ermergerd its just all so good.
Blisters in The Pit of My Heart is their newest album. Its truly amazing I’m always listening to that on Spotify, warning though you cant buy it on Bandcamp. That’s my biggest complaint for the album because I’m trying to move as far away from Spotify as possible and use more Bandcamp. You can stream it however here: https://marthadiy.bandcamp.com/album/blisters-in-the-pit-of-my-heart My favorite song I wouldn't necessarily recommend to someone listening to the band for the first time. Do Nothing, my favorite song by them yet is a five minute long glory of a build up to two minutes of the catchiest thing I may have ever heard in my life! I walk around my house dancing randomly to this every day, and its just so fucking catchy! However like I said its more of a song for a massive fanboy so if you listened to some of their other stuff, and liked them, save this for before you go to bed and you'll be so ready for anything the next morning! If you're gonna listen to this album just stream from begging to end.
Courting Strong(https://marthadiy.bandcamp.com/album/courting-strong). The glory! The greatest thing I’ve heard since Rooms of the House. Its a bit pricey for my Bandcamp tastes at 7£ (or about 10$) but I bought it anyways. The entirety of the album is amazing. My favorite songs in order are 1997 Passing in The Hallway, Present Tense, and Bubble in My Bloodstream. I would still recommend listening to it in order, as always, but those are my favorites. Gin and Listerine is such a great love story, and Sleeping Beauty is so sad/cute. That’s the overall feel of the album. Fucking adorable. 
If you haven't heard Martha, you have too. If you don’t we’re not friends. True story. If you want to get into some underground power pop, or just some British mayhem this is a good place to start. Go. what are you still doing here, go!
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I Don’t Know What I’m Doing
I have been listening and obsessing for music since I was thirteen years old. But one day my friend showed me an album that I will never forget. That album was Vancouver by La Dispute.  Eight years, one La Dispute tattoo, and four terabytes of music later something snapped. I had a two week vacation between my summer job and my last semester in undergrad, and started meeting lots of locals who were music nuts. I started to realize that people didn’t really ever hear of any of the bands I was listening to anymore. In high school I was always listening to some obscure classic Emo and Hardcore bands like Jawbreaker, and Minor Threat. However Senior year lead me to Indie music like the Arctic Monkeys, and Modest Mouse. But despite how small these bands followings were at the time I always had friends who knew what I was listening to, then I went to college. I started going to shows in New York, and started stumbling on bands only a few hundred people or less have heard of, and Bandcamp didn't make things any better. I lucked out making friends in the dorms whose tastes rubbed off on me and mine on there's. The bands I listened only got more and more obscure, because (like anyone who digs for music for hours on end) when you find one good band there's two dozen more to listen to. The hardest thing was always finding that link to other bands. So if for anyone that's who this blog is for. If you want to find some really obscure shit from bands you almost definitely haven't heard about before in your life I’ll be here.
Enjoy the journey we’re going to take I know atleast I will.
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