cheng12345 · 10 years
Free to use? Microsoft Windows 9 or April next year release
Recently Microsoft internal sources, Microsoft will speed up the update cycle of Windows operating system, or will be in the third quarter of this year to upgrade to Windows 8.2; and the launch of the Windows 9 operating system in April next year, and may use free of charge, to compete with Android and Chrome free system is easy to Google. It is reported, the Windows 9 operating system to increase the number of users want to appear in the Windows 8 operating system functions, including the real return to the start menu. The Russian technology website Wzor also last week exposure material says, whether it is a touch screen device or traditional equipment, Microsoft will continue to use the start menu button in the Windows 9 operating system. In essence, Windows 9 or will be large-scale integration of traditional Windows interface with the Metro style interface.
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Operating system compared to the Google are free policy, Microsoft Windows also received the high price of criticism. Therefore, in the Windows 9 operating system, Microsoft might launch a free version, and then increase the function through the toll. If Windows 9 is really in 2015 will be listed in April, then Microsoft in the next few months will certainly to disclose some information of the next generation operating system. Message personage says, hardware makers and application developers will have Windows 9 operating system in October this year. If this is true, then Windows 9 mystical veil will be quickly opened.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
The post XP era Windows start menu button will return
Since April 8th, Windows XP officially retired, almost a month's time, still use XP users, whether your system is OK? Early on, XP just to stop the service, the antivirus software has launched protection products, and the reality of the protective effect, seemingly not satisfactory. However, Win8 since the launch of the system is always unsatisfactory. Many users are still the reaction interface is not reduced, Metro "start" interface and discharge in the interface on the APP, past the familiar desktop disappeared, as the computer is too redundant, and for the plate is not enough.
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Recently, there is news that the classic start menu will be in the fall formal regression Windows 8 system. But it is uncertain, the next version of Windows will be updated to adopt the way of naming. The old version of the start menu upgrade, in addition to the traditional desktop software, also shows the Modern application. No need to jump to the start screen user, on the desktop, the start menu can quickly start the Modern application. To run the Modern application window form, like the traditional desktop software. Return to the familiar interface, many users find the user habit. From the relevant data, the use of Windows version, this year four month, share Windows XP is very prominent, in the overall market share reached 53.70%, utilization rate is as high as 57.17%, Windows7 for 28.52% market share. Windows8 and Windows 8.1, the market share of only 2.27% and 0.45% respectively. XP share for Win8 20 times. And then XP out of service, the market share of Win8 is like snail growth is very slow. As early as in 2012, Microsoft launched Win8, launched a strong Metro interface, so that the use of touch screen. "Destroy" start menu mission, Win8 was questioned and opposed to most users and developers from the beginning. But the launch of the Win8.1, the Metro interface and the coexistence of "old desktop system. But still user cannot start menu, or take a long time to be able to open. However, the Win8 system has a similar to the menu function application, why change back? Things are moving forward, when the touch screen has not come out, the habit of the user or the keyboard and mouse, the user habit is also can change according to the application operation. The start menu to leave, then regression, in fact is not necessary. Development of Win8, do not always look at the classic XP, not the same form, the same function, the user does not accept, but also can be more bold innovation.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
Analysis of Windows 8.1 devices should not be loaded to Win 7
See the topic that is to provoke comment topic posted, but the problem is indeed a kink point many users in the heart of. Stunned by multi color "start" screen, beating the application information updates, but couldn't find the traditional start menu doubt when the greatest feeling "Windows 8/8.1 friends. So when Windows 8 launched many users chose to put back into the system on a version of Windows 7. But the passage of time, now Microsoft will have the new Windows 8.1 Update to our eyes, with the new and improved version of this update, whether we have all sorts of reasons be loaded back into the Windows 7? Small make up think from the following points one by one analysis, hope to obtain the relatively objective answer.
