charlieya · 10 years
Abso-fucking-lutely. Just no throwing yourself into oncoming traffic or shit like that while you're shit faced, that's just another free card back into this place.
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Finally, s-someone who understands. A b-beer or two isn’t going to kill me, like, fuck it, I’m y-young and I’m going to do what I want. Anyone who doesn’t agree with what I’m doing can p-piss off.
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charlieya · 10 years
If it isn't bad ass, at least it's damn original. Bucketlists don't have to have wants on them necessarily, I don't know. Just dumb stuff you want to experience and have fun with. Like I'd be down to go cliff jumping. If the time was right or whatever the fuck.
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Much too soon, Charlie. Well yeah, thank God we’re in a hospital. If the worst case scenario happened and I had some kind of allergic reaction, we’re literally surrounded by doctors and nurses. I guess it is a bad ass check off my bucketlist, you’re right. Because everyone wants to get stung by a bee at least once in their lifetime, especially on the face.
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charlieya · 10 years
Fuck what doctors say, bending the rules has got to be done every once in a while. Or maybe it has to be done often. Honestly, probably the latter.
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This ha-hangover is pretty ridiculous, my head has never hurt so much in my life—which is pretty fucking bad, considering I w-was in a coma from a head injury before. I probably should’ve listened to the doctor when he said that I should slow down my p-partying ways, but oh well, and at least the bathroom tiles are cold.
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charlieya · 10 years
Good talk, definitely.
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charlieya · 10 years
Sucks to suck. Poor bee. At least he went out with a bang. Too soon with the bee jokes? I'm sure they've got like shit tons of ointment around here anyways. But, still. Bee bite on your cheek is a bad ass check off your bucketlist or whatever.
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No, he’s just having a shitty day or something. He got me on the cheek pretty good, and it certainly wasn’t anything pleasant, but I’ll be okay. I’ve been through a lot worse.
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charlieya · 10 years
The cafeteria. By far one of Charlie's enemies during his stay at the hospital, if there was one thing the cafeteria lacked that he absolutely needed, it was actual edible food. He hated it to no limits, but he gets that hospital food is always going to be the generic, terrible hospital food that it's deemed to be. As soon as he set foot into the cafeteria, he glanced around his surrounding, eagerly looking for someone he could spend the next few minutes criticizing the food with. His eyes brightened up when he saw the familiar brown locks of hair that probably belonged to Florence, eager to catch up with his friend after a long day of doing actually nothing but playing cards with his nurse. "Flo, hey, what's up?" Charlie greeted with a wide smile, settling down in the seat next to her without another thought to it. "We're definitely living the good life with these greens," the blond boy attempted to make a joke, poking his fork at the vegetables that sat appetizingly on his tray.
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Florence, could feel prying eyes on her from every direction. Or, at least, that’s what she conjured up in her mind. It made her tan skin crawl — this was her least favorite part of the day; lunch. Her frail body fidgeted in her seat. God, how she hated the cafeteria, and why she thought coming down here to ‘eat’ would be easier than being fed in her room, was unbeknownst to her. But, here she was suffering through her meal — a meal she wasn’t even the slightest bit hungry for — while trying her hardest to move pieces around to, at least, make it appear she was choking down the disgusting meat on her plate. Even if the hunk of junk wasn’t making it down her esophagus and into her bone-thin stomach, successfully. Then, as if someone above wanted to see the fragile brunette squirm, she heard a voice from above. Florence’s face contorted into something of annoyance, but she refused to let it off. Because, she was ‘eating’, people were normally in good spirits when they ate. So, she forced a smile out and prayed to God they didn’t want to sit with her during, this god-awful meal. 
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charlieya · 10 years
Um, right. I probably should go before Jesus does it for me, but I feel bad not knowing what you like or anything. 
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I already have. So you can go away now.
