chatfidele · 2 years
Takayuki has to admit, the brief translation of the kid’s name in Japanese brings a smile to his face as they walk. While for the most part his thumbs are hooked into the front pockets of his jeans, he lifts his hand and shakes his head as Noir talks of “secret identities”– it isn’t any of his business, and it’s probably safer he doesn’t pursue the topic for both of them. His real name is the last thing Takayuki wants to know about him.
More pressing is saying, “I’m surprised your father’s business took him here of all places. All the way from France?” He tilts his head in consideration (and to try and rattle his brain for the right words to say– if Noir’s going to be practising his Japanese with him, maybe he can try speaking in French again, even if his university days are far behind him). “Kamurocho’s been churning out more famous models these days, but I always thought international business worked better in the…” He gestures briefly, trying to find the word. “Less rough spots in Tokyo.”
Passing some people he knows, Takayuki lifts his hand in greeting when they call out chipper “Yagami-san”s. His course remains largely unchanged, however.
“Kamurocho’s Tojo Clan turf,” he explains. “And they’re some pretty powerful people here in Japan. It makes this town a hotbed for organised crime. The police don’t have a lot of, uh, wiggle room.”
Takayuki turns his head to the side, glancing down at Noir. “I suppose if you’re a superhero back in France, you might know something about that.”
Some of Chat Noir’s carefree nonchalance leaves him at the continued mention of his father. “ He doesn’t exactly tell me why he does these things either . He’s always been somewhat ... “ He pauses to consider how to translate. “ Eccentric , I guess would be the word . “ Especially after mom died, he thinks. The teenager is almost muttering as he explains. In this moment, he seems much more his age. It passes quickly though. He’s grateful for the change in subject, even if it’s a grim one.
“ Organised crime ? “ He repeats, considers it in the context of the city of Paris. Adrien Agreste has never even seen the streets of the massive city that are outside the rich area his father’s mansion is in. His father makes sure his body guard is with him if he has to venture further than a few steps from their front door. The man is paranoid after his wife’s disappearance, a reasonable conclusion. Chat Noir has seen more. Has caught glances from the rooftops he patrols almost every night. Has learned to view the city in a different light.
“ It happens . But the police do handle that as far as I know . Or ... “ He pauses, suddenly pensive. “ You could compare it to ' les Akumatisés ' - it’s what we call the villains we fight .The police never really stood a chance against them . By now they know to just let me and Ladybug handle it whenever they pop up . “ He explains. Then turns his head to Yagami-san in sudden realization. “ Is that what you were doing ? Protecting the city ? Is that why they were attacking you ? “ He offers a wide smile. “ I guess you’re a superhero too , like me . Is that why you’re out here so late ? “
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chatfidele · 2 years
“Superheroes don’t go to school” is said so simply, so honestly, that Takayuki doesn’t feel an ounce of need to argue it. In the end, this kitty cat child isn’t his responsibility, and Kamurocho isn’t exactly the right place to try advocating a better life.
He wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out the kid’s a runaway. At any rate, Kamurocho’s cops are too preoccupied with gangs and the yakuza to really have anything to say about children skipping school any more.
“I don’t know that patrolling is going to do anything,” he chimes in, “but you’re better off not making a nuisance of yourself. Once these people start recognising you” – there’s a brief gesture to the knocked out men around them – “they don’t stop. And they’ve got enough in numbers it’s a nuisance.”
He shakes his head, stepping away from the mess and cocking his head to the side for the kid to follow him.
“I’ll take the escort, though.”
Even if Takayuki’s thinking more about making sure this kid doesn’t get himself in trouble.
He turns sideways, scooting in the skinny space between two buildings, and from the beaten-up alleyway they end up on one of Kamurocho’s busy streets. As they walk, nobody spares the kid with him a second glance, but a boy in a catsuit is normal fare. The place has certainly seen stranger.
“You’re new here, huh?” Takayuki slides his hands into his pockets, his head turned to watch his companion. “If you’re asking about the violence.”
Then, in a rusty attempt at a French accent, he adds: “We don’t get a lot of foreigners this side of Tokyo, either.”
Ladybug and he don’t usually deal with common criminals, gangs or the like. Not that those kinds of things don’t happen in Paris, very much the opposite, but Akuma attacks tend to happen so frequently they wouldn’t have time to help the police with such mundane crime even if they would allow them to.