● 1, why to replace the Windows 7 system? Just can't find the start menu? It is a tangled problem, a lot of friends the most difficult to accept Windows 8 system is the disappearance of the start menu, allowing users to look for the first time do not want to open programs and even shutdown, but with the system version of the update, this problem has been solved gradually, especially off key already appear directly in the Metro interface. And Microsoft the latest data show that in subsequent versions of the next, users are familiar with the start menu will appear in the traditional desktop state, no longer lets users headaches. In addition to the start menu, some users also said the Metro interface for non touch devices chicken ribs, and don't know where Windows 7 system. This is hope you pay more attention to the related information (such as the operating system related tips), is a practical point of view, Windows 8 in the system optimization, the same account seamless switching among multiple devices, rich application provides and so on project still has some advantages. Future versions Microsoft Windows system, so if you have the courage to try new spirit of renewal try after the Wndows 8.1 system can, please look under the. ● price 2, replace the Windows 7 system At present Microsoft partnership with OEM, Microsoft is trying to convince OEM manufacturers factory PC products equipped Windows 8/8.1 system, that is to say now that you buy a new PC (notebook / desktop) 90% are pre installed system, belonging to the genuine users, if you want to be forced to install Windows 7 system it may become pirates the user a member.                                                             Perhaps this pirated Vs genuine topic that everybody is not cold, but with the Microsoft for system installation has been preceded by traditional boxed CD forms online registration Key download the update mode, want to easily break install pirated system is not so easy. In addition, the genuine support is the support of intellectual property is the obligation of every consumer. ● 3, Windows 8.1 update to non touch user                                         Many of my friends have been complaining that he is non touch devices the user, so that multi color Metro interface is not very good, but some such as the right mouse button operation cannot be used in the above. Listen to the appeal Microsoft is positive coping and improvement, the new Update after Microsoft to mouse user affection, not only in the Metro interface appeared off button, the more the right mouse button in the Metro interface appears shortcut keys, as well as the taskbar and traditional desktop will also appear in the interface.                                In addition, the related video we also show version will return you want start menu items, but whether can close the Metro interface appears to have not been put on the agenda.
● 4, other solutions
To want in the Windows 8.1 system reinstall Windows 7 friends, if you only with the start button, you can choose to install third party software to pick up as Windows 7 like feel heavy in the Windows 8.1 system, but at present many manufacturers have introduced the corresponding software like Rubik's cube assistant, you just a little patience under their search. For those unwilling to Windows Metro interface you can in the taskbar option -- navigation a boot into the traditional desktop and start menu items selected to see non. And usually use as long as not to Windows window switch key touch on the keyboard, so that Windows 8 brings you the trouble would not.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
Windows 8 App Remover to help you get rid of the annoying Windows 8 pre installed applications
Abstract: sometimes, you will think of those manufacturers customized application pre installed on the Windows 8 PC is an eyesore, some even Microsoft installed is not essential, how to do? You need the following software -Windows 8 App Remover.
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This small 220kb program is actually a Microsoft with graphical interface programming tool dism.exe. To help you avoid a delete apps, the command line is simple and easy to understand, very easy to use. However, this procedure can only be used after a clean install of Windows 8 or recovery from Windows or.Wim image file to restore the installation media, if not a new system, you'll find out despite claims that it has to help you remove the program to use the software to remove the application, but the program is still in the system. This is due to the limitations of the tool itself caused by dism. In addition to this, the software is very powerful. The software itself is green, free installation, have extremely easy to understand graphical interface, by default when you installed software can be directly after removing the Windows 8 application, even can directly remove the.Wim mirror inside those you do not want to use the application of using the software, so the next time you use a mirror to reinstall the system would not have trouble. Of course, for the most part, delete in the current setup after those not applied enough. You only need to: First of all, select your Windows 8 version, select one from the drop down menu (8, 8.1 or 8.1.1); Then, click on the apply button; After a short wait, all of the available application will appear, you can select the application you don't want, or directly select the application, click Remove yellow button is selected; And then the world. Do you want to restore the application if only to the Windows app store.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
Windows is inevitably become a subscription system
Earlier this month, Microsoft at the BUILD conference announced the Windows free to below 9 inch flat mobile phone. People soon produced a doubt: the desktop version will not be free? According to the material exposed two veteran, Windows 9 will have a free version. WZor and Mary Jo Foley each reference sources, Windows 8.1 Update 1 will be Update 2, Update 2 is expected to be released in August or September, the start menu will introduce hybrid Metro style application. The next release will be Windows 9, is expected to be released next spring.
