citrouille-feuilles · 2 years
Admittedly this if from a few months ago but it’s all I can find🤞
Fandom: MHA/BNHA
Kaminari never liked miserable weather that much. There were people who would spout that it was calming or made them feel powerful with electricity in the air. He always felt that energy in the air around him - his quirk made sure of it.

The blonde hadn't seen a hint of blue in the sky at all that day; it was just gray, dreary clouds. The feeling of rain was heavy in the air but not quite heavy enough to fall. To him, it felt like everything was stuck in a desaturated limbo that made him feel all bleh.

With a bored sigh, Kaminari decided to get outside - he would head to the nearest convenience store, probably grab some snacks. As he stepped out of the dorm building with an umbrella he dug out of his closet, memories of Junior High and the places he went with the very umbrella in his hand filled his head.
Turning from closing the loud wooden door, his eyes flickered over to a figure - it took him a moment to recognise Midoriya sitting quietly on the steps. The blonde paused, knowing the green-haired boy must have heard the door, waiting for any sort of reaction.
"Where are you going?" He mumbled, voice quiet, and Kaminari shuffles closer to lean over and look at the boy’s face.
"I don't know - convenience store?" He said, the sentence worded as a question. Sitting down next to his classmate, Denki rested his umbrella diagonally down the lower stairs and between his knees. Looking back over, he watches as Midoriya nods slightly, staring up at the sky in a eerily blank manner. The teen is barefoot - concerning enough - with blue jeans and a dark grey hoodie embroidered with a small single red feather on the chest.
“Man - this weather has even you all sullen!” Kaminari quipped, not wanting to see the usually cheery boy so dull. His desperate attempt fell flat, cracking on the concrete steps below. Midoriya gave a passive humming noise and the duo fell into a - surprisingly placating - silence.
"Hey Mido?" Kaminari almost whispered, voice soft. The boy in question lifted his head, glancing at the blonde quizzically.
"Do you like weather like this?" He continues, and maybe it was genuine curiosity that pulls the question out of him, or possibly it was to fill the heavy air with something other than the rumbling of grey clouds on the horizon. Nonetheless, the green haired teen moved his gaze over to him.
For the first time in what seemed to be forever, Kaminari - with surprise - notices he looks so human. From up close, he could see the chapped lips and watery eyes; the faint acne scars and unsymmetrical freckles. Hardly healed up and scabbing scratches on his face Kaminari had never noticed before. The boy’s hair was knotted, tangled and fell into his face. But he seemed, almost, content with it. Maybe more resigned actually; he had fully given in to being imperfect and lesser. And all Kaminari can think is that it was incredible.
Midoriya turned his forest green eyes back to the overcast sky, seeming to
"I…” he stops, before continuing on.
"…I guess I feel calm with this kind of weather." Kaminari frowned a bit at that - but the green haired boy didn’t seem to notice, nor was deterred.
"I guess... I just feel like myself. Just me," his sentence trailer into quietness, and the boy looked down in slight embarrassment. Kaminari watched in how his brows lower, and he stares upsettedly down at his hands latched in front of his folded knees.
"Isn’t that a good thing?" He questions, rain beginning to fall. The blonde watched as the once pale steps turn dark and glossy from the rain. He pulled the tip of his umbrella out of the rain, laying it next to him on the top step instead.
"Kaminari?" Midoriya whispered, and the blonde in question was slightly surprised at the lack of honorific. Not '𝘬𝘶𝘯' - nothing. He looked over attentively, watching as Midoriya sighed, but it wasn’t particularly heavy nor emotion filled - however something made spring into the corners of Kaminari’s eyes.
"I'm tired.” The green-ette whispered, his quiet voice instantaneously lost in the rain after Kaminari heard him. Exhaling slightly, the blonde moved down a step to wrap a gentle arm around the other’s shoulder. He pulled him into his side, swallowing the lump in his throat.
"Yeah... me too."
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citrouille-feuilles · 2 years
Fandom: She-ra PoP
Lonnie’s head is fuzzing. She isn’t panicking— Horde soldiers don’t panic —but she is, admittedly, worried. When she’d seen Bea last, the girl had been cornered by none other than her fellow princesses. Lonnie wanted nothing more than to have run forwards and protect the other—carry her out, something. But the restraints of the flower princess’ vines had kept her from moving and she felt sick.
