chiharu-ross · 8 months
Hange glanced in his direction a little surprised he wasn’t trying harder to escape the grip of those who held him captive. She of course knew what Levi’s new squad wanted to do the look was written all over their faces as they glared in his direction. Swords drawn they all seemed to look to Hange for instruction who held up her hand “Put your weapons away.”
All around her swords were put away and the scouts seemed to back off a little but not by a lot. The redhead stared at Israel from behind a taller scout she was slightly intrigued by him even though she had seen him around from time to time. She didn’t expect this not by a long shot though they didn’t know each other very well she still didn’t think this could happen.
Once he stopped struggling was when Hange stepped a little closer “You don’t seem to be fighting that’s strange” She wasn’t too sure what to do either. But knowing that he stopped struggling helped a bit for her to try and clear her head for a moment as all eyes fell on her.
“Hange I have an idea” The voice was Chiharu’s she kept her anger under control better than she thought she could. “Since he isn’t fighting too much we could put him under arrest, then maybe if he’s willing he could share more information about how people like him work.” Hange thought for a moment “Until we know his true intentions, we can’t just trust it, but I will take your idea into consideration for now we put him under arrest.” She nodded to the other scouts who cautiously came closer hands on their swords “Nice and easy” one said.
Chiharu’s sleep was the same as it always was absolute trash nightmares haunted her even when she was awake so it was nothing new as she awoke. She crawled out of her bunk and did her hair while yawning it was the same thing every morning she had no choice but to show off her dark circles. Once she entered the mess hall it was the same normal thing, then she went about her morning run the last thing was to meet Hange.
She was of course honored to be on the mad scientist’s squad a position hardly anyone would be up for but like the scientist titans fascinated Chiharu as well. She greeted everyone and was ready to start the day before she could say anything else Mike grabbed her arm and whispered something. Her heart and stomach dropped at the same time her blood ran cold a titan shifter? Her fist clenched as she got her ODM gear on. She of course got nervous at the mention of a shifter they were dangerous and unpredictable she was absolutely terrified of the thought and took a deep breath.
The other scouts whispered amongst themselves as orders were said and taken into account Chiharu waited in the trees for the flare as it was sounded the plan went into action. She knew who this was Israel Frey she could hardly believe he was one of them, she trusted him hell they all did how could he be a shifter? How? She shook her head.
As they pinned him down the other scouts shot through the trees Chiharu amongst them as she successfully landed glaring at the man before her. Just like Annie, everyone was afraid of him and they had every right to do so judging how the woman took out Levi’s squad everyone wondered what he was capable of. Hange stepped out a somber look on her face, “Well, it seems we have another one of you on our hands” she said.
The other scouts stayed where they were as the redhead glanced behind one of the taller soldiers she wanted to stay as far away as she could. She just couldn’t believe this was happening to them again, it was terrifying to her how many more of them could be hiding amongst them. It made her hands shake. She only had one word for him and that was why? But she doubted she would ever really, truly know what was going through his head.
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chiharu-ross · 8 months
I miss Porco so much 😭
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chiharu-ross · 8 months
Chiharu’s sleep was the same as it always was absolute trash nightmares haunted her even when she was awake so it was nothing new as she awoke. She crawled out of her bunk and did her hair while yawning it was the same thing every morning she had no choice but to show off her dark circles. Once she entered the mess hall it was the same normal thing, then she went about her morning run the last thing was to meet Hange.
She was of course honored to be on the mad scientist’s squad a position hardly anyone would be up for but like the scientist titans fascinated Chiharu as well. She greeted everyone and was ready to start the day before she could say anything else Mike grabbed her arm and whispered something. Her heart and stomach dropped at the same time her blood ran cold a titan shifter? Her fist clenched as she got her ODM gear on. She of course got nervous at the mention of a shifter they were dangerous and unpredictable she was absolutely terrified of the thought and took a deep breath.
The other scouts whispered amongst themselves as orders were said and taken into account Chiharu waited in the trees for the flare as it was sounded the plan went into action. She knew who this was Israel Frey she could hardly believe he was one of them, she trusted him hell they all did how could he be a shifter? How? She shook her head.
As they pinned him down the other scouts shot through the trees Chiharu amongst them as she successfully landed glaring at the man before her. Just like Annie, everyone was afraid of him and they had every right to do so judging how the woman took out Levi’s squad everyone wondered what he was capable of. Hange stepped out a somber look on her face, “Well, it seems we have another one of you on our hands” she said.