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WZor said, Windows 9 will use a subscription system, the basic system will be free, but some features require extra. WZor and Mary Jo Foley disclosed information sources are different, but a free version of the story the same: non desktop version of Windows 9 will be free, but the desktop version can not be free. Ars Peter Bright believes that, Windows uses the subscription system will be inevitable, he believes that the future will not have what Windows 10, 11, and only Windows, the subscription model provides continuous updating and upgrading, Windows 8.1 using Update instead of SP had shown the Microsoft trend of moving to the subscription model.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
Microsoft third quarter net profit fell 6.6%, but it is out of the Windows and Office dependence
Microsoft in 2014 third quarter financial results, Microsoft revenue reached $20400000000, equivalent to $20400000000 last year. Microsoft net profit of $5660000000, compared with the same period last year $6060000000 fell 6.6%, diluted profit of $0.68. Microsoft consumer products, still maintain good health indicators, including Windows, Windows Phone, Office, Surface and Xbox. Although the PC sales fell like ghosts haunt Microsoft, but the first quarter of Microsoft performance doesn't disappoint. Microsoft equipment and consumer products third quarter revenue of $8300000000, a year-on-year increase of 12%, of which Windows OEM revenue grew 4%, Windows OEM Pro revenue growth of 19%. Microsoft third quarter business revenue reached $12230000000, a year-on-year growth of 7%. Xbox game sales of 2000000 units, including 1200000 sets of Xbox One. According to the The Verge report, the Xbox One sold 5000000, but the old rival Play Station 4 sales have exceeded 7000000. Microsoft Bing in American search market share increased to 18.6%, search advertising revenue growth of 38%, in contrast, Google's search advertising revenue fell for the first time. From the Surface closes for 500000000, grow 50% compared to the same period. The main revenue from the new version of Surface 2 and Surface Pro. Home Edition Ofiice 365 currently has 4400000 paid subscribers, the quarter increased 1000000 subscribers. From the Office 365 of revenue for 2500000000, revenue nearly doubled. From the sale of the Windows system of business enterprise is mixed, Windows sales year-on-year growth of 19%, while the consumption level Windows system sales fell 9%. Microsoft CEO Nadella said, even as Microsoft 22 years old employees, he want to use the new perspective to look at the old company. Starting in the first quarter, he tried to make Microsoft from quarter to rely on Windows and Office business expansion in the state, cloud computing and mobile devices opportunity. In the results of the meeting, the CEO also suggested that, Microsoft in "new opportunities to" wearable devices and things, preferential price and give different.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
Nadella quizzes: Microsoft profit ultra expected Windows meritorious service
In April 25th, according to the Financial Times website reported, because the software of Windows and cloud computing services strong sales help compensate for the negative effects of PC market remains in the doldrums, Microsoft third quarter profit more than expected. Microsoft third quarter revenue of $20400000000 -- essentially flat with a year earlier, with analysts' expectations, but 68 cents higher than analysts expected earnings per share of 63 cents. The same period last year Microsoft earnings per share of 72 cents. This is since the early 2 Sadia Nadella (Satya Nadella) since CEO first report as Microsoft surrender. The hero is Microsoft better than expected profits for the enterprise market Windows business revenue growth of 4%. Microsoft said, developed countries especially strong market sales. Despite the landslide Windows sales in the consumer market, but Windows XP services stop pulling the enterprise sales. Cloud computing products sales growth. The number of third quarter Office 365 Home users increased by 1000000 to 4000000, Azure cloud computing services revenue grew by more than 150%. In recent years PC sales growth is lack of power, and even the emergence of landslide, but the data show that, PC sales have been stable. Market research firm IDC released a report, first quarter PC shipments fell 4.4%, below analyst expectations of 5%. Another market research firm Gartner said PC shipments fell only 1.7%. In addition to the Windows XP stop service, analysts believe that PC shipments to another reason is anticipated enterprise strong demand, the reason is a few years ago the economic crisis led many enterprises are temporarily shelved the IT investment plan. Nadella in the earnings conference call with analysts expressed optimism about the prospects for Microsoft, and expounds the development of PC software Microsoft outside business strategy. Nadella said, "this is a calculation of omnipresent world, intelligent all experiences are dependent on the surrounding environment". Nadella said, Microsoft will give up long pursued strategies, namely the popular software and less popular hardware bundled together. He said, "in a computational omnipresent in the world, we hope that Windows omnipresent."
