chasingxcordelia · 10 years
So sorry I haven't been online!
My entire family caught some stupid bug that's going around..replies in the morning because I'm exhausted.
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chasingxcordelia · 10 years
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When I see you and Cordelia sparring, kyrumption always comes to mind.
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chasingxcordelia · 10 years
Reblog this if your inbox is open 24/7 for plotting.
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chasingxcordelia · 10 years
No limit
1.Kissed a girl?
2.Kissed a boy?
3.Had sex in public?
4.What’s your religion?
5.What does your URL mean?
6.Reason you joined tumblr?
7.Do you have any nicknames?
8.Do you like bubble bath?
9.Kissed in the rain?
10.Dyed your hair?
11.Soup or salad?
12.Vegetable or meat?
13.Go out drinking?
14.Smoke cigarettes?
15.Smoke weed?
16.Do any hard drugs?
17.Have you had sex today?
18.Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
19.The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
20.Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
21.Skipped doing homework to play a video game?
22.Tried to commit suicide?
23.The last time you felt broken?
24.Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt?
25.Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
26.Do you have Long hair OR short hair?
27.First thing you notice to a guy/girl?
28.Do you sing in the shower?
29.Do you dance in the car?
30.Where were you yesterday?
31.Ever used a bow and arrow?
32.Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
33.Do you think musicals are cheesy?
34.Is Christmas stressful?
35.Favorite type of fruit pie?
36.Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
37.Do you believe in ghosts?
38.Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
39.Take a vitamin daily?
40.Wear slippers?
41.Wear a bath robe?
42.What do you wear to bed?
43.Do you want to get married?
44.Can you curl your tongue?
Relationship preference:
45.How many relationships have you had?
46.How can I win your heart?
47.what makes a great relationship?
48.Shy OR open?
50.Religious OR non-religious?
51.Caring OR non-restricting of you?
52.Straight edge OR non-straight edge?
53.Piercings OR no piercings?
54.Tattoos OR no tattoos?
55.Quiet stay-at-home type OR party type?
ask me these, please? : )
984K notes · View notes
chasingxcordelia · 10 years
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"Angel" 100th Episode party
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chasingxcordelia · 10 years
Nap is much needed.
I owe a few starters, I'll write them when I wake up.  If you want one, simply hit like, or message me to discuss a plot. 
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chasingxcordelia · 10 years
Depends on the day. Mostly showers. 
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chasingxcordelia · 10 years
Put a symbol in my ask:
ᄏ: Play any instruments?
ω: Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what color(s)?
△: Have you ever painted the walls of your room?
【・ヘ・?】: Ever tripped in front a bunch of people?
*: When was the last time you tied your hair up? (if your hair is long enough)
旦: Last time you drove your car (if you can drive/have one)?
愛: Are you currently dating?
太: When it's New Year's, do you make New Year Resolutions and actually commit to them?
@: Ever felt attracted to the opposite sex before?
(`▽´)Ψ: Did you used to play hide-and-seek when you were little inside stores?
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ : Have you ever had to hug someone you didn't want to?
空: Did you ever throw up after one roller coaster ride or a few?
☆: Have you ever played games such as 'Spin the Bottle'?
⊙: Are you happy with where you are in life right now?
ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ: Have you ever wanted to flip a table before? If so, why?
ピ: Did you like Pokemon as a child?
(⌒.−): Are there times where you wish to go back in time and redo or fix something you regret?
♪: Do you find yourself singing or humming to yourself sometimes?
☁: Ever wanted to learn a foreign language?
(;° ロ°): Have you ever lost your wallet or purse?
ス: Have you ever swallowed gum?
♀: Tell me something that turns you on.
♂: Tell me something that turns you off.
≋: Post a picture of yourself.
⅚: Post the link if your current favorite song.
ღ: Post a gif of what you're currently feeling right now.
≘: Have you ever watched the sun rise?
☄: Would you defend a friend if they were in danger?
હ: Are you still a virgin?
➍: Ever been to a concert? Was it fun?
♛: Do you like group projects?
高: How often do you use headphones/earbuds?
ಲ: Headphones or earbuds?
♞: Showers or baths?
✗: Walks on the beach or in a forest?
⊙﹏⊙: Which horror movie scared you the most? If any?
^∇^: Has your best friend ever made you angry?
(._.): Do you think you are an awkward person?
メ: Cupcakes or muffins?
(●´∀`●): Ponies or Horses?
♯: Would you like to be able to fly?
(ノ´▽`)ノ: Ever done or considered to do drugs?
ℝ: What color shirt are you currently wearing?
Æ: What color underwear did you wear yesterday?
☪: Have you ever flipped off someone?
♬: Cats or dogs?
礼: Would you swim in the lake or ocean?
の: Chocolate or Vanilla?
◐: Have you ever seen a meteor shower?