Sitting on her ‘bed’, not being productive, is not helping. It only helps the intrusive wishes run wild in her mind. She sits up with a groan, stretching from the cramped position she’d been in. In a way, Lonnie is glad she hadn’t been around any other Horde soldiers; they would have seen her look towards the princesses with the look she had, and reported it to Shadow Weaver. The brunette shudders—she could always play it off as wanting the princesses gone, but she doubts the sorceress would believe such a futile attempt at a lie.
Shadow Weaver is one of the few people Lonnie holds a true grudge against. The woman is a spiteful pile of glaring reds and maroons. All she does is complain when Lonnie isn’t doing well enough. The brunette is glad she is yet to appear.
“Cadet.” A malicious voice rings out, Lonnie’s body tensing to a uniform stance. She spins around a perfect 180°, facing the very woman she had just been thinking of. It’s hard to tell how she is feeling right now, and that unnerves Lonnie. She often, in battle, relies on the facial and body expressions to decipher her next move—Shadow Weaver is eerily able to hide her emotions extremely well.
“Shadow weaver.” Lonnie replies flatly, saluting. It feels so wrong. She shouldn’t be saluting this woman. She has done nothing that deserves her salute, or her respect, or anything.
“Follow me. Be hasty, I haven’t got all day.” The red-clad sorceress snaps, turning and floating away towards her room. Lonnie gulps, meekly following with timid steps. Inside the chamber the lighting is dim and she shudders, the cold air making goosebumps rise on her skin. In the middle of the room sits the Black Garnet, the large runestone emitting an almost spiteful aura. Turning to Shadow Weaver, Lonnie’s begins to talk.
“Uh- so, what do you need?” She asks, unnerved by the way the red-clad woman tilts her head. Almost knowingly, she notes.
“Don’t think I didn’t see you let that Princess escape,” she growls, Lonnie tensing in fear, “You’re lucky she wasn’t important. You’re going soft, Cadet! First Adora, now some misfit Princess?!” The woman continues to shout, Lonnie shrinking back in fear. How had she been caught? She’d been so careful, and Bea promised she wouldn’t get caught. But here she is, red handed. Lonnie can’t help but ponder if this means she’d seen the kiss.
“Shadow Weaver, I swear—“ she begins, a pleading edge to her tone. With a shriek, the brunette jumped back as the woman before her leapt forwards.
“Be quiet, Cadet! It is your insolence and inefficiency that got us here at this moment!” Shadow Weaver floated forwards, resting a withered hand on Lonnie’s shoulder in an attempt to be comforting. The girl squirmed uncomfortably. The touch felt so—wrong. Her brain seemed to fixate on the tight grip, and the withered, leathery texture of Shadow Weaver’s hands. “First Adora, and now you? Come now; you’re better than this. Especially if all people, kissing a woman. Lonnie, you must understand I only want what’s best for you, okay? Princesses are everything we fight against. They’re power hungry, and murderers. Your ‘Beatrice’ is one of those.” Shadow weaver tilted her head in what Lonnie desperately hopes was a smile and not one of those cold, calculating gazes she saw so often. A large part of her began to hate itself when she leant into the touch, however uncomfortable it was. But then there was that other bit of her that said that everything Shadow Weaver was saying had a large element of truth and she just didn’t want to admit it because she disliked her.
“Yes Shadow Weaver. I understand. Sorry.” Lonnie mumbled, staring at the floor now. An almost-gentle touch lifted her chin up, Shadow Weaver seemingly staring into her soul.
“You must understand, I want what’s best for you.” She said. Lonnie knew it was fake, knew it was all a ruse. But she wanted to believe it, if only for a second.
