It’s still so hard to believe.... How could Oedipus, who saved us from the Sphinx and ruled so justly, have been so cursed?
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Jocasta deleted!?! This day is filled with endless tragedy! 
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I... can’t even believe this
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I believe it is the same man you have already sent for. :o @jocasta-queen-of-thebes could probably tell you more.
Anonymous asked: Well if that's why you won't go back then good news: they weren't actually your parents. They couldn't have kids for whatever reason but one day while I was tending flock over in Cithaeron, one of Laius's men handed me a baby (that's you!) with his ankles tied up. I brought you to the king and queen to adopt. --news anon
wait you said one of laius’s people? who was it? i have to speak with him!!
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Whooooa. I’m not sure what to think about what Jocasta said about the Oracle prophecies... I mean, they speak the words of Lord Apollo! Are they just going to abandon the gods...?
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Please listen to your wife. Creon has only ever been a good and loyal friend to you! 
@oedipus-of-thebes stop this childish temper tantrum.  You should know better than to fight with your friends when the people of Thebes need you!
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Yes, but I think he’s just really upset right now. He doesn’t know what he’s saying...
Um, did @oedipus-of-thebes just accuse me of plotting against him?
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Oh my God Oedipus please calm down!! D: You’re really angry right now, and that won’t help anyone!!
Well I want you to know it wasn’t me who killed Laius, and I’m really not sure who did, but I do know someone who could help. His name is Teiresias and he’s super intuitive; he might be able to detect the culprit! 
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Ohhhh gosh I didn’t want drama I just thought he could help. D:
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Well I want you to know it wasn’t me who killed Laius, and I’m really not sure who did, but I do know someone who could help. His name is Teiresias and he’s super intuitive; he might be able to detect the culprit! 
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I’m sure Oedipus will do something to help. He’s always been a good ruler that cares about the people.
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Things have been really bad lately. Like, a lot of people are sick.
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