ᄇ: Have you ever broken a bone?
었: Any tattoos?
싫: Any piercings?
ℨ: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Σ: Have you ever farted in public before?
ℋ: Tell us a recent awkward moment you had.
♔: Know the Duck Song? The Llama Song? Banana Phone?
۞: What shows did you watch when you were a child?
▼: Could you live without the internet?
Д: Strangest food you've eaten?
까: Cookies or brownies?
210K notes · View notes
chasingxcordelia · 10 years
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2K notes · View notes
chasingxcordelia · 10 years
Starters anyone?
Like and you shall receive. 
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chasingxcordelia · 10 years
Cordelia couldn't help but wonder how much easier this whole destiny and saving the world thing would be if people weren't so damn stubborn. She  it was a scary thing admit to yourself; knowing that the scary stories you had nightmares about as a child were all real. It was hard enough to admit to yourself let alone someone else, there was no going back after you said it out loud. She felt for him, she did, but an innocent girl was going to die tonight if he didn't listen to her.  "Do you remember that feeling you had when you thought you killed her?" Cordelia pushed, she hated that it had to be this way, that she had to put it so harshly but time was running out. "If you stay here tonight, she'll die. You will have to live with it for the rest of your life.. she won't be the only one you hurt either. It's never just one, you will kill again, and you will enjoy it. Is that what you want your life to be?" she questioned, sadness in her eyes as she pushed the closing door open again. "You have a chance to save her, to save yourself.. That's something most people in this situation never get. I know you don't want to admit it to yourself, what you can become.. but one way or another you will have to. I'm just offering you a way to prevent it before it's too late. Before she dies and you help him in his plan to create something so dangerous that will destroy so many lives, including the ones of those you love."  There was nothing else she could say, if he didn't listen now she'd have no choice but to take action. Something she didn't want to do, because she could feel the confusion and the fear. It was a scary thing for someone so young to deal with; she didn't expect him to understand it all. She did hope that he would see that she wasn't crazy, that all she wanted to do was help. "This isn't something that just goes away because you want it to, this is bigger than you and it'll always be who you are. You have the choice to fight it though, just come with me.. At least until the party is over."
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♔ Let Me Save Your Soul { Tyler & Cordelia }
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chasingxcordelia · 10 years
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chasingxcordelia · 10 years
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I think I am he only person who hates Cordelia. I never liked her in Buffy because I can’t just forget all the mean things she did, even though she did redeem herself with helping the scoobies. But Angel having feelings for her on his show was unforgivable. I feel Buffy should be with Spike but Angel deserves to be alone, since it’s why he left in the first place.
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chasingxcordelia · 10 years
Only in Idaho..
Do people rally to run a marathon in their underwear on a cold fucking day.  But hey, its for a cause so its okay.  ...this is where I live. I'm not leaving the house today. There are some things that just can't be unseen.   On that note, I'm bored. Plots? Like. I'll even write starters.
0 notes
chasingxcordelia · 10 years
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chasingxcordelia · 10 years
Lets. Like and we shall get something started. 
0 notes
chasingxcordelia · 10 years
{The vision was of something that was to come, it wasn't like an ordinary case; instead of one victim, there was an entire group of teenagers in danger. Plans were already in motion, the shadow creatures were already there.That's how Cordelia Chase had ended up in Beacon Hills, following a teenage werewolf through the dark streets. The town reminded her so much of where she had grown up, a place where the supernatural seemed to be drawn to.These kids were facing the same terror that she had been living with for years, and it was her job to help them fight.    When the male turned around and questioned her she could literally feel the pain he had faced, the traumatic experiences he had endured; it broke her her heart. No one should have had that life. Because of his past, the brunette beauty knew she couldn't lie about her reasons, not if she wanted him to trust  her. Being that he was already exposed to the world of the supernatural, all she could hope was that he'd believe what she was about to tell him.  "I was sent here to help.  There's a new threat, the shadow creatures.. You  and your friends are in danger. More danger than any of you realize."   Her words were vague, she realized that; the powers that be only gave her so much at a time, apparently giving her an idea of how to kill the creatures would be far too easy. Cordelia understood why, she had watched it on the higher plane. You had to achieve your goal with what you were given; she hated the rules, but she couldn't change them.}
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Isaac was walking home with a bag of groceries; he’d left the 24/7 a few minutes before, heading home to eat some of the junk food he’d just bought, possibly in front of a good movie. Werewolf metabolism had its perks after all.
It was late, so he wasn’t expecting to meet anyone, and he was surprised when he realized someone else walking a few feet behind him, going in the same direction. He started to find it unsettling when he noticed how the person was taking exactly the same turns he did. “Hey,” he said as he turned to look at the other, wary. After all that was happening with the masked creatures, the paranoia of possibly being followed never left his mind completely. “Care to tell me why you’re following me?”
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