chantedmountains · 2 years
Small Ways to Incorporate Hekate Worship/Devotion into Your Everyday Life
-Hekate is the keeper of keys, so add a Hekate charm to your key ring
-Hekate is the torch-bearer/fire-bearer, so pray to Hekate every time you light a candle and light small candles on Her shrine as offerings (I like to do this at least once a day)
-Go on walks to your local crossroads and maybe leave Her some gifts there
-If you have a dog, give your dog some treats in Hekate’s name
-Leaving offerings by your doorways to thank Hekate for protecting your home
-Hekate has a lot of epithets, so spend some time during your day researching one and how it relates to Her worship
-If you have a garden, grow plants that are sacred to Hekate; watering them can then serve as a devotional act
-Pray to Hekate every time you pass a new threshold
-Cook with garlic, almonds, cinnamon, or saffron, some plants holy to Her
-Donate to charities you care about in Hekate’s name, just as the Deipnon was seen to become a kind of charity
-Take time each day to thank Hekate for all that She has given to you
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chantedmountains · 2 years
Offerings for Hekate
In case you don’t want to read this whole passage, I have highlighted the offerings. 
Traditional offerings to Hekate consisted of a lot of animal sacrifice, but so did most of the Ancient Greek gods. But, her offerings also had components of other kinds. One such example is found in the Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes (the edition I quote from is the Penguin Classics Voyage of the Argonaut). In this quote, Medea, the witch priestess of Hekate, instructs Jason on how to make an offering to Hekate:
”Wait for the moment of midnight and after bathing in an ever running river, go out alone in sombre clothes and and dig a round pit in the earth. There, kill an ewe and after heaping up a pyre over the pit, sacrifice it whole, with a libation of honey from the hive and prayers to Hecate, Perses’ only Daughter. Then, when you have invoked the goddess duly, withdraw from the pyre. And do not be tempted to look behind you as you go, either by footfalls or the baying of hounds, or you may ruin everything and never meet your friends alive”
(Page 136, Book III, lines 1002-1044)
The methods used here to perform the offerings were very common for deities like Hekate. She is a chthonic deity which means she resides in the Underworld, or at least lives there sometimes. When performing offerings for these deities and for the dead, they would be poured/sacrificed directly onto the earth, or in most cases a pit that was dug. Also in this passage, we see two offerings: honey and an ewe. Also noticed is the suggestion not to look back. This is quite a common practice when honoring chthonic beings such as Hekate.
Another passage which describes an offerings to Hekate comes from a later Latin (which is probably considered a little less traditional) text that also discusses the workings of the witch priestess Medea:
“As she came Medea stopped before the threshold and the door; covered by the sky alone, she avoided her husband’s embrace, and built two turf altars, one on the right to Hecate and one on the left to Youth. She wreathed these with boughs from the wild wood, then hard by she dug two ditches in the earth and performed her rites; plunging her knife into the throat of a back sheep, she drenched the open ditches with his blood. Next she poured upon it bowls of liquid wine, and again bowls of milk still warm…”
(Ovid’s Metamorphoses page 128 from book VII in the Barnes & Noble Classics edition)
Again, we see the sacrifice of a sheep, but this time, there is the edition of wine and milk.
As seen, though animal sacrifice is a common motif, there are offerings which require no animal bloodshed. The philosopher Porphyry in his work On Abstinence expanded upon this by writing about other offerings given to Hekate:
“He diligently sacrificed to them at proper times in every month at the new moon, crowning and adorning the statues of Hermes and Hecate, and the other sacred images which were left to us by our ancestors, and that he also honored the gods frankincense, and sacred wafers and cakes.”
(Porphyry On Abstinence quoted in Hekate: Liminal Rites by Sorita D’Este)
Porphyry’s quote displays a few offerings: frankincense and sacred wafers and cakes. Incense was a common offering to the gods, and remains so today. However, incense was not usually given to chthonic deities. This is slightly different for Hekate most likely because she was not always in the role of a chthonic deity. She was often honored in an ouranic, or heavenly, aspect. This could account for the offering of frankincense.
Some more offerings recommended are found in Sorita D’Este’s book Hekate: Liminal Rites, which I think is a must read for any Hekate follower. In the book she includes a chart which lists offerings of garlic, mullet, eggs, and cheese. Though this book is modern, these are often commonly accepted as traditional offerings to Hekate. She also references cakes called amphiphon which is described as a “flat cheesecake which was surrounded by small torches” offered to her at the Deipnon.
