cloudscourtofficial · 5 years
Well! There comes the world where you don’t innate superpower to be a super-hero or not need to climb a wall to be bitten by spider, or need to be from another planet to fly your wing out, or you don’t need to be experimented to be fast and kick-ass fighter. But yes you can be a sidekick savior of world, only by using wondrous technology. Introducing not so super-hero type superb-hero Iron Man.
He’s Super-hero with all humanly health issues like shrapnel in heart, heart-attacks and even paralyzed once! Still he is smokingly rising forward. He is a hope that fierce determination and using technology can make you win-win over enemies. Importantly iron-man is killing a classic theme that heroes are not only those with super powers or experimented freaks.  
Isn’t it charismatic to see how Iron Man flies? Plates on his shoulder, back plates and how feet plates are rotating their angles, adjusting with air flow and air pressure giving him high rise flight movement. And thanks to AI Jarvis who can simulate real time captured info by sensors and can fly ironman suit without assistance.
Also AI Jarvis capture real time data and suggest solutions via voice output, which helps person tackle threats incoming with multiple options.
How Tony is blessed with data streaming in front of his eye and gather information in air is actually very normal today it’s called AR (Augmented Reality). Augmented Reality is easily explainable as it adds graphic view by using camera, examples include Pokémon Go or snap chat filters. AR is a future it expands whatever you see 2D into 3D. Iron Man suit was another example of AR here in upcoming years’ people will be willingly investing in this technology and it will be in reach of daily use.
 Resource: http://www.cloudscourt.com/
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