cl0sed-on-sundays · 2 years
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Cats from Katamari Demacy REROLL
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cl0sed-on-sundays · 2 years
playing stardew for the first time and fucking ATE THE FLOWER I was trying to give to a girl
like homie I get gay panic is a thing but that seems a little much
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cl0sed-on-sundays · 2 years
LOVE that you can eat literal actual rotten flesh and it’s just like ‘well you haven’t healed but you sure are fuller now ^u^’ but if you put a single flower in your stew you might just immediately go straight up blind or be able to see in the dark
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cl0sed-on-sundays · 2 years
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cat sprites for my game Kitty Garden!
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cl0sed-on-sundays · 2 years
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What if there was a slime that adds legs to largos
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cl0sed-on-sundays · 2 years
I keep getting such cool ideas for games but I have to remind myself not to start 10 projects at once again
the ghost kittens will have to wait
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cl0sed-on-sundays · 2 years
Devlog #1: The beginning of it all --30/07/22
Hello there! This is my very first devlog ever, so this is gonna mark the structure of these. I'll post these every week on saturday or sunday with some screenshots (and explanations) of what I did that week. This week I layed down the foundations for the game.
I stole a sprite of a cat off pinterest (not my art, I will replace it with my own art soon) and made them spawn every 3-8 seconds. It took me 3 days to get it right but it finally works and just look at them go!!
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The floor and background is a big WIP right now (as is everything in the game so far) but not to worry, all of the goodTM art will be added in due time. For now, the most important part is putting down all the groundwork. 3 days to make cats spawn and I don't even have any gameplay yet ;-;
But that's not all for this week!! I also did some work on the main menu.
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This is what it looks like right now. (as you can see, not very good) The background is a very rough prototype just to demonstrate the layout I want to create. Eventually it'll be a looping animation with moving clouds and birds. For now, it's a rough outline.
Next week I plan to do 2 things:
finish off the main menu (which is pretty much just making the settings screen fully functional) and maybe even make the proper art for it.
start getting into the gameplay! first I need to make the platforms and slots that players can place buildings. then I make the player able to place the buildings, and finally let the player pick up the cats and place them in the buildings
I got a lot done this week, let's hope I can keep it up next week! See you all very soon <3
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cl0sed-on-sundays · 2 years
Introduction + FAQ
Hello there! I’m Closed On Sundays, a new indie game dev! In this post you’ll find out about who I am and what I do :)
Who is Closed On Sundays?
I'm a game dev who is just getting back into it. I used to make games on unity and scratch but I never ended up finishing anything. But now I'm back with lots of determination and ambition. At the moment, I’m working alone which means I have to do everything around here.
What games are you making?
I’m currently working on a casual point & click game called Kitty Garden. The idea is that you’ll place down grass patches for cats to sleep in and they’ll request certain food items that you can grow. It’ll be available on Steam and Itch.io for $5 with the option to use a controller if you wish.
What can we expect from this blog?
The point of this blog is to keep a record of my skill progression, keep you guys updated on our games, and to gather an audience so that once the game is ready to release, people will actually want to play it. I'll be posting weekly devlogs aswell so look out for that :)
Are you looking for team members?
Yes! While it's great to be a jack of all trades, my specialty is coding and it would be great to be able to focus more on that and less on art and sound design. If you're good at art, music or story writing feel free to message me :)
What type of games do you make?
The games I like playing are normally pixel art, farm/life-simulators, RPGs, and very casual. Think Slime Rancher or Stardew Valley. I like to make games that I would play myself, so you'll see those elements in the games I make
Got any other questions? Ask away! I'll (try to) regularly answer asks from my inbox :)
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