citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
I never asked you to believe that I was perfect, but shouldn’t you, at least, believe in me?
@janes-journal (via remanence-of-love)
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
Let today be the day you learn the grace of letting go and the power of moving on.
Steve Maraboli (via lifequotes-daily)
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
Dear someone, last time I wrote to you, I was broken. I didn’t know what to do with myself after you had left, and it felt like I was forever stuck in the same place you left me. I’m better now. Since then, I moved to a bigger city, met new people and saw many new places. I’m building a life for myself. A life that will hopefully be filled with happiness and love. I’m building myself a future in which I am the most important person in it. I’ve stopped being just a secondary character in this beautiful play I call life. I’m tending to my needs first before I look right and left to tend to someone else’s. That doesn’t mean that I’ve become cold, doesn’t mean that I’ve lost my kindness and warmth. It means that at the end of the day I’m leaving some of the good for me too. After you had left me, I didn’t think that I’d ever feel happiness again. I thought that life was meant to be miserable and grey. And whilst life is hard, it is also a composition of all the beautiful, magnificent things. It’s waking up in the morning, realising that you have the day off and that you can roll around in bed just a little longer. It is drinking coffee at your favourite place, and spending time with your favourite people. It is educating yourself and always striving to be better. But it’s also crying your eyes out because nothing makes sense, and feeling better afterwards. Since you left me, I’ve accomplished a list of things I thought I was unable to accomplish. I live on my own now, and while it’s scary and lonely sometimes it’s also the best decision I’ve ever made. I’m living hundreds of kilometres away from home and I now know the true definition of home. I know that I’ve changed and that I will continue to change, but I also know that my feelings for certain people will never change. Today I know that distance means nothing if the love and friendship are real. You may have taught me a lot but you leaving me has taught me even more. It’s taught me strength and courage, taught me heartbreak and loss. It’s taught me about love and friendship. It’s taught me a lot about me too. It’s shown me the lengths I go to see other people happy, and how some will never appreciate that. It’s made me realise that I’m a good person that’s been hurt by bad people. But there are good people out there, and one day I will find that one good person that will turn out to be the best person. I can’t wait for that moment but I know that I have a lot of heartbreak to go through until then, because quite frankly, good things don’t come easy. But more often than not, it’s not about the destination but about the journey anyway. You were a huge part of my journey and I’m thankful for that. And whilst my journey hasn’t ended, I’m past the part with you in it. That’s why I’m writing you today. This is goodbye - forever - because I now know that our paths won’t ever cross again, and I’m more than okay with that. Love always, e.
e.s. // dear someone. II (via pessimisticandrealistic)
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
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Find the Opportunity amongst the Chaos Sunday's challenge: Find the opportunity amongst the chaos.  The good news about rock bottom (which is where I am) it makes for a damn solid foundation to begin again.  And begin again we shall. Step one: Learn to like yourself
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
My Theme Song
Everyone should have a theme song. Sometimes you just can’t find the words to say what you are feeling until you see it in front of you.  Thank you Carrie Underwood for communicating what is in my head. https://embed.vevo.com?isrc=USUV71800005&autoplay=true The Champion feat. Ludacris by Carrie Underwood on VEVO.   [Carrie Underwood:] I’ll be the last one standing Two hands in the air, I’m a…
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
My theme song. Everyone should have one. This is mine
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
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No More Silence. No More Hesitation
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
Who I am, What I want
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Who am I? I am known as Citizen AEO. Abandoned-Expatriate-Outlander. My current state: Jobless, fat, out of shape, an emotional mess, whose current relationship well reflects my outer appearance. A mess. I’m not looking for sympathy. Just the opposite. I’m looking to launch a war. A war against myself. A war against the person I have become. I don’t know where exactly in my 46 years I stopped…
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
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Day One: out of the house and helping others.
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
#mantra #LifeGoal
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
You are here!
I know now. It sucks
Relationship status: complicated but heavily tilted toward over
Job: less. As in jobless. My 12 month temp contract ended
It sucks. I think I’m gonna have a beer or two.
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
Dear Partner,
I don’t understand how you can be so cruel.  To ignore my obvious pain. To slap me down when I reach out to you. I am a stranger in your home. I came in good faith under the assupmtion I would welcomed with open arms. Instead it has been the opposite. Why do I remain. Why do I pray every day you will come to your senses and apologise but mean it this time. Why am I so foolisth.
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citizenaeo-blog · 6 years
You are here
In the US in large places like a mall, they have large display maps to show you how to get to where you want to go.  In the US they even have a helpful icon that says you are here. 
I am in desperate need of one of those now.  You are here! I’m not asking for a way out, a promise of what’s to come, a mountain rescue.  Just a friendly little icon that says you are here.  
#Lost #alone #desperate #struggling
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