clariixi · 9 months
Hey man, are you ok? The post your gf made about sending positive vibes sounds like you’re not doing too well. I hope you’re ok, and if you’re not I hope you are soon 💛
I went to do a procedure at the doctors today, before that I fasted for 2 days straight, no foods, no soups, no nothin. and I am SCARED of medical things. but now I am back and I am weak. You have 20 hours before I regain my power.
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clariixi · 9 months
Every 21st century piece of writing advice: Make us CARE about the character from page 1! Make us empathize with them! Make them interesting and different but still relatable and likable!
Every piece of classic literature: Hi. It's me. The bland everyman whose only purpose is to tell you this story. I have no actual personality. Here's the story of the time I encountered the worst people I ever met in my life. But first, ten pages of description about the place in which I met them.
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clariixi · 11 months
kicks down a door
Guess who's back on Tumblr.
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clariixi · 11 months
kicks down a door
Guess who's back on Tumblr.
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clariixi · 2 years
Writing a War
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(P.S.A. Before We Begin: While the above GIF is from Captain America: Civil War, I won’t be including any superhero factors in this post. I just really love the movie and this scene specifically :P Enjoy!)
Hello friends, Abby here with another writing post! I’ve noticed that the concept of war tends to play a large role in many of the novels I’ve read in the past. Due to this and the fact that my own series (Smoke Shadows) will include its own war of sorts, I was inspired to make this post. Without further ado, let’s get started!
What could cause a war?
There are, of course, many causes that can lead to a war, and it would probably be a little strange if one occurred in your story for a single reason. Let’s go through a couple of general causes that have played major roles, starting with the M.A.I.N.:
Militarism. Some countries take excessive pride in their militaries and continue building and displaying them, even during peacetime. Often nations that would perceive an action like this as a threat find these acts of militarism unsettling; this can worsen relations between the two nations or can lead the threatened nation to make a preemptive strike of sorts.
Alliances. These can be dangerous, especially secret alliances. A small country might have made secret alliances with several larger nations in secret; someone picks a fight with them and suddenly there are six other nations on their case about it. Alliances made like these are the ones that can and probably will lead to conflicts involving more countries.
Imperialism. Simply put, imperialism is the process of “stronger” nations taking over “weaker” ones for control of some sort, and usually without the consent of the country they’re taking over. (Imperialistic nations don’t seem to care much about that last part, though.) Imperialism could lead to conflict in the form of a “turf war” of sorts between imperialistic nations or to a fight for independence by the nation that’s been taken over.
Nationalism. This one is dangerous, because it often comes from a feeling of unity in a nation. This pride can range anywhere from slight to intense and can be created in whatever way you want, but a historically proven way to use this method is through things like propaganda and yellow journalism.
At least one of these four reasons play some sort of role in the starting of a war, though of course there are many other causes you could choose from. Some of these possibilities can include completely unprecedented attacks, economic/territorial gain, religion, revenge of some sort, and (intense) internal disagreements.
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clariixi · 2 years
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So my historical costuming resources list from 2011 was less than a page long- I’m not saying that I’ve learned a lot in the past three years, but this list is now sitting pretty at a solid nine pages.  Whew.  And people wonder why I want to redo this damn series.
This list is by no means an exhaustive one- it’s a list of (primarily western) historical fashion resources, both online and offline, that is limited to what I know, own, or use!  It’s a work in progress, and I’m definitely hoping to expand on it as my knowledge base grows.  First things first, how about a little:
Read, and read about more than just costuming.  Allowing yourself to understand the cultural and historical context surrounding the clothing of a particular region/period can be invaluable in sussing out good costume design.  Looking at pictures is all well and good, but reading about societal pressures, about construction techniques, daily routines, local symbolism, whatever else will really help you understand the rhyme and reason behind costuming from any given context.
Expand your costume vocabulary.  When you’re delving into a new topic, costuming or otherwise, picking up new terminology is essential to proper understanding and furthering your research.  Write down or take note of terms as you come across them- google them, look up synonyms, and use those words as a jumping off point for more research.  What’s a wire rebato?  How does it differ from a supportasse?  Inquiring minds want to know.
Double-check your sources.  Especially on the internet, and double especially on tumblr.  I love it, but it’s ground zero for rapidly spreading misinformation.  Books are usually your safest bet, but also take into account their date of publication, who’s writing them- an author’s biases can severely mangle their original source material.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  Do everything you can to find out information on your own, but feel free to reach out to people with more specialized areas of knowledge for help!  Be considerate about it- the people you’re asking are busy as well- but a specific line of questioning that proves you’re passionate and that you respect their subject matter expertise can work wonders.
Okay, onto the links!
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It’s impossible to overstate the importance of getting off the internet and looking into books!  God bless the internet, but books are (generally, this isn’t a rule) better-researched and better-sourced.  Bibliographies also mean each individual books can be a jumping off point for further research, which is always a fantastic thing.
Remember- owning books is awesome and you should absolutely assemble your own library of resources, but LIBRARIES.  Libraries.  You’ll be surprised to find what books are available to you at your local library.