Here in Kamurocho however, Chat Noir has barely seen anything that could be called a police presence. No one even stepped in when this man was ganged up on. There must be more people out here needing help. On the other side, this guy seems local, so Chat Noir figures he must know better than him what this city is like.
And really, even the patrols they takes in Paris are more of an excuse for him and Ladybug to hang out than anything else.
“ You don’t need to worry about me , sir . That’s what the mask is for ! It’s hard to remember there’s benefits to having to keep my identity secret sometimes . “ He says with a light tap to his own cheek, keeping in step besides him.
Model and famous fashion designer’s son Adrien Agreste by day, superhero Chat Noir by night, He’s more used to getting stared at in public than not. He hadn’t expected differently here. But the change is more refreshing that he’d thought. He doesn’t ponder on it long, as his new friend’s voice quickly grabs his attention again.
“ Woah , you speak French ? “ He exclaims, now having switched to French himself as well. Trying his best to keep his Parisian accent simple so he’d have an easier time understanding. Even the small amount of it from a stranger already makes him feel less home sick.
He continues in French. “ Yeah , I’m from France . ‘ Chat Noir ’ , ‘ Kuro Neko ‘ , you know ? I thought it fit . “ He flutters his eyelashes in an exaggerated manner as he explains, turning his attention back to where he’s walking when he continues but keeping his stride playful. “ I happened to be in the city on business . I know it’s vague but ... Like I said , secret identity and stuff . I hope you understand . “ Technically, it’s his father’s business. But this man seems sharp, if he explains too much and he figures out who he really is Ladybug is gonna have his head. Or more accurately, his Miraculous. Just the threat of her disappointment is reason enough to hold his tongue. However difficult that may be.
Switching back to Japanese, both to let him know there’s no pressure in answering his question in French and because the practice is actually really useful, he asks. “ Is this city really that bad ? If there’s so much violence , why aren’t the police doing anything ? “
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chatfidele · 2 years
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chatfidele · 2 years
It’s amazing that stopping one motherfucker from sexually harassing a girl has gotten Takayuki on the shitlist of an entire alliance of hooligans. The Keihin Gang’s constant reappearance in his life has become more of a pest control issue than anything at this point; Takayuki wouldn’t even give them the time of day if not for the fact they terrorise everyone else in his absence.
So it’s not so bad, really, when he’s jumped by a whole horde of them. Takayuki had only sighed before getting into Crane stance, and while this supposed show of “disrespect” had only gotten his opponents even more cross with him, he’d continued on with fighting as normal.
But then the kid appeared.
In the moment, Takayuki could only afford him a brief look of confusion before getting back into the heat of battle. He’d kicked faces in, thrown men at each other, launched himself off of walls to take out groups, and as he manages a spin kick in the air, the way the young cat-looking fellow slides across the ground underneath tells him he’s on his side.
He’s never met the guy before in his life. Anyone in a suit like that, after all, would make an impression. By the end of it, Takayuki’s staring at his new companion instead of at the bodies around him, and hearing him talk has him surprised about more things than that foreign accent.
“I’m fine,” he says dismissively, not wanting to talk about himself, not when he has to ask, “But shouldn’t you be in school right now?”
Chat Noir likes to think of himself as an amazing partner to have in a fight. Ladybug’s tendency to suddenly change strategies mid battle having prepared him to be flexible even in the weirdest of situations with any type of partner. Fighting a group of criminals alongside a man that’s oddly good at combat (for someone without a miraculous, of course.) is really not that weird at all compared to the 72 times monsieur Ramier has been akumatized into M. Pigeon.
His reaction isn’t all that surprising, all things considered. Still, any Parisian knows who he is. Even most tourists that come to France have at least heard of him and his dashing Ladybug. He’s just not used to having to explain himself anymore. “ I wanna say ... No ? “ He replies, his hands placed on his hip after he put his baton away. “ My name is Chat Noir . I’m a super hero . Super heroes don’t go to school . “ He reasons, a bit too confident in what he’s proclaiming.