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citrouille-feuilles · 2 years
p.s: The first of these works has intentional lowercase; When writing casually, that’s what I do. I’m fully able to write formally/professionally.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word count: ≈1770
[a worn book opens, a young boy beginning to write in russian cyrillic with neat, orderly writing]
‘june 17th, 1993
dear diary,
the days are once again getting longer now that summer is upon us. valentine said that next year, she will be enrolling me into hogwarts for my fourth year. i understand it's difficult for her, a single step-mother of two teenagers, but i still dislike it. i digress; nelli joined for her second year last year. she begged father to let her enrol as soon as we arrived from ru-
[a smudge has made the writing unreadable—it looks like a tear mark]
speaking of nelli, she is doing well. she recovered from the slug-vomiting charm, albeit sadly, and is back to being a pain again. i'm glad we only share a last name and blood, it'd be a shame if we looked alike too. she'll be in her third year when i join.
i must say, the prospect of hogwarts excites me. ravenwing, or claw—whatever it's called—sounds fun. im excited to be with nelli, even if i dislike her ninety-nine percent of the time. while i am not yet fluent in this country's language, i am nonetheless ready for it—i hope.
nevertheless, for now i shall leave you. have fun.
valery krymov’
valery slammed his book closed, standing up from the oaken desk he had been sat at. with a large stretch, the ravenette began his routine—dressing himself and applying faint makeup that was mediocre at best. once he had finished, valery opened his door and gently walked downstairs, careful not to disturb the quiet snores from the other bedroom. in the kitchen, there was little to eat—he would have to go shopping later. with the few ingredients he scrounged from the depths of the pantry, valery prepared a breakfast that he took back upstairs. knocking on the door once, the boy pushed it open and placed the plate of food on the bedside table, careful not to knock the pile of glass cups over in the dark.
"valentine? i made you breakfast." he placed a gentle hand on his step-mother's shoulder, tapping her lightly. the woman stirred, opening a tired eye to look at valery.
"thanks, love. would you like to get ready? once i've eaten, we'll head out to get you school supplies and collect nelli from the station." she drawled in russian, sitting up hazily. her long hair was in a loose bun, and she looked fatigued; valery regretted waking her up. she needed more sleep, especially since she was so ill now. he shook his head, perching on the edge of the double bed.
"don't worry ma, i'll go alone. there'll be nothing wrong, i can shop then collect nelli. and don't worry about money; i have plenty." he smiled at valentine, who looked wary yet thankful.
"only if you're sure. the train arrives at two—be there, okay?" she didn't wait for an answer, shooing valery out. he stood in the hallway, staring at the deep, wine red walls around him. with a sigh, he walked downstairs, wand in pocket. he grabbed his coat, a black fleece, and headed out the door. valery patted his pocket—he did have his keys, right?—and headed off, closing the porch door behind him. he slipped his hands into his pockets, the june air warm with a slight chill in the wind.
a hoot make him look up, a large tawny owl sitting in a tree staring at him. with a slight smile, valery held his arm out and let the big bird fly down to rest as he untied the letter on her leg.
"thank you, maria." the boy said, opening the letter as the owl nibbled his ear fondly. inside, the scrawl of an old friend was familiar to him. it was not in his mother tongue—it was in bulgarian, which he was mostly fluent in.
i hope reaches you well, and you're doing well now; especially in england. you will see me soon i hope—our school is to visit hogwarts next school year. when and if you see me, please do come over; it's been two years since we saw each other last. make sure that maria rests well—dragomir could only take the letter so far, and maria had to meet him halfway.
valery finished the letter, smiling. maria hooted quietly, almost quizzically; he nodded and the bird flew off in the direction of home. a grin still etched onto his face, valery folded the letter gently and slid it into his pocket. valentine and nelli would be excited to hear from him again. he continued walking, the path to diagon alley burnt into his mind after taking nelli many times. he had a list today—he needed robes, books, cauldrons, all sorts; but he was most excited about the familiar.
once valery reached the leaky cauldron, he walked in and spotted the bartender—a brunet witch. she nodded at him, a greeting and agreement. valery nodded back, walking out the back and facing a brick wall. with practiced ease, the teen tapped a specific brick three times with his wand. the wall morphed into an arch that lead to the area known as diagon alley.
valery began his shopping, moving between shops and checking items off of his list. once he was finally complete, there was one more thing left on the list.
a familiar.
with rushed excitement, valery headed towards the shop. he was tingling all over, and it was quite funny. once he reached the store, he pushed open the door and walked in collectedly. the man at the register was smiling happily.
"hello! welcome! are you here to pick out a familiar?" he babbled, valery taking a moment to process the english. nodding, he spoke with a thick russian accent.
