charlydacat · 6 months
asriel: how his behaviour points to a case of abuse
(undertale spoilers)
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love, hope, and compassion: these are what monster souls are made of. these three virtues can be a major strength, but also a huge vulnerability.
many times we see love being taken advantage of in close relationships: parents guilt-trip their children, spouses are passive aggressive to their partners, and children will victimise themselves to earn favours from their friends. these techniques are so commonplace that nearly everyone has experienced manipulation in one way or another, sometimes without realising it until much later.
in extreme cases of manipulation, the victim will exhibit subtle symptoms, also known as red flags. these quiet clues are often the only way to recognise someone is a victim of emotional abuse, yet they often go unnoticed by friends, family, and even the victim themself. 
asriel dreemurr exhibits many of these symptoms of abuse both as a child and as flowey.
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charlydacat · 6 months
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charlydacat · 6 months
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charlydacat · 6 months
i am now a cat??
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zeekayart, with the power of phonetic pronunciation of letters, and general art snobbery!
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charlydacat · 6 months
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He draws wisdom.
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charlydacat · 6 months
Vaccines don't cause autism. Papyrus Undertale breaks into your house and stares at your baby like this
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Until they're autistic. Sometimes Undyne comes with him and this makes your baby gay. If Mettaton is with him. Baby will trans gender.
If Sans shows up all hope is lost the baby is ruined and it's first words will be "get dunked on". Throw the baby away. Start over. New baby.
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charlydacat · 7 months
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I hc Mettaton as an avid Sims player
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charlydacat · 7 months
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It's okay guys! Freddy's just nervous
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charlydacat · 7 months
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A little game of Catch the Caine gone wrong
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charlydacat · 7 months
Currently grabbing the Canon-but-not-canon stolitz images for a post, but I wanted to post this one separately. Here's their Instagram posts of Blitzø being drunk and then Stolas caring for him
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charlydacat · 7 months
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It's been chaos ever since
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charlydacat · 7 months
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drew some stuff on roblox spray paint,, it was fun but next time I should probably draw on a private server............
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charlydacat · 7 months
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* eh, i don’t really wear it anyway.
* …
* ….thank you.
@ut-side-character-showdown fanart
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charlydacat · 7 months
They just fit really well together. I missed them <3
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charlydacat · 7 months
I love Swatchton so much it is one of the most silly and most fucked up and most married and most divorced and most lovingly puppy love and old love. These two are opposites and so similar at the same time, holding hands, living a dream and losing their dream and losing that purpose.
A failed unfinished dream, a dormant hope resurected as an impossible machine filled with unimaginable power, abandoned but yet not forgotten. A last hope for someone who has nothing left and nothing left to lose. A foundation for a last hurrah in another two pairs of hands. Lighter and Darkner. Darkner and Lightner.
Swatch and Spamton's stories are intertwinned, a once valued customer, a shoulder to cry on; a crooked salesman stealing their look and stealing their forgotten dream; a butler who broken trust by only listening to the queen.
What a pity it is, that black is the colour of sorrow.
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charlydacat · 7 months
This is my big "what the fuck is going on with Swatch and Spamton" post. It's a little long (sorry). In the game, Swatch implies that Spamton imitated him, specifically as part of his plan to gain access to the basement and take the NEO robot.
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Swatch also shows that he isn't free to divulge details about these things and tries to misdirect and change the subject a few times, after accidentally revealing too much.
Swatch's use of the word "suitable" is also interesting to me, but I might make a separate post about that
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When spoken to after the battle with Spamton NEO, Swatch tells a little more of his side of the story.
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Even though the NEO robot was unused "trash" Swatch seems filled with regret over its existence and its wasted potential with the line "...but, in the end, nothing ever came of it."
It's somewhat reminiscent of the regret in Spamton's final monologue takes before he turns into Dealmaker: "It seems after all I couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet."
Swatch also reveals that he is aware of some aspects of Spamton's plans, his "twisted dreams."
How much does Swatch know about what happened to him? How much did Spamton tell him about what was happening to him before he was evicted? This is something I would be very interested to know.
Swatch's shop dialogue seems to imply Swatch feels used by Spamton. Swatch was fooled into thinking Spamton was trying to be his friend, got close to him to learn about the mansion, Queen, and the robot, and then tried to steal it. (And later succeeded.) Swatch's rare use of exclamation in "...that crooked salesman!" highlights his vexation.
This is easy to accept at face value since its in line with Spamton's desperate motivation to be uploaded into the NEO robot in-game, HOWEVER, the sweepstakes Q&A really shook things up because from Spamton's perspective things happened quite differently...
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Spamton seemed offended or confused (or both) at the suggestion that his change of style was part of his scheming. Spamton saying that Swatch stole HIS look, later clarifying that he "stole it back" from him, implies that maybe Swatch didn't always dress in black and white, or that both of them dressed similarly for a while on purpose, but changed back at some point after disassociating from one another. This isn't to say that Spamton did not at one time try to disguise himself as Swatch, but that there's more complexity to the origin of their monochrome look than meets the eye.
Spamton's comment also reveals that he considered Swatch to be a close friend and confidant when he lived in the mansion, who listened to him and comforted him, but Swatch's loyalty to Queen strained their relationship when his status fell and he was eventually evicted. This contrasts with Swatch's view expressed to Kris, that Spamton was merely using him as a means to an end. Swatch's own line "to think he was once a valued customer..." is even referenced in Spamton's reply, "to think he once pretended to be my friend," (etc)
Spamtons response is so interesting because it casts doubt on the reliability of Swatch's in-game dialogue. Swatch and Spamton seem to be operating on two different versions of what happened. It's very hard to say who the more reliable narrator is. Spamton often exaggerates and his meaning is sometimes obfuscated due to his glitches, but Swatch is being crushed under 300 layers of Forced Professionalism.
Swatch thinks Spamton was faking their friendship for selfish gain, while Spamton thinks Swatch was faking their friendship because he failed to prove his loyalty to Spamton as his friend was stronger than his loyalty to Queen (which is a lot to expect from a BUTLER, but nevertheless...), noting that "in the end" he only listens to her. From Spamton's perspective, before his elite status changed, his friendship was real.
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'Easels' is likely a reference to Swatch, since an easel holds a canvas (in Swatch's case, a digital canvas). CRT's could either be a reference to Queen or Tenna since both non-modern monitors and televisions use cathode-ray tubes, but its worth noting that he says Easels first.
Swatch repeatedly expresses reluctant compliance and exasperation with Queen's many and unusual requests in his shop dialogue, so his sense of duty to her is very strong, despite his weariness with her. Post Chapter 2, though, this isn't something Swatch needs to worry about, since she isn't a ruling Queen anymore. She's just Queen.
I will be very interested in seeing how Swatch's character develops as more Deltarune chapters are released. I don't know if he and Spamton will be able to become friends again or to reconcile post-chapter 2, but I would like to see more interactions and backstory reveal regarding these two in the future, especially considering the Q&A's suggestion that there is an unresolved misunderstanding between them. They share a lot of parallels such as: inability to act freely, not being able to speak directly, wasted potential/ruined dreams, and old regrets, aside from their similar monochrome + limited color designs. both spamton and swatch stand out physically from their peers of the same species. spamton is white while the other addisons are colorful. swatchlings change color like mood rings, but swatch is not shown to do this. not to mention both characters are shorter than their peers, which makes me hope that their connection will continue to remain relevant. There's certainly more that I could say, but I'll leave it here for now. These are mostly the things I wanted to cover that have been swirling around in my mind since the Q&A lore reveal.
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charlydacat · 7 months
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Red Devil
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