I have outlined some traditional offerings to Hekate, but I have some of my own that I find she enjoys from my experience honoring her. I have found that candles, scented or unscented, sprinkled with her sacred herbs make good offerings, not only for the evaporation of substance, but for the presence of a flame. As a torch-bearing goddess, I figured she might like fires. Another offering I give to her is just a modification of a traditional one. When offering milk to her, I sprinkle cinnamon in it for extra flavoring. Another thing I have found to be an effective offering is blood. I often give her my blood on festivals and celebrations, but I also offer it to her when I am in serious need of her assistance. These offerings aren’t really traditional, but they have worked well enough for me!
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chantedmountains · 2 years
Signs from Hekate
The question I receive the most on here is people asking me to interpret signs or whether or not something may be a sign from Hekate. So I decided to make a post about it. A caveat first though, this is not definitive and is not authoritative. These are my opinions based on history and my personal experiences. If you want to disagree with me that’s fine, and that’s allowed, I’m only expressing these things because I’ve been repeatedly asked. With that being said, let’s get into it.
Am I Seeing Signs?
This is probably the question I get asked the most. And it’s a complicated one. Ultimately, I cannot tell you whether or not something is a sign from Hekate. I would not dare say that I could discern that, as She is a goddess and I could not hope to know all that She does. But here are my general thoughts.
If you have not asked for signs or do not already venerate Hekate, or any deity really, you are probably not receiving signs from them. Deities are just that, deities. Their concern with the individual usually stems from an already existing relationship that individual has with them. Though there are scenarios in which the gods took personal interest in mortals for one reason or another. Perhaps in modern times this could be due to someone’s future as a leader or politician. But that’s not really for me to say. My general rule with the Theoi is that you have to give first as a practicioner before they intervene in your life. So my general answer for “Is Hekate reaching out to me?” is that if you haven’t asked for it, the answer is probably no.
Now if you have expressed interest in Her, and you’re seeing things, for Hekate, I’m inclined to say yes. Hekate is a household goddess, and is considered the Cosmic World Soul by many of Her followers, so it’s not unreasonable for Her to want to reach back if you reach out to Her. She is a very active goddess in Her follower’s lives. So Her sending signs has been very common in my journey with Her.
I’d say the best way to be sure, is to give an offering and ask Hekate to show you signs if you have interest in following Her. If you see signs after that, it’s a pretty good bet that they’re from Her at that point.
What are Hekate’s Signs?
So this is the second most asked question: “Is (insert symbol) a sign from Hekate?” To answer this question I am going to stick with traditional approaches, because those are verifiable signs that people have received for centuries. The following is not the end all be all, nor a list of symbols associated with Hekate. This is a list of symbols or signs that one might reasonably come across like crossroads, without being too absurdly common, that may indicate Hekate’s communication with you. Hence why things like lions and polecats aren’t included, though depending on your geography those might be common and could definitely be signs.
Dogs Barking/Black Dogs/Wild Dogs
Hekate’s presence is usually said to be accompanied by the barking of dogs. Dogs are sacred to Hekate and are likely aware of Her arrival for this reason. Furthermore, She is said to be attended by dogs which may be the deceased (like queen Hecuba) or spectral in some way. So the barking that may seem like it’s coming from nowhere may be these hounds. In my own experience I will often hear dogs barking after invoking Hekate or after I’ve finished a ritual in Her name.
Black dogs specifically are considered sacred to Hekate, so seeing black dogs may be a sign from Hekate. Wild dogs are also holy to Hekate. Feral dogs, coyotes, foxes, and wolves can be sent by Her. In my journey with Hekate, I often see foxes on nights when I’ve asked Hekate to show me a sign for one thing or another, or on nights when I’m having a rough time.
Snakes are also considered associated with Hekate, and and Hekate was often said to have snakes in Her hair. This association could be due to a number of things, their being creatures of the earth that live in the ground and also visit the surface (much like how She comes and goes from the Underworld to the surface), their associations with magic, or the fact that certain daemons like the Agathos daemon were said to appear as snakes (indicating Her role as goddess of spirits). It’s hard to say why exactly. But either way, they show up frequently in literature and art as being associated with Hekate. So seeing snakes, a relatively rare animal to spot for a lot of people, may indicate that Hekate is sending you a sign.
Keys are associated with doorways and thresholds, and as a goddess of both, Hekate is sometimes represented with keys and may use them as a sign. If you come across a key as you’re walking or find some old keys, that could be a sign.
