cloangi · 8 minutes
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cloangi · 2 hours
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Ok, take two. Let's see if I can get here more activity than first time.
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cloangi · 2 hours
howd you start to draw the Ghosts accurately? Can never get their masks right, even with references X(
I just kinda did tbh. Even at times I sometimes struggle with the masks. The gear and helmets can also be a struggle since tactical stuff is generally pretty hard and is slightly new drawing ground for me 💀. You just gotta find the way that fits the most for you, I guess.
There is something that I CAN suggest when it comes to drawing the masks⤵️
Besides using the actual in-game model references, try to also check out how other people also draw 'em, such as searching up fanart of all types. Simple, detailed, chibi, etc, there is generally a way people draw the masks depending on their style, and at times, it may even resemble how other people do it. You can find fanart references via Google, Pintrest, and even on Tumblr itself!
Like, for example, Kicks mask is just a bunch of lines and triangles scattered around. So there isn't much work there.
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Logan is just two parts, draw one part of the skull on the left, then on the right with an upside down heart shape that's not connected in the middle.
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Keegans mask could be considered the hardest since his has a lot of detail and has the most resemblance to an actual skull jaw.
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Hope this helps anon‼️
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cloangi · 4 hours
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cloangi · 4 hours
Let me just chomp down on him fr 🔥
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cloangi · 4 hours
Alright, another thing I wanted to talk about for a while.
It annoys the hell out of me how we don't know the branches and ranks of almost half of the team, meanwhile this thing, even if just a little bit, but still affects the relationship between them, some inside jokes and specific jargon.
We know for sure that all Walkers are the US Army, we know that Keegan, Ajax and Rorke are from the USMC and we know that Merrick is a Navy SEAL.
But what about the rest? What about Kick, Torch, Grim, Neptune?
I physically can't stand uncertainty so here's some HC's in this regard!
What do we know about this guy? Not even his real/full name lmao. There's an assumption that he's an IT specialist since we usually see him in the missions when he either provides information or deals with technology security systems. It's not something I came up with but I like this hc very much, so yeah, US Army IT specialist, probably Military Signals Intelligence Specialist if we want to be too specific but I honestly don't think it matters since a lot of rules are blurred and some protocols are just ignored.
Now we start with pure vibes and fantasies
The same situation as Kick, we don't know his name, but we know that he's one of the original fifteen survivors of the Sand Viper operation. He doesn't take part in ground operations and mostly just provides intel and coordinates the team. His information is the key to Ghosts' success. I'd say he's also from the US Army, probably an IT specialist too, just maybe with a little bit different specialization as Kick.
Chris "Torch" Greene
Ughh this guy had me checking Rorke files once again. What we know for sure: he's a part of the team, was captured and tortured by Rorke, went MIA near Zones Romeo and Sierra. And that's it. I used to hc him as an US Air Force dude, more specifically, probably even something related to Air Force land warfare forces. Yeah. And he's also kinda giving these vibes.
+ Honestly, the fact that he's wearing civilian clothes on these pictures from Rorke files lowkey confuses me but then again, I don't think we should overthink it. Activision probably simply didn't care.
Riddian "Grim" Poe
Is it a Welsh name? I honestly have no idea but it sounds beautiful.
Another one from the original 15 and another one who went MIA (and most likely is dead) near Zones Romeo and Sierra. Unlike Torch, we don't know what Grim looks like even approximately. (there's one small pic with blurred faces and we can only assume that it's him)
Long story short, I hc Grim as another US Army dude even though there's already a lot of them. Probably Mechanic because, well, they'd need one.
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cloangi · 4 hours
Alright I Need To Get This Out Of My System So You Could Also See ✨the Vision✨
No NSFW, I'm still not quite ready to lose my sanity throwing everything I think this man is doing in the bed at you
Keegan P. Russ headcanons, which are just rotting my brain
• Bro's not "dad" coded, he's "your dad's best friend" coded. Keegan is that weird but funny guy who'll always be adored by kids because he plays with them, takes them places and buys cool gifts. And he fucking enjoys it.