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cheng12345 · 10 years
Violin Windows, SQL Server Microsoft cooperation
Violin Memory has the Series 6000 flash memory array into the fusion server for SQL Server - storage engine, its main function is to transmit data directly to the application server memory -- which is more or less due to the Microsoft to lend a helping hand. The 6000 series of the flash memory array in two closely connected blade servers running Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 system. It also can be to run mode memory within the SQL Server 2014, and the database data is stored in the flash memory system. Two of these 6000 nodes to form clusters by 10GbitE, and the highest can be extended to four node scale. This is equivalent to provide up to 256TB high availability storage space, and support a range of needs to access the SQL Server application server. It uses RDMA and SMB Direct directly into the SQL source data application server memory, thus greatly shorten the end-to-end data access time. Step back and say, we have the equivalent of a set of data access speed is much higher than the network flash array network disk array. With respect to the number of double network application server with the same jump network array connected to the SQL database server is connected with the delay caused by the performance, this solution can make SQL software running in the array, which will halve the number of jumps the network and greatly improve the delay condition.
The WFA component Due to run in memory, so the load directly in the application server memory instead of using standard network connection, adapter and IO stack to transfer the data pointed to by the SQL software, which makes the execution speed is much higher than in the past. To improve the situation of network delay is roughly the same, but the cut object is the end-to-end data access latency. According to Violin's argument, the current Violin Windows flash memory array (WFA) is the only one to achieve the effectiveness of the flash memory array. The company points out at the same time, it has in the past twelve months and Microsoft expansion act with united strength, is to use the customized code will work closely with the hardware and software scheme of the latter. Violin company marketing director Eric Herzog said, this characteristic makes their products have a significant advantage all flash array beyond any one for the SQL Server 2014 data storage work, including EMC XtremIO and Pure Storage etc.. We believe this will help Violin gain the competitive advantage in the SQL Server 2014 server memory card market, the highest 256TB upward scalability, high availability, between a blade server and cluster nodes by failover ideal elastic implementation to pressed down rivals such as Fusion-io. In SQL Server 2014 this kind of special cases, the fusion server storage supply competitors include IBM Pure system, VCE, NetApp and Cisco FlexPod other Violin. In addition, Nutanix and Simplivity and other emerging enterprise also constitutes a threat to its. The WFA solution can also be used to run the Hyper-V Windows virtual desktop computer, and Violin will be in the case of sales at the same time, continue to promote the popularization of the Violin Atlantis VDI cooperation project -- the scheme uses the access server running on Atlantis software to the support of the VMware environment.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
Windows 9 If you would like to give up Win7?
Windows 9 is the next major upgrade Microsoft operating system, familiar with the development process of Windows 9 revealed that, in early 2015 will debut. The latest news of the Russian Wzor recently learned that, Windows 9 may be Microsoft first free operating system. This is not the first broke free version of Windows related news, before Microsoft not confirmed, you also don't take it seriously. We may speculate, Windows 9 if free, what form it will take free. First of all, Microsoft may provide free Windows permission to the OEM manufacturers or other partners, such can let more equipment installation Windows, but the price will decline. In this way, attract more users to buy new equipment, so as to promote a new version of the Windows effect. In second ways, is directly to consumers with the free version of Windows 9, if it is this way, then the system may contain advertising or pre can help Microsoft money making products. In addition, Wzor says, Windows 9 will be the second generation of Modern interface. Windows 9 in the non touch screen device and the server continues to provide similar to the start button, on a touchscreen device, the start button will be different, but the details are not clear. If the Windows 9 free, are you willing to abandon the Windows 7?