Torches or Lights
Hekate is the Torch-Bearer and is most commonly depicted carrying torches and She is also called the Light-Bearer. Granted we don’t really use torches anymore, so this one may seem out of place in terms of signs, but hear me out: streetlights. Now this is based on personal experience, but I’m including it because it’s the most common sign I receive. When I ask for signs, I usually see streetlights turn on or off. And what are streetlights but modern torches on roadways? So for me there is a continuity between torches and lights. If you ask for a sign and see streetlights turning on or off, especially in multiples of three, I’d consider it a sign.
What May Not be Signs
A lot of the symbols I am frequently asked about are not historically mentioned in association with Hekate. This does not mean that they can’t be signs, and I’m not trying to tell you Hekate isn’t sending you signs. However, I’ve been asked questions about these and there’s no verifiable evidence of their connection with Hekate, so that’s the answer I’m giving. Bats, cats, spiders, owls, crows, and ravens have no documented link with Hekate in ancient Hellenic religion. These symbols have come to be linked with Her through the Neo-Pagan movement, through literature like Shakespeare, art, and due to their associations with other gods who preside over similar domains as Hekate. Now I’m not going to say definitively that they aren’t signs (because who am I to say so), or that they haven’t evolved to be symbols of Hekate, but I would say that they have no evidentiary basis and that it might be helpful to look into other things these symbols represent. But ultimately, the rule of thumb is if it feels to you like a sign from Hekate, it likely is.
How Do I Know it’s a Sign?
This is a question I cannot entirely answer. I cannot dream to know the workings of Hekate and Her grand design, so there’s no way to ever know for sure if it’s a sign you are seeing. But that’s where faith comes in. I often tell people that if you feel in your gut it’s a sign, then it probably is. If you ask and you receive, then take that sign and run with it. Ultimately, trust in Hekate and have faith in Her and She will steer you in the right direction.
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chantedmountains · 2 years
Do you have a ways of worshipping for Hecate? Just found you blog and I love it!! 💜
Ways of Worshipping Hecate
(Thank you for your request <3)
- do rituals and spell work on the new moon!
- animal statues, she's particularly fond of 3 headed animal statues if you can find them
- offerings/objects in lots of 3 or 13
- do your shadow work
- begin learning to find a level of comfort in discomfort, you have to accept all facets of yourself, Hecate can help with this
- leave offerings at a crossroads or outside your door
- food offerings such as:
- raisins and currants
- raisin and currant muffins and breads
crescent shaped cakes and cookies
- eggs/eggshells
- pomegranate
- (dark) chocolate
- meat
- cheese
- nuts (specifically almonds)
- bread
- grapes
- honey or honey cakes
- apples
- black coffee, jasmine tea, milk and honey, red wine and mead
- decorative masks
- her associated plants/herbs: cinnamon, garlic, lavender, cardamom, yarrow, rose, mugwort, aconite, ebony, oak, mandrake, nightshades, willow, dark yew, blackthorn, saffron, dandelion, pumpkins/squash, night blooming flowers such as, moonflower, datura, brugmansia, night lilies and more
- Snake, dog, deer, alligator, horse, sheep, bat, owl, weasel, ferret and boar imagery
- Snake shed (ethically sourced)
- dog fur or teeth (ethically sourced)
- horse shoes (ethically sourced)
- owl feathers (ethically sourced)
- bones/skulls (ethically sourced)
- her associated scents for candles or incense: cinnamon, honey, myrrh, dragons blood, benzoin, mugwort, lime, lemon and verbena
- her associated metals and gems: sapphire, silver, gold, moonstone, black tourmaline, bloodstone, black onyx, hematite, smokey quartz and other black Gemstones
- enchant your jewellery with protection magic and wear it in honour of her
- learn baneful protections (or regular protection)
- practice witchcraft and ask Hecate to participate and assist
- learn the magical properties of herbs
- Hecate can be associated with birth, so take care of pregnant people or animals
- foster/adopt puppies
- honour the dead and/or your ancestors
- spend time in graveyards
- clean them up while you're there if you can
- go to mystery spots
- do crosswords, word unscrambles and riddles
- knock before entering a room
- babysit/take care of/foster children
- pray to her at night
- keys
- coins
- a cauldron
- a broom (good for sweeping out unwanted energies)
- candles! Especially black, silver, red or purple
- wear a (dark) veil! (This is a form of protection magic, and dark colours are associated with Hecate)
- hold a feast in her honour! Set a place for her at your table or leave the food offerings on her altar
- donate to animal shelters
- cut out the toxic people in your life
- celebrate samhain!
