classpectizer · 7 years
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yo check this
we got mad at classpect analysis blogs and decided to make a aspect circle thing, but much different than ur usual aspect circle
so, we made this monstrosity that can be found bigger here: http://imgur.com/8zUpmNZ; the text is legible if you zoom in
the Key text reads:
This is a cycle of aspects. It flows in the direction of the arrows. The circle is arranged with similar aspects adjacent to each other.
This particular version of the circle is focused on self-development and improving one’s overall self. The inner circle contains two characteristics of each aspect.These characteristics connect to each other in the order the arrows are pointing. The outer circle contains two phrases per aspect. One phrase is a lesson each aspect should learn, and one is an empowering statement players of said aspect should strive towards.
Because similar aspects are next to each other, the two aspects next to your aspect affect you more than the others do. You should become comfortable and familiar with these aspects as well as your own if you wish to grow as a person.
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classpectizer · 7 years
Headcanon?: There are mental drawbacks to classes that provide too much power. I'd bet a Seer of Time would have a difficult time being overwhelmed with so much information. Similarly, classpects that provide powerful Support abilities like the Page of Void or powerful Offense abilities like the Prince of Doom would be overwhelmed with trying to supply their abilities to their targets.. It would be like a skillshot ability in a video game versus an ability like John's Windy thing which comes naturally to him and also ends up providing little utility.
Homestuck classpect musings
Something I realized last night: the only reason Homestuck actually has a plot is because the characters involved are all forced to play using pre-built character sheets; if SBURB/SGRUB had a halfway decent character editor built in, then a party of 3-4 dedicated powergamers could easilly snap the game in half.
Put simply, it’s actually pretty obvious that not all classes and aspects are created equal (no matter what some might say on the matter), and some simply become so utterly gamebreaking once explored that it isn’t even funny. To just give two examples that use nothing but canon information: Seer of Time and Seer of Space.
In canon, Seers are shown to see things and foresee events governed by their aspect. Rose, Seer of Light, is able to know the exact most fortuitous path that the meteor group needs to take, no matter how insane or convoluted that path actually is, and Terezi, Seer of Mind, is able to foresee the results of people’s decisions, possibly to the point of knowing what you will do before you do, and might even have been able to read thoughts if she had God Tiered (as evidenced by her being able to see Brain Ghost Dirk, actually see him, despite being blind at the time).
Meanwhile, Time and Space are the only aspects shown to be mostly literal, albeit with some esoteric connotations, literally governing the fabric of space and time. All Time players are shown to have the ability to time travel (a trick which is outright weaponized by Dave), Aradia is shown to be able to actually stop time for an enemy, and Lord English uses time itself as a weapon, wielding stable timeline loops as both sword and shield. Meanwhile, on the Space side, Jade is able to freely manipulate the mass and volume of objects, able to make a planet small enough to fit in her hand without any change in density, and alternate future Caliope is able to all but rewrite reality, manipulating the physical world in a way which, due to timeline complications in the Farthest Ring, should be impossible.
Combining this knowledge, Seer of Time and Seer of Space get really, really broken. To start with the weaker ability: a Seer of Space would be able to see everything, anywhere, at that exact moment. They wouldn’t exactly be able to foresee things, time being explicitly out of their control, but they would have perfect knowledge of reality at any given moment, making them a mathematical demon. No matter where you ran, they could catch you. No matter where you hid, they could find you. No matter what precautions you took, the only way to get around a Seer of Space would be to exploit either time based shenanigans, or to wield Void powers (something which even the omniscient can’t get around).
Meanwhile, a Seer of Time would be ridiculously, abominably, unstopably insane, able to foresee any and all conequences of everything that might or must happen, along with knowledge of when things must happen for events to unfold. While they themselves might not have any time travel powers (or at least, being so weak with time travel that there’s no real reason to bother), they wouldn’t actually need them, because they already know what the future holds. To give one small example of how insanely broken a Seer of Time would be, they would be able to know the exact moment needed to set off a packet of explosives, the blast from which would cause air turbulence, which would interact with the weather patterns already in existance, which would cause a cascade of unlikely but perfectly timed events to create an EF5 tornado, which would conveniently touch down just before it’s time to fight the Black King.
