childrenscornerlc · 2 years
7 Ways to Create an After School Routine Preschoolers Will Love
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Most preschoolers are so energetic and restless that they can’t seem to sit still after a long day at school. This is where the importance of establishing an after-school routine comes to play.
A routine gives kids a sense of structure and order. It helps them know what comes next and what is expected of them. Routines also help to promote healthy habits, such as brushing teeth and washing hands. And for kids who have difficulty transitioning from one activity to the next, a routine can provide that much-needed stability.
Because every family is different, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to after-school routines. But there are some general tips you can follow to help create a routine that works for your family.
Here are seven ways to create an after-school routine preschoolers love.
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childrenscornerlc · 2 years
How Parents Can Promote Children’s Learning At Home
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Kids have sponge-like brains that constantly absorb information even when you’re not directly teaching them. After all, learning isn’t confined to the walls of a classroom. Every interaction and experience can provide a learning opportunity. Thus, creating a home environment that promotes children’s learning is crucial. By making a few small changes in how we approach learning, we can help our kids get ahead in their studies. Keep reading for some tips on how to get started!
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childrenscornerlc · 2 years
8 Ways to Encourage Cognitive Development in your Toddler
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As a parent, you want your little one to have the best possible start in life. One crucial way to help them achieve their potential is by encouraging cognitive development. But what does cognitive development mean? Why is it vital to their overall development? And how can you help promote cognitive growth in your toddler?
Cognitive development is the process of acquiring knowledge and understanding. In early childhood, cognitive development is vital as it lays the foundation for future learning. A toddler’s brain is growing at an amazing rate and is constantly making new connections. This means that they are constantly learning and absorbing information from their environment.
There are many ways you can help encourage cognitive development in your toddler. Learn more here!
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childrenscornerlc · 2 years
The Importance of Play-Based Learning
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“Play-based learning” is a teaching approach that allows students to learn through exploration and hands-on experiences. It provides opportunities for children to learn about the world around them through play, which is why it’s often referred to as the “natural way” of learning. This approach instills enthusiasm and joy for learning in children. In a play-based learning environment, kids are provided with various materials and activities that allow them to explore different concepts and skills.
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childrenscornerlc · 2 years
7 Essential Skills Your Child Should Have Before Starting Kindergarten
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Starting kindergarten is a significant milestone for kids. For many children, this will be the first time they will spend time in a classroom setting in which they will learn new skills, and socialize with their peers. The transition to kindergarten can be a time filled with excitement and apprehension, as little ones begin learning to read, write, and do simple math. The thought of sending your child off to kindergarten may be nerve-wracking for both you and your little one, but there is no need to worry. You can set your child on the path to success for kindergarten by teaching them a few important skills.
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childrenscornerlc · 2 years
6 Effective Techniques For Improving Your Child’s Reading Skills
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Reading plays an incredibly important role in every child’s emotional and intellectual development. Strong reading skills can also help to enhance communication, language skills, vocabulary, and can even help children learn how to express themselves more clearly. Kids who are strong readers also tend to have more success in school, as reading will assist them with learning across a variety of subjects. Because instilling a love for reading is vital to each child’s overall learning and development, how can you help improve your child’s reading skills?
Make reading part of your daily routine
The best way to help improve children’s reading skills is to make reading part of every day. If you want your child to develop a love for reading, carve out time to read together. Incorporate book time into your family’s daily routine, and soon your child will do it independently.
If your child is between the ages of three and six, consider reading together for 20 minutes every night before bed. If your child is a little older and in elementary school, you might devote 30 to 60 minutes after school to reading time. As kids get older and their attention spans grow, you might set aside time to sit and read together during the weekends or in the evenings when possible.
Find books that interest your child
While it’s essential for children to practice reading every day, it’s equally important that they are interested in the materials they read. This will make reading much more fun and engaging.
Take children to your local library or bookstore, and invite them to pick out a book they find interesting or exciting. Then take it home and read it together. This is a great way to spend time with your child and learn about a wide range of new topics and stories.