- nurture your inner child
- little toys and trinkets
- devote your education to her, study something new, this could be hymns, or schooling or just a topic you're personally interested in
- self care as an offering
- be kind to people
- donate money or food, blankets, etc to homeless shelters
- torches/torch art/imagery
- the wheel of fortune tarot card
- share your story, you deserve to be heard and they deserve to be outed for what they did.
- support other survivors
- dog treats and dog bones!
- knives/athame
- rope or cord (to symbolise birth and rebirth)
- devote a form of divination to her
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chantedmountains · 2 years
Being bad at things is an offering, too.
Trying things for the first time. Singing off key. Baking bread that never actually rises. Dancing like nobody’s watching, even though all you’re doing is waving your arms around. It’s all an offering. It can all be an offering.
Apollo will listen to your squeaky music. Dionysus will watch you perform bad Shakespeare. Demeter will smile at your bread, and Persephone will welcome your wilted flowers.
The gods do not care about perfection. They only care about your effort, and your enjoyment, in a task. So devote your orchestra to Apollo. Give Athena the blanket you wove that’s not quite right. Give that failed candle to Aphrodite. They’ll love it, just as they love you.
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chantedmountains · 2 years
Dionysus Loves You
Dionysus loves his worshippers. He loves his followers. 
He loves you if you are hypersexual. He loves you if you’re asexual. He loves you if you’re sex repulsed. He loves you if you’re anything in between. 
He loves you if you are a struggling alcoholic. He loves you if you’ve conquered your addiction. He loves you if you are neither, and drink only in moderation. 
He loves you if you’re an actor. If you’re a husband. A wife. Spouse. A son. Daughter. Child. He loves you no matter what you are, and will welcome you, no matter what. Dionysus is here to protect you. To wrap an arm around you and tell you it’s alright. To tell you he is proud of you for how far you’ve come, to celebrate with you, no matter what form that takes. 
For him, wine is an offering he loves, but he’ll take grape juice all the same. He loves both equally. He always will. 
Your worship is valid, and Dionysus loves you.
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chantedmountains · 2 years
How to connect with your deities/gods!!!
My apologies for delaying this for so long 😅 but as promised, here are some ways to connect with your deities or gods <3
Say goodmorning/goodnight to them! - a quick and easy way to show your appreciation for them is to say goodmorning and goodnight! You can spice it up a bit if you'd like, such as "good morning Apollo, thank you for staying with me and may today bring positive vibes" or "goodnight Dionysus, thank you for visiting me and protecting me"
Sharing your food with them - okay, I know it sounds a bit silly at first but hear me out. You can bless your food or eat food in honour of a certain god to show your appreciation!
Meditation or journalling - meditating can be a great way of being aware of the world around us and our true selves, and journalling can help you keep track of everything you plan to do or have done! Making a devotional journal to your deity can also be a really cool way to connect!
Research their signs - alot of people, especially those new to paganism, can often have difficulty spotting signs or feeling connected to their deities. Researching their signs can be a great way to help you figure out who is contacting you and can help strengthen your bond!
Have a positive view of them - it can be really easy to fall down having a toxic view of your deities, which can lead us to things like "these clothes don't match what Aphrodite would want me to wear so I won't buy them" and "I really want to hang out with my friends but Zeus said to spend more time working with him." While it is true that gods can ask for you to spend more time with them, they will never ask to replace time with your friends, family, or situations you'd enjoy! Your relationship should feel right for both of you, and if your deity is telling you negative things or asking you to perform dangerous actions please double check whether this is in fact your deity or something else!
Give yourself time - hard to believe but strong connections with your gods don't just happen overnight! It can take all the way from weeks to years to receive a sign from your deity and so you must give yourself patience. Don't beat yourself up if Bastet hasn't contacted you recently, or if you haven't heard from Freyja in a while. Things like this take time and patience and feeling a weak connection between you two is completely normal! Give yourself time, and let yourself grow <3
Donate to causes your deity is patron over - is your deity the god of children? Maybe donate to a children's charity! Your deity the god of theatre or art? Supporting local artists and theatre organisations would be a great idea! Your deity the god of cats or dogs? Try donating to a shelter! All of these would be lovely ideas to connect more strongly with your deities but please please please make sure you're saving some money for your necessities and if you can't donate that's perfectly fine!
Make them a playlist - one of the most common things I see people doing for their deities is putting together a playlist for them! Songs that remind you of them, songs they like, songs that fit your deities vibe, anything goes!
