charlybradburry · 1 year
No need to explain. Makes perfect sense.
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I’m not going to explain
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charlybradburry · 2 years
Back to One-piece fics for a time! I loved this one!!!
Sleeping Beauty
Warnings: talk of death, angst, age gap (but not really), kid law, adult law
You pull your sleeve down to cover your patient ID bracelet and check your casual clothes in a nearby window before moving to the pediatrics’ desk. The pediatric ward has become your safe haven in the hospital and you found yourself visiting everyday. Your doctors were actually pretty pleased with you doing this despite your poor health and physical conditions because it seemed like your body was taking better to the medications and treatment ever since you started your visits. One even said that your passion to play with the kids there was more than likely what revived your hope to beat your disease.
“Ah, (Y/N) are you coming to visit again? You know you don’t have to dress up every time you want to come over and play.” You smile at the receptionist as you fill out the sign in sheet.
“I know, but I don’t want the kids to worry about me when they should focus on recovering themselves.” She nods in understanding as you set the clipboard down and make your way down the hallway with a wave goodbye to her.
You remembered your first visit down these halls. Your disease was only getting worse, you couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, it was hell. A nurse was wheeling you around the gardens in a wheelchair in hopes of getting your spirits back but your own hope had died a while ago. That’s when you ran into Rosinante. He had fallen out of an apple tree trying to grab one of the apples for his adoptive son. The spectacle was so funny that you had laughed for the first time in months. Soon after the nurse finished putting out the fire he somehow managed to catch on she introduced us. After an hour of talking he asked if I wanted to meet his son and so we went to visit.
“(Y/N)!” the swarm of children gathered around you and almost knocked you down.
“Hey guys! I heard Luffy finally got released, I hope your not to lonely with just me around.” They all smiled and assured you that they wouldn’t be lonely when you visit them everyday.
“The idiot cut himself so I don’t see why you were so worried about him.” You turn to see Law with a book in hand as he stood just out of the ring of kids around you.
“Law, that’s not very nice. Of course I worried about him. I worry about all of you.” You spoke as you made your way over to the boy. You would never say it out loud but he was your favorite, he was such a clever boy.
“You should worry about yourself before others, you look paler than before. Your not getting sick again are you?” You pick him up and carry him to his bed where you sat down, ignoring the protests of the other children about how unfair it was that Law got to be picked up. He was observant for his age. Most of the children when I first went to visit completely bought my lie about being really sick due to a liver problem, but Law didn’t buy it until Rosinante assured him it was true. You had told him before that you didn’t want to make the kids worry about you and that’s why you avoided the pediatric ward and he came up with the idea about a liver problem.
“You’re one to talk, I see you have another white patch. You’re the one that needs to be worried about not me.” you see a tint of pink appear on his deathly pale face and smile at the boy.
“But the ones on my back got smaller, I’ll be out of here in no time.” He huffs at you.
“What to do, I want you to be healthy but I’ll miss you when you leave.” You pull out one of the books Law always kept near his bed and shift him on your lap so you could hold the book better.
“Then you can visit me and Cora-san outside the hospital too.” You feel your smile falter a little. Leaving the hospital was very dangerous for you. If you suddenly had and attack or blacked out, you would die unless treated immediately and the hospital was the only place that had the materials to do so.
“Sure.” You tell him before you begin reading to everyone. The book was about a princess who was cursed into a deep sleep by an evil fairy and a brave prince who ventured to save her many years later.
“…And so the prince, seeing the princess lay in her deathly sleep, went over and gave the princess a single kiss. A kiss of true love and with that the spell was broken. Soon after they wed and lived happily ever after, the end.” You close the book and notice your audience was bigger than when you had started. Some off duty nurses and Rosinante stood by the door.
“Can you read another one?” one of the children asked.
“I’m sorry, but I have to go. I have an appointment to get to.” You set the book back where it belonged and moved Law from your lap but he quickly latched onto your arm.
“What appointment?” You saw his concern in his eyes and realized your mistake.