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cheng12345 · 10 years
The "Start Menu" button in August this year will return to Windows 8
In April 24th the news earlier this month Microsoft clearly said, "Start Menu" will return to the Windows 8 operating system. Although Microsoft was not announced a timetable, but according to familiar with the inner workings of the Microsoft know the time of day sources said, "Start Menu" is very likely will appear in August this year is expected to release of Windows 8.1 second update push package. This month, Microsoft operating system department and Xbox software chief Terry - Meyerson (Terry Myerson) was unveiled with the "Start Menu" Windows 8 prototype design. From the time of the demo, this design style is a fusion of traditional Windows 7 start menu and Windows 8 "dynamic magnet" some of the innovative elements. At the same time, Myerson also said, "Microsoft will allow Windows 8 'Metro' style application running on a desktop environment independent window." In this regard, foreign media technology The Verge, design by graphic designers design concept of Win 9 system a set of this design style and in his last year published very similar. After the industry had thought, Microsoft will be expected in the next year of the Windows 9 launch window function is true, but from the current news, Microsoft or will be in Windows 8.1 second times in the renewal on the launch of these functions. Obviously, Microsoft hope in the codename "Threshold" Windows 9 available to further accelerate the release schedule of these functions. In fact, foreign technology website ZDNet earlier this week reported about second Windows 8.1 updated content, and says it is a newer development will accelerate the update frequency Windows version. At present, Microsoft has made some interior modulation to want to speed up their own system update speed. It is reported, this is for Microsoft need to solve Windows 8 existing defects into consideration, on the other hand is due to Android and iOS competition forces Microsoft need to constantly issuing new function to maintain the vitality of the system. Overseas media pointed out, Microsoft will continue to promote the integration of Windows Phone and Windows RT products, and tries to operating system ARM processor based hardware to create a unified. At the recent meeting of the Microsoft Build developer conference, Microsoft announced will be free of charge to 9 inches below the mobile phone and computer equipment with Windows, it's almost certainly Microsoft in future versions of the Windows paving. The Verge analysis, this fusion is a part of developing Windows 9, the operating system is expected to be officially released in the spring of 2015. Previously, Microsoft has on many occasions hinted that he is the system development work, but never officially confirmed Microsoft executive company hopes to integrate Windows RT and Windows Phone plan. However, no matter Microsoft on future Windows products and how the abacus, 8.1 Windows second update will be Microsoft won some breathing time. Because if Microsoft in August joined the start menu in Windows 8, which will solve many familiar with traditional Windows user interface users complain about one of the most concentrated problems. For a long time, many users are calling for Microsoft should pay more attention to the desktop user experience, but the company appears to have accepted this part user views. "We will try our best to develop the desktop user experience." Myerson said earlier this month.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
The Windows 8.1 second update or will be released in August
Abstract: the first major update Microsoft just last week released Windows 8.1, apparently second times will come one after another. According to foreign media reports that ZDNet Windows8.1, the second major updates or will be released in August. The message says, the update cycle Microsoft are trying to shorten the flagship operating system, and accelerate the update of rhythm. It is not clear whether the Windows8.1 second major update will include the reorganization of the start menu, although great possibility. Because the recent rumors that the start menu will return before the end of the year. However, according to foreign media said, show at the Build2014 Conference on the desktop running Metro application may not appear in the update. Foreign media reporters, Metro application window operation may come in Windows9, until the early 2015 first. In addition, Microsoft also are working on a set of unified Windows SKU development tools, will also run on smart mobile phone and tablet computer, new development tools will not provide the desktop version, "at the same time, as far as I know, is unlikely to have Windows RT version." The main goal of the SKU may be mobile equipment based on ARM. In conclusion, the Windows 8 interface used to generate the PC user and flat computer user small misunderstanding and inconvenience, will be solved gradually by a series of updates.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
Microsoft and accelerate the update rhythm: August or in Windows 8.1 second updates
Abstract: the Windows system is generally every 2.5 to 3 years will be updated once, and before a year, Microsoft said it would accelerate the update speed, now seems to have done. Microsoft authorities encourage Windows team to accelerate the update speed, so in August or September 8.1 or Windows will have a Update 2 update.