The other scouts stayed where they were as the redhead glanced behind one of the taller soldiers she wanted to stay as far away as she could. She just couldn’t believe this was happening to them again, it was terrifying to her how many more of them could be hiding amongst them. It made her hands shake. She only had one word for him and that was why? But she doubted she would ever really, truly know what was going through his head.
I Am The Weapon ~Closed RP~
Most days started the same. He woke up, did some early morning cardio and joined the rest of the Scouts for breakfast. He never really thought about who he was, where he was from, if the others had any idea about him. With Annie, Bertholdt, and Reiner all having been discovered, he figured his cover would be fine. It didn't seem like anyone had any suspicions of him, as far as he knew.
Todays jog however, felt unsettling to say the least. It was quiet, which most mornings were, but this quiet left him feeling off. It was uncanny, like something was waiting for him further down the trail. He paused for a second, slowing his jog to a walk as he continued down his path. His stomach churned as he felt something was odd.
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He scanned the trees around him for a second, his mind going blank as he searched. He had no reason to feel like today would be any different than every other, but his sinking suspicion seemed to be proven right when he heard the sound of a flare going off. He turned quickly, looking up to see the green smoke coming from the trees right next to him. He tensed as he heard Scouts jumping into action with their gear, flying all around him now.
He let out a grunt as he was hit from behind and knocked to the floor, restrained with his arms behind his back and a knee holding them down. Before he could say anything he felt a cloth wrapped around his head, gagging him as Scouts shouted orders. They started searching him fervently for any sharp object he may have held, similar to Annie's ring.
He struggled under them, trying to force himself free and ask what the hell was wrong with all of them, but he figured it had something to do with the Warrior trio. How would they have known? Birth records maybe? It's not like any of them were aware of what those records looked like. They all tried to create the most believable record with a sound story.
Maybe he'd failed.
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chiharu-ross · 9 months
Chiharu looked at the woman then the door tempted to run out of it, but she was feeling terrible as it was but something was telling her to stay and she didn’t know what it was. At least that was when the woman said more words, words that made her think she had to stay and hear her out. Because there was someone she cared about as well Porco Galliard thought he knew nothing of her real identity, something that she was keeping a secret from him.
“And who might that be?” she asked, hoping that it wouldn’t be who she thought it was or several people she thought they might be. She tried not to let the anger come back, but from what she had been through and what everyone that she fought with had been through it was hard not to.
They had taken everything from her and she thought she had cut out those feelings long ago, but they all came rushing back making her clench her fists despite everything she still felt an obligation. This woman looked desperate she could see it from the look in her eyes that she truly cared for whoever it was. Her heart ached at that look as she knew it all too well. “I know how that feels to have someone you care for I have someone I care about here, except he doesn’t know who I really am."
Starter with Chi💜
Lyanna was walking through the decayed walls of the old building hastily, her skirt hanging and flowing at her quick pace. She was overwhelmed with the backup and speed of work responsibilities, the paperwork, the research, the studies and the Marleyan military watching every ounce of her slow progress, only to apply more pressure on her shoulders. Not to mention the fact that she had to cue a part of the clueless military personnel on her studies subject during reports, on the regular, and she hated it. It was a meaningless waste of time, as they seemed pretty ineducable on such matters; afterall they were trained on completely different fields. And Lyanna had no time for wasting, it seemed as if she was always behind.
It has already been nightfall for the past few hours, and that meant she could finally clock off and have some peace of mind, at least until the next shift at the lab. She turned at the quiet hall and something caught her attention. Yes, the rooms and halls of the complex were supposed to be quiet at this time of day, everyone had already headed out. But there were voices talking, and it was quite odd. She thought she was alone on this section of the building.
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chiharu-ross · 11 months
The officer almost yelled back, but instead stormed out of the way furious and left the two women to themselves Chiharu looked in shock as the woman cut away her ropes. “What are you doing?” she almost shouted “why are you helping me? I don’t need help.” She of course was lying, she absolutely needed help but the last thing she wanted was to trust one of them warrior or not. This woman clearly wanted to help her, but she could hardly believe what she was doing she looked at the female up and down trying not to glare at her savior.
