cherithcutestory · 2 years
Last quarter
DJ: can’t remember but I woke up with Piebald in my head
I’m back on the sertraline but more cautious with the zirtec. I have been getting more steadily lightheaded. It’s just enough to be alarming and weird. I’m feeling better, I think after a few days of doses.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waning gibbous
DJ: I was a garbage truck guy. I was also selling Girl Scout cookies to crooked rich people. I found a dead body behind a school that may be an old android. Old rich people have the most bizarre relationships.
Sleep was a bit terrible. I really need to abstain from booze for the rest of the week. I’m also going to take my zirtec sparingly. Just feel so odd.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Full moon!
DJ: Adri and I owned a huge estate. We had a weird, industrial shower room that had loads of blood stains. There was also a small guy who was seemingly a captive of ours who was using the shower. Our rock walls had slime dripping off of them and our backyard was full of dog poop. I got frustrated and told Adri that I needed to clean the place up.
Sleep was good. I was so so very tired last night. After I ate tacos, Ellie and I went to sleep in the basement. I had absolutely no energy to prep for today. I was able to read her a unicorn book until she passed out. I think the quality was ok and I had small bags under my eyes this morning.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waxing gibbous
DJ: my brother Zack had the biggest, swankiest apartment. I decided that it had to be a situation of him selling his soul to the devil.
Slept good and legs were sore this morning. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done much work. I’m off the sertraline so I hope my sleep will improve soon. Ellie wanted us to all sleep together so we made her a nest next to us.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waxing gibbous
DJ: the guys from Blank Check were living with my house and giving my sister sass. I was re-evaluating rogue one.
Sleep was ok. Back to work today. Off the sertraline for who knows how long. Ellie is so precious.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waxing gibbous
DJ: I kidnapped a girl, I guess? I kept her at a friends house and he didn’t know about it. But then the jig was up and I ran off and he got in trouble for it. Then I got famous for racing bikes without motors.
Sleep was better. Ellie and I spent the whole night in the basement without waking up until the morning. She’s been complaining about stomach aches for awhile. Wish I knew what the cause was.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waxing gibbous
DJ: I had a bunch of them but no dice.
Sleep was not great. Ellie was up at two. We went to the basement at three and I let her have her tablet while I tried to get more zzzzz. Mouse was in the window screeching at the neighbor. Ellie kept telling me that she loved me over and over. So sweet
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waxing gibbous
DJ: I know I had a few of them but they whooshed out of my head when I got up.
Sleep was iffy. I had a few drinks the night before and they probably had an effect. Ellie was up at 3 on her tablet so she’ll be going down early tonight, that’s for sure.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
First quarter
DJ: An interesting one with monsters. I was working on doing the electrical at a home improvement store or a bed bath and beyond. I was running out of stuff to do and then I realized something was amiss and started grabbing supplies to put in my truck. I drove away with my daughter and another guy before weird squiggly monsters started attacking everyone.
Sleep wasn’t fantastic. Ellie wanted milk at 2. I went to sleep at 9 after being on my tablet for an hour. I’ll sleep better tonight.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waxing crescent
DJ: I was at a big facility, taking large cables off of the outside of the building. When we left for the day, I was allowed to leave first because I had a key fob. I was about to ride my bike home when a dude wouldn’t give me my big green frisbee back. I realized the disc was too big to carry so I left it there. Part of my dream resembled a Dean koontz novel involving artificial intelligence and aliens.
Sleep was good. I was super cozy. I wouldn’t say I had the most cohesive sleep but I was cozy. Ellie pulled my covers away several times during the night.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waxing crescent
DJ: I was living at my grandparents house, I think they gave it to us. I was also raising rats or weevils or something. They were either so small or they grew to the size of a small dog. I was also a rookie cop in an odd building that I kept walking through. We all drew something on a big box and I remember that I looked at that box often.
Sleep was good. Eyes don’t feel that bad this morning. Think it’ll be a nice day for contacts.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waxing crescent
DJ: I parked really crooked at the front parking lot of the library. The cops were towing me but having trouble hooking me up to the truck. I tried to get my car away before they took it.
Sleep was much better. My sinuses have less pressure but are a little clogged, so I am breathing through my mouth. Ergo, my mouth is dry upon waking. Ellie slept through the night. She may doze with Adri tonight.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waxing crescent
DJ: I was going on a date with an old friend but I invited two other friends for some reason. It was a bit awkward. I also decided to go back to high school. I was last chair trumpet in band. It wasn’t my best idea.
Sleep was kinda crap. My sinus thing is a little worse. It made my eyes sore. Neko got shut in the room with Ellie and I. She was so heavy on my lap. Plus she kept scratching at the door a bunch. Think I’ll get to sleep by myself tonight. Yay.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waxing crescent
DJ: I went to a small theater to watch a movie. I thought I left my wallet for collateral for something. The old theatre owner closed the place down and I thought he stole my wallet. I knocked on the door and he answered and told me he didn’t have my wallet. I checked in my pants and it was there. I then bought a ticket for the movie showing on Sunday morning. When I showed up for the movie I found that the theater was shuttered. The owner said that he had to close it down. He left and his other employees showed up for work. I got them to turn the movie on for me.
Sleep was better than last night. Woke up with wonky eyes. Down to 25 mg for a few weeks. Hope it gets better.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waxing Crescent
DJ: it was a weird one. I was working in Nebraska or Iowa or Wyoming at a livestock trading place. It was huge. I was doing electrical work and had to hook up a game at another part of the building. I went upstairs and was guided through many hallways until I got to the opposite side of the building. I went down a slide and bumped into a family who would not empty out of the slide. I got grumpy and they had a chat with me after we got out and I explained that I was rude but that they were also rude. Then I started walking around and it was a huge mall type place. There were so many huge stores and they seemed to come from all over the globe. My favorite was a defunct airport called Transylvanian airlines.
Sleep was not great. Today is gonna feel weird. Ellie woke up at 3 am and I quick gave her the tablet so I could sleep more. She fell back asleep at 5 or so. Adri came in and woke us up at 6:40. I came upstairs for coffee and pancakes. Ellie woke up soon after feeling distraught for being left alone. I acted goofy and she soon forgave me.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waning crescent
DJ: I was working at a jobsite and I think it was nightshifts. I was then supposed to go to school after work. I kept falling asleep and missing classes though. Another dream about missing classes, sigh. I was riding my bike but then decided to drive. My brother was there with my bike and his bike. I found scrap bungies at the jobsite to strap our bikes to the car.
Sleep was ok. I was going to sleep in the king bed but there was a Gatorade spill. When I woke up, Adri was attempting to get Ellie to school. The bunny was not having it. I think I got plenty of sleep though.
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cherithcutestory · 2 years
Waning crescent
DJ: I was working at bobs amoco again and trying to close it while people kept showing up. I also was trying to grab a VHS machine that was left in the tire rack. I was watching a medical show and realized it was set in my hometown. I traveled there and was talking with some co-workers. I told them that I had a dream about Alanis Morisette and in that dream, my mom was telling me about her new dog. But in “reality” my mom did actually get a dog. In IRL, my mom doesn’t have a dog.
Didn’t sleep too good. Ellie was up at 11 and 3 with cough induced vomiting. When Adri got up, she watched bunny while I slept in until 11.
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