chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
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         HE LET OUT a loud chuckle once Apollo took back what he had said and admitted that he, obviously, was the winner. ❛ Did you really think that I would have done that to you? Datz would push you to the deepest body of water there is- That would be just cruel. But I accept your words. ❜ He, then, brought his hands to his hips and almost grinned- ❛ When would you like to start your intensive lessons? ❜
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“He’s already teaching me self-defense. As well as we did in court, Ga’ran still has some loyal fanatics. I’d like to avoid being stabbed.” He smiles and does the Datz Pose for about five seconds before settling back into a normal pose. “I uh... How about intermediate lessons to start?”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
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Detective Crass-end wasn’t amused. 
“For fucks sake… Crescend. I suppose you are “Herr Forehead” or whatever pet name Gavin gave you. Hi.” A pause. “Congratulations! These documents are yours now. He should get a secretary instead of letting me handle his damn prints. Last time. Appreciate them.” 
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“Whoa, hostile. You got a whole lumber yard up your ass or somethin’, buddy?” Seriously, he’d met less testy people in the Detention Center, and that’s where you go when you’re under arrest! “Yeah, thanks. Maybe don’t be such an asswagon next time? Just some friendly advice.”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
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It was a warm Saturday afternoon when prosecutor Gavin was strolling through the supermarket, pushing his - not particularly full - bascart along. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry, instead it almost looked like he was wrapped in thought, occasionally checking his shopping list. He wore more casual clothes - a white short-sleeved linen shirt, black skinny jeans and some rather expensive-looking sunglasses. His hair was in it’s usual form.
Apollo had been traveling up and down the aisles aimlessly. He had everything on his list, he was just afraid of the sticker shock that would come with actually going to the register. He wheeled his cart around anther corner and nearly rammed into a blond gentlema-
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“P-Prosecutor Gavin?! Wh-What’re you doing here?!”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
“I am certain the day is fast approaching when you will not always have to face me in court.” Prosecutors will be far easier to find than defense attorneys after all. All that was needed was to weed out the corruption left in Inga’s wake and assure that they were competent to stand in the courtroom under the new workings of the system.
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The defense on the other hand…
He sighed, setting down the pile of old cases he had brought with him. “I am sorry you have been dragged into such things. Your time is far too valuable at the moment to be occupied with mere chores.”
“Sure, but that’ll be a bitter day. With prosecutors like you, I get a decent challenge. I’m also working on being able to use my Chords of Steel to deflect your prayer beads, so no more constriction. Ha HA!” It was another of his “famous bluffs” but he was hoping that would go right past the radar.
Most likely not, though.
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“I’ve actually been speaking with Rayfa about that. I’ve sent three people to America to study at Themis Legal Academy in order to revitalize the idea of defense in this land of vulnerability. She seemed shocked that I used my own money ot pay for their tuition, but I believe in the future of this country just as much as you two do.”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
“Athena, can you get that?” His eyes continue to follow the words on the report, reading carefully before moving on to the next line. He was glad that he hadn’t powered through and finished his stack of paperwork the night before - he would have gone loopy! However, after a few moments of no responses from the young attorney, he sighs. That probably meant she was either out practicing magic tricks with Trucy (aka being his daughter’s guinea pig) or had dashed out on an errand without telling him. 
Peeking his head out his office door, Phoenix finds nobody at her desk. Upon closer inspection, a note is discovered with the words ‘went out for more orange juice! we ran out! >o<’ 
(Is orange juice really that important…?) 
Shrugging it of, he steps over to answer the door. Best not to keep whoever was on the other side waiting. They might be a client! Ah, but it isn’t a client who’s stood there…
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“A-Apollo?!” His exclamation could have given the other a run for his money in terms of volume. Almost. “What are you doing here?!” He doesn’t wait for the other to answer as he pulls him into a hug, not even caring if it might embarrass the other. “It’s so good to see you!”
What little of the office he could see over Phoenix’s shoulder looked largely the same. That poor body separation chamber was still a shelf, there were a couple empty OJ bottles, and he spied his own suit jacket hanging over the back of the couch. Home. He was home, even if only briefly. But more than the office, the feeling of the warm embrace from his mentor made him feel more at home than anything in that room ever could have.
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He returns the hug just as happily, chuckling as his ears rang slightly. Was this what he put everyone else through? Then he didn’t see anything wrong with it, not when it made him feel this warm.
“Trying to see if you can match my chords of steel. You’re about ten decibels too low, but a good attempt nonetheless” He finally extricated himself from Phoenix’s grasp and flashed him a wide grin. “Well, I got through the first three hundred cases laid on me, and Nahyuta petitioned for a week off from the work with Rayfa, so here I am! It’s good to see you, too, Mr. Wright.”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
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“Hm? No. I believe they’ve just very timid, sweet, anxious, and the slightest bit awkward.” She chuckled, adding teasingly, “Although, if your response to a crush is to assume ‘subversion and trickery,’ I may see why they’d be worried!”
With a little dismissive wave of her hand, she added happily, “You needn’t worry too much. I think they just wanted you to know so that they could accept your disinterest and move on. You probably won’t hear from them.”
The heart was funny like that.
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“Normally, someone wouldn’t hire a third party to tell their crush and then not also approach themselves! It makes no sense. I know feelings are irrational, but this is beyond nutter-butter.”
“It’s not that-I just don’t have the time. I’m way too busy to give a partner the time they deserve.”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
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“He’s had a different girlfriend every time I’ve seen him.  He once chased one to Europe only for her to break up with him, so it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility he’d chase one to Khura’in.” He just looks tiredly amused.