“Why?” she rubbed her wrists wincing at how tight the ropes had been when the woman put a hand on her shoulder, she wanted to move away and hardly knew what was going on. As soon as the man stormed out she relaxed a little, but not all the way she had to leave she couldn’t stay here. But just as she went to stand up was when she quickly sat back down not even being able to barely stay on her feet as she wobbled a little now that the officer was gone the pain was setting in.
Starter with Chi💜
Lyanna was walking through the decayed walls of the old building hastily, her skirt hanging and flowing at her quick pace. She was overwhelmed with the backup and speed of work responsibilities, the paperwork, the research, the studies and the Marleyan military watching every ounce of her slow progress, only to apply more pressure on her shoulders. Not to mention the fact that she had to cue a part of the clueless military personnel on her studies subject during reports, on the regular, and she hated it. It was a meaningless waste of time, as they seemed pretty ineducable on such matters; afterall they were trained on completely different fields. And Lyanna had no time for wasting, it seemed as if she was always behind.
It has already been nightfall for the past few hours, and that meant she could finally clock off and have some peace of mind, at least until the next shift at the lab. She turned at the quiet hall and something caught her attention. Yes, the rooms and halls of the complex were supposed to be quiet at this time of day, everyone had already headed out. But there were voices talking, and it was quite odd. She thought she was alone on this section of the building.
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chiharu-ross · 11 months
The soldiers opened the door as the woman entered thinking it was someone else Chiharu glared at the woman. The soldiers had no idea anyone else was in the building and immediately knew they’d be in trouble if anyone found out about this. The redhead looked a little shocked that this woman was trying to help her why? She wondered. “This woman is a paradis devil she is important she knows about the warriors” the leader of the group said crossing his arms. Two of the soldiers took the papers and scurried out of the room as the officer stared the woman down. Chiharu kept her eyes on the woman curious about her in a way, especially since she was going to help her.
Chiharu took a breath and looked between the two wondering what was going to happen was she to be freed or stay in their grasp? She needed to get home. The scouts and Hange were waiting for her which was the whole point of this risky operation “how was I found out?” she asked. The act was up and it was too late for her to try and get out of this one the man looked towards her with disgust “we found one of your little letters being dropped off by a child.”
She sighed of course she hadn’t been careful enough after everything was going so well her true identity had been found out, but at least she was able to get important information back and forth. Now all she needed to do was await her fate which it seemed this woman was trying to get her out of surely they’d have killed her if it wasn’t for the female standing in front of her.
Starter with Chi💜
Lyanna was walking through the decayed walls of the old building hastily, her skirt hanging and flowing at her quick pace. She was overwhelmed with the backup and speed of work responsibilities, the paperwork, the research, the studies and the Marleyan military watching every ounce of her slow progress, only to apply more pressure on her shoulders. Not to mention the fact that she had to cue a part of the clueless military personnel on her studies subject during reports, on the regular, and she hated it. It was a meaningless waste of time, as they seemed pretty ineducable on such matters; afterall they were trained on completely different fields. And Lyanna had no time for wasting, it seemed as if she was always behind.
It has already been nightfall for the past few hours, and that meant she could finally clock off and have some peace of mind, at least until the next shift at the lab. She turned at the quiet hall and something caught her attention. Yes, the rooms and halls of the complex were supposed to be quiet at this time of day, everyone had already headed out. But there were voices talking, and it was quite odd. She thought she was alone on this section of the building.
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chiharu-ross · 11 months
It wasn’t supposed to end this way Chiharu wasn’t supposed to be captured, of course she thought she’d done a good job. But as it turns out she didn’t two soldiers at least that’s what she thought they were led her to a complex. She was panicked scared her hands were shaking, she desperately tried to keep her cool but it was quite obvious. Who had told them of her true identity? Who actually knew who she was? It enraged her. She glared as the soldiers practically threw her into a chair, her hands tied in front of her as a man entered the room. He held a clipboard and slammed it down in front of her face red with anger “Chiharu Ross paradis devil.” The redhead swallowed nervously and took a deep breath, “I have no idea who you’re talking about” she clearly said.
She knew this wouldn’t end well and she looked around frantically trying to find a way out. “You know exactly what I’m talking about now why don’t you talk?” The man tried but Chiharu kept her mouth shut. “Won’t talk, will we? I have ways of making you talk” Chiharu’s heart was pounding and her lips dry from the anxiety. “I won’t talk you may know who I am but you’ll never get what you want from me-“ she was interrupted by being slapped in the face. It stung and she could taste blood, but it’s not the worst thing she’d been through not by a long shot.