“Relax Law, I’m going to a dentist appointment. I’m actually a bit scared, I think I might have a cavity.” You made a dramatic face and succeeded in getting Law to smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow ok?”
“OK.” You moved towards the door and smile at Rosinante. Once in the hall you turned to the man. He would always visit Law everyday as well, but his visits were irregular so you didn’t always see the clumsy man.
“Your son is adorable.”
“He is isn’t he? I hope when he grows up he stays that cute.”
“No way, he’ll be handsome. You’ll have to beat the girls off with a stick.” You chuckle.
“I hope he meets a girl like you when he gets older. You’re so sweet, when he gets out I’ll tell him the truth and we’ll visit you everyday instead.” I chuckle again only a bit more bitterly.
“You don’t need to do that. Even if he’s healthy I don’t want him to worry over me.” He was about to say something when a nurse rushes over to you.
“(Y/N), I knew I’d find you here. Your going to be late if you don’t hurry!” and with that you said your goodbyes and left with the nurse.
“I understand, I will do it.”
“Wonderful, I’ll give you a few days to get your affairs in order and then we will do the procedure.” You nod and shake the doctors hand before leaving his office. The latest treatment wasn’t showing any signs of working and you were out of options. Your doctor suggested cryogenic sleep, saying that you passed the tests to qualify for it thanks to your high IQ and talents. After some talking you agreed and now were left to figure out how to explain it to the kids in the pediatric ward. Your parents would understand and probably even push for it since you would be frozen until the cure was made, guaranteeing that you lived. You didn’t have any friends anymore so that only left the crazy little children that didn’t even know how bad your condition was. As you make your way to your room thinking about how to tell them you couldn’t visit anymore, it happened. Your heart clenched and your lungs refused to intake air. Collapsing on the floor, you cough up blood onto the floor. The nearby doctors and nurses running to your aid you black out to the usual feeling of engulfing darkness.
(Y/N) was late. She was never late, everyday she would come at one pm on the dot. Law had even gotten a new book from Cora-san yesterday for her to read. He looked at the clock, it was three. He glared at the floor before hopping off the bed and going to the glass doors. She was probably just stuck talking to someone so he would go look for her. As he sneaks through the hallways towards the elevator he overhears the receptionist talking to a doctor.
“I wonder who will tell the children? I don’t think I could stand to tell them about (Y/N).” The receptionist said in a sad tone.
“It’ll definitely be lonely without her everyday. I heard she was being moved to the cryogenics room on the second floor though, so I guess she will at least be able to have a full life one day.” The doctor spoke with a sigh. Law was beyond confused now and decided to try and see if he could hear more.
“I still remember her first visit, she was losing her battle hard and I honestly thought she could drop at any moment! Apparently the disease she has is not only incurable but really rare and she has set the record for the longest living person known to have it!” Law’s heart dropped. She was sick all this time?
“Her doctors say it’s thanks to her visits. That her spirit came back after one of the parents of a long term patient in the ward brought her over.” He was going to say more but his pager went off and he left, this signaled for Law to move on. They said she was moved to the second floor so he pressed the button and followed the signs saying ‘cryogenics’ till coming face to leg with a doctor. He 'tch'ed as the woman leaned down to his level.
“And what are you doing here little man?” He didn’t see a reason to lie since saying he was lost was only going to get him sent right back to his own ward and the the worst that could happen in telling the truth was exactly that.
“I’m visiting (Y/N), can you take me to her?” He tried to look as sure of himself as possible and the doctor only smiled sadly at him.
“Sure, she is about to be put under so lets hurry.” And with that she led him down to a room with her name next to the door before knocking. “May I come in, I have a guest.” An 'enter’ was heard before the woman turned back to Law. “You can go in, I’m sorry you have to say goodbye.” Law’s blood froze over at her words. Goodbye? He didn’t want that.
When the door opened and he walked in the first thing he noticed was the large bed like machine with a door that sealed it in and a single window so you could look inside. Next to it was a series of buttons, knobs, graphs, and numbers on a screen. Then he saw (Y/N), sweat caressed her skin and her pale skin almost matched his. She wore a white patient gown and had a similar bracelet to his own on her frail wrist.