"yes, i am—i'm sorry for my lack of english, it is not my mother tongue." he bowed politely, clasping his hands in an orderly fashion. the man nodded, smiling, and walked around the desk to approach him.
"what are you looking for today? we have many familiars, all around," he gestured all around him with an arm, "to choose from. why don't you look around? much alike wands, the animal picks the owner!"
valery nodded, walking to the right side of the door where some bats were sleeping. the little critters did little to appeal to valery, although they were cute. as he continued around the room, none of the animals seemed to stick in his mind—none of them felt right.
that was, of course, until he reached a cage holding a small flecked cat. it's ears were large for its body, and it regarded the boy with a calculated gaze. valery's mind lit up, recognising the animal—it was a kneazle, a cat-like creature with a high intelligence and an uncanny ability at detecting untrustworthy persons. as soon as brown eyes met blue, something of an electric bond was formed between the two. turning to the man at the till, valery walked over.
"could i get this one?" he pointed to the grey kneazle, who was watching everything with something of an excited expression. the man nodded jovially, chattering something about a cat—valery didn't understand. he still wasn't completely fluent in english. the man opened the cage for the kneazle, who gently padded over and nuzzled the boy's leg gently; almost as a greeting.
"that'll be--15 galleons! he's a feisty one, he is." the man chirped. valery opened his wallet and took out the money, handing it to him. he said something else about the transaction being complete, before bidding the boy goodbye. valery nodded farewell, leaving with the kneazle at his feet. outside, he stood and looked down at the creature. he looked back.
"what do i call you?" he enquired quietly, the cat-like animal staring at him. he suddenly stood up, walking to the herb stand next to them before picking up a green, round-leaved plant by the stem. walking back, the kneazle held it up towards valery, who picked it up and smelled it. a small voice in his mind gave him the name-- Marjoram.
"Marjoram? Good choice." he smiled. the kneazle--no, marjoram, jumped into the cauldron being carried by valery. making himself comfortable, the cat promptly fell asleep. chuckling, valery sighed and began to walk home after hiding the items in a bag enchanted with an enlarging spell.
reaching his house, valery quickly stuck the bag down inside, so he didnt have to carry it all around. marjoram poked his head out, watching the boy about to leave before jumping out and following suit. with a chuckle, they set off towards the station, marjoram at his feet.
the station wasn't a far walk, and valery reached it without much hassle. he slipped into platform 9 and 3/4 with ease, waiting among many families as a large red steam train rolled into the station. it came to a halt, doors opening as many people hopped off. deciding to step back, valery leant against the wall behind him and opened his arms for marjoram to sit. the boy's eyes scanned the crowd, desperately searching for the bleached head of blonde. he spotted it, gently walking over.
approaching the person, valery tapped the shoulder without actually seeing the owner. instead of nelli, a teen boy about his age turned around with an angry expression.
"what do you want?" he spat, valery slightly taken aback by the temper of the teen. receding his hand, the ravenette's hand came back to rest on top of marjoram who glared at the bleached blonde boy. valery coughed, slipping into english.
"apologies. it was my belief you were someone else." he smiled slightly, turning around to walk away. a sudden grip make him stop, turning around to face the shorter boy.
"who are you? you don't go to hogwarts." his gaze narrowed, pointedly glaring at valery who nearly laughed at the bluntness.
"i'm valery. valery krymov. and you?" he smiled narrowly, albeit shocked as he saw the other boy's eyes widen slightly. one of the blonde's hand rested on his hip, another extending into a handshake gesture.
"draco. draco malfoy. your sister recently joined, no? she's been the talk of the school. ravenclaw isn't as good as slytherin, but some people just aren't as good!" he snickered, before turning around and walking off without a word. valery stood, one brow raised, as the boy was lost in the crowd.
how troublesome.
"val!" a voice hollered, valery turning around in time to catch nelli barrelling into him. with a smile, he embraced his sister.
"hey nel. how was it? have fun?" he asked, slipping back into their mother tongue. Nelli replied back, voice fast.
"it was spectacular, valery! it's so cool and the atmosphere is amazing! i can't wait until you join!" she chattered, waving hands around. with a chuckle, valery ushered his younger sister out of the station all the while listening to her ramble.
valery was excited to join Hogwarts, especially if it was as Nelli described it.
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