“ Is it usually so violent around here ? Maybe I should patrol around some more . Make sure there’s no further trouble . “ While concerned with the safety of the city, Chat Noir really wouldn’t mind the further excuse to stay in persona. There’s nothing better than feeling useful. “ And will you be okay ? I could escort you where you need to go if you think you’ll be in danger . “
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chatfidele · 2 years
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ADRINETTE: A FAIRYTALE artist credit: Gaëlle Avril [1][2] [ tmbr ]
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chatfidele · 2 years
&. 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  various  fluffy  dialogue  prompts  so  soft,  so  sweet,  just  for  you!  )
❛ i just wanted to make sure you’re okay. ❜
❛ there it is, there’s that smile! ❜
❛ you got me flowers? ❜
❛ i’m not afraid of you. ❜
❛ aw, did you miss me? ❜
❛ you’re lucky that you’re cute. ❜
❛ wait, you think i’m cute? ❜
❛ you’re not alone. you never were. ❜
❛ i don’t think i’ve ever seen you smile. ❜
❛ good morning, sleeping beauty. ❜
❛ it’s better with you here. ❜
❛ don’t worry, i’m staying right here. ❜
❛ you’re welcome to stay, if you want. ❜
❛ don’t be a stranger, okay? ❜
❛ i haven’t laughed like this in a long time. ❜
❛ hold still. this might sting a little. ❜
❛ you can hold my hand, if you want. ❜
❛ i knew you would be here. ❜
❛ i just wanted to say thank you for protecting me. ❜
❛ before you do anything, try this and tell me what you think. ❜
❛ wow i really can’t speak, huh? must be because of how pretty you look. ❜
❛ we can order pizza, watch a movie, whatever you want. ❜
❛ what, am i not allowed to look at you? ❜
❛ i’m not giving up on you. ❜
❛ is that my shirt? ❜
❛ this is a good look for you. ❜
❛ pinky promise? ❜
❛ c’mere, you. ❜
❛ honey, i’m home! ❜
❛ you remembered? ❜
❛ you’re my family too. ❜
❛ let’s go somewhere, just you and me. ❜
❛ i’m here for you. don’t forget that. ❜
❛ you’re the only thing that matters. ❜
❛ was that your first kiss? ❜
❛ i was worried something happened to you. ❜
❛ your heart is beating so fast right now. ❜
❛ relationships are built on trust, and i trust you. ❜
❛ you always see the good in people. even me. ❜
❛ do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are? ❜
❛ nope, puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work this time! ❜
❛ thanks to you, i know what it means to love again. ❜
❛ how about a kiss before i go? ❜
❛ i’m just glad you’re okay. ❜
❛ here we are, home sweet home. ❜
❛ thanks for being here with me. ❜
❛ seeing you happy is all that matters. ❜
❛ keep it. it looks better on you. ❜
❛ i couldn’t stop missing you if i tried. ❜
❛ you feel like home to me. ❜
21K notes · View notes
chatfidele · 2 years
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chatfidele · 2 years
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miraculous + change their appearance/costume
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chatfidele · 2 years
for @taaboh because he loves me so very much
Logically, Adrien knows Paris is safe in Ladybug's hands. That she could call on other miraculous holders if she really needed to. But he should have also known how much he would miss the freedom that comes with being Chat Noir. 
It’s risky, but after entire days spend being driven from modelling gig to modelling gig, while also being caught up with his piano lessons, extra languages and regular courses there is nothing he wants to do more than just explore the city. Adrien might not be allowed to leave his hotel room, but Chat Noir is.
He tried to stick to rooftop and shadows, of course. While Chat Noir isn’t an uncommon sight in Paris, he doubts the people of Kamurocho would find a kid in a black suit and mask complete with ears, tail and eerie looking cat eyes running around such a normal happening.
That thought is thrown away immediately when he hears the familiar sounds of a fight going down. Even quicker when he spots where the sounds are coming from, and it looks to be one man against what could almost be called a crowd of thugs. If he had watched a moment longer instead of jumping in at the first sign of danger he might have better assessed if his help was actually needed. Nonetheless, after his arrival it doesn’t take long for the fight to be over.
Despite the violence, there’s a big adrenaline fueled smile on his face when he turns back to the man he had fought alongside with. “ That was great ! “ He exclaims, finally finding a use for those Japanese classes, though his French accent remains hard to miss. He’s missed this so much since he left Paris he can barely contain his excitement. “ Oh , I mean . Are you okay , sir ? “
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chatfidele · 2 years
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1.26 vs 4.26
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chatfidele · 2 years
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“ TOI , THE GREATEST SUPERHERO THERE EVER WAS                                              LEU , THE PEOPLE OF PARIS
                                              ET MOI , YOUR LOYAL PARTNER !  “
Lev’s non selective, low activity CHAT NOIR / ADRIEN AGRESTE from MIRACULOUS LADYBUG sideblog to @leviathanmuses
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