Windows system version is generally every 2.5 to 3 years will be updated once, and before a year, Microsoft officials said, Microsoft will accelerate the update speed, and now Microsoft seems to have done. According to the Russian leak website WZor said, in September this year, Windows 8.1 will have a Update 2 update, on the ZDNET website Microsoft watcher Mary Jo Foley, Windows 8.1 Update 2 update in August may appear. Although the two source schedules are different, but all show, Windows 8.1 Update 2 update will be in a few months come to us. According the ZDNET site, the Windows team is now trying to re accelerate the system updates, Microsoft authorities also encourage the Windows team have a look can be completed in what time the fastest, do both in the next few months to have planned delivery. This is different from the Windows 7 and Windows 8 construction methods, the latter is careful planning, construction, testing and delivery, but the former is no longer over planning and construction. However, the Windows 8.1 Update update just called "Update", instead of "Update 1", so this probably implies that there will be no second update, so eight or nine months of this year's upcoming update is not Update 2, also has the possibility is the Windows 8.2. This may include Microsoft at this year's Bulid 2014 shows the new start menu, but also show desktop floating Metro application function, may not appear in this update. Enterprise users to quickly update not cold Microsoft operating system business vice president Terry Myerson said, the enterprise users may not want to have an Windows update every six months. This is also reflected in the Windows 8.1 Update update, Microsoft has relaxed requirement, update the constraint date from the original 30 days have been relaxed to 120 days. In addition Mary Jo Foley said, she did not hear Microsoft sources that will free a Windows message. The WZor claims, Microsoft is considering revising the Windows's business model, may offer a free Windows version to everyone, but need to subscribe to some function to use functions and features a full set of. This is similar to the Microsoft provides Office for iPad, while iPad users can download and use the iPad version of Office, but only subscribe to Office 365 to use all the functions. Mary Jo Foley points out, she had heard Microsoft plans to provide a unified Windows SKU to the OEM and consumers, but does not include the SKU desktop version and Windows RT, it can only run on Windows Phone and small size flat-panel computer.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
The latest news from the Win8.2/Win9/Win10
Windows 8.1 Update has released a few days, then we need to focus on the next generation version. Wzor Russian media bringing about Win8.1, Win9, Win10 latest news. Microsoft will launch another update to Windows 8.1 in September of this year, the name has not yet been determined, or Windows 8.1 Update 2, or Windows 8.2. In this version, the start menu will return. Windows 9 will be the second generation of Modern interface, the details not clear. Windows 9 in the non touch screen device and the server continues to provide today's start button, on a touchscreen device, the start button will be different, the specific details are not clear. It is worth mentioning that, Windows 9 may be completely free, Microsoft under discussion. The development of a new operating system Microsoft still, computing operating system called Windows Cloud cloud, we can see it as Windows 10. To realize the full function of the operating system network. In offline mode, Windows Cloud is similar to Microsoft entry-level operating system Windows Starter, provide only the most basic functions. It sounds like Google, Windows Cloud Chrome OS.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
Look at the scenery Microsoft plate issued new Windows 8.1 theme
Last Sunday western important Easter, in order to foil festal atmosphere, Microsoft released a number of new Windows 8.1 city theme in its official website, including the Japanese Manitoba natural scenery, beautiful New York, as well as night, for those who usually no idle time travel user, may wish to download for these new themes, the tablet computer to appreciate the beauty of the world.
First to introduce the Windows 8.1 new theme is from Canada's Manitoba natural scenery, its from photographer Hayley Elizabeth "Exploring Manitoba" works, contains a total of 19 free theme scenery, such as the city of the path in the park, golden prairie and arduous coastline.
In addition to the natural scenery, then we recommend the world's big city - the biggest and most busy New York. The group known as the "New York style" (New York Cityscapes) photos, providing a total of 19 markers greatly small site, the photographer Johnny Lam.
This group of subject name "perspective" (Perspectives of Japan) in Japan, including 15 from photographer Kazuo Nakadai's work. By bending the tradition and frame photography from a unique perspective to show Japan's many natural wonders and the city. Through this group of free Windows 8.1 theme we can from a different perspective to see Osaka, Tokyo and Yokohama Street beauty, as well as the scenery Nagano, Shizuoka Prefecture and kagoshima.