And this is just parsing canon information; I’d shudder to imagine how some other classpects would be, if fandom speculation is correct. Heir of Hope, assuming that Heir means, “protected by, and responsible for,” and that Hope means, “possibilities, dreams, and that which might be,” would mean that an Heir of Hope would be protected by possibility itself, to the point of trancending luck; all which is and might be would bend over backwards to protect the Heir of Hope, to the point of surrealism. A Prince of Void, using canon info here, would parse as, “one who destroys, or destroys through, that which is hidden or does not exist,” and would mean that a Prince of Void would be able to simply destroy the nonexistance of anything, probably able to create things to a far greater degree than Roxy in canon, who merely steals their nonexistance rather than destroying it. A Lord of Blood, assuming Lord to mean, “one who holds command and dominion,” and Blood to mean, “unity, community, and fraternity,” would parse out as, “one who commands unity,” and that ads up to the literally perfect leader, able to command any disparate group into a single well-oiled machine.
Really, the only reason Homestuck has a plot at all is because the characters shown actually have some pretty shitty classes and aspects. Give me a Seer of Time, a Knight of Space, an Heir of Hope, and a Prince of Void, and the biggest danger would be them arguing with themselves.
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classpectizer · 8 years
Okay, here's a fun little question. If your dream self is alive, but asleep, you have normal dreams. If your dream self is dead, you have normal dreams. If your dream self is alive and awake, you have derse/prospit dreams. Now, to my question. I don't have dreams at all. Nope. Zilch. I fall asleep and all I see is back for a second and then I wake up. What do you think happened to my dream self?
Hmm. Intriguing. Now, of course, obvious answer is obvious - it could be your Big Bad™ interfering with your dream connection to put you at a disadvantage or confuse you or something.But I find that a little unfulfilling . Let’s dig deeper.Now then, let’s make this a bit more personal, Prince of Time. This may be shocking, so please brace yourself- you are dreaming. You may think this is impossible, but let me explain. Your dream self has become.. Misplaced. Call it an effect of your persistent meddling with the continuum of Time herself or merely your own bad luck, but your dream self is actually very, very far in the future. So incredibly far, in fact, that it is all that remains. Everything else has long since succumbed to Heat Death, leaving only your Dream Self. What you perceive to be a moment of blackness is simply ~8 hours of complete sensory deprivation- no light, no sound, nothing at all. This will be very difficult to work around, I suspect. How will you reach God Tier? You’ll need to avoid using your quest bed, lest you end up trapped at the end of time.Good luck and good fortune, and thanks for the submission!
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classpectizer · 8 years
So like I'm thinking two mind players can probably fight each other on the psychic plane
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i agree
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classpectizer · 8 years
Take two.
Hello everyone! I’m Windy and I’m here to learn all about the wondrous world of Classpect. I used to have this blog earlier but I was forced to delete it because of my anxieties. But now I’m back and raring to go! First up, lets talk about the Heroes of Heart! I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts. :)
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classpectizer · 8 years
So how about that act 7 huh
I’ll be coming back to this for a while, and to commemorate that, I’ll probably burn through the ask box from the top down, so now’s the time to submit asks I suppose!
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classpectizer · 8 years
Personal To-Do List for Homestuck Things in the Future
Posts to Create:
Homestuck Major Aspect Guide
Master Class Guide
General SBURB Guide from Start to Finish
Denizen Guide
Inversion, Overembracing and Balance: A Guide
A Guide to Discovering your God Tier
Addendum: God Tier Examples
Posts to touch up/rewrite:
All 12 Aspect God Tier Guides (will be merged together and then split into two posts: Major Aspect Guide and Addendum: God Tier examples)
Land Quest Guide
Derse or Prospit Guide
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classpectizer · 8 years
What strife specibus do you think a Prince of Void would utilize? As far as the background, definitely 2.
Mod Nix here, because there was really just not enough darkness in this world in the first place.
A notation: Void players utilize almost exclusively the fistkind specibus.  Assuming you want a different designation for your Prince, I would anticipate something subtle to match the Void… and yet powerful enough to be used by a Prince.  (Subtle and Prince - it makes one think of Machiavelli.)  Some kind of poison might be appropriate; to match this to the appearance of holding no weapon… psn-tppdmbrllkind (poison-tipped umbrellakind) could suffice.  An alternative might be psnharpnkind (poison hairpinkind).  
