chloesfmp · 22 days
3D Artists
ArtStation - Stylized PBR 3D Environment - Delightful Western City - Full ENV, Thunder Cloud Studio
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I like the landscape within this project of 3D art. I love how the enviroment is very bright and colourful. The colours work very well in this art and gives you the visuals of what you would expect in a western city.
ArtStation - Growing Desert [UE5], Robert Redecki
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I love this example of a growing desert, most artists I see usually do very dull and exposed landscapes of deserts where there is pretty much nothing except for sand but in this it showcases different types of materials you can expect of when nature is starting to prosper again.
ArtStation - Home Kitchen - Unreal Environment, Leah Nelson
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I love this home kitchen environment. What I like most about this 3D project is how they used realism to incorporate what a home kitchen would look like instead of making it just tidy and 'look like a kitchen', when most kitchens people use usually have some sort of untidiness to them which incorportates the part of it being a 'home' kitchen, not just any kitchen. I also really like the details of there being cards and papers stuck onto the fridge.
ArtStation - Abandoned Church | 2024 Update, Sasha Honcharova
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The idea of an abandoned church is pretty impressive overall and I really like how this project from this artist looks, however the only minor thing I would have considered was the lighting, how there is light coming through the reflective glass with colours, yet there is no light coming through but the glass are somehow all bright. I really like about this though is how you can see the parts where the church has been broken and the materials that have been broken are seen on the floor. The nature part of this gives the aspect of 'time' because it has been abandoned, so much time has been accumulated that plants have started to grow.
ArtStation - Mortal Kombat 1 - Main Menu, Cory Billett
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This artist showcases on artstation the different models they have created and what they used to make this environment project. They made different types of tree types but using the same trees but in different shapes and sizes. They also showcase the main model of the dragon. I love this environment overall because it gives you a type of fantasy vision you would see within a game.
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chloesfmp · 22 days
Character design sheets
ArtStation - Binturong / Stella Langecker I like how this artist illustrates not only the character but also the weapons he holds with him and what components are used to keep his own weapons safe.
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ArtStation - Sirena Mesa I really like for this character sheet how everything fits within the theme of the character, how she represents a leaf of nature.
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ArtStation - Joshua Jay Christie I like how this artist specified what this character was, which is a 'bounty hunter' which explain to some extent on why he has a weapon and why he only carries a backpack. I love the details and how the gems are etched into his backpack and into his weapon.
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chloesfmp · 28 days
Rendering and Presenting 3D works:
Modeling and Rendering Human Characters (80.lv)
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This is a 3D character which went through the process of modelling and rendering.
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Presenting 3D Models In a Showreel and Online | Erika's Uni Blog (wordpress.com)
Different ways to present 3D work that I have seen on different websites and artstation is having a full body character fully rendered, posed and having a good background which fits within the theme of the character. Another way to display 3D work could be that you would just do a 360 video of your character or take images of your character not posed but to just showcase how it looks.
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ArtStation - Rocket League Ball 3D Modeling , Adrien Ferreira
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chloesfmp · 28 days
Angels In Games
Abaddon - Darksiders Series
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Tyrael - Diablo Series
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Rodin - Bayonetta Series
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Samael - Painkiller
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Angel - Tekken
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Pit - Kid Icarus
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Khan Maykr - Doom Eternal
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Angelus - The Darkness 2
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Mercy - Overwatch
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chloesfmp · 28 days
Ethical and sustainability in the fashion Industry
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Fast fashion has become a big worldwide concern because of its social and environmental Impacts. There are ethical issues that are;
Exploitation of workers: Fast fashion has made it so people are now being exploited and has made it so they rely on cheap labour, where employees are having to work endless hours in unsafe conditions, even though they are being underpaid.
Low Quality Production: Fast fashion has made it where people are now producing at a rapid pace to just follow current trends, this makes it inexpensive for consumers, the monetary cost does not reflect the true price. Overall, workers are not even compensated properly and the clothes are poorly made, leading to more disposable materials and more materials being thrown away quicker than they should.
Environmental Impact: The fashion Industry heavily relies of plastic fabrics which makes a detrimental impact on the planet. This makes enormous carbon footprints being made through the production and transportation.
Fast-Changing trends: Fast fashion has made it so companies focus on responding to ever-changing consumer tastes as quickly as possible, this is mostly due to social media and celebrities playing a big role of changing these paces because of their influence.
