cityphreak · 7 hours
My people in the homeland are dying and suffering from the heat. Mexico has always been hot but climate change is making it unbearable. The people of the global south are not the cause of climate change [not that we don’t have pollution or local pollution issues, but not to the degree of rich nations. I am specifically speaking of Mexico here] but they are made to pay the costs, the ultimate toll.
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61 lives this month alone. This is not natural. What’s scary is today I saw an article questioning what are the limits of heat a human body can sustain. This is not normal!
What did these 61 humans do? What crime did they commit to be punished for the sin of global pollution. I promise you they must have been the most poor. Who couldn’t afford ac and maybe not even afford an electric fan.
The rich countries pollute and pollute while the global south suffers
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The animals are dying, and it’s not good, but it just feels like insult to injury to see a bunch of results over the animals before as many about my dead countrymen.
Brown bodies died. The rich European countries do not care. India, too, is suffering from climate change.
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You don’t even hear about the people dead in India unless you go out of your way to seek news about climate change.
The global south burns to death, the poor are the most affected for a crime and sin they had no part in. My heart aches for my Mexico, and all other global south nations disproportionally effected by climate change
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cityphreak · 1 day
these five evac/survival fundraisers are really close to their goals! all have been vetted either by gracious individuals on here or mutual aid projects
Amal Abu Shammala and family (€44,692/€47,000) Mosab Abu Subaih, his wife Nashwa, and their baby daughter ($42,979/$45,000) Mohamed Farah and family (€9,281/€10,000 - only €719 to go!!) Nevin Himaid, her husband, their two young daughters, and 8 extended family members (€95,352/€100,000) ***Nevin is nine months pregnant and urgently needs treatment for rheumatoid arthritis in addition to prenatal/birth care Ruaa and her siblings ($9,888/$15,000)
every donation and share counts! it's monday in my time zone - my hope is that at least one of these campaigns will have met its goal by the end of the week. i'm just a small blog, but i trust you and i know we can do it together
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cityphreak · 1 day
My dad disowned me. I was honest to him emotionally and stuff and he got hot headed about my older brother and cried and vowed to never speak to either us (until he changes his mind)
He was a source of back up income (when I didn’t wanna have to ask for help but he was so weird about it that half the time asking for money and stuff have helped me in my situation more)
Well what does this mean for me? Well I plan on finding another job to make some decent cash but mainly especially since even my mom is begging, i’m going to make more stuff like streams and videos and stuff and try to go full time on making crap (cause make things is the thing i’m post passionate about)
So i’m moving into a new apartment in around 2 days time. I need some help because a lot of things I was planning to go through as usual annoyingly didn’t so I dare buy groceries for my house and need extra money LOL anything helps i can honestly send my ass or make art for you if i get a large sum. thanks everyone who has ever helped during this very transitional period its been kinda the best year or two of my life despite everything I just wish finding a decent paying job didn’t suck
cashapp : $umjammerlammy
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cityphreak · 1 day
I'd like to talk about someone who needs help, but does not have tumblr and is currently sheltering in an area with very little connection to the world outside Gaza. She has requested that I reach out on her behalf.
Her name is Basma Elghoul, a 30 year old mother of 3 -- Toleen (8 years old), Malak (6 years old), Kamal (4 years old). She is a beautician and owned a women's salon. Her husband is an electrician. And they lost every thing after Oct. 7th, their home, their businesses, their children's school.
They had to evacuate to the south and have been living in a tent for the last 8 months. They no longer have a source of income and their children are all ill due to the pollution of the food and water.
All Basma wants is to evacuate her children so that they can have healthy food and clean water and so they can live and get an education like other children.
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(ID in Alt)
Their fundraiser is incredibly low on funds. Their goal is kr350,000 SEK (close to 34,000 USD) and they have received very few donations -- so far kr1,650 (around 160 USD)
Please donate if you can and share this post!
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cityphreak · 1 day
I feel it is important to share this. Luna Nyugen from Vietnam, whose family has been victimized by US War crimes, wishes to send a message to US/Western protesters who are fighting for Palestine.
🌸Help support these fundraisers🌸
Help my father get out for treatment. Help my fami (€2,338/35,000)
Please help Sujood reunite with her children trapped in Gaza ($4,025/45,000)
Mohamed Hamad and his family dream of reaching safety (£5,153,50,000)
Support My Journey to a New Start (€8,786/10,000)
Help Us Have a Safe and Secure Life in Gaza (£6,134/60,000)
Help Baby Yazan and his Young Family leaving Gaza (€2,661/30,000)
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cityphreak · 2 days
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hits pokemon with the beam that turns them into lesbians
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cityphreak · 2 days
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if u paypal me £20 i will draw two pokemon of ur choice as a butch femme couple. [email protected]. tyranitar is flagging bottom btw
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cityphreak · 2 days
I Don’t Want to Die
My name is Maysara, and I am a heart patient in need of open-heart surgery due to a hole in my heart. I managed to escape the war and reach Egypt just one day before the border closed, but not without great loss and pain. I lost my mother just days before October 7th, and I was also injured in Rafah.