• He used to say he doesn't know what to do with children but it's a lie, Keegan gets along with them really easily and naturally.
• However I don't see him as a person who's dreaming about having family, he would probably think about it in established relationship but still will approach this question even too seriously. And at the time of the events of the game, Keegan will strongly disagree with having a children, believing that in this political situation it's just reckless and stupid.
• "Divorced dad rock" or popular songs from 2000-2010 in his car 24/7 because he feels nostalgic and will fight for that music, genuinely believing it's good (he's not wrong tho).
• Keegan's cool, but nonetheless you can still tell that he's pushing his fourties. It's in the way he behaves, acts, dresses. He's a cool hot old man.
• Will grumble like and old man at being called one.
• Self-confidient, cocky, arrogant bastard. He has absolutely no shame. Both in and out of bed. I bet he has no insecurities at all.
• Even though Keegan is not really social around new people or simply near someone he's not feeling comfortable enough, he's a big flirt and charmer, ladies like him without him even making an effort.
• He's absolutely the one to date younger girls, sorry not sorry. And he will not feel insecure about his age (most of the time), cracking jokes about how his princess is into older men.
• Because of his service in the army, Keegan probably wants his partner to have nothing to do with the army, to be grounded and give this comforting and safe feeling to him.
• We all know what kind of a driver Keegan is, but in fact he sure knows how to drive well and safely, but prefers not to do so, being an adrenaline addict and posing a danger to other drivers and society in general even in his off-duty time.
• Probably drives some truck or SUV, like Dodge Ram or Ford F-150.
• Keegan not the kind of person to spend a lot of money on himself if it's not for combat gear or weapons, but he will never save on a car, not only buying a brand new car from the dealership, but also spending money on its maintenance.
• Keegan is masculine with just enough amount of something that might be called "toxic masculinity", but what can I say, he's old and quite conservative in some ways.
• Keegan never admits that something physically or mentally hurts or bothers him, so as not to seem weak and a burden.
• Not an "ideal, perfect" boyfriend. He will try to push borders, consciously or not to plant some of his views and beliefs, since in fact he has a very strong and strong-willed personality, capable of pushing a weaker personality.
• However Keegan is absolutely the one to treat his partner like a princess, not letting them to raise a finger near him or whenever he has a chance to spoil them, and he will fucking find the chance. He also will never cheat or make his partner do something they obviously don't want to do because he will consider it shameful for himself in the first place.
• I see him as someone who has only his old mother left. Keegan cares for her, but they don't have close relationship, perhaps in his childhood she was quite strict and controlling, and with age she became much softer and he just doesn't really know what to do with it.
• Well, considering that many people, including myself, hc him southern accent, meaning that his home somewhere in southern states, at the time of 2027, his mother is probably dead.
• He was probably a troubled teenager who, instead of studying, disappeared on the streets with friends. A kind of punk, with long hair (and he has good, thick black hair) and earrings. But at the same time, joining the army was completely Keegan's decision, caused, oddly enough, not by any circumstances, but by his own ideals and beliefs. BRO IS A PATRIOT RRAHHH💥🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🇺🇸💥🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅💥💥
• Should I mention that since then he pulled out his earrings, and the only acceptable hairstyle was a buzzcut, I think people just need to accept it.
• No matter how much Keegan might love his partner he would never quit the service for them, it's a huge part of himself and he strongly believes it's his calling. But at the same time I believe the bastard is lucky enough to just get to retirement and even stay with all his limbs. (This man can definitely beat the shit out of death with his bare hands 😭)
• Keegan is really stubborn and strong-willed, he will never betray his beliefs and principles, which by his age he had already clearly developed.
• I don't see him as someone who drinks something stronger than beer, not because he can't tolerate stronger alcohol, just because he doesn't like to.
• Keegan's veeery good at controlling his emotions when he needs to, he won't even get his pulse rate increased.