“Law, how did you get here?” You asked, the shock on your face only replaced with worry soon after. “Are you ok? You need to be back in your bed, it’s not good for you to be wondering around!” He couldn’t hold it in anymore and the tears soon began to fall.
“How can you say that when you look so sick?!” He yelled. “The doctor outside said I had to say goodbye, what’s going on!?” You weakly walked over to him, pushing an IV with one hand along with you. When you reached him you didn’t hesitate to swoop him up in your free hand and take him back to sit on your lap from where you was sitting before on the cryogenic bed.
“Can you give us a moment and find his dad? His name is Rosinante, Law will need him after this.” You asked your doctor and he nodded before leaving the room. “Law,” You spoke to him sweetly and he looked up at you still sniffing as his tries ran down his face. “I won’t be able to visit you guys anymore. I have to go to sleep.”
“What kind of sleep makes it so that you can’t see me anymore?” he cried.
“It’s a special sleep, a cryogenic sleep. Do you remember the story I read yesterday?” He nodded. “It will be kind of like the princess’s sleep only it won’t be an evil spell. I am really sick and the doctors can’t help me so they are going to put me in a good sleep so that in the future they can cure me and I won’t have to say goodbye forever.” Law understood, he just didn’t like it.
Rosinante knocked on the door before quietly entering. He shared a sad smile with (Y/N) before going to Law.
“Maybe I’ll be able to wake up in time to see you marry your own princess.” You say to him cheerfully, but he shakes his head and stands up on the bed next to her so they were at eye level.
“Just you wait! I’ll make a cure for you and wake you up!” He kissed your forehead before jumping off the bed and running into the hallway, leaving a stunned you.
“Maybe I will get a daughter-in-law like you after all.” Rosinante said with a soft smile.
“Don’t say that, he’s just a child. It’s true that he has adorable traits but I can’t see him like that. Besides, I may be a sleep even after his grandchildren pass away. That was my attempt at giving him hope that we may meet again one day.” Your doctor walks in and tells you it’s time. Your family came in shortly after saying their final goodbyes before the needle was pushed into your arm and you fell into your sleep. During this sleep they were going to attempt to get you back to a stable condition which would no longer be possible awake which is why you had to be put under today. Your last thoughts were of an adult Law smiling at you, if he was your age then maybe you would’ve fallen for him. To bad he would more than likely forget about you during your sleep.
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charlybradburry · 3 years
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
You call me a freak like that means something
Can't get your way so you insult me
I think we know the rest
Get it off your chest
I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
honestly it is SO goddamn funny whenever some straight man calls me a whore or a bitch or something like girl you think that shit hurts my feelings? my closest friend once told me i dressed like an accounting major going through her 2nd divorce while trying to get her oldest stepchild to call her once a month. THATS a real insult. try harder.
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charlybradburry · 4 years
this blog is pro turn signal
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charlybradburry · 4 years
Ok hear me out. I do understand why some people might be against abortion. But! Your choice matters!
If you don't feel ready for a child and for some reason your protection fails or you just were not careful enough that one time. You should always have the option to do so!
A child will change your life! And no one should have the right to make that choice for you!
Don't let people tell you what is the best choice for you! It is your life!
I'm only twenty two.
I started working two years ago.
I'm living with six roommates.
I am not ready for a child.
Heck I don't even know if I want children!
This is my fucking choice! And I won't let you take that from me and other people!
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charlybradburry · 4 years
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I don’t like to do what people expect.  10 Things I Hate About You (1999) dir. Gil Junger
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charlybradburry · 4 years
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charlybradburry · 4 years
Much needed!
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charlybradburry · 4 years
I love that the internet saw people comparing women and other alienated groups of people and went, “they’re dating,” and, “they support each other.” We’re improving as a society.
