clericalkobold · 31 minutes
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clericalkobold · 3 hours
telling you we will not vote. i’m asking you to challenge the DNC’s political hegemony over its voter base.
I am doing my very best locally to build a community that fosters progressive change.
I am asking you to vote.
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clericalkobold · 4 hours
Another day with no water dropping :/
Apparently today the whole municipality is without water.
What are we going to do?
Maybe the nearby Coca cola factories and similar could stop production? Water is a basic need au contraire of soda.
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clericalkobold · 4 hours
Fun game for Pride Month:
When you're at a event, count how many people with mobility aids there are. If it seens low, think about why that might be. Count how many disabled bathrooms. Count how many unavoidable steps. Try and find one accessibility issue at the event and afterwards contact the organisers to ask them to fix it.
Many disabled queer people are left out of the Pride moth celebrations due to accessibility issues, so if you're able to be there, you're already in a position to make it better.
Don't forget your disabled siblings this Pride!
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clericalkobold · 4 hours
make bad art or you will always feel bad about your art. Make bad art until you find joy in the crooked lines and the off colours. Make bad art because art is about expression and artwork is never ugly because it was made by someone who has lived a life no one else will ever live. Make bad art and find love through ugly. Make bad art so you make art at all. Make bad art.
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clericalkobold · 4 hours
it’s disheartening to see an overwhelming majority of white queer people fail to recognize that the communities they build so closely imitate the structures of oppression they have claimed to leave behind, while loudly proclaiming allyship for people of color.
i’ve been on a ton of different platforms now and even though i interact with a lot of trans people, i’ve noticed that i often find myself othered by trans fem communities. the exclusion is subtle because i am east asian, pretty, and passing. and because i am pretty and passing, i often receive recognition and admiration from other trans fems. and because i am east asian as opposed to someone with black or brown skin, i am often accepted into white circles.
but i am not white. and the subtle exclusion comes from my distaste of jokes that fail to account for privilege, from speaking up when white creators speak over other people of color, from simply having a different perspective
because i am not white. and i have never been.
i’ve lived my entire life being nearly accepted by the white people around me. and the subtle exclusion that has been a staple of my life hasn’t gone away because racism still exists within queer communities.
it’s not enough to be loud about fighting oppression.
you also have to fucking do it.
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clericalkobold · 4 hours
i’ve mentioned this here before, but it will remain one of the most ideologically influential experiences of my life: when i was in fifth grade i did a report on post traumatic stress as manifested in veterans of the vietnam war, and my father did me the huge favor of connecting me w/ a vietnam vet friend of his who was diagnosed with PTSD, assuring him that while i was only ten i was bright and curious and he should be as honest with me about his experience as possible. 
i remember entering his office with my tape recorder, sitting in a chair that was too big, and asking him questions about war, and his life after war, while swinging my legs over the edge of the chair. i remember being very, very quiet as he spoke of pulling the car over on the highway for fear of crashing when his hands would shake uncontrollably in response to song on the radio or a smell that he couldn’t be sure was real or sense-memory. and of ruined relationships and anger and american hypocrisy. 
and i also remember that was the day i learned what “valor” meant. he used “valor” in a sentence and i didn’t know that word, and when i asked him to explain “valor” he became very quiet. and i can’t remember precisely what he said, if he ever offered me the dictionary definition or not, but i do remember him looking very sad, and saying something about our country’s idea of “valor”, and also something about a broken promise. and there was an edge to his words that i couldn’t parse at the time that i would later come to understand was bitterness, that he sounded bitter. 
to this day i can’t hear or read the word “valor” without seeing sunlight coming through his office window at a slant, close-to-sunset light, and feeling the kind of quiet, confused, completely internalized panic a child feels when they sense that a grown up is trying very hard not to weep in their presence. 
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clericalkobold · 4 hours
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Reminder: If you have no voter ID, apply for a postal vote.
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clericalkobold · 4 hours
I have ADHD so I’m immune to podcast
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clericalkobold · 17 hours
In another universe, Sam Reich is part of Batman's rogues' gallery.
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clericalkobold · 17 hours
Pennsylvania, U.S., May 29, 2024. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz Elizabeth Frantz/ReutersCNN — 
President Joe Biden promised Black voters Wednesday that he would appoint progressives to the US Supreme Court if elected to a second term, suggesting he expects vacancies on the high court over the next four years.
“The next president, they’re going to be able to appoint a couple justices, and I’ll be damned — if in fact we’re able to change some of the justices when they retire and put in really progressive judges like we’ve always had, tell me that won’t change your life,” he said during a campaign rally in Philadelphia.
It was as explicit a warning as Biden could offer about the stakes of the upcoming election, and a clear reminder that some of the nine justices have entered their seventies.
Clarence Thomas is 75 and Samuel Alito is 74; both are conservative and appointed by Republican presidents. Sonia Sotomayor, a liberal who was nominated by President Barack Obama, turns 70 next month.
Retirements of any or all of those justices could provide a key opportunity for either Biden, who has named one justice to the Supreme Court, or his Republican rival Donald Trump, who named three during his four-year term.
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clericalkobold · 17 hours
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clericalkobold · 17 hours
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clericalkobold · 22 hours
My darlings, my loves, my fellow weirdos, I am begging you all to REST after you have covid.
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I know it is very hard, and our society asks you to get back up and running at full speed as soon as possible, before you’re even done testing positive even.
But please my friends, please rest.
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If you push too hard too fast you might be sicker for longer, you might be doing long lasting damage to yourself.
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So please my beautiful nerds, take care of yourselves and REST.
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clericalkobold · 23 hours
I'm kind of at a point where the "queer spaces" i feel safest in are the ones that have a pet cishet dude or two hanging around
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clericalkobold · 23 hours
Happy Face Equality Week :-D
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(short ID in alt text, longer below)
I really wanted to draw some happy people with facial differences for this week so:)
if you tag this as "tw scars" or some other "body horror" I'm killing u btw:D!!!
[Image description: digital drawing of 7 character with facial differences against a patterned background. The left side shows a gay couple sitting and hugging; one from them has a large bump on his forehead and widespread eyes, while the other has paralysis on one side of his face. In the middle is a teen girl cuddling with a cat, both of which are missing their left eye. Below her is a nonbinary person smoking a cigarette with heart-shaped smoke surrounding them; they have facial atrophy on one side of their face. The right side is split into three small panels; top one shows a Black girl with a cystic hygroma on her jaw on a pastel pink background, middle shows an Indian man with Crouzon syndrome from the side smiling, bottom is a zoom on the side of the head of a person with microtia; they're wearing a bone-anchored hearing aid and have a buzz cut with stars patterned in it. At the bottom, "Happy Face Equality Week" is written. End image description.]
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clericalkobold · 2 days
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Watch: Meghan Tonjes just gave body shamers the biggest middle finger.
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