Altars!!! - altars can be a great place for prayers, offerings, or objects devoted to your deity! Altars are entirely personal so don't let anyone ever tell you what to not put on your altar, or how big or small it needs to be
Incorporate them into your hobbies! - Whether it's cooking, painting, bracelet making or music, incorporating your deities into your hobbies is an awesome way to show your appreciation for them!
That's all I've got for now, but if I can think of anything else that needs adding or you want to reblog this with more suggestions you're absolutely welcome! Thank you so much for reading this and have an awesome day my lovelies 💖💖💖
@cool-daddysbabygirl @memoriesofasinger
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chantedmountains · 2 years
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chantedmountains · 2 years
Does anyone have any good spreads for getting to know a new tarot deck? I was gifted one for my birthday and I’ve been working on bonding with it, but I’m feeling a bit stuck and unconnected with this one. Thanks!
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chantedmountains · 2 years
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I know the saying is spirituality isn’t cheap, but it doesn’t mean it has to be inaccessible. I remember how difficult it was starting my practice and wanting to get all the things that cost all the money and having neither. One of my favorite go-to places from way back then (and still is)  was the dollar store. If you really look up and down the isles, you’ll find so many things you can use in your practice on the cheap.
My advice to baby witches just starting their collection of craft items is be patient. Set a budget of a few things and make sure they are the items you need to use on the reg. Once you’ve picked up your first couple of things, plan out the next few pieces you will need to help expand your craft. Don’t worry about getting everything you need at once. More than likely you won’t need everything you think you do in the beginning anyway. 
Make sure you are purchasing à la carte items one at a time as needed, and stay away from Etsy and spiritual shops that tend to overcharge. Instead, use them to pick up special items like crystals or blended oils that you can’t get at a discount store. And always keep your eyes open at garage sales, thrift shops and your grandmas house.
*Each local dollar store will have different inventory, so your dollar store might vary in what they have available. Take note of what they have but check back every few months when they rotate their stock. 
Notebooks, Pens/Pencils - Note books, pens and pencils will be at every dollar store. You can even pick up markets or colored pencils. 
Journals - Journals are sometimes stocked with the book isle. So I usually check that area to see if there are any blank journals I want to use for spell books or craft journals. 
Candles - Dollar stores are the jackpot for candles. You can get pillar candles, tea lights or votives in glass.
Offering Plates - They typically have clear glass bowls you can use for offering plates or even small dishes. 
Bottles (Glass or plastic) - I’ve found colorful glass bottles with cork tops at one time or another, this might be a seasonal item. 
Mirrors - Mirrors are always good for reflecting spells so pick up a few for protection/reflection magic. 
Olive Oil - You can use olive oil to anoint and bless. Grab a bottle if they have it in stock. 
Essential Oil - Your dollar store may carry a limited amount of essential oils, if they do you know you’ve scored big. No doubt these aren’t real essential oils and probably more like fragrance oil, so I wouldn’t put directly on my skin, but you can still use them in candles and just in general. 
Boxes/Bins/Storage - Any dollar store will have loads of bins, and storage to hold all your witch crafty items in. 
Incense/Incense holders - My dollar store always stocks incense cones, so I know they will be there, but I’ve seen sticks and some too. 
Jars - Grab some canning jars! You will definitely need them to make spell jars and hold items in. 
Yardley Soap - In my opinion, this soup is so overlooked. This original recipe dates back to the 1700s and is made in London. Use it for cleansing and ritual work. 
Clay - Clay can be used to make small pentacles and even painted with paint from the dollar store. You can use clay to create other alter items as well like candleholders, beads and jewelry. 
Calendars/Planners - Most calendars and planners will have the moon phases written on them, and if not you can always go in month to month and write it in yourself. Planners are a great way to track moon phases and spells that are coming up.
Drawstring Bags - Perfect to house herbs, crystals or anything you want to carry around with you in a little pouch. 
Chalk - Chalk can be used to draw on doors, windows and porches for protection symbols. You can also use it to draw your circle around you when you cast spells. 
String - String can be bought for tying up bags, knot spells or cord spells so definitely something handy to have around. 
Felt - Not every dollar store will have felt, but it’s worth a mention. Use for making poppets and dolls. If your dollar store doesn’t carry felt, craft stores usually carry it for a dollar a sheet.
A small stool or shelf - If you’re looking for a small alter space you might be able t find a shelf or small stool/table. 
Table cloth - Dollar stores will generally have this item either in the party section or in the household items. Typically they come in white but if you go during Halloween season you might be able to score a black one. 