As the last of the group, is to come from the photographer Marc Schroeder "flame" (Fire), which show a deep red, orange and gold flame beautiful bright, impressive. To love the latest batch of 8.1 city Windows theme of the friends, may wish to use flat computer access Microsoft website for free download.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
Microsoft repair WSUS bug enterprise can update Windows8.1
Earlier this month, Microsoft was Windows upgrade server (WSUS) bug and the suspension of the enterprise to push Windows 8.1 Update update. Subsequently, the company quickly launched two "patches", unfortunately the problem seems to still exist. Now, Microsoft finally launched the WSUS 3 (or SP2) "final patch", (I hope) it can help customers to complete repair of the SSL and TLS enabled by default 1.2 problems. Microsoft has released the WSUS bug repair for download on the Springboard Series blog, also announced that has been installed in the PC Windows 8.1, but not yet downloaded last week's update customer solutions. Previously, the PC needs to be updated, in order to continue to receive the Windows 8.1 update. Blog points out, Microsoft have for these customers, relax this term. However, if the client needs to obtain any future security and software patches, still need to download and install the Windows 8.1 Update.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
Microsoft Windows 8 business: the last step floor care
Medical information exactly what problems to solve? Early in the network era 20 years ago, the hospital information system is considered as the core of the information department, hospital according to the section for the unit, by different vendors provide the medical IT solution. Now, with the development of mobile, Internet of things, big data technology, "the great value of data" is gradually recognized by people, from wireless, mobile nursing rounds, electronic medical records to patients, medical applications, mobile office...... Chinese medical industry quickly set off a wave of strong medical solutions Xia out storage case wave. Recently, Windows 8 commercial value of medical industry seminar held in beijing. On the meeting, director of information center of Peking University People's Hospital Liu Fan, assistant dean of hospital informationization development trend in the future and direction of the share. He thinks, medical information system in the future is a center with the patient, hospital patient data can be extracted from the system a lot from the sensor, the management and service for the patients in the whole process of a hospital. Starting with Windows 8, Microsoft hope provides an interactive interface and move more innovative solutions, and this is the future of healthcare information provides new ideas and possibilities.
Changes of Windows 8: commercial service in medical treatment Windows no matter how many versions, it is to solve the problem of the operating system. The operating system includes two categories, one is equipment management, two is the interface management. Equipment management usually refers to PC equipment itself, such as storage, display, and network application. From Windows XP, VISTA to Windows 7, Windows 8, which is the embodiment of the transformation of the design idea of Windows. General manager of Greater China Microsoft products division Windows Wei Qing points out, from the Windows 8, the concept of computer has changed, the latest trend is the ubiquitous computing and data everywhere. In this case, computing devices should be in what form, how the operating system and hardware manufacturers to design, to provide users with the ultimate solution is to consider the topic of Microsoft.
How to provide service for the medical system but? For the medical industry, Windows 8 has a lot of business functions, the Windows 8 will allow doctors to PC only as a tool, using its proprietary functionality, without regard to learn to use; on the other hand, Microsoft needs and solutions provider with Windows 8 the interface, system management, resource management, wireless management and other advantages together closely with real application, service to the doctor and patient. Wei Qing said, this is the core problem Microsoft faces now, and all this technology focus is to integrate data. Windows 8 and Windows Azure background, Office, Windows Store, Lync and other bundled together, from the operating system to the front end of the equipment, unified identity, provides end-to-end solutions for customers. These hospitals have guarantee absolute security for patient information privacy, put forward higher requirements on the multi account management, easy deployment.
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cheng12345 · 10 years
Enterprise users of Windows 8.1 Update upgrade grace period has been extended until August 12th
Abstract: as we reported recently, the user needs in May 12th 8.1 before installing Windows Update, in order to receive system patches and security updates for the following. But for enterprise customers, as the upgrade server (WSUS 3 / SP2) bug, Microsoft decided to give them a longer grace period. Of course, if you are not the business users, but ordinary consumers, so this period is still in May 12th.
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Microsoft in the official blog explains: "our company has been released by the monitoring contents, actively discuss new methods, to provide services for enterprise customers and listen to their feedback to the management and deployment time. In view of this, we decided to extend the deadline for corporate customers, 30 to 120 day grace period, to the deployment of these product updates. And in order to future updates received, all through the Microsoft upgrade server (WSUS), Windows Intune, or System Center Configuration Manager update user, still need in August 12 recently completed as soon as possible deployment. For those who decide to postpone the installation of the customers, a separate security updates will be announced on the 120 day window period".
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