chihakuhiro · 2 years
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if there were no cherry blossoms in this world, how much more tranquil our hearts would be in spring.
- ariwara no narihira
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
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he fell in love with her slowly then all at once...
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
chen and bobby but make it ss: naruto, who is in the same idol group with sasuke, once asked in their interview if anyone in their group is dating someone, and naruto slipped out of his mouth that there is, so when the other members looked at him warningly, he added that ‘we're dating our fans.’ but what was said yet didn't stop the fans from speculations about it towards them but sasuke. the probability of him dating someone is quite low as he rarely interacts with people: they thought. but just before the same year ends, the media is deeply surprised to hear sasuke's agency news of him getting married with his long-time girlfriend, sakura, also an idol from the rival company of his agency
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
sakura, joining that one tiktok trend wherein she posted the compiled clips of her and the man she just met in japan but spent the rest of the evening with back in 2017 – although, they never told each one's real name and didn't give out their contacts even after the events, reason out: that it was the best night they ever have and they thought it was best to leave it that way.
so when the video got viral, naruto saw it and quickly recognized the man in it. he right away sent the video to sasuke, who have seen it already, thanks to his cousin, and even have messaged sakura on her instagram account.
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
sasuke and sakura were friends that were too close, and people who saw them thought they were dating, and out of fun, the two like to tell people they're a thing when being asked just to fool around that also became a habit – with their friends.
and so when things got serious between sasuke and sakura, and they told about it with their close friends, they didn't believe and just laughed. moreover, because of being private about the two's relationship despite telling the people that are close with them about it, their friends were still left shocked about the announcement of their engagement.
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
sakura, doing that one filter game on tiktok – my future lover. she giggled at the time she saw what she got: 1 minute, in your house, lawyer – and thinks how foolish this game is, but her heart thumps just as when their house bell rang.
she then saw sasuke – her mother's friend's son that's currently attending a law school went inside and locked eyes with her.
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
sasuke and sakura used to leave spaces in their wardrobe for each other – they put their garments and other necessities in there just so when one of them sleeps at each other's houses or something dirt their clothes, they'll have an extra.
they're so accustomed to it that even when their relationship ended, the two of them still found themselves leaving the spaces empty. selfsame with their beds.
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
sasuke thought if sakura would just know how her random gestures and words take its toll on him. how it influences his mind or how his heart would beat so fast for every minute he remembers what she did.
"i love you."
sakura's bad for him. she's inimical to his health. but she's a toxin in his body he definitely won't get rid of.
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
sakura's bright mood darkened and eyebrows furrowed upon seeing a yellow umbrella next to sasuke's deep blue one, but grin when she thought an idea. her cute little hand took the stranger's umbrella and moved it in front of the farthest room from theirs. she then quickly ran back and placed her pink umbrella next to sasuke's.
she thinks that even if sasuke-kun and her can't cuddle physically, they can at least ‘umbrelically’.
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
hand in hand, the 7 year old sasuke and sakura sat before ino – on the blanket settled on the grass. sasuke then carefully put the small basket filled with their favorite food beside him – he and sakura will have a picnic later.
"hi! we're here for my check-up!" sakura babbled.
"okay!" ino placed the toy stethoscope against sakura's chest – feigned to hear a heartbeat. "you're healthy!"
ino then took sakura's hand, rest her two thumbs at the end of her friend's palm, and pressed it.
ino did the same with the other hand. she and sakura gasped when they saw three lumps on each of sakura's hands.
"congrats! you two are going to have six babies!"
"but that's a lot. don't you think, sasuke-kun?" sakura's wide jade orbs are filled with worry.
but sasuke gave her a cute smile. "don't worry. i'll work harder."
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
"give me your hand."
"why?" sasuke asked her but still lend out his hand.
sakura showed him a carton box and jiggled it afore shaking out the ‘small chips’ onto his palm. "it's a dragon seed i bought in the market i passed by earlier! oops!"
sasuke used his free hand to support his other when sakura spilled lashings of it. "sorry," she took back the seeds into the carton box and tried giving him once more but just overspilled again. she muttered an apology.
sasuke lowered his head in his collar to hide the growing smile on his face – when he felt the incidental brushes of her hand on his. sakura chuckled upon spilling over too much seed repeatedly and almost putting it back yet again when someone took all the pips from their hold.
"dragon seed! thank you, sakura-chan!" all naruto said before sprinting away and leaving the two speechless.
avoiding her gaze, sasuke fixed the hold of their hands and pulled her to walk. "let's just buy again."
she smiled.
