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Software as a Service is the modern billing system, where engineers can store the applications on cloud and access them by connected devices. Moreover, it is the distribution billing system where third-party businesses manage the installation, development, maintenance, networking of app on the cloud. A perfect example is Microsoft office 365.
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Recognizing Revenue Loss-Chargemonk
Subscriptions accentuate retention and customer acquisition, and correctly so. Finally, building the lasting relationships with the customers brings success for a sub-com company. Though, there is one more very crucial factor that goes neglected often and that is the revenue loss happening at different phases of the business lifecycle.
A huge part of such loss can be brought back and reclaimed into the revenue flow by performing an in-depth scrutiny to recognize the areas that are not delivering as expected and taking an appropriate measure.
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Software as a Service - Billing Platforms
With the help of the SAAS billing system, organizations subscribe and begin utilizing the service without concern about the complex IT infrastructure or software development instantly. Moreover, SAAS provides you scalability with which you can include new modules and features easily. It offers you the flexibility in payments that organizations can purchase the blades that they need despite buying the whole modules of an application. Also, it provides accessibility by which customers can access applications from anywhere. Automatic update providers can update the apps, thus enhancing the functionality of the use.
Usage-based billing software or Metered billing software like ChargeMonk is the billing system that creates bills for service or product used by clients as per usage. Such platforms utilize the latest software solutions to monitor the service or product created for an invoice of each client
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Self-Service Subscription Management Portal - Customer Portal
With subscriptions customer portal of ChargeMonk, your customers can check data about their invoices, subscriptions, and payments performed by them. They have the power of customization. With the API of ChargeMonk customers can update their contact details and card right from the app and also from the portal. They can modify their current plans to customize the feel and look of your customer portal.
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Recurring Payment Software for Marketing Agencies
In case you run a consultancy or marketing agency, you might have experienced what a hassle billing can be. There is a lot to do with billing like managing invoices, chasing clients to pay their bills, managing spreadsheet data and seeing the projects get stale prior to achieving a payable milestone. However the recurring payment software for marketing agencies like ChargeMonk can help your cash flow woes become a thing of the past.
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It is web-based software for the recurring billing that impeccably integrates with all the versions of Xero, QuickBooks, and the other accounting software known among the marketing agencies. It has all the tools you require to automate and set-up recurring billing. To set up retainers was a challenge, and the monthly invoices had no assurances of getting paid.
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Simple Recurring Billing Software for Rental Companies
You understand how annoying collections are in case you manage your own property, late payments and bounced checks can be a recurrent headache. And in case you handle someone else’s property, there is the additional trouble in explaining past-due collections to your customers, the property owner. What if there was better, easier, and simple recurring billing software for rental companies to handle the rent collection at your business?
The business of property management has no less challenge. From the property maintenance and upkeep to the legal liabilities, you have got plenty on your plate and that is before you factor even in the no.1 headache for the property managers and that is collections.
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Meter Billing Software - ChargeMonk
Metered billing software like ChargeMonk is the billing system that creates bills for service or product used by clients as per usage. Such platforms utilize the latest software solutions to monitor the service or product created for an invoice of each client
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Chargemonk is experienced in automated dunning and ready to help you automate the collection of missed subscription billing payments. 
#subscription #saas #billing #payments #chargemonk
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Recurring billing software
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Subscription Billing with ChargeMonk
An adaptable SaaS that provides powerful tools for membership management, automated billing, member and customer communications, and more, ChargeMonk provides value to you and your users alike .Its pricing engine, handles the tier or volume pricing smartly with the AI-enabled tools providing data-driven and accurate suggestions and recommendations.
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Recurring Revenues in Subscription Commerce
As we know that the growing number of companies have turned into a subscription-based business model, moreover subscription commerce has witnessed exceptional growth in the previous couple of years. No matter it is B2B or B2C businesses, all of them gain profit from the subscriptions, providing an edge over their competitors.
A subscription commerce business, regardless of how thriving it is, cannot improve its revenue inevitability without recurring revenue model like ChargeMonk. The business requires evaluating the various stages of the development to recognize the bottlenecks carefully.
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Automated recurring billing Software
Providing Out-of-Box Benefits
ChargeMonk's offers out-of-the-box features such as "Reactivating or Pausing a subscription". Such an open source of customer portal helps in improving the purchase cycle experience of customers. By offering your customers with the bunch of self-serve options will diminish the requirement of your customers to communicate with you for their billing requirements and account management. This provides you time to focus on the other features of managing and growing your business.
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Automating collection processes will save you an incredible amount of time and help to maintain your cash flow consistently.
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Developer-Friendly API
For a business like ChargeMonk, whose main focus is a website application, the API is a facilitator often for shifting the company from just another app to the platform for developers. Whenever an app becomes a platform, developer’s participation can move the business ahead. Maintaining and cultivating a high quality API, an easy to use allures developers to create on your application in an innovative ways. Enhancing this behavior is commonly valuable for both the parties. New apps can take an advantage of data and work from the previous apps, and customers accept the greater value out of the applications that are capable of such interactions.
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Self-Service Subscription Management Portal
ChargeMonk's subscriptions eradicate complexities by providing an open API’s to help you customize your software completely and get your business initiated with the subscription billings. Actions can be automated by you in other systems in reply to the triggers from ChargeMonk's robust and powerful integrations with the help of Web hooks. By offering you a much required eliminating complexities, and layer of abstraction ChargeMonk's API is created to manage all your billing edge cases without disturbing your working code. Not to mention the profound client libraries, exhaustive web-hooks, and API documentation that just would make the life simpler!  
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