Starter with Chi💜
Lyanna was walking through the decayed walls of the old building hastily, her skirt hanging and flowing at her quick pace. She was overwhelmed with the backup and speed of work responsibilities, the paperwork, the research, the studies and the Marleyan military watching every ounce of her slow progress, only to apply more pressure on her shoulders. Not to mention the fact that she had to cue a part of the clueless military personnel on her studies subject during reports, on the regular, and she hated it. It was a meaningless waste of time, as they seemed pretty ineducable on such matters; afterall they were trained on completely different fields. And Lyanna had no time for wasting, it seemed as if she was always behind.
It has already been nightfall for the past few hours, and that meant she could finally clock off and have some peace of mind, at least until the next shift at the lab. She turned at the quiet hall and something caught her attention. Yes, the rooms and halls of the complex were supposed to be quiet at this time of day, everyone had already headed out. But there were voices talking, and it was quite odd. She thought she was alone on this section of the building.
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chiharu-ross · 11 months
Man came across an old rp I wrote with a Porco not too long ago and GOD I MISS HIM :(
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chiharu-ross · 1 year
HI ALL!! I am looking for a roleplay partner for a longterm. I am primarily interested in fandom roleplay.
That being said, I do have a few requirements but they're really easy so stick with me!
- Must be 18+
- Must be comfortable with ERP scenes (only with adult characters, of course)
- Please don't be one of those people that randomly ghost in the middle of rp ☹️ I get it if you're busy but if you aren't enjoying the rp or aren't motivated anymore, TELL ME PLEASE 😭 don't leave me waiting around
- MUST HAVE communication between me and you (like above if you are bored, want to add a plot point, etc)
- If you are a pro shipper, shotacon, lolicon, fujoshi, or zoophile, fuck off.
- ABSOLUTELY MUST USE DISCORD. I am hardly on Tumblr and will not reply frequently at all if we rp on here.
- If you ghost because you have no motivation or are busy, I will delete the rp server and unfriend. Please just tell me you'd like a break or would like to stop the rp!!!!!! I promise I won't be mad, I understand 100%!
- One last time, COMMUNICATE WITH ME! Thank u :)
That's all I can think of, really. Here is a little more about me:
- I enjoy leading a rp but please do not only follow. I want to hear input and ideas from you as well! If you want a character to have a life changing plot point, tell me! I'll be more than happy to include it.
- I tend to fluctuate between literate to advanced lit depending on the scene
- I like to play the characters a little outside of cannon. Not too far, but I do enjoy adding my own bits and pieces to their story and personality and maybe taking something minor out
- I do enjoy double up roleplays!! BUT I will block and stop the roleplay if it's obvious to me that you are rushing through my ship just to get time with yours more.
Here are some of my fandoms and who I prefer to play:
- Toilet Bound Hanako Kun (The only character I absolutely HAVE TO PLAY is Tsukasa, otherwise I am fine with whoever) (I do not like doing ship rp's for this fandom)
- Hunter X Hunter (Gon, Illumi, Kurapika) (I really enjoy doing double up oc x cannon for HxH)
- The Promised neverland (Prefer OC's)
- Attack on Titan (Marco, Armin, Erwin, Miche, Sasha, Jean, Zeke, Reiner, Porco, OC's)
- Mystic Messenger (V, Yoosung, Zen, Saeran)
- Avatar: The last airbender (Prefer oc's) (I won't touch TLOK, even with a 20 foot pole)
- Hiveswap (Prefer oc's) (Haven't really read a lot of homestuck tho so forgive any dumbness on my part)
That's some of them! To close this off, here's a Shortened rp example:
Generally, Sol’s exterior consisted of the weight of the world. His frazzled hair sat messily in a lopsided bun atop his head which placed between two shoulders that slumped. His posture was nearly zombie-like, which complimented his corpse-pale skin that seemed to be practically translucent. His clothes were unkempt and bandages were messily slapped onto the minor burns he got from spending most of his time training young fire type Pokémon. Really, the light in this mans eyes had been replaced with the dull sheen of lassitude.
“That sounds wonderful, Lee, really. But I have to get back to work. The clinic just got a bunch of rowdy growlithes that need to be evaluated so we can put them up for adoption and the gym needs to prepare for the challenge. Not to mention the sick victini and tepig I have at home that need to be watched and the litten I have that’s getting picked up later today…and I still have to sort paperwork for the clinic and do the laundry and take care of…” Sol’s rambling slowly turned into more of a reminder for himself as he continued to list his chores for the day, voice generally turning into more of a mumble as he recounted the amount of busy work he had. Lee’s smile slowly dropped before he playfully slugged Sol on the shoulder. Sol, in turn, paused his maundering as his attention flashed back into the present.