Seasonal decorations - Always head over to the dollar store for any seasonal items. Think Yule décor, Halloween decorations and so much more. 
Lighter/Matches - A regular find at any dollar store and super useful. 
Paper - Loose leaf lined paper or computer paper is always good to have on hand aside from notebooks.
Spices (Garlic/Salt/Cinnamon) - They won’t carry all the spices, but a dollar store will have a small selection. Look for cinnamon, garlic, salt and sugar. 
Honey - Perfect for making honey jars and sweetening up spells. 
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chantedmountains · 2 years
What I would tell my younger self
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If I could have a chat today with the baby witch version of myself from a decade ago, these are the things I would say to her.
You don't need to be afraid. You are strong, and powerful.
Your love will become your strength.
Your kindness will become your power.
Protect yourself, and your empathy.
You don't need to hide. There are people who accept and love you for who you are, and they will always be your people.
You don't need to know everything. You will never know everything, and that's perfectly fine.
Don't let anyone dictate how you should practice your craft or worship your deities.
Don't believe everything you hear/read.
Skepticism is a good thing. Question everything. Take everything with a grain of thought. Always go one step further and dig deeper.
The gods don't take everything personally. At all.
All the good things take time.
Buy that crystal, that tarot deck, that candle, if you have the money to spare on your hands. Treat yourself.
You don't need to prove yourself or your magic to anyone. Do what makes you happy.
You don't have to do anything that you don't want to do. Your craft is yours. You never have to get to everything. You don't have to be an expert in things that you're not drawn to.
Listen to and trust your intuition. It knows.
There are things that you'll be able to sense, to feel, that are hard to explain. Don't be scared by them.
Books are wonderful, but hands on experiences are also important.
People may not understand you, but it's not unreasonable to expect them to respect you.
You can start small and slow. Choose one thing that speaks to you, one deity you're interested in working with, one topic to research, and go from there.
Ask for help when you need it.
Don't let the bastards grind you down.
You alone are enough.
(Art by Syndey Hanson.)
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chantedmountains · 2 years
My Posts Related to My Practices
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Advice From Me: Books and websites to jumpstart your witchcraft journey We never have to be on our own Let me put your minds at ease You don’t have to do it all Let’s talk about fear Witchcraft “Rules” Not being a hereditary witch Anyone can be a witch Simple advice: start simple What I would tell my younger self So what do witches “look” like? Witchcraft is messy business.
My Divination Practice: What tarot readers aren’t and can’t do Frequently asked questions for the modern day tarot reader
My Hellenic Polytheism Practice: My Hellenic Polytheism Recommended Reading List The glorious mess of a Hellenic Pagan with her glorious mess of a religious practice The Hellenic Witch with an Atheist Spouse Festivals and holidays I observe as a Hellenic witch How I pray as a Hellenic Pagan My advice for beginner Hellenic Pagans Things I have learned as a Hellenic Pagan Keeping in touch with the gods Hellenic Pagan Oath Taking To the new worshippers/devotees “Permissions” How NOT to act with the gods Asking the gods for favors The gods are complex beings My advice regarding romantic relationships with Hellenic deities To the witches who would like to work with the Hellenic deities, from a Hellenic witch Why I don’t interpret religious/spiritual experiences for others “How do I know… what if…” “Here is one way for us to look at myths”
My Witchcraft Practice: Mentoring - something for experienced witches to consider Let’s talk about ableism Let’s talk about witchcraft and emotions The “advanced” witch The “empathic” witch Advice to witches and Pagans who wish to be allies Frequently Asked Questions For The Modern Day Witch Karma, what exactly is it? Meditation tips “What is/is not cultural appropriation” Fruits of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge
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chantedmountains · 2 years
ways to connect and heal mother gaia 🌱
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🌱walk barefoot upon the earth feel the cool grass on your barefeet
🌱meditate on the earth feel the grass on your legs the wind in your hair the sunlight on your face
🌱tend to plants and your a garden having a plant or garden of your own is grounding and rewarding!