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The fast fashion Industry abuses their workers rights and create enormous problems with their employees wages, to the point children are having to be used for labor just for brands and companies to earn as much as possible. The fast fashion industry has also caused other cases which are bad; animal cruelty of using animals for chemical production, clothing. Body shaming to the point of suicides becoming an increase.
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chloesfmp · 28 days
3D wings
This was the video which I followed to prototype the wings for my 3D model character.
This video was a substitute and a plan B incase I couldn't do the wings in Maya or I wanted to use blender instead.
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chloesfmp · 28 days
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chloesfmp · 28 days
Christianity is widely known as a religion in our world which has more than 2 billion followers where faith centers on beliefs regarding birth, life, death and resurrections of Jesus Christ. Christians are monotheistic meaning they only believe that there is only one god and he created the heavens and the earth. This divine Godhead consists of three parts: the father (god himself), the son (Jesus Christ) and the holy spirit. Christians believe that Jesus was crucified on a cross to offer the forgiveness of sins and resurrected three days after his death before ascending to heaven. The holy bible includes scriptures which outline Jesus's teachings and the lives and teachings of major prophets and disciples and offer instructions on how Christians should live. The cross is a symbol of Christianity. Historians believe that Jesus was a real person who was born between 2 B.C and 7 B.C. He was born from a young Jewish virgin named Mary in the town of Bethlehem in the West Bank, south of Jerusalem. Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River by the prophet known as John the Baptist when he was around 30 years old and for about three years he travelled with his 12 disciples, teaching large groups of people and performing what witnesses describe as miracles.
When he was around 30 years old, Jesus started his public ministry after being baptized in the Jordan River by the prophet known as John the Baptist.
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chloesfmp · 28 days
5 Norse Gods and Goddesses
The Norse Gods and Goddesses are figures from Norse mythology which is the body of Mythology of the North Germanic peoples from the Norse paganism after the Christianization of Scandinavia. There was a collection of Old Norse poems and stories which were compiled in the 13th century to reflect from earlier oral traditions, 5 Norse deities out of the 12 deities were;
Odin; The Allfather
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The greatest among all Norse gods was Odin, the paramount deity of Norse mythology. He earned his title as the Allfather and chief of the Aesir gods. He is the son of the god Borr and the Jötunn Bestla. Odis is an inspiring ruler of Asgard and is called the god of war. He possesses one eye which he sacrificed the other eye at the Well of Urd for boundless wisdom. He oversees the Nine worlds which ravens, 'Huginn and Muninn' who are his messengers. Odins symbol is the Valknut.
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Thor; God of Thunder
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Thor, The god of Thunder is an important figure within Norse mythology who is hailed as the god of thunder, wielding the formidable hammer, Mjölnir. He is the son of Odin and Earth and has extraordinary strength and bravery. His hammer is the symbol of his might. He was the protector of humanity and is the most known for his bravery, strength, healing powers and righteousness. It is known that the word ''Thursday'' is taken directly from the old Norse meaning, ''Thor's Day''. Frigg; The queen of Aesir
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Frigg is the queen of Aesir, who is Odin's wife, a paragon of beauty, love, fertility, and fate. She was the mighty queen of Asgard, a Norse Goddess of the sky, someone who was gifted with the power of divination. She is known as being wise and a nurturing goddess. She was a very protective mother so when she heard and experienced the tragedy of his own sons death, Balder, she was definitely distraught and knew her trust was betrayed. Frigg's name is directly responsible for our rendering of the word for ''Friday''.
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Loki; The Trickster God
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Loki, the mischievous god who could shape shift and take animalistic forms. He was the reason of Balder's death due to his scheme of causing his death. He heard of how the mistletoe was the only thing which could hurt Balder and placed a branch into the hands of the blind god, Hod and tricked him into throwing it at balder, which ends up killing him. He is a blood brother of Odin and is known as the father of monsters.
Freyja/Freya; The most powerful female Norse Goddess
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Freya is one of the most sensual and passionate goddesses in Norse Mythology as she was associated with many of the same qualities as Frigg. However she also practiced Seidr which is a form of magic, associated with control, manipulation, fate and destiny. She is the sister of Freyr and was a member of Vanir, ruling over a meadow in heaven. Freya often wore a necklace named Brisingamen and a cloak of feathers. She is the daughter of Njord and has companions of two cats who drew her chariot and a boar named Hildisvini.
