chocolatecato · 3 years
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He’s doing good! You wouldn’t even know this dog was lame just a month ago
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chocolatecato · 3 years
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He’s on house arrest for Old Man Legs crimes
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Last picture you took of your dog thread go
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chocolatecato · 3 years
On this 4th of july i would like to boost my tribe’s bee farm!! https://iowaybeefarm.com/ is their website! They sell honey, beeswax products, giant jars of bee pollen, lip balms and lotions!
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pretty much everything is really cheap (much cheaper than it should be) and you can get a whole gift basket for 35 bucks!
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chocolatecato · 3 years
Wrow I haven’t posted in forever but! Cato is doing okay lately-he recovered nicely from his surgery. It turns out a cyst on the back of his neck had gotten infected while we were away, so it had to be removed. Unfortunately the newest problem is that he started limping this morning. I got him to go outside so he could drink some water and go pee, and he seems a bit better but he’s got a vet visit scheduled for this Tuesday so we’ll just keep an eye on him until then ☺️
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chocolatecato · 3 years
there’s gotta be something wrong with you if you hate chihuahuas..they’re just little man like what’s your problem
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chocolatecato · 3 years
I find it really interesting that so many people completely misread dogs emotions and behavior. Sometimes I overlook dogs expressions if I’m not really paying attention, but if I’m actually watching a dog their expressions are typically obvious to me. And this makes me wonder, are people just not lookin that closely at dogs? When they gaze at their stressed out dog and Say cheerily “they’re have such a good time!” Or so on? I’m dubious that it takes all that much skill to accurately perceive a dogs emphatic emotions. But maybe I’ve spent so much time staring at dogs I’m biased. It’s my theory that with true agenda-free attention, most people could fairly accurately interpret a dog’s body language. I just think most people don’t think about it much, in the same way we don’t think much about lots of aspects of our environment
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chocolatecato · 3 years
gettin worried
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chocolatecato · 3 years
emergency vet visit :///
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he’ll be fine i think but that lump on his neck burst and was bleeding so not. great
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chocolatecato · 3 years
Found this on r/starterpacks and it reminded me of my rant about pugs lol
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chocolatecato · 3 years
after much experimenting with alternatives, ive concluded that walking in nature with my dog is my favorite past time and the point of being alive. and i get to do it every day...
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chocolatecato · 3 years
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chocolatecato · 3 years
Ahh he is overweight
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on the other hand we found out his two biggest lumps aren’t anything to worry about! One is just fat and the other was just a liquid-filled cyst that was drained :)
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chocolatecato · 3 years
i feel really strongly about intentional animal breeding/artificial selection as a beautiful and fascinating element of the symbiotic relationship between humans and domesticated animals.
the morphological diversity that dogs have accumulated over maybe ~15,000 years, and really largely in the last couple hundred years, outpaces the entire order Carnivora. from a purely biological standpoint, that's amazing – that's the kind of shape change that happens over millions of years in natural lineages.
to say nothing of the genetic and behavioral diversity we see in domesticated animals
responsible animal breeding is a unique, valuable form of living art tbh. i don't want to see that go away, and i think we'd be poorer for it.
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chocolatecato · 3 years
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chocolatecato · 3 years
We need to talk about pit bulls
They got a bad rep and they have a complicated history. They were bred for blood sports so weren’t considered safe around animals, but were seen as safe around people.
A year ago a pit bull randomly attacked my shih tzu. I heard some children laughing and looked up to see a girl being dragged across the grass on her stomach by a pit bull that was coming straight for us. Without any hesitation it bit into my dog’s neck and started shaking him. I’ve always thought I’d be a coward in a situation like this but to my surprise I grabbed the pit bull by it’s collar and managed to swing it around and throw it on the ground while yelling “NO!!!” so loudly my throat hurt. That shocked it so much it let go of my dog, and we quickly hurried away.
It’s been a while since I saw one last. Last time was a man walking across an intersection when suddenly his pit bull pulled away from him to chase down a havanese across the street. Luckily the two owners managed to separate them.
I’m making this post because today it fucking happened again with a different pit bull. My shih tzu was taking a dump when all of a sudden the pit bull came running towards us and snapped at him, but my dog managed to slip away. I quickly picked him up and the other dog bit into his tail, trying to pull him out of my arms. First time I’ve kicked a dog. It let go and went for him again and I had to give it another few kicks before it seemed to get the idea. Finally the owner showed up and apologized again and again, saying it never did stuff like that, but I was too shocked to say anything and just left.
My point isn’t that pit bulls are monsters that shouldn’t exist. They’re just dogs. I have a sweet chihuahua so I know what it’s like when people think your dog is the devil purely based on breed. My point is just that we need to be realistic about our breeds.
Chihuahuas can be snappy if you don’t treat them right and I always keep a close eye on her around small children because she will nip if they don’t respect her and chase her around (not older children because she knows they can read her signals and doesn’t handle her as roughly so therefor she is a lot more patient with them and has never even looked like she was going to bite). Obviously I don’t want her to nip children and I don’t want her to have a reason to, so I just know to keep her away from them.
I think because pit bulls got such a bad rep a lot of pit bull owners went in the completely different direction and instead act like there’s nothing dangerous about them at all. They’re nanny dogs! The sweetest angels! Could never hurt a fly! But realistic dog trainers will tell you that pit bulls are very good family dogs that are indeed good with children, but should be watched around other animals, especially small ones.
Again, I’m not saying pit bulls are anywhere near as bad as people think they are. They just became popular with people who wanted a scary looking dog, the same way chihuahuas got a bad rep because people treat them like fashion accessories.
We all just gotta train our dogs, be realistic about them, and not act like they can do no wrong. Can we agree on that?
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chocolatecato · 3 years
Well we can’t win everyday. I had to cut our walk short today because my mom is expecting some package :/ And to make things worse there were so many more dogs out than I was expecting. Idk. Obviously i’m still proud of Cato but sometimes walking him is frustrating
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chocolatecato · 3 years
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literally he’s a supermodel
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