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
grizzled tresses and wrinkles on the face even when their bones couldn't support the weight of their body anymore, sasuke and sakura would still find one's feet towards one another and dance with their own feet dressed in an old kimono they wore on their wedding.
he would hum while she lays her head against his chest and arms wrapped around each other. it's a bit doddery, yet they still swayed until their bases pain. eyes that reflected his love fix on her, and a gentle kiss planted on her forehead. and his pride – her hands that healed and saved numerous lives – that he would never forget to give a peck to.
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
naruto has seen it all, he thinks. if his two best friends don't do anything stupid together alone behind his back, then what he supposes is not wrong at all. sasuke and sakura do things that never fail to leave him surprised – even when he expects it every moment he's with those two.
a couple of days ago, in a crowded market, pushing their way through the throng of people, he saw sasuke lend out his hand to sakura – a way to keep themselves close, thus no one will get lost. another what did not fail to pass his prying eyes, welded palms still swayed albeit they already passed the crowd.
those two are weird, and he's sure. the day before yesterday, the three of them were in their training ground. sasuke's hitate on the ground, both foreheads were pressed against each other – checking if they have a fever – their eyes were closed. sakura, she was giggling, and sasuke, was he even aware of what he was doing?
there were times naruto felt like he's invading something his young mind can't compose the thoughts of what was it yet. he asked kakashi-sensei before what's with sasuke and sakura, but he only told him to better ask them.
and recently, he asked them why they couldn't just get another straw and stick to sip the juice and eat properly instead of passing the implements to each other back and forth. the sole answer he got: it would just be a waste.
naruto wouldn't dare to ask them. he either gets a nonsense answer, or he'll spend days in the hospital.
his curiosity made him dug deeper and think more, something he usually won't do. to be girlfriend-boyfriend, from what he heard: the feelings must be reciprocal. sakura likes sasuke, but the teme sure is one of a hell complicated.
complicated. those two are for real so complicated. he sighed.
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
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high school sweetheart ❤
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
naruto stares at his friends, confounded while eating his snacks. sasuke and sakura passing the juice with lone straw to each other after one's done's sipping, the same with the takoyaki.
"you know, you two can just get another stick and straw, and there you can eat properly," he suggested.
"plastics are not good for the environment, and the stick would just be a waste too, idiot."
"sasuke-kun's right."
naruto squints and studies them, never leaving his eyes at his suspicious friends until they go home.
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
sakura stooped down, reaching food after food inside the fridge. it's already 3 in the morning, but she can't seem to sleep. she bet it on the emergency surgeries she had one after another.
"can't sleep?" she looked up to see sasuke leaning against their kitchen wall, looking down at her.
sakura forced herself to shift her regards at once and shut her eyes tightly. "y-yeah. my body clock's ruined."
her breath hitched when she felt a firmed grasp on the side of her hip. sasuke's lone hand snaked up to her neck with his thumb he used to caressed her cheek, made her look back at him, and helped her stand straight.
an intent gaze greeted hers before he leaned forward and gave her a tender bussed. he bit her lower lip before a soft fold of flesh trailed, leaving wet kisses, up to her earlobe. the affection was overwhelming her. "i'll help you sleep then."
he swiftly put her on top of the island counter. "what dish do you want me to cook?"
she was left dumbfounded. "seriously?!"
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chihakuhiro · 2 years
sakura tightened her embrace and snuggled more herself on him, the heat coming from him – his warmth, reassured her that her sasuke-kun is before her – undoubtedly standing and enveloped in his arms securely.
it's been weeks since they had the chance to be with each other, and that only lasted for a few hours before needing to go back to their work again. she thinks: their tight schedule is the very impediment to them – such a villain to a still scorching love even being together for 15 years.
she misses him so much.
sakura smiled. she could smell his manly scent when she nestled her head on the crook of his neck – his scent that never fails to drug her. she bit the bottom of her lips and felt something in her stomach when he kissed the top of her head.
"sakura," he softly said.
she looked up to see him. a pair of deep black orbs met hers. his eyes are like the tone of his voice when he's with her – gentle and always warm. she knows how much he loves her, but every time she looks at his eyes, she wants to cry. teeming with love in his gaze feels like it would suck her in that she would gladly let herself so. just how much love one can give – how far.
"hmm?" she hummed.
15 years. celebrating their anniversary at the very helipad of the hospital she's working at, but the echo of passion and romance never change – it's just like how their first date went – burning.
"will you marry me?"
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