🌱simply sit upon the earth
🌱try to be as sustainable and eco friendly as offer acts of kindness to mother earth make you feel a deeper connection to her
🌱hug a tree put your hands in the dirt
🌱befriend the anmials,the trees,the moon,the stars talk to them as if they are your friends
🌱give mother gaia offerings show her your gratitude for all she does sing her a song give her some water or even offer her something personal like your blood
🌱make a elemental or gaia altar worship her and the elemts
🌱carry around something that reminds you of mother earth to help you feel grounded and calm this can be a leaf stone crystals or whatever you wish
🌱walk gently on the earth
🌱be compassionate to the gaia and all her creatures no matter looks or size
🌱research about sustanbility and how ti lowerr your waste and impact
🌱be as sustainable as you can within your craft buying herbs in bulk and only getting what you need and will use
🌱reduce reuse recycle!this can be implinteted i to your life but also your craft reuses old spell jars try tea bags and use the herbs for spells and rituals
🌱more so cautionary but please do not put salt on the earth and when doing spells outside be cautious
🌱be an advocate,support small businesses,avoid consumerism, try to avoid big companies such as amazon when you can
🌱when you can shop sustainable and locally!
🌱find what you love about nature and learn about it you love the moon research more about the moon if you love crystals research about them!
🌱retreat to nature during times of stress and worry to heal yourself
🌱always ask before you take anything from nature use your intuition if it says yes give an offering in return if no simply do not take
🌱overall just be as loving and kind as you can to mother gaia treat here gently and be kind to her 🌱🌙
🌱listen to those deeply connected to the earth as indigenous people who have been connected to the earth for years i recommend reading ‘braiding sweetgrass’ we can all learn so much from one another!
as witches i believe we should try our best to take care of mother gaia and be an advocate to helping and healing our earth!it comes with many rewards like feeling a sense of accomplishment and just overall feeling more connected to the earth.but do what works for you and your lifestyle!
🜁 🜃 🜂 🜄
remember to take a deep breath and smile blessed be 🌿🌱
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chantedmountains · 2 years
hi! could you do diana? and if you can, could you please tell me how to start worshipping, i'm a new witch and im really lost
Offerings and ways of Worshipping Lady Diana
(In mt experience the best way to begin worshipping a deity is to first establish communication, this can be through throwing together a quick pendulum board and using a paper clip on a bit of string or using a tarot app (I recommend golden thread tarot) if you don't own a deck of your own. Establishing contact is an important first step, it can tell you why the deity is there and give you an insight into what they may be seeking from you in return. (I suggest biddy tarot for card meanings. Next what you'll wanna do is create a devotional space for them, this can be anywhere, outside, a desk, a bedside table, in a small box, wherever you can fit one. This space will be where you put offerings, candles and incense. (Of its in a box use electric candles or remove the candle from the box when you light it. Once you've made an offering commune with them Once more, see if they liked it (I do this through pyromancy but other divination works just as well), find out your deities sacred day(s), or honestly whenever you have free time and use that time to set offerings (I do mine weekly or whenever feels necessary.) Proceed as feels correct (or ask for help from fellow practitioners)
Incorporate elements of worship for Latona and Apollo into your practice with Lady Diana, in ancient Rome she was most commonly worshipped alongside her brother and mother
Aid pregnant people and animals however you can
Study midwifery
If you hunt, do so ethically
Diana is the goddess of the wild, children, providence, abundance, harvest woodlands, the hunt, fertility and domestic animals, and in Italy, the sun but she became associated with the Moon when people equated her with Artemis (and later, Selene, Luna and Hekate) so anything moon shaped would be an acceptable offering for her
Moon cakes
Sun or moon water
Items found in the forest, this can be leaves, flowers, sticks, rocks or even interesting trinkets you may find
Leave (decomposable) offerings by a lake or body of water
Bow and arrow imagery
Practice archery or knife throwing
Things in threes (Diana was sometimes called Threefold Diana Trivia, this was one of her earliest Epithet)
Learn about her epithets, such as Trivia, Diana Lucifera, Diana Triformis, Diana Tifatina and Diana Nemorensis
associated scents for candles and incense: jasmine, frankincense, lemon, aloe, ginseng, verbena, camphor, rose and sandalwood
associated plants: apple, rue, balm, beech, vervain, jasmine, mugwort, lavender, walnuts, willow, Oak, aloe, cedar, tarragon, wormwood, lemon, anemones, flowering almond, Hazel, ranunculus, honeysuckle, passionflower, thistle, laurel, fir tree
associated gems and metals: amethyst, emerald, moonstone, pearl, quartz, crystal, silver, turquoise, iron, aluminium, moss agate and diamond
Associated animals: Dogs, deer, goats!, guinea fowl, horses, bear, dove, and bees
Dog teeth (ethically sourced)
Dog fur (ethically sourced)
Deer antler (ethically sourced)
Goat horns (ethically sourced)
Candles of silver, white, red, purple, green and turquoise
Celebrate August 13th (Diana was worshiped at a festival called Nemoralia, or the Festival of Torches, beginning on August 13 each year. After washing their hair and dressing it with flowers, Diana’s followers would proceed around the sacred Lake Nemi) and 15th (her feast day, now the Catholic day of Mary's assumption into heaven)
A statue of her! Or her two dogs
Just spend time outside under the sky (Diana's name derives from the word sky/daybreak)
Fresh fruit (particularly apples)
A mirror or mirrors on her altar or shrine
Clay figurines
Foster dogs
Feed stray dogs
Leave dog biscuits and meat offerings for her hounds
You can also refer to my posts or other sources about the worship of Lady Artemis from the Greek Pantheon if you need more inspiration for worship and offering ideas but keep in mind they are different deities
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chantedmountains · 2 years
Witchcraft for neuro-divergent folks!