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chloesfmp · 1 month
Final outcome
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chloesfmp · 1 month
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This is her official design! The deity design of someone I'd base off balancing 'Capitalism', in another sense, she is a god who symbolizes, crystals.
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I had added more aspects to her as it felt a bit empty on her face and I wanted there to be something covering her face.
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chloesfmp · 1 month
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The top picture was a reference on the petals (not the flower although I was originally going to do a rose), as they curve with each petal, and get bigger from the outside.
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This was the outcome.
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chloesfmp · 1 month
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These are 3 pictures of what I've done so far throughout the layers of hair strands I have done, overlapping each one to get a more realistic look.
I have had to pull back a lot of the hair strands and put them into the scalp for it to look more realistic.
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Adding more strands from the front and the sides now.
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chloesfmp · 1 month
Egypt Gods and Goddesses
Egypt is one of the largest and most complex pantheons of gods in any civilisation of the ancient world due to having so much history of hundreds of gods and goddesses that have been worshiped throughout the past. Due to this, only a few will be named.
OSIRIS: Osiris is an important deity as Osiris is Egyptians god for the underworld. He himself is a symbolisation of death, resurrection and the cycle of Nile floods that Egypt relied on for agricultural fertility. What made them become a god was when his brother 'Seth' murdered and dismembered him, however his wife 'Isis' reassembled his body and resurrected Osiris, which allowed them to concieve a son, the god 'Horus'.
ISIS: Isis is a god who grew importance through time, becoming someone of importance as she was the devoted wife who resurrected his husband, Osiris after his murder and raised their son. Isis embodied the traditional egyptian virtues as a wife and mother. Unlike many other gods who were important figures themselves, she had no ties to a specific town.
HORUS: Horus is a deity of a man with a falcons head where he is considered a sky god associated with war and hunting. He is the son of Isis and Osiris, and was magically conceived after the murder of Osiris by his brother, Seth.
SETH: Seth was the god of chaos, violence, deserts and storms and is the murderer of Osiris. Seth's appearance is still a mystery to many as he is either a depicted as an animal or a human with the head of an animal, having the appearance with a long snout and long ears that are squared to the tips.
PTAH: Ptah was the head of a triad of gods which worshipped at Memphis with two other people, Ptah's wife, the lion headed goddess Sekhmet and the god Nefertem who is assumed to be the couples son. Ptah was the god of craftsmen and builders.
RE: Re is a deity who was mostly presented with a human body with the head of a hawk. Re was one of the several deities which associated with the sun. He would sail across the sky in a boat each day and make a passage through the underworld each night during which he would have to defeat the snake god, Apopis in order to rise again.
HATHOR: Hathor is a deity which had the visuals of a woman with the head of a cow or with cow ears. She was the embodiment of motherhood and fertility and it is believed that she protected women in childbirth. She was known with the title of ''the lady of the west''.
ANUBIS: Anubis is a god funerary rites and would take care of the dead. He would represent himself as a jackal or as a man with the head of a jackal. Anubis is the god of mummification.
THOTH: Thoth, the god of writing and wisdom who had the appearance of a sacred ibis or as a man with the head of an ibis, apparently though he was also in the form of a baboon. People believe he was the god who invented language and the hieroglyphic script and served as a scribe, moreover also an adviser to the gods. It is believed Thoth possess knowledge of magic and secrets unavailable to other gods.
BASTET: Bastet is the cat goddess which respresents itself as a women with the head of a lion or a wild cat. She was in the later periods often represented as a regal-looking cat which wore rings in her ears or nose. She came to be associated with the Greek goddess, Artemis the divine hunter and goddess of the moon.
AMON: Amon is the god of air and had the name title of 'hidden one''. He would represent himself as a man wearing a crown with two vertical plumes. He became the most powerful deity in Egypt after the rulers of Thebes rebelled against a dynasty of foreign rules known as the Hyksos.
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chloesfmp · 1 month
The gods of ancient Greece
In ancient Greek mythology and religion, there is 12 gods which are called 'Olympians'. This was due to them living in Mount Olympus and were immortal beings, however looked and behaved like humans. THE 12 GODS: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus.