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charlybradburry · 4 years
Generation Z is “TOO YOUNG”
you say i am too young
too young to be a feminist
too young to know my own sexuality
too young to be depressed
too young to hate
too young to protest
too young to be an activist
too young
too stupid
too naive
and you are right
i am too young
too young to be scared of bullets ricocheting through my school, embedding themselves into my fellow classmates and having to watch as the life from my best friends once bright and hopeful eyes flickers out, knowing i will never be able to apologies for that stupid fight we were having, knowing i will never be able to laugh, smile, or talk with her again, knowing i will never be able to hug her again, knowing i will never be able to tell her i love her one last time
too young to be scared of being raped by a man while i walk down the street in my school uniform because i can feel his eyes watching me and i should have waited for someone to walk with me, i should have waited for jacky to have finished her test so we could walk together because now if something happens to me it’s my fault but i just wanted to go home to get ahead on schoolwork
too young to be scared of finding my friend dead in a sticky pool of her own crimson blood because slitting her wrists and watching the blood flow was better than living or finding her body cold and lifeless on the bathroom floor with candy colored pills scattered around her and stuffed down her throat because she’d rather go out in a loopy daze than try to withstand and fight the torment and i couldn’t make it in time to stop her
too young to be scared of seeing a familiar face on the news because jordan was black and looked older than his actual age and the white middle aged cop shot in “self defense” even though jordan was unarmed and innocent or because elias was muslim and was carrying a “suspiscous” bag and was shot and later died because the police officers thought he was a “terrorist” when elias just wanted to get home to his mom and little sister with a jewelry box to give them, which now sits in peices on the concrete floor
too young to be scared of finding my lgbt friends killled, abandoned, or sent off to a conversion camp because all they wanted was love and acceptance but instead they found hate and rejection because they were “disgusting sinners” who were just “confused” and katy is finally back from camp but she doesn’t even remember my damn name
too young to be sobbing with such lose and grief over people so dear to me who were killed and died too young because no one would help them because all of their cries were “fake” because they were too young to know “real” pain
too young to be scarred, bruised, bloody and beaten by a war i did not start or choose to fight in
you say i am too young
and you are not wrong
i am too young
too young for
S E L F   H A R M
G U N   V I O L E N C E
S C H O O L   S H O O T I N G S
to be normal to me
i should not be so desensitized by this violent reality
so yes, i am too young
but you cannot blame me
for my hyper awareness of our reality
my generation was born with information at our fingertips
and we have been told to sit still and be quiet
because the adults were talking
but you had your chance
it is now our turn to speak
and our turn to fight
because our rage is pure fire
and with every ragged breath we take
our lungs get more shredded by all of the hate and misery
that is ingrained so deeply in our society
you say we are “too sensitive”
because we are “hormonal teenagers who cannot control our emotions”
and therefore we “cannot have opinions”
but you can no longer invalidate our claims as we yell for change
because the DEATH of our classmates
and the BLOOD of our friends
has paved the path for this revolution
your generation may have won battles
but my generation will be the one to win the war
my generation will be the one to instill change and bring peace
because we grew up in a hating world spiraling into darkness and death
and dying was never our biggest fear
watching the world burn around us was expected
but we fully intend to repair the damage you all have so carelessly done
>>we are generation z and we will be the ones to rise from the ashes<<
started: 2:31 a.m.
finished: 3:49 a.m.
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charlybradburry · 4 years
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Literally Me
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charlybradburry · 4 years
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He got the slit ear only recently
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A loaf a day makes everything okay
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charlybradburry · 4 years
I'm gonna be honest. I was crying through that whole episode.
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12x11 “Regarding Dean” Because - and let’s keep the tragedy of Dean forgetting who he is and all this epiesode was about for just a second - Dean just looked so awfully young, cute and innocent in this scene
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charlybradburry · 4 years
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Reblog to let pansexuals and bisexuals be friends and to stop fucking pitting them against eachother in some sort of who’s valid contest because we all rock so stfu
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charlybradburry · 4 years
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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charlybradburry · 4 years
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charlybradburry · 4 years
Demon!Dean: *drunkly singing*
(Y/N): You take requests?
Demon!Dean, smirking: Of course, sweetheart.
(Y/N): Please stop.
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