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“Mr. Edgeworth, what fresh hell have you resigned me to? I don’t even have a girlfriend of my own, I don’t wanna hear about his troubles with ‘em.”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
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Apollo was never excited to be in the police department, it was too closely related to all the horror that happens in the city. Also, he might run into Detective Skye and she always barraged him with chocolate snacks. But Prosecutor Gavin had asked him to head here since they were working a case together, and apparently an acquaintance of Gavin’s had been holding onto some files for the case in the morning, so Apollo wanted to grab a copy for himself. He just wasn’t expecting a man with hair that was about as long as Apollo was tall.
“Uh... D-Detective... Crass-end?”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
“Ugh, don’t put an image like that in my head,” Robin said. scrunching her face. The sad thing was there was a pretty good chance that a case like that would arise at some point in the future. Robin sat down right next to Apollo. “But if you’re talking about the younger prosecutor students, I’ll keep an eye on them before I graduate.”
Apollo’s words reminded Robin of the new resolve that was the entire reason she stayed on the prosecutor’s path in the first place. “Hugh, Juniper and I have been holding joint study sessions so we can graduate together! I’d like to tell you more over that sushi you just mentioned.¨
He let out a dry laugh at her protest of his quip. He wasn’t sure if she were just sickened by the thought, or by the thought that it was a genuine possibility. He shifted slightly as the young woman sat down, providing her enough room on the couch. He knew she’d keep an eye on the prosecutors, but who’d keep an eye on her?
“That’s awesome! Give me just a minute, I need to finish organizing this case file before I do that. Can’t believe they got to do a musical number and all I got to do was watch the office!” He shuffles the papers into a folder and then orders the food through his phone’s browser. “I see you’re still into art, if the splatter on your bandana is any indication.”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
“…I see.” That last question of his earned him a scowl. Her? Lose? Please. She didn’t lose - especially not to that foolish fool named Phoenix Wright. Yes, he may have gotten his ‘not guilty’ verdict, but despite that, she was still perfect. She always will be. 
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“Is it really so shocking for an international prosecutor such as myself to gain an interest in another country’s legal system. Tsk, tsk. You should learn your place, Apollo Justice. In fact, you have much more to learn.” she tutted, giving her usual smirk. There. That should teach him not to underestimate her.
“Is it truly so intriguing that I’m unaware of your international prosecuting, given that we’ve never met?  Mr. Wright never talked of your origins, only your penchant for whipping anything you felt even the slightest irritation for. I guess you could say it left quite the impression, and probably a scar or two.”
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“I know my place, Ms. von Karma, it’s where I can do the most good for the most people. And though I have much to learn, at least I’m not deaf to anything but praise.” Apollo crossed one leg over the other, resting his elbows on the now upended leg and netting his hands together.
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
fotismeni started following you
“What a departure, Prosecutor Gavin.”
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Apollo smirks at the Prosecutor from the door to his office, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. He was dressed in his normal attire, with the coat that Dhurke had left in his office for his courtroom reintroduction about him as well, tossing a wrapped box to the prosecutor, with a mitamah carved from jade on a simple red leather cord. “Turns out you’re the one in LA while I’m traveling around the world this time.”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
“You look familiar... But I can’t quite put my finger on it. Oh, wait! I know!”
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“Did you attend Themis Legal Academy at the time of the Juniper Woods Mock Trial case?”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
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“Things I noticed while playing Pokemon Sun:
There’s some really cool singing in the opening, that’s awesome.
Better animations on the characters.
The professor wears a jacket, sweatpants and flip flops, but no shirt.
I think he wants to sleep with my mom.
Also he’s a rude prick who just wanders into homes uninvited.
I only just moved here and already they’re arming me.
The Kahuna is my favorite character and the water thing is dumb.
What the- Do I have to punch my pokemon to make it accept me?!
This is weird.”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
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“Join me, Apollo Justice, on my Nuzlocke adventure into Pokemon Sun! ...This isn’t gonna end well, like, at all. In any way.”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
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“…Datz?” She tilted her head. “No, I’m afraid I don’t know this Datz person. My client is most definitely acting alone. They do not want me to reveal their identity, however. They merely asked me to inform you of their crush and then…well, I suppose they’ll watch you and see how you respond over the next couple of days….”
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“So they say they have a crush on me, but won’t allow the messenger to inform me of their identity. Are they seeking to mess with my head for an upcoming trial? To try and win through subversion and trickery?”
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
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Here he was, drawing the coat of his late adoptive father a little tighter around himself. It was cooler in the city than he’d anticipated, so he was glad for the extra layer, thin as it was, but the gesture was more born from nerves than the actual autumn chill in the air. He knew he shouldn’t be nervous, that this was his home as much as Khura’in was, maybe even more so.
But the sign reading Wright Anything Agency hanging over the door still gave him pause.
He adjusted his tie and tightened his grip on the box he carried with him, wrapped with a bow on top, before stepping up to the door and knocking, loudly enough that even if nobody were in the front room, the back office would hear. He’d rehearsed his ‘cool opening line’ so many times in his head, but as he heard approaching footsteps, they all fled his mind.
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chordsoflaw-blog · 7 years
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“Oh!” Signs? What signs? The Godde–woman shook her head, smiling sweetly. “No, no. My…erm, client does not need an investigator!” Was this some sort of detective agency? She didn’t know. “But they asked me to tell you that you have a secret admirer! It’s them. They’re just too shy to come forward.
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Oh, no! He’d brushed this lady off because he was just so tired- ad now he felt like a right ass. “Oh, thank the heavens, because I’m a lawyer, not an investigator.” Her second statement gave him pause, though, and his eyes narrowed. “Did Datz put you up to this? He tried to set me up with the daughter of the couple who run the tea shop on the corner the other day-”
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