Make sure books are age-appropriate
Children’s skills will vary, and not all kids are at the same ability level. When you give your child something to read, make sure it’s at the appropriate reading level for your child’s skills. A book that’s too hard can cause frustration and may even discourage children from opening a gook. Also, a book that’s too easy may seem boring and can deter from further progress.
If you’re not sure how to find a book at the right level for your little one, start by speaking to your child’s teacher or the librarian. They can give you suggestions on choosing books that are just right for your child’s reading level and interest areas.
Invite your child to read out loud
Reading aloud helps improve reading skills in three ways. First, it increases confidence and boosts self-esteem by helping children realize how much they’ve learned as they sound out words on their own. Second, when kids read aloud with proper pronunciation and expression, it encourages them to go beyond merely recognizing words by sight. Instead, it helps them gain a deeper understanding of how the meaning of each word interacts within the context of the surrounding sentences. Finally, when kids interact with text in this way, it also enhances how accurately they comprehend the material
Encourage kids to write about what they read
Writing is an equally important skill in a child’s development. In addition to aiding the ways in which we communicate, writing also helps children understand how they can use language to express their own thoughts and ideas more effectively.
Try asking your child to write a book report about what they read? If you have trouble coming up with an assignment, your child’s teacher, librarian, or bookstore staff might be able to give you some suggestions.
Fill your home with books
Another great way to encourage children to get into the habit of reading is by surrounding your child with a vast array of reading materials. Place a few books on your child’s bedside table, in your living room, play area, or kitchen. Your child might just feel like reading while you’re doing housework. The goal is to have all different types of reading materials available at your child’s disposal to pick up and read anytime.
Reading skills are a vital component of children’s learning and development. By following these six helpful tips, you can raise a voracious reader and improve your child’s reading skills.
At Children’s Corner, nurturing each child’s success is our top priority. If you’re looking for reliable, high-quality childcare, you’ve found the right place. Contact us for more information.
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childrenscornerlc · 2 years
10 Ways to Enhance Children’s Speech and Language Development
Learning how to talk is a crucial milestone of children’s language development. Your baby’s little sounds and expressions will eventually morph into words that can be used to communicate a variety of needs, wants, thoughts, and opinions. As a parent, you play an important role in the development of your child’s language skills. Here are some ways to enrich your little one’s speech and language development.
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childrenscornerlc · 2 years
The Importance of Play for Children’s School Readiness
Children’s brains  are developing constantly. When parents give their little ones adequate time and opportunities for play, it can yield a variety of benefits. Playtime enriches the development of skills in the areas of language, creativity, math, science, and social interactions. Engaging in play also boosts children’s school readiness as it provides a safe environment in which youngsters can explore the world around them.
At first, we may think the primary goal of preparing children for school is academics. However,  play is actually a key factor when it comes to children’s school readiness and  successful transition. Read on and learn more about the eight benefits of play as you prepare your child for school.
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childrenscornerlc · 2 years
Tips to Help Your Child Adjust to School
Whether your child will be attending school for the first time or returning to school in the fall, the first day can be a nerve-wracking experience for both parents and children. There are so many new things to learn, and it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed. It’s important for parents to do whatever they can to help children transition as smoothly as possible as they embark on this journey with positivity and excitement. So how can you help your little one adjust to school? What can you do to lessen your child’s anxiety and get them excited about learning? 
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childrenscornerlc · 3 years
How to Support Your Child’s Holistic Development
Parenting approaches that embrace each child’s holistic development are slowly replacing more traditional ways when it comes to raising children. “Holistic development” refers to each child’s overall well-being while nurturing intellectual, emotional, and physical needs. A holistic approach enables children to be involved in their own learning process. A significant number of child care centers have already adopted this approach, and we see positive results.
Before we go into our tips, let’s first examine why a holistic approach to parenting is so beneficial.
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