~{o-o~}  Nix  {~o-o}~
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classpectizer · 8 years
Class Classifications
·         Destroying class
·         Passive
·         Opposite: Maid
·         Altering class
·         Passive
·         Opposite: Mage
·         Exploiting class
·         Active
·         Opposite: Rogue
·         Knowing class
·         Active
·         Opposite: Heir
·         Creating class
·         Active
·         Opposite: Bard
·         Exploiting class
·         Passive
·         Opposite: Thief
·         Destroying class
·         Active
·         Opposite: Sylph
·         Stealing class
·         Passive
·         Opposite: Knight
·         Knowing class
·         Passive
·         Opposite: Witch
·         Creating class
·         Passive
·         Opposite: Prince
·         Stealing class
·         Active
·         Opposite: Page
·         Altering class
·         Active
·         Opposite: Seer
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classpectizer · 8 years
Class Inversion - Guide
Just thought that I’d put this here
– Standard Classes –
Distribution/Relocation - Knight - Rogue
Comprehension/Manipulation - Mage - Heir
Manipulation/Comprehension - Witch - Seer
Production/Destruction - Maid - Bard
Destruction/Production - Prince - Sylph
Relocation/Distribution - Thief - Page
– Master Classes –
Embody - Lord - Muse
Destruction/Creation - Time - Space
Secrets/Knowledge - Void - Light
Decision/Soul - Mind - Heart
Emotion/Belief - Rage - Hope
Despair/Lifeforce - Doom - Life
Connections/Freedom - Blood - Breath
Mage of Time - Heir of Space
Witch of Void - Seer of Light
Maid of Mind - Bard of Heart
Prince of Rage - Sylph of Hope
Thief of Doom - Page of Life
Knight of Blood - Rogue of Breath
Lord of Time - Muse of Space
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classpectizer · 8 years
     I know I haven’t been posting a lot of Homestuck stuff lately so here is my interpretation for the parts of reality that my two favorite Aspects make up as my apology for that.      I will touch up on the other Aspect pairs later, maybe (BIG maybe). All Aspects are intertwined and I will explain why.
Light and Void: Chaos, Order, Nothing and Everything
     Light governs everything in our existence as well as the properties of fortune and knowledge. It allows us to see that everything, as well as the ability to understand the other Aspects. It exists to allow us to create our own destiny. It does not believe that our paths are set in stone, but it punishes us when we go too far. It is importance, and allows the other Aspects to be noticed, and may even allow the other Aspects to exist as a whole. 
Symbols: Sight, eyes, liquid, glasses, brightness, color Keywords: Notice, vision, clarity, hubris, knowing, paths, foresight, understanding, more      Void governs “everything” else; what is forgotten, what has not yet been (and what won’t be) discovered, misfortune and ignorance. It is not meant to be understood and is inherently intangible. It knows what it is but it does not allow itself to be known by others. It exists to allow us to keep secrets and even have self control. It is unimportance. It binds to other Aspects, offering control.
Symbols: Shades, shadows, liquid, nightmares, obfuscated text, hiding Keywords: Ignore, unknown, lacking, secret, intangible, less      Light is hubris. Void is humble. They are the cause of inversion and overindulgence, respectively. In order for someone to remain in control, they must find a balance between the two.
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classpectizer · 8 years
What determines a Derse/Prospit dreamer? Is it optimism vs. Pessimism?
Shrugs. It’s never explained in canon, personally I’m of the belief that Prospit dreamers are Heroes that need to become Warriors. While Derse dreamers are Warriors that need to become Heroes. It’s abstract I know but it allows for some really interesting character allocations.
Also there’s no evidence suggesting that Derse/Prospit dreamers are optimism vs pessimism, because one that would mean that players of certain aspects are forced to be a Derse or Prospit dreamer. Which is boring. Two, even just looking at the trolls personalities we can already see that there isn’t any evidence behind the optimism vs pessimism theory because well. Points @ Nepeta and Feferi, whom are both Derse dreamers.
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classpectizer · 8 years
"A persons personality cannot be easily summarized into a single paragraph, and that most paragraphs people write about themselves tend to be very biased towards certain character traits."
^^^^^^^ This is why I don't do this, myself.
So I'm a bit confused on my title... I'm pretty sure I'm a Witch or a Knight, I always feel as if I'm not good enough to do something, but I don't in most cases try to solve it. I'm very good with people and friends and communication isn't much of a problem but I tend to put forward a persona of myself because I do get scared people won't accept me as I am! Please help
It’s actually really hard for us to determine your title based off a short paragraph that you write about yourself. This is mostly due to the fact that a persons personality cannot be easily summarized into a single paragraph, and that most paragraphs people write about themselves tend to be very biased towards certain character traits. There is a test that I would highly recommend doing, run by scalematey. But from what you’ve said it sounds really Knighty to me and Lexi.
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classpectizer · 8 years
do you session analyses for sessions with less than twelve players?