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chiharu-ross · 2 years
Looking for Porco please please hit me up thanks!
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chiharu-ross · 3 years
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Hello welcome to my blog, my name is Aika (23) I’m a non binary and Bipoc artist, amateur writer and roleplayer.
ℂ𝕦𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕩𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 : 𝔸𝕥𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕆𝕟 𝕋𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕟
I’ve been roleplaying for quite some time but only recently got back into it, I am looking for *𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 + 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬* I prefer to write paragraphs/ multi paragraphs, fine with small banters.
Again I’d prefer all writing partners to be *𝟏𝟖+*
I am comfortable writing Mature content this includes Nsfw and Dark themes (Depending on subject matter for comfortability)
My muses include:
ᴇʀᴇɴ ʏᴇᴀɢᴇʀ
ᴊᴇᴀɴ ᴋɪʀꜱᴛᴇɪɴ
ᴀʀᴍɪɴ ᴀʀʟᴇʀᴛ
ᴍᴀʀᴄᴏ ʙᴏᴅᴛ (New muse)
ᴘᴏʀᴄᴏ ɢᴀʟʟɪᴀʀᴅ
** 𝐈𝐟 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐌 𝐦𝐞 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝.**
I look forward to finding new roleplay partners, friends, and mutuals 🖤 Nice to meet you all!
Shares appreciated!
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chiharu-ross · 3 years
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hello! this is a brand new shingeki no kyojin rp blog for an independent, semi-selective, oc-friendly porco galliard. please consider liking & reblogging this post & mayhaps sending a message if you’d be interested in interacting with him!  
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chiharu-ross · 3 years
I'm new to this account but I've got 8 years in the AOT fandom and 9 years RP experience so don't be shy lmao.
18+ please.
I do tend to RP Levi, usually partnered with Erwin, Eren or someone's OC. I'm open to other pairings and RPing as another character, but I won't RP as a submissive/bottom.
I love canon divergence and AUs!
Admin is 20 OOC, pronouns are she/they and I promise I'm friendly, if not a little awkward :')
I'll be making an intro post for more information on my portrayal of Levi if anyone is interested in that.
Pls don't be afraid to dm me!!
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chiharu-ross · 3 years
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hello! this is a brand new shingeki no kyojin rp blog for an independent, semi-selective, oc-friendly porco galliard. please consider liking & reblogging this post & mayhaps sending a message if you’d be interested in interacting with him!  
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chiharu-ross · 3 years
Chiharu bit her lip dammit, she had forgotten that stupid table and he did have a point but she was still angry. It was no wonder Eren was always talking about the captain made him clean so much. She’d been so excited to get on Hange’s squad and to be made her assistant, but that meant sharing with Levi’s squad.
Of course, she’d been the poor soul who had to actually do the cleaning since Eren was needed for experiments. “Yes, Captain, ” she mumbled and adjusted the cloth that was holding her hair back. When he turned his back, she stuck her tongue out at him and got started dusting and cleaning the tables.
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“Your cleaning is lamentable, I gave you plenty enough time” scoffed the captain eyeing at the brat standing before him, unsatisfacted at the smallest most insignificant  specks of dust possible , that’s hardly noticeably but of course anything less the spotless could never be enough for Levi.
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chiharu-ross · 3 years
Chiharu had spent hours cleaning and was satisfied with her work until she went and got the captain. “What?! It looks good to me!” She actually protested not at all happy with how he judged her cleaning. “This place is absolutely spotless! I don’t see anything that doesn’t look clean in here, ” she crossed her arms in defiance. Ugh, everyone was right! He really was obsessed all this work and nothing. All he would do is probably bitch at her like an old woman she braced herself for the lecture.
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“Your cleaning is lamentable, I gave you plenty enough time” scoffed the captain eyeing at the brat standing before him, unsatisfacted at the smallest most insignificant  specks of dust possible , that’s hardly noticeably but of course anything less the spotless could never be enough for Levi.
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chiharu-ross · 4 years
Chiharu: “What that’s crazy I don’t have a favorite cadet!”
Hange: *cough* “Connie”
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