y’know…. conversations about world war ii would be a lot more bearable and constructive if white men found that period rightly horrific rather than pornographic 
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Askskskahsksk go fill out this dumb survey (use fake email)
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When are we going to talk about how utterly over the top and ridiculous neurotypical advice for ADHD and sleep is?? It’s straight up fucking bonkers. 
Someone with ADHD: I really really struggle to fall asleep at “regualr times”, no matter how tired I am I just can’t seem to fall asleep at 10 pm!!! But I almost instantly fall asleep any time after 2 am. What should I do?
NT sleep advice: You, someone who cannot conceptualize time in any way whatsoever, need to identify TWO HOURS in advance when you want to sleep and, with your executive dysfunction that makes making decisions at will almost straight up impossible, make the decision to stop whatever you’re involuntarily hyperfixating on. Then, you, with a focus disorder that makes it so that you have to be doing something at all times, sit and do nothing for 2 hours. You cannot read. You cannot be on your phone. Do not move. Do not talk to people. Just sit and do nothing. If you can’t fall asleep it’s because you Did Something and it’s your fault. Bluelight 24 hours before you want to sleep is the reason. Never look at a TV, Phone, computer, OR let one of these objects be within a 24,000 mile radius of you. Never ever go NEAR your bed unless you’re already asleep. If you are AWAKE in your bedroom ever you will not be able to sleep. 
ADHD Sleep Advice: Get a job that starts at 2 pm or later and go to sleep at 4 am and wake up at noon. 
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Shut up, PETA, you don’t know anything about real sheep, let alone fake ones.
Real sheep wool never stops growing, becoming thicker and matted as it grows, resulting in too much weight being put on the animal’s body, not too mention the over heating it will cause. 
The wool, when left unchecked, also becomes filthy due to urine and feces getting caught in it, which becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, which attracts flies, which results in maggot infestation. Its animal cruelty to NOT shear your sheep.
Just like real sheep, Wooloo’s wool never stops growing, and grows so fast that it takes just 3 months for it to go from completely shorn back to its usual puffy look. Real sheep’s wool grows much slower though. For example
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This is Shrek. Shrek escaped his owners and hid out in a cave, his wool growing unchecked for 6 years.
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This is Shrek Unbound. A being beyond human comprehension that came into existence when they shaved Shrek after finally capturing him. 6 years of hauling that thick wool around tempered his muscles and gave him the strength of 50 sheep. The town was destroyed by Shrek mere moments after this photo was taken.
Sheep, goat, Lama, Alpaca, etc have been bred by humans over centuries to have hair that never stops growing. They are 100% dependent on us now. In some states it is actually against the law to not shear these animals at least once a year. 
So PETA. Kindly shut the hell up and go the hell away.
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someone teach me how to draw bears
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Cis people: I support LGBTQ people! Don’t really get the whole trans thing, but, you know, you do you! 50 genders is just too many for me lol, but just be your happiest and most authentic self! It’s just too wacky for me. My college friend wants to change his name to Katie now and I’m just never going to remember lmao. But good for all of you for being true to yourselves! Just too weirdo and freaky for me to handle. The whole trans thing is just too
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Seeing a lot of misinformation flying around regarding lesbian flags this year, particularly the pink one, so here’s my attempt to set the record straight!
FAQ/Common Misconceptions and Sources are listed below the cut - if anything in this post contradicts what you’ve heard, I’d encourage you to read through them before responding.
Please DO NOT promote flag redesigns on this post :)
Keep reading
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She got so mad she wrote song lyrics and edited a video and everything omg
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I notice it’s rare for groups on tumblr to talk about racism outside lf antiblackness
Im not saying dont, we should be talking about antiblackness MORE if anything, but like racism against asian people, latinx, Pacific islanders and native people should be discussed a lot more than what ive seen
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me @ all of my mutuals
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It’s 5AM and everyone is probably asleep but there’s a little black boy missing
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I really want to see more cis boys who like boys being actively supportive of trans boys who like boys bc I’m tired of being afraid to flirt or form friendships with other queer guys bc I don’t know if they really see me as a guy
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Snufkin found dead in Miami
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