Absolutely! I don’t do the image for smaller sessions, though, and I might deviate in other ways from the 12 player session format. It depends. If you want something specific with a session, don’t hesitate to include it in your ask, and if you need to specify something complicated, you can message me!
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classpectizer · 8 years
Could you do a fraymotif for a Knight of Void who likes writing and mythical creatures?
Knight of Void- One who applies secrets and emptiness in combat, or who protects secrets.
Fraymotifs:Blank InscriptionPassive ability: In combat, the user’s attacks are difficult or impossible to see or comprehend, making it impossible in turn for weaker enemies to counterattack or block attacks. Makes enemies confused. Ineffective against enemies that do not rely on sight. Ineffective on enemies that are higher on the Echeladder than the user.
Call of the Elder GodsActive ability: The user calls upon the gods of the furthest ring, and their power becomes fused with that of the Knight. This increases all stats and gives the Knight powers they might not have access to, especially if they aren’t God Tier. Similar in appearance to grimdarkness. Attacks have an aura of darkness/thorns/tentacles to them. Wears off if the Knight is hit with a powerful Light or Hope attack, the fight is over, or by the Knight’s own volition.
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classpectizer · 8 years
Could you explain two player sessions a tad? Like, do they always result in one player, dead sessions? Or was caliborn's session an isolated incident? And do two player sessions always cause the players to become lords and muses? Or is that just one player sessions? If two player sessions always result in dead, one player sessions, is it possible to keep both players alive long enough to produce a functioning two player session? (Sorry for the long ask)
Thanks for the interesting question! Now, obviously, I’m no authority on this, and so this is all going to be educated speculation.Now to clarify: Caliborn/Calliope’s session wasn’t a normal two player session. It was a Cherub Session, something that isn’t meant to happen. As far as I can tell, the fact that it was a Cherub Session caused:-Calliope’s fated death before the session could begin-The “dead” session circumstances
So what would happen in a two player session between humans? Or trolls, for that matter? Well, it’s quite likely that the players would be given master classes, with the more passive player becoming a Muse, and the more active a Lord. In this situation, I see no reason that one player has to die. In these circumstances a two player session could be won without issue. In fact, a two player session is probably more stable than a session with more players, because the interactions between many players often cause issues. (See the canon Troll sessions.)
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classpectizer · 8 years
-Slides several booncases in your general direction- I realize you recently talked about the Prince of Void, but could you be persuaded to talk about them in the Land of Vaults and Aphelion?
FINALLY! i am so sorry for the wait!
The Land of Vaults and Aphelion is a very unusual land, dueto the fact that it’s place further away from Skaia than the other planets- infact, its nearly skirting the furthest ring. Due to that, there isn’t a wholelot of light on the planet. However, if there was light, one could easily seethat the planet is covered in vaults of all kind. The ground is metallic, andrivers of liquid metal run all over the planet. Only one of the vaults isunlocked, and inside is your consort village.
Your consorts are very secretive, and the only piece ofinformation they’ll tell you is that you have to unlock one of the vaults inorder to save the planet from being dragged into the furthest ring. Ey won’ttell you what the item is, or what codes to use. However, seeing as a Prince ofVoid destroys secrets, you’d be able to weasel some information from one of themore weak-willed consorts. They’ll hand you a piece of paper with a code on it,and point you to what vault it unlocks.
Inside the vault you’ll find… another code, and the serialnumber of the vault it unlocks. This is the same for every vault the Princeunlocks- it inevitably just leads to another vault, with another code inside. Naturallythe Prince would probably start getting a little bit frustrated by this, andstart breaking into the vaults randomly. Sometimes it gets too dark for the Princeto see which vault they’re breaking, and this is where the whole “destroyingdarkness” thing comes in handy.
After your Prince has single-handedly broken into everysingle goddamn vault on the planet, they’ll eventually find out that the planetitself is one giant vault.
So it turns out the Prince may have messed up by justdestroying all the vaults, they actually needed to gather all the codes fromevery vault in order to unlock the planet. They may try breaking into theplanet vault, but to no avail.
They’ll have to do the voidey thing.
Willing up the power of the Void and the Horrorterrorsthemselves, the Prince of Void smashes through the planet, causing it to lurchslightly into the furthest ring.
Inside the planet there lies the denizen.
The Denizen appears to be ramming themselves against oneside of the planet’s interior, causing it to slowly fall into the furthestring. This is where the Prince’s choice will be made. Should he kill thedenizen and pull the planet back into proper orbit, or should he make a dealwith the Denizen?
The Denizen, for convenient reference, is named Selene.
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