ATHENA: Athena is Zeus' daughter who strategized using her wisdom for war, which brought her great fortune as a god.
APHRODITE: goddess of love and beauty, but also a protector of seafarers and maritime trade. 
APOLLO: The god of music and the famous oracle of Delpi was the twin brother of the goddess Artemis (Diana).
ARTEMIS: The twin sister of apollo who is the protector of young women and the goddess of hunting.
DIONYSUS: Dionysus was the god of wine, theatre and famous Dionysian festivals.
ARES: Ares is the god of bloodlust, someone who was always associated with conflict, violence and bloodshed, however people also referred Ares as someone who is a strong and fierce warrior.
DEMETER: Demeter is the goddess of agriculture who was a mother of Persephone, for then to be abducted to be Hades wife.
HADES: Hades, the god and ruler of the dead. He rules the undead world with his wife, Persephone, although he was the god of the undead, he did not judge those who died or tortured those who were guilty.
HERA: Hera is the queen goddess of Olympus, who is both the sister and wife to Zeus, she is the goddess of marriage and birth. Despite her being the goddess of marriage and birth, she was actually very merciless towards the other lovers of her own husband, Zeus, due to him having many off-springs and other lovers.
HERMES: Hermes is a Greek god, not only that but is the herald and messenger of many other gods. He is the son of Zeus and Maia. Hermes is one of the gods who is a deity of trade, wealth, luck, sleep, language, and even more, however this is all because Hermes was a god of his own rights. He is apparently to many, someone who taught mankind civilization.
POSEIDON: Poseidon is the Greek god of the Greek sea, but also known as the god of horses and earthquakes. Many people see the trident he holds and the horse as symbols of him.
ZEUS: Zeus became the new chief of a new pathogen after overthrowing the king Cronus with the help of Hades and Poseidon. He controls the sky and weather. To many people who have religions or are atheists, he is considered the ruler, protector and father to all humans and gods.
There are different ways to distinguish between all 12 Greek gods as all have different symbolisations which can be familiarised up to this day and age.
Zeus: Thunderbolt, eagle, oaktree
Hera: Diadem (crown), cow, peacock, pomegranate
Athena: Owl, olive tree
Poseidon: Horse, trident
Apollo: Bow and arrow, sun, laurel wreath, Lyre
Ares: Spear, helmet, shield, Vulture
Demeter: Torch, sheaf of wheat, cornucopia, poppy flower
Artemis: Cypress tree, crescent moon, deer
Aphrodite: rose, mirror, dove, myrtle, swan
Dionysus: chalice, panther, Ivy, grapevine
Hermes: Caduceus, tortoise, lyre
Hephaistos: hammer, anvil, tongs, volcano
Hestia: Hearth and fire
Hercules: club, bow and arrow, nemean lion
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chloesfmp · 1 month
I chose the theme 'Demigods/gods’ which branched off from the story of King Midas. The reason on picking this theme is because I have been into a lot of manwha’s when growing up and fantasy has always been my favourite category when reading through different genres. Due to this, I picked the theme of gods. I wanted to create a character of my own interpretation of what a goddess would look like in my eyes. For ethical reasons, I explained here and in my project proposal that manhwa are korean comics, taking into the theme of historical and fantasy, usually the female lead dresses are rather extravagant and so I wanted to make the dress look pretty and elegant. Cultural considerations that I have taken into account is that every culture has different traditions on what they wear through different seasons and festivals, for the Japanese, they wear kimonos, the Chinese wear hanfus. Knowing this I wanted to incorporate different aspects of both of these onto my character design of different features.   When talking about sustainability considerations, my project is based on the fashion industry as I am modelling in this project. There are many pros and cons when it comes to the fashion industry, for example: the clothes in the industry may look very pretty and well made, but the clothes could be copied by many different companies and when manufacturing clothes, there is a lot of material wastage. I chose to make my project about model design because it is new to me and I wanted to learn how to create characters, as this would help me also in the long run of what I might want to do in the future.
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chloesfmp · 2 months
Front hair process
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I started off with going through YouTube videos on how to create anime related hair and most of the people used panel planes to create the hair that I wanted to do, this was my trial attempt. Definitely very tedious but it doesn't look bad however, I thought I could do something better because this method was definitely a lot harder to produce than I thought.
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