charizz14 · 16 days
4th Blog
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For my final blog, I would like to share the key insights I gained from the insightful lecture series on various entrepreneurship topics.
The discussion on Intellectual Property Rights was particularly enlightening. I now have a deeper understanding of the different forms of IP protection, such as patents, utility models, industrial designs, and trademarks. Safeguarding one's innovations and creations through these legal mechanisms is crucial, as it can provide a competitive edge and ensure the fruits of one's labor are rightfully protected.
Furthermore, the lecture on Startup Ecosystems and Digital Transformation opened my eyes to the dynamic and evolving nature of entrepreneurship. I learned that startups are not just about having a great idea, but also about scalability, disruptive solutions, and a strong business model. Differentiating startups from traditional small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will be essential as I explore my own entrepreneurial journey.
The insights shared on the Philippine startup ecosystem and the government's initiatives, such as the Innovative Startup Act and the Digital Startup Development and Acceleration Program (DSDAP), have inspired me to explore the resources and support available for aspiring entrepreneurs like myself. Connecting with the local startup community and leveraging these programs could be instrumental in turning my ideas into reality.
Lastly, the personal experiences and challenges shared by the speakers, ranging from financial struggles to the emotional rollercoaster of entrepreneurship, have provided a realistic and relatable perspective. I now have a better appreciation for the resilience and determination required to succeed as an entrepreneur, and I am better prepared to navigate the ups and downs that may lie ahead.
As an IT major, this minor subject on entrepreneurship has been a transformative experience, helping me open my horizon to the world of business and innovation. When I first started this course, I had little to no knowledge about the intricacies of entrepreneurship. However, over the duration of the lecture series, I was able to gain a wealth of insights that have greatly expanded my understanding. Initially, I was quite unfamiliar with the various concepts and terminology related to entrepreneurship, such as the different forms of intellectual property rights, the defining characteristics of startups versus traditional small and medium enterprises, and the dynamics of a startup ecosystem. However, as the lectures progressed, I was able to grasp these fundamental principles and develop a more comprehensive perspective.
The most impactful part of this journey, however, has been the opportunity to learn from the personal experiences and challenges shared by the guest speakers. Hearing about their financial struggles, emotional rollercoasters, and the resilience required to succeed as an entrepreneur has provided me with a realistic and relatable understanding of the entrepreneurial journey.
This newfound knowledge and appreciation for entrepreneurship has truly been a game-changer for me. As I move forward, I am excited to apply these learnings and continue exploring the boundless possibilities that the world of entrepreneurship has to offer. The insights I've gained have not only broadened my horizons but have also ignited a genuine passion within me to potentially embark on my own entrepreneurial endeavors in the future.
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charizz14 · 1 month
3rd blog
As we come near to the end of the semester, our entrepreneurial journey with the "Student's Essential Box" continues to unfold, filled with invaluable insights and lessons learned. Through a series of in-depth interviews with university students, we've gained a profound understanding of the unique challenges they face in their daily lives, which has been instrumental in shaping the development of our service.
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Czel, a student at CMU, expressed the burden of balancing a packed academic schedule with the need to regularly visit multiple stores for essential items, as the distance from their residence to the city center made this task particularly inconvenient. Additionally, Lavi shared her frustration with the limited availability of fresh and affordable grocery options near the university campus, often having to compromise on quality or spend more than they could afford.
Based on these insights, we hypothesized that a comprehensive delivery service catering to the diverse needs of students could significantly improve their daily lives by addressing the key pain points they face.
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In the previous weeks, our team faced a crucial decision regarding the service options for the Student's Essential Box. We had to choose between offering a basic delivery service or a premium one, each with its own set of advantages and considerations.
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After careful deliberation, we decided to provide a basic delivery service to ensure that our offering remains affordable and accessible to all students, while still maintaining a high level of quality and reliability. This decision was made to strike a balance between customer convenience and the affordability of our service, recognizing that many students operate on tight budgets.
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The lessons we learned from this decision-making process are invaluable. Firstly, we recognized the importance of understanding the financial constraints faced by our target customers and ensuring that our solutions are tailored to meet their needs without compromising on quality. Secondly, we learned the significance of prioritizing accessibility and inclusivity in our business model, as this aligns with our mission to support the diverse needs of the student community.
Throughout this entrepreneurial journey, I have learned so much about the importance of customer-centricity, strategic decision-making, and the value of adaptability in the face of changing circumstances. These lessons will surely be invaluable as I continue to navigate the world of entrepreneurship and seek opportunities to create positive impact in the lives of those around me, even as an IT student.
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charizz14 · 3 months
2nd Blog
In our quest to understand the challenges faced by students in the university, we conducted interviews with several individuals to gain insights into their daily struggles. One of the main issues highlighted by the students we interviewed was the distance of the city proper from their residence, making it inconvenient for them to travel back and forth for grocery shopping or buying essentials. Additionally, many students expressed concerns about the lack of time due to their busy academic schedules, which often left them with little to no time for such tasks. Some also mentioned issues with wifi signals, garbage disposal, and long lines during attendance checks at school events.
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Based on our findings, we identified the problem of grocery shopping as a significant pain point for students. To address this issue, we came up with the concept of the "Student's Essential Box," a service aimed at providing convenient and value-added solutions for busy students, supporting both their academic and personal lives. The Student's Essential Box was designed to tackle the key issues faced by students, including lack of time and transportation, limited access to fresh and affordable options, and overall inconvenience.
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In the past week, our team made a crucial decision regarding the options for the Student's Essential Box. We had to choose between what service to offer to our customers. After careful consideration, we decided to provide premium delivery services to ensure that students receive their essential items promptly and conveniently. This decision was made to prioritize the convenience and satisfaction of our customers, recognizing that timely delivery is crucial for busy students with packed schedules.
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Throughout this process, our team learned valuable lessons about the importance of understanding customer needs and preferences. By conducting interviews and gathering feedback, we were able to pinpoint the specific challenges faced by students and tailor our solutions to address these pain points effectively. Additionally, the decision to offer premium delivery services underscored the significance of prioritizing customer convenience and satisfaction in our business model.
In conclusion, the journey of developing the Student's Essential Box has been guided by a deep understanding of student needs and a commitment to providing solutions to enhance their daily lives. By listening to our peers and fellow learners, testing hypotheses, and making informed decisions, we have been able to create a service that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of busy students seeking convenience and value in their essential shopping experience.
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charizz14 · 4 months
1st Blog
As a first-year college student diving into this subject, I've already learned so much during the introduction. Firstly, I learned that entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business, but about seizing opportunities and pursuing them with passion and determination. It's all about creating and producing goods for the benefit of everyone around us.
I also discovered the different types of startups, from the small sari-sari stores to the game-changers like Jollibee and Lazada. And let's not forget the disruptors in Silicon Valley, like the rebellious innovators who challenged the norm and changed industries.
One of the most important lessons I've learned is the need for a change in mindset. As entrepreneurs, we need to think strategically, be open to new ideas, and embrace uncertainty. It's not just about having a brilliant idea but also validating it, creating a solid plan, and executing it with determination.
So far, it's been an eye-opening journey, and I can't wait to learn more!
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