• Well, I think he's a control freak in some ways in general, just because he can think that if he won't control everything, something will definitely go wrong. (and I mean he's not wrong, look at this shit, he was absent from one single mission and Rorke fucking kidnapped Logan)
• Probably would be extremely jealous of someone he likes until they start dating, scaring away every potential threat, however, as soon as he and the person he likes start dating he becomes extremely confident in himself, knowing very damn well that no one can treat his princess like he does.
• Keegan doesn't use perfume, it bothers his nose, so he prefers to just take shower and use deodorant. He smells nice until he smoked one of his strong, reeking cigarettes.
• He's a good cook. No need to expect him to cook a Michelin-starred restaurant dish, but he's able to make a delicious simple meal.
• Keegan is a walking heater. No matter what, he's always warm and his hands are always hot. "That's because I'm still alive, kiddo."
• Probably into some horror stuff; movies, books, tv series, even though it doesn't scare him in the slightest. However he will never watch movies or read books about war.
• Obviously have nightmares and sometimes have flashbacks, but stoically copes with them, trying not to frighten or burden others. Sometimes he can just derealize for a while staring at one point with blank gaze.
• Keegan will never visit a doctor (not only psychiatrist) unless his partner makes him or the command of his unit send him to undergo a military medical commission.
• He's probably unironically into fishing, the process calms him down.
Damn what a good old man he is.
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cloangi · 16 hours
What did you do to make him question everything
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cloangi · 16 hours
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Low Poly Pomni ... low polmni
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cloangi · 17 hours
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cloangi · 18 hours
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Bad CoD fandom, bad. All y'all are getting NPJ and kinkshamed.
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cloangi · 18 hours
I was laughing a bit while drawing this one 💀 (you guys really seem to like my low quality drawings so feast some more)
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Why is it so hard to draw kick. This is like my second or third genuine attempt and I can't do it 😔😔
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cloangi · 19 hours
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Two creatures in a breach
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cloangi · 19 hours
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cloangi · 19 hours
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cloangi · 19 hours
Man why Hesh gotta be homophobic 😔😔😔😔😔😔
COD Sexuality HCs for Gay Month
(ghosts edition, as promised)
• David Hesh Walker: Had a homophobic moment in middle school for sureee. I think he's only ever dated women, but is in some capacity attracted to men too. It's just really repressed. He's gotten over his homophobia when it applies to other people, but not when it applies to himself, ya get me?
• Logan Walker: Bisexual. Sweet bisexual man. That's all. He came out to Hesh when they were younger, and that was what Hesh needed to turn around his attitude about queer people.
• Elias Walker: I hate this bitch. I think he's either straight, or he's very closeted. Like, he had an affair with a man when he was on deployment, but he refuses to acknowledge that, and is probably outwardly homophobic because of his own insecurities about liking men. Which is why I think Hesh would struggle so much with his own sexuality (have you seen how much he looks up to his dad?)
• Keegan Russ: Listen. This may be controversial, I may be projecting, or just desperate for representation, however, I do get aro-ace vibes from him. Demiromantic and Ace maybe. Not sex repulsed, though, he'll take it when it's offered. As for gender preference, I don't think he gives a shit. He doesn't label himself. He just exists. (Also for the record I think he had a thing for Ajax. I don't think it went anywhere, but I think he harbored some affections for the guy.)
• Thomas Merrick: He was in the Navy, nuff said. Kidding, I do think he's gay though. Couldn't tell you why, he just gives me those vibes and I'm gay so I'm right. He gives me cool gay uncle that rides a Harley vibes and I absolutely love that for him.
• Alex Ajax Johnson: We really don't know much about Ajax, except that he was close with Keegan (they served in the corps together pre-tf stalker). He's also just a fucking badass lmfao. I have so much respect for Ajax, and I really wish we could have seen more of him. I'm tempted to say he's pan. I don't think gender really factors into it for him. Much like Keegan, I don't think he's interested in labels. He doesn't talk about it. It's not a big deal for him. The type to off handedly mention his boyfriend if he had one like it was no big deal.
- as always, take these with a grain of salt. I don't know shit about shit B) -
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cloangi · 20 hours
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