British Costume from Earliest Times to 1820 Fine book with lots of first hand sources, but be wary of the photography in the book- reproduction costumes and thus somewhat less reliable.  Though hilarious.
Corsets and Crinolines Norah Waugh’s invaluable survey of corsetry and corset patterns- used the world ‘round by modern corsetieres.
Costume in Detail: Women’s Dress 1730-1930 Elaborate line drawings/diagrams of extant period garments!  A fantastic survey.
Cut of Men’s Clothes PDF available online!  Patterns for men’s period garments.
Cut of Women’s Clothes Patterns for women’s period garments.
Greenwood Encyclopedia of Clothing Through World History This is a library find, unless you have a pretty three hundred bucks lying around- a great, general resource.
A History of Costume A lot of good text and info, to be taken with a grain of salt. Be wary of any reconstructions and or “supposed” patterns that aren’t directly based on extant garments or firsthand accounts.
Fashion (Taschen 25th Anniversary) A survey of the Kyoto Costume Institute’s fashion collection- broad but beautiful.  On every fashion student’s bookcase.
Fashion: The Definitive History of Costume and Style Great overview of fashion history from the Smithsonian and DK publishing.
The History of Costume: From the Ancient Mesopotamians Through the Twentieth Century Broad costume survey, second edition.
What People Wore: 1,800 Illustrations from Ancient Times to the Early Twentieth Century this is one of those “I am putting this here because I used it a ton when I was younger” but man, mixed bag.  Really cool survey to browse through, but also work that is a copy-of-a-copy-of-a-copy in most instances and thus not necessarily trustworthy as a resource.
What People Wore When: A Complete Illustrated History of Costume from Ancient Times to the Nineteenth Century for Every Level of Society A collection of Racinet and Hottentoth’s costume plates from the 19th century.  A beautiful survey but, since these are later illustrations, to be taken with a grain of salt.
Patterns fo Fashion books Detailed, hand-drawn diagrams of historical fashion, inside and out.  Pretty amazing stuff.
Patterns of Fashion: The Cut and Construction of Clothes for Men and Women, C.1560-1620
Patterns of Fashion 1: Englishwomen’s Dresses & Their Construction C. 1660-1860
Patterns of Fashion 2: Englishwomen’s Dresses & Their Construction C. 1860-1940
Patterns of Fashion 4: The Cut and Construction of Linen Shirts, Smocks, Neckwear, Headwear and Accessories for Men and Women C. 1540-1660
Fashion in Detail books Not what you want if you’re looking for photos of entire costumes- note the “in detail” bit up there.  Just a beautiful series, and great reference for all the little things you might miss otherwise.  The V&A has an amazing fashion collection, and it’s great to see them share it with the world.
Nineteenth Century Fashion in Detail
Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Fashion in Detail
Underwear: Fashion in Detail
World Dress: Fashion in Detail The one non-western entry in the series.
Fashioning Fashion: European Dress in Detail, 1700 - 1915 LACMA’s response to the V&A’s series mentioned above, also an invaluable resource for historical fashion detail.
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clariixi · 2 years
Look I know it’s supposed to be a tiny clasp but I really want it to be a real silver snitch. This one is an old fanart based on running on air by eleventy7. Now, once again I ask for recommendation preferably post-war fic. Or just a slow burn pining fic. Oh might as well recommend a fic I found it’s “an emerald in the sky” by corvuscrowned on ao3 (I love these type of fic)
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clariixi · 2 years
Save me.
Omg, I just finished "Stay Awake" by Megan Goldin and I love it so much that I had to just tell everyone, even post it on my Tumblr account.
It's so good, I love it so much. Detective Halliday is awesome and no one can convince me otherwise. I love her so much.
Read it (if you're into murder mysteries with lots of suspense and an unreliable narrator).
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clariixi · 2 years
The legacies people leave behind in you.
My handwriting is the same style as the teacher’s who I had when I was nine. I’m now twenty one and he’s been dead eight years but my i’s still curve the same way as his.
I watched the last season of a TV show recently but I started it with my friend in high school. We haven’t spoken in four years.
I make lentil soup through the recipe my gran gave me.
I curl my hair the way my best friend showed me.
I learned to love books because my father loved them first.
How terrifying, how excruciatingly painful to acknowledge this. That I am a jigsaw puzzle of everyone I have briefly known and loved. I carry them on with me even if I don’t know it. How beautiful.
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clariixi · 2 years
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clariixi · 2 years
Actually screaming on the inside at how they basically told queerphobes and exclus to please fuck off and explicitly included us aspecs even beyond aesthetics like the pride flags and nail polishes
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clariixi · 2 years
i wish we were all little cells making cell noises like lalalalaalaalee lala
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clariixi · 2 years
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clariixi · 2 years
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clariixi · 2 years
yesterday my date made me promise to "not talk to any random russians this time" only for me to immediately become best friends with a kosovan gang member. saved on a technicality
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clariixi · 2 years
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clariixi · 2 years
this scene deserved at least 10 emmys 
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