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charlieya · 10 years
Charlie couldn't help the small smirk creeping up his lips, letting out a howl of a laugh when Maggie shoved his shoulder without a care. "I would absolutely never dare, Maggie Foster. Cross my heart and hope to die." Charlie replied with a soft chuckle, grinning at Maggie with his usual goofy trademark smile. "Soap operas and cereal? Shit, didn't know you were turning into such a diva, Mags," Charlie pointed out with a childish expression, glancing at the girl with a fond look in his eyes. The blond furrowed his eyebrows worriedly by instinct when he saw a quick flash of pain across Maggie's features, only choosing to stand to his knees real quick. "Mags, you okay? If you fall over, I seriously have to be standing to catch you. Total Superman complex I've got going on, yup, but seriously. Don't hide it, you know that doesn't work with me. Just let me know if you're feeling bad." Charlie shrugged his shoulders when the girl perched next to him asked him what they should plan for the rest of the day, Charlie yawning a bit before glancing over to her with a mischievous look in his eye. "Let's rob a bank. Let's go be as Bonnie and Clyde as we can be in this boring ass place."
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Maggie rolled her eyes at the blond boy and pushed his shoulder playfully. “Don’t ever scare me like that, Charles Hughes." She said, heavy on the sarcasm. She reached for the remote and switched off the boring soap opera that was playing on the television. With a grunt, Mags lifted herself off of her chair and plopped down right next to her best friend. She curled her legs up to her chin and rocked back and forth next to the boy. He had his normal look of ‘I’m-an-idiot-but-you-love-me-anyways’ spread across his face and Maggie couldn’t help but grin. She winced a few moments later, feeling a sting in her hip. Trying not to make a big deal out of it, she pretended like it never happened. "What do you wanna do today?" She asked, running out of ideas to do in the brightly lit hospital. 
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charlieya · 10 years
Thanks, though, really. I appreciate it a whole lot. I don't wanna push the envelope or anything, but a good movie would make Christmas seem like another typical Tuesday.
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The nurses might hate me for bringing them, but it’ll be worth it. Any other things you like? They can be anything. Books, movies, games…
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charlieya · 10 years
No fuckin' way. You haven't been eating this shit for the whole time have you? 
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Dude you totally have to hook me up i have been eating nothing but the shitty cafeteria food and every once in a while i can convince a nurse to buy me something from the vending machine as I already ran out of money to do it myself. 
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charlieya · 10 years
So the jerk bee is no longer a jerk. That happened pretty damn quick. But, shit, a bee bite to the face? That sounds like absolute hell.
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I learned that when I was younger, I think. Pretty sure it’s true. Poor little buddy, he was clearly frustrated because some other douche bee probably jacked his honey or something awful like that. He had to take his anger out on something, and of course, it happened to be my face. I hope he doesn’t have to pay the ultimate price for his mistakes.
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charlieya · 10 years
You're preaching to the choir here, hospital food is a drag. If we had hot pockets, people would definitely be crackin' jokes more often.
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They need to get some good food in here, maybe then the patients would be happier about having to stay in this dump. 
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charlieya · 10 years
Damn, good thinking. It's weird, she can't live without peppermint in her mouth twenty four seven.
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I’d even be willing to buy her a new pack of gum for her to chomp on.
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charlieya · 10 years
I may have to play dirty sometimes, but not that kind of dirty. But Twister isn't that bad, can't knock it till you try it. 
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Besides the fact I’d rather not have you groping me?
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charlieya · 10 years
It's definitely great to meet you, too, Aubrey. You're definitely a keeper, I could live off those things for days.
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I’m Aubrey. It’s nice to meet you! Really? I’ll be sure to get a lot of hot sauce packets so you can keep them under your bed for emergencies. 
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charlieya · 10 years
This YouTube add thing was talking about how bees die every time they sting someone. I don't know if it's bullshit or anythin', honestly. One of those dumb ass things you can't forget, you know? He probably didn't know what was coming.
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Strangely, it doesn’t… Maybe he was just having a bad day. Doesn’t mean the little dude should die for it. Now I’m a little sad, actually. 
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charlieya · 10 years
Crossing my fingers until Jesus himself arrives and pulls me out of this hospital. So, why don't you like Twister? That game can probably end wars, man.
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Unless he can reach down and take you out of here, you’re going to have to walk yourself out.
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