cipscanta · 12 hours
Happy pride month y’all 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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cipscanta · 1 day
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happy pride!
what is better than vampire x werewolf lesbians? only ukrainian opyrica x vovkulaka lesbians
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cipscanta · 1 day
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cipscanta · 1 day
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Цього металу замало, щоб нашу волю зламало.
"This metal is not enough to break our will" says the inscription on the new monument made from remnants of shells from russian missiles launched on Irpin. The monument commemorates the city’s Day of Liberation on March 28, 2022.
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cipscanta · 1 day
it really is mind-boggling to me that the only reason i know about the Congolese and Sudanese genocides is because of the tireless work of grassroots activists and advocates posting on social media. I can honestly say that if I didn't have social media and didn't happen to be following Black authors and activists, I never would have known what was happening in Sudan and Congo because it is simply not being reported in the great majority of mainstream media. We're talking millions upon millions of PEOPLE enduring unimaginable pain and devastation with next to no official reporting. And yes that is in huge part due to the level of violence and displacement occurring that is preventing a lot of news from getting out of these countries, but it's also so blatantly due to anti-Black racism and the perception of African Nations as inherently savage and violent. But genocide is not and never should be normal for anyone anywhere. With that in mind, please keep Congo and Sudan in your thoughts. Check out Focus Congo for resources to help the Congolese people on the ground. Focus Congo's MO is a local organisation whose goal is to rebuild homes, rehabilitate land, and provide medical aid, education, and resources to Congo's most affected people. Also, Check out Keep Eyes On Sudan for how to help out and raise awareness of Sudanese people displaced by civil war. According to Sudanese TikToker bsonblast, donations to local food kitchens in Sudan are desperately needed to fight famine. If anyone has other resources specifically for helping Congo and Sudan, please add them and link them <3
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cipscanta · 3 days
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cipscanta · 3 days
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Before and after russian captivity.
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cipscanta · 3 days
My next post in support of Ukraine is:
Next site, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi (Білгород-Дністровский) in Odesa Oblast. It's a very ancient city dating back thousands of years to when it was a Phoenician colony named Ophiussa. The city had several different names over the centuries and was also part of several different kingdoms & principalities. It's where the Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi Fortress is located, which we visited earlier in the thread. The entire Black Sea area had several Greek colonies over centuries, including in Crimea and even one, Tanais, way up at what is now Rostov on Don. This is another reason why "russia" claiming Crimea as historically "russian" is ridiculous. Greece could make the same claim, but I don't see them doing that.
#СлаваУкраїні 🇺🇦🌻
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cipscanta · 3 days
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A beautiful Ukrainian Cossack Hero by Ukrainian contemporary artist and illustrator, Kateryna Shtanko (Катерина Штанко)
This illustration has been published in an anthology of poems by Taras Shevchenko (Тарас Шевченко): Т. Шевченко, У нашім раї на землі..., Київ 2018.
It is a fan&didactic account, existing only for the Cossack Heroes glory and promoting Ukrainian heritage worldwide. Copyright belongs to the Artist/Museum.
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cipscanta · 3 days
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Another day, another attack on Kharkiv done by russia
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cipscanta · 3 days
Chechelyuk Maryana was taken hostage by russians in 2022 in Mariupol. The ICRC and the UN promised to evacuate her to Zaporizhzhia, but instead she was transported for filtration and then to captivity, where she was constantly beaten and tortured by russians for 2 years
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original post
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cipscanta · 3 days
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I love this meme
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cipscanta · 3 days
People Disappear Here
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The Kharkiv Regional Military Administration reported that the death toll from the attack on the Epicenter had risen to 18 people, including two children. The number of wounded is 48. Five people remain missing.
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The head of the investigation department of the Kharkiv regional police said that this morning the body of a 17-year-old boy was found at the site of the attack. He was identified only after a DNA test - the samples were provided by the victim's mother.
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"We are working now, looking for these bodies. There are no unresolved problems or problems that cannot be solved. But the theoretical threat that we won't be able to find someone is real," said Dmytro Chubenko, a spokesman for the prosecutor's office.
On May 26, the Russian military dropped 4 KAB-250 guided bombs on Pivnichne and damaged 3 apartment buildings and 14 private houses, and also struck Antonivka with an FPV drone, according to Donetsk police.
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Photo: Donetsk police In Donetsk region, five people were killed by Russian shelling on May 26 in Krasnohorivka, Antonivka, Siversk, and Chasovyi Yar, said Vadym Filashkin, head of the regional military administration. Three more residents were wounded in Antonivka, Krasnohorivka and Chasovyi Yar yesterday.
26 May, on the day 2022, five-month-old Mykhailo Korostylov was killed by Russian shelling of Kharkiv. His father was also killed. The baby's mother was injured.
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As a result of Russian shelling of Kharkiv on May 26, five-month-old Mykhailo Korostylov died.
On that tragic day, the boy's father, Mykola, came with his son to pick up his wife, Oleksandra, from work.
Oleksandra Korosteleva was just finishing up work at a beauty salon in Kharkiv, where she had recently gotten a job as an administrator. When Mykola and the baby entered the salon, a rocket hit the second floor of the building. The baby and his father were killed, Oleksandra Korosteleva survived, and the woman was taken to the hospital.
"I was hit and fell to my knees. I dropped everything and turned around. I saw a black body, Mykola was all black. Just a T-shirt and blood in his mouth. He was choking on it. Where is Misha, where is my son? I don't see him, he's not crying, he's gone," Oleksandra said.
The boy was born on December 30, less than two months before the start of the full-scale war. From the first days, his parents volunteered, but eventually decided to move to a safer region. After May 9, the family returned to Kharkiv. They could not find a job in another region, but in Kharkiv, the woman was offered a job. They believed that the city was safer.
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cipscanta · 4 days
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cipscanta · 4 days
one of the biggest man-made environmental disaster in decades!
the Kakhovka HPP is completely destroyed and can’t be restored.
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water continues to flood Kherson, Nova Kakhovka and other cities and towns, taking lives and destroying Ukrainian ecology;
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over 200,000 residents of surrounding settlements lost access to drinking water;
there is a threat of nuclear disaster due to possible cooling issues at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant;
over 150 tons of machine oil have contaminated the Dnipro River. there is risk of a further 300+ tons leaking;
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river water drifts russian mines, they detonate in the flooding zones.
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regardless, thousands of animals, both wild and domestic, affected by this flooding. Ukrainians save everyone they can find. the search for animals and people continues for the second day.
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the scale of this terrorist act is difficult to predict. it threatens hundreds of thousands of lives — flooding will continue for at least another 4 days. international organizations created to save people and animals in such cases do not respond. Ukrainians were left alone for the second day in a row with a large-scale disaster!
please do not be indifferent, spread information, reliable information from the Ukrainians who are experiencing this catastrophe in real-time. do not believe russian propaganda, support Ukraine and Ukrainians in our battle for life!
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cipscanta · 4 days
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russia is holding 403 Ukrainian women captive, including many civilians.
There are women whose fate is unknown since 2014. Ukraine constantly appeals to the occupiers with the demand to return captive women, but russia ignores all appeals.
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cipscanta · 4 days
I wish russia a very Die🖤
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