Sometimes it’s hard to concentrate while doing stuff like meditating. Just remember that there are no hard and fast rules in witchcraft! (except the one about not appropriating other peoples cultures/beliefs)
So if you have attention issues and you can’t really concentrate on nothingness for meditation, just know that music is perfectly ok! Even if it’s whatever your own music taste may be :)
Witchcraft is about being in tune with yourself and your a surroundings, and if music helps, then go for it. And don’t forget, in witchcraft you affect the outcome more than any ritual can, so do what makes you feel secure, comfortable, and chill. The outcome will come to you if you just reach out your hand and allow it!
So take your time and do what feels right, feelings are a major player in witchcraft!
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chantedmountains · 2 years
Witch tip
I just had a pretty cool idea, I keep reading everywhere that you charge sigils by playing music to it.
Well in Spotify if you make a playlist you can change the cover photo of the playlist on the desktop app. (I checked the photo app on iOS several times and it didn’t let me, but if someone found a way let me know!)
Change the cover photo to a picture of the sigil you want, and whenever you play a song from the playlist, you can charge the sigil (and maybe even cast it if you listen to the song with headphones and/or with the intent to cast it).
Other media players allow this function too I’m sure, but the only one I know for sure is Spotify. And it’s free to all users, you don’t need premium to change photo art.
NOTE: I would advise that you be careful which songs you use, they can all carry certain energies and you may accidentally project an energy into the sigil that you didn’t want in it. 
Happy casting!
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chantedmountains · 2 years
How could I make my bedroom more to match my path? Which is sun. Thanks ☺️
Here’s some sun witch bedroom ideas:
🌞💡Fill your room with light! Artificial light works fine if you don’t want to/can’t fill the room with natural light. Here’s my post about artificial lights substitutes for sunlight. 
🌞Colors- fill your room with sunny colors/ rainbows. Some sunny color ideas: yellow, orange, red, pink, gold
🌞🌈Rainbow prisms! Hang them near a window or source of light and it fills your room with gorgeous rainbows, perfect for us sun witches, especially the ones who also connect to water/ the sea (because natural rainbows are a mix of water and sunlight). As a devotee of Iris,a rainbow witch, a sun witch, and a water witch, I practice A LOT of rainbow magic, and prisms are perfect for that as well. 
🌞🌻Get a bouquet of some sunny flowers, such as: sunflowers, marigolds, orange/yellow/red roses, hibiscus, poppy, anemone, chrysanthemum, chamomile, and orange blossom
🌞🌵Cactus! Get some cacti for your room, it’s the perfect sun witch decoration while also being an amazing tool for sun witchery. Cacti have very sun-like magical qualities, including: protection, courage, survival, perseverance, happiness and warding. Their needles are great for curses, wards, witch bottles, sun magic, and protection spells, especially from physical harm. 
🌞🍋Fill your room with sun related scents, like: orange, lemon, grapefruit, frankincense, bergamot, juniper, cinnamon, clove, allspice, bay laurel, rosemary, citronella, orange blossom, and lime
🌞🎨Do some sun art! things like sun-catchers, sun sigils, maybe a devotional collage. @artwitchpath is doing an AMAZING series on solar art, you can hang it and use it as decoration!    
🌞💎Sun crystals!  Sun crystals are a great way to connect to the sun. Here’s some ideas: orange calcite, pyrite, citrine, sunstone, carnelian, garnet.I have a huge orange calcite sphere, it’s my absolute favorite stone in the world because it looks exactly like the sun and has amazing solar qualities. It also makes a wonderful solar decoration! 
🌞I hope this helps! have fun decorating 🌞🌈♡
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