chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
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Thank you to Gretchen McCulloch for fielding this question, and sorry that as a result the world’s foremost internet linguist has been devoured by the brown one. She will be missed.
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
The worst form of pseudo-philosophy is shit like "everything in reality is either Chaos or Order," "everything in reality is either Masculine or Feminine," "everything in reality is either Dark or Light" like dude you haven't discovered some deep truth about the universe you've literally just discovered Adjectives. I can say everything in reality is either Heavy or Light depending on whether I can lift it over my head but that doesn't give you any profound fuckin insight I'm just describing shit and yes this is about jordan peterson
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
i am not scared at all of deep dark woods. first of all there are awesome things in the big misty forests for example: animal,
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
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link in that one concept design…. vroom vroom
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
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link in that one concept design…. vroom vroom
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
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behind the scenes with nicky and pearls during farewell my turnabout 🍕🍕
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
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Opossum memes are ✨life✨
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
i love you walkable cities i love you pedestrian-centered infrastructure i love you bikeshares i love you free public transit i love you separated bike lanes i love you mixed-use urbanism i love you car-free streets
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
So, further to my last post, I do think a lot of people in the UK will be in the position of not being able to pay their bills this winter, maybe for the first time. It sucks and it's pretty scary.
So, here's a boring, practical, list of suggestions about what to do in these circumstances. Admittedly the last time I was in this situation was something like 7 or 8 years ago now but these are things I did or at least seriously considered as options last time I was truly skint. These are sort of short term solutions rather than long term really, the idea being eventually you get yourself out of the unaffordable situation or you get some financial help to bail you out somehow.
Okay, so first, if you can start prepping before things get really tough. If you can, try and save a bit of money. If you can access a credit card or overdraft on reasonable rates, take them out now - being able to dip £100 into an agreed overdraft or putting an unexpected bill on your credit card is much better than not being able to pay at all - at least short term.
Secondly, check you are claiming all benefits etc available to you as well as any discounts eg single person council tax you might be entitled to.
Thirdly, for this to work you generally have to keep at least a rough budget and know what bills will come up when. Cancel all direct debits that you can, you don't want them coming out unexpectedly.
Then, when you get to the point of not being able to pay everything, here's what you do.
1) work out how much you need for food, commutes and other essentials until you get paid again. That money doesn't go on bills.
2) take the money you have left and divide it between your bills eg rent, council tax, mobile, energy, water (that's order of priority btw - council tax is high priority because they are the only ones who can get baliffs to seize your stuff). The idea is not necessarily to pay all your bills in full but to offer everyone something. At this stage, you don't want to put anything on your credit card or go into your overdraft if you can help it.
3) Keep going with this until someone suggests some action. Depending on who it is depends on what you do. You do want to avoid eg ending up on a prepayment meter, so that might be the point to eg put your electricity bill on a credit card.
4) Do bear in mind that for a landlord to evict you over non payment of rent if you're paying something is quite an involved and expensive process. Unfortunately, they can just use a no fault eviction, and it may make it harder to find your next place if you're behind on your rent. So try to keep an open dialogue with your landlord or letting agent and explain the situation and your long term plans. However, if it gets to that point and you can't find somewhere to live, do seek the advice of someone like shelter. They can't forcibly evict you without a court process (which may give you a few months to sort out something else).
A lot of people reading this will probably say it's terrible advice, and it is - if you actually have the money to pay. But if you don't, these sorts of strategies can get you through at least short term difficult situations until you can (hopefully) find a better solution.
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
frankly the Buddhists are smoking the rest of the world’s major religions in the whole “insanely giant statue” category
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
love is so insane, it makes me want to build things. someone i love could say they're tired & wanna sit & my first thought would be "ill learn woodworking so i can build them a chair"
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
"Haha, of course there's a teacher shortage, they're all learning their worth and quitting! Good for them!"
A quick Google search for "teacher covid deaths" turns up pages and pages and pages of articles about dead teachers.
They're not quitting. They're dying.
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chihuahuapowersgo · 2 years
For those who have no idea what the fuck is going on with Markiplier today
A couple days ago, Coryxkenshin made a video about YouTube's favoritism and how it's very likely having racist influences
It had a lot of receipts for proof and things like this have happened more than once
I highly recommend checking it out, it's short and to the point and explains the situation
But basically his playthrough of a horror game that's popular right now was age-restricted, cause of some self-harm scene
despite other youtubers of his fame level still had their videos up and with this segment still tacked on
So he sent a clip of Mark's segment (probably cause he's non-white like Cory) to prove his point
It lead to both of them getting age-restricted
Now at this point today, other youtubers made videos defending Cory like Ludwig and Jacksepticeye (jack even having personal experience with his girlfriend getting the same treatment, so it could be a case of sexism maybe as well)
Mark decided to take a different route than the long talk format:
Try Not To Get Age-Restricted Challenge, where he played an adult game. He blurred everything out of course, but he still uploaded it and didn't age-restrict it
A great move, as many people like myself were curious why this was uploaded and found the situation out
Mark uploaded this the same day he was to appear in a YouTube hosted livestream where a bunch of gamers got together to play some minecraft and other shit
If I could high-five Mark, I would
So at this point, YouTube could age-restrict this video Mark uploaded, but all eyes would be on them since everyone would Know why they did this
So instead, they went a different route:
Cut out a huge chunk of Mark's segment
That he recorded and edited together
with his editors' help
On a deadline to get this out FOR YOUTUBE
So that only about 30 SECONDS was left in the stream
Keep in mind Mark's face was the biggest on the thumbnail of the livestream
AAAND he apparently wasn't shown in the entire rest of the livestream either
Mark confirmed this on Twitter that his thing was cut
And said he would upload the whole segment tomorrow
So here is how Mark used his YouTube golden boy status to look them in the eyes and give them the middle finger.
And why i love him.
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