Your support has been my lifeline, enabling me to flee to Egypt. But now, as I face this critical surgery, I am filled with fear. I don’t want to die. I want to live, to honor the memory of my mother, and to embrace the life that your generosity has given me a chance to hold onto.
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I undergo this life-saving procedure. Your kindness gives me strength, and I hope to emerge from this with a renewed heart and spirit.
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cityphreak · 2 days
me going into popular tumblr blogs known for their rpf posting to ask them to share Renad's fundraiser and story.. like who knows.. maybe the power of rpf will pierce the veil and save us all..
please donate to Renad @renadmagidnew and her family!! she is currently caring for her sick father, mother, and brother whilst living in a tent that collapses every time the iof missiles land near their area. we have been stagnating below the half-way goal for several days now!!
Renad needs our help to raise enough funds to evacuate her especially sick mother whose health has deteriorated alarmingly fast! Help them evacuate as a family so they could be safe and Renad could continue her studies!!
Currently Renad is at £11,294 of £25,000 goal as of Jun 4!!!!
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cityphreak · 2 days
Hello ! Thank you so much for being patient with me ! I am a Palestinian academic educator from bleeding Gaza. Life is dire and desperate that is why I am asking you to support my donation campaign to help evacuate a whole family from this catastrophic place. Your contribution helps the children of the family live in peace and safety. Don't spare this moment of giving your hand to people in bad need to you. Let children of Gaza live in peace.
You can help either through donating or sharing the link to others.
Fadi Ayman
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cityphreak · 2 days
bisexual woman with her cishet boyfriend but her cishet boyfriend is a robot thats built like an ATM
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cityphreak · 2 days
Donate to help Deyaa and his family escape Gaza - €10,754/20,000
2. Help Shadi's Family Evacuate Gaza - $1,306 / 15,000
3. Help Ruaa And Her Siblings Evacuate Gaza - $7,171/ 15,000
4. Help Mohammed Aljbour Evacuate his family - €2,121 / 10,000
5. Supporting Samah's family to survive the war - $30,805 / 35,000
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cityphreak · 2 days
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Disco dump
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cityphreak · 2 days
I write this appeal with a heavy heart, burdened by the weight of the tragedy that has befallen my family in the war-torn land of Gaza. I am Mahmoud Jihad Saleh, a captive soul in the cruel clutches of despair. Holding on to a glimmer of hope.
Today, I implore you to bear witness to the shattered remains of my once-happy family. My father, a beacon of strength, was cruelly snuffed out, and the innocent lives of my niece and nephew were taken by the merciless grip of conflict.
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In the desperate shadows of despair, I beg for your compassion to save my family from the misery sweeping Gaza. They are stranded in Gaza, deprived of the most basic necessities, and enduring the cynicism of life
It is with a heavy heart that I implore you to be the lifeline my family so desperately needs
I am on my knees, not as a supplicant, but as a broken soul longing to avoid further loss. Save my family from the clutches of despair, so they can rebuild their shattered lives. The specter of losing them, as I lost my parents and relatives, haunts me every waking moment. I implore you, kind souls, to heed this cry for help and save my family from the abyss of suffering.
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Please donate if you can and share our story widely as you're able to. 🙏
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cityphreak · 3 days
caption: “The Golden Sandwich, made 95% out of aid package contents, 5% with love and resilience 🍉🚨”
the link from the bio ⬅️⤴️
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cityphreak · 4 days
this pride, i learnt about the Palestinian trans woman Oscar Al-Halabiye, dancer and resistance fighter against the israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon. she named herself Oscar after Lady Oscar from the "The Rose of Versailles", a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Riyoko Ikeda.
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her story is documented in Cinema Fouad(1993). zionists use pink washing to reinforce their genocidal terrorist narrative when queer Palestinians have been fighting against the occupation since the very beginning. you can watch it here with english subtitles. long live the intifada!
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cityphreak · 4 days
a Palestinian from my local group of activists is fundraising to bring her family to Canada. Najlaa is currently less than halfway to her goal of $80,000. please consider donating to help her family.
donations will go towards:
1. Covering the expenses of accommodation in Cairo, Egypt, throughout the visa and biometric process.
2. Meeting the cost of flight tickets from Cairo to Canada.
3. Securing affordable and suitable housing.
4. Addressing monthly necessities such as groceries, utilities, clothing, and shoes.
5. Ensuring access to healthcare and therapy, crucial for the well-being of our family members.
6. Providing monthly financial support until they secure employment.
as of April 10, they have been able to start the process of acquiring visas and passports.
currently at $26,630/$80,000
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