My favorite thing
When I was a kid I didn't like reading and writing. When I was a kid I liked drawings. But when I was in elementary school, that is the day when I started to love reading comics. When I have free time I just always read comics or newspapers and also start loving writing. That is the year where I like writing not just a story but also a letter. 
And when my highschool life started it also started to love writing an essay. In highschool there are a lot of activities where you will read and write and I can say that is the reason why I also love reading and writing, and one of the main reasons to practice my skills in writing and reading. Reading and writing is not just a hobby to me, it is like a vitamin where I find my day is not complete when I don't read or write something.
I discovered wattpad where I am very happy because there I can write my own story and I can read many stories. I can say I've read a story a hundred times. Sometimes I spend 5 hours or more reading stories and sometimes writing my own story. The books are key in my imagination. I feel like I'm in another world when I'm reading something.  
I can say I prefer to be alone and just reading on wattpad. There are times that the whole day I just read and write on wattpad. I don't always use other social media. I prefer to spend my time reading. It is my stress reliever, it is my source of happiness and sometimes it is my inspiration in life. Others will say that reading books and writing your own story is boring but for me it is talent and skills. It is my way to know myself more and it is my way to express my emotions.
I suffer from depression and anxiety these past years and reading books is the one who helps me to heal. Reading helps me to forget all the bad things that happened in my past. It helps me to recover from all the trauma that I have . and it teaches me to be strong and how to handle life and the people around me. And teaches me to believe in myself and to learn to be alone to have your own peace.
Reading inspired me to write a story that will inspire more people. That will help them just like the help of reading to me. My friends keep on saying to me that I'm good at writing essays and they know that I'm a fan of reading stories. I don't know but every time I write an essay or something there are always a million words that keep on running in my mind. And that is why I can make an essay but for me it always challenges me when I write in english because sometimes I think I write the wrong grammar but when it is about reading I can read and understand english. I can tell that I like reading english books or english stories but in writing I prefer to write in Filipino and a little english.
I can say reading and writing is not just all about school work. Reading and writing are skills and I can say a talent. Love in reading and writing will also help you in school and also in life. Loving and having a hobby in reading and writing is not also having a boring life. For me it is a life full of fun and excitement. And that is my favorite thing reading and writing books.
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Stairways of my dream
When I was a child I have a dream and my dream is to be a teacher, a cashier, a chef, and also a nurse. When I was a child I'm the one who take care of my grandmother my father, auntie and uncle always tell to me that I'm nurse who take care of my grandmother. When I was a child I always do nurse do just like giving them medicine in exact time. 
I always end up dreaming that someday I will work in hospital and I will be a nurse, but time passes by I dream was been different sometimes I want to be a teacher, sometimes to be a cashier or to be a chef. When I go to school and when their is activity about what you want to be your job or your dream I end up choosing to those by picking one. 
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But when I getting older that is the time that I realized that I should know what my dream or what I want to be in the future but I'm not yet decided what I want to be. Then when I'm highschool that is the time when I really know who I am and discover so many things about myself and experience a lot of things. This the time that I experience different ways in talking to people this the time we use to tell pre, matsala, y'all or using another words in a conversation. Just like "pre matsala pala sa binigay mo" 
Then when I was grade 10 that is the time I become decided on what I want to be in the future because of the Kdrama series "Doctors" the kdrama series inspired me to be one of them to be part of the group of people who help and tkaing good care of people. I want to wear a uniform as white as a snow. They inspired me not just to be a nurse but to be doctor also. But it also scare me that studying to be a nurse or to be doctor is like you are having a lot and a million books to read and to study.
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Then there is one thing for sure that help me a lot to dream a to decide in what I want to be in the future is my hobby and my likes. My hobby is to check on people whenever they are sick or they are not feeling well I always want to help in taking care of them. I always want to be in the hospital. I like medicine, I like syringe and I like checking up to people just like checking their pulse rate, their B. P. their vitals. Its just like a my kryptonite. 
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One thing for sure I always do my best in everything to make and to practice to be a nurse even in just taking care of my relatives its just like a feeling to me that I experience to be a nurse but not in the hospital but in our home. 
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It was 3 years ago when I started to go in church. September 2018 when my friend invited us to go in there church. it was my first time to attend to christian church I'm so nervous that time because I don't know what will be happen and how will I tell to my father that i will be attending Yrock Christian Church, but when i already there at the venue I feel comfortable because all the people their are approachable and they will treat you as a family not just a firstimer.
In Yrock i meet a new friends, a new family and I meet God. Not literally meeting God physically but spiritually and emotionally I experienced and meet God. In Yrock they teach me how to have a strong relationship with God. They teach to me how to be strong and how to have a personal time with God through bible reading and devotion. Yrock is always there whenever i have a problem they will listen to me they will give me advice. When the pandemic started Yrock give us some help.
At first i thought I'll just attending ounce but now its almost 5 years that I attending in Yrock church sometimes I think that it's not worth it, sometimes I thought that I'll just wasting my time attending every sunday in church and 1 a week for lifegroup but I realized that Its all worth it and God blessed me even sometimes I doing bad but God always blessed me and my family.
And now I'm proud that I am a christian for almost 5 years
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