clashconcept · 3 months
less “therapy is for everyone!” more advice on how to recognize when therapy is helping you and when it is harming you, more educating people on their rights and what they can do when their rights have been violated, more advice on navigating finding a therapist that isn’t only applicable to private practice situations
less “don’t forget to take your meds!” more sharing of studies on the effects of psychiatric medication (wanted and unwanted/positive and negative), more discussion of how to document your experiences on medications so you can understand how they are effecting you, more support for people struggling to navigate getting prescribed/using/going off of psychiatric medication
less “always reblog the suicide hotline!“ more sharing information on what happens if you do actually call one of these lines (i.e. will they send the cops to your house), more teaching individuals and communities how to help someone in crisis without involving police or hospitalization, more open discussions of how to share what we feel and make others feel seen, understood, and supported when it comes to extremely difficult feelings and situations
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clashconcept · 4 months
revisiting the balance finale and I am completely fascinated by davenport immediately concluding that they need to leave on the starblaster and continue to the next cycle. that’s so wild. it asks you to confront the fact that, even though the stolen century was only a few episodes, it covers 100 times more time than the rest of the podcast. davenport is ready for these last ten years to be just an incident in a long list of incidents. he’s ready for another 100 years, however long it takes to figure out a better plan. the fact that it could bring lup back! the fact that if lucretia won’t agree, it’s better to kill her and talk about it next cycle if need be! the fact that none of them could stay even if they wanted to. the fact that davenport of all of them is the most willing to let the world burn. would he have waited to try and get the light from lucretia? would taako? imagine what the first moments of them reforming in a new planar system would be. holy istus i can’t stop thinking about it.
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clashconcept · 8 months
["guy who's building a machine made out of people & noticed you don't fit into their machine" voice] something's wrong with you
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clashconcept · 8 months
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When Abigail found out about vampires, she didn't take it well. One of the things she did to take her mind off it all was to collect garden snails (an invasive species in LA) and look after them. The responsibility brought some control back into her life and helped her recovery.
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clashconcept · 11 months
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clashconcept · 11 months
Ha I wonder how many strokes the most complex Chinese character has like maybe eightee-
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clashconcept · 11 months
I'm afraid that I have the worldbuilder's disease and it is terminal.
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clashconcept · 11 months
Getting inspired to write is actually really easy! All you need to do is be the busiest you've ever been in your entire life and as far away from a computer as humanly possible. Hope this helps 🥰
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clashconcept · 11 months
sick of other trans people looking like a deer in the headlights when reminded that amabs can be nb too. there are really still people in our own community who think a nonbinary person is like. a woman wearing jeans
i've had people treat me visibly different after hearing my voice or seeing my face as if i'm some sort of predator or interloper. this attitude towards amab trans people especially nonbinary people really paints a picture of what the lgbt community thinks of gender in general
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clashconcept · 11 months
Once my boyfriend told me: "You're not a burden. A burden is something you're forced to carry against your will. I freely choose to be a part of your life and that means you aren't a burden to me." I'm passing it on in case some of you need to be reminded of that.
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clashconcept · 1 year
this is a confession to the star wars fandom because I have to get this off my chest. last summer just for fun I taught myself to read aurebesh and. you fanartists have Got to Continue putting the most Hilarious stuff into the background of your art because it is literally my favorite thing
here’s a couple of excellent things I’ve read since I started keeping a list just last month:
- “I hate drawing lightsabers”
- “Idk what to put here”
- “stupid fucking sign”
- “eat paste, it’s good”
- an entire news article on a phone screen which I actually found really impressive
- a few funny misspellings but the best one so far was ahsoka somehow becoming “asock”
- wanted poster of obi wan that read “wanted for fashion crimes”. the caption translated it as “wanted for high treason”. like blatantly lying to my face. love it.
- door on a ship was labeled “cake storage”
- “shopping list: frogs, hair gel, lightsaber polish”
and my personal favorite:
- “if you’re reading this you’re a fucking nerd”
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clashconcept · 1 year
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clashconcept · 1 year
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"if you put too many people together they start shooting each other!!" that just sounds like usamerican projection, but okay
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clashconcept · 1 year
this is stupid but I genuinely worry that kids ARE being priced out of video games like. totk is heavily sanitized to maintain a particular rating that often works against itself but like, I struggle to imagine the kid who's approaching their parents like "one hundred dollars for a video game please" my biggest gaming triumph was in high school when my parents bought us an xbox 360 and one game. we got the wii as it was going out of style and played primarily gamecube games on it, and even back then to buy a new gamecube game or a DS game was a twenty dollar endeavour. what kind of slideshow does a ten year old have to present in order to convince their parents to drop a hundie on legend of zelda.
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clashconcept · 1 year
no cishets at pride! *spin kicks a grandma with a “I love my gay son” tshirt*
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clashconcept · 1 year
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clashconcept · 1 year
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