changedchapters · 1 year
I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with this blog. My Tsunade blog is always my priority but I have just gotten back into RPing her within the last month or so. That being said I WANT a multimuse blog because it has the benefit of not focusing on one single character and I can express myself more.
I’ve been gone for a very long time. I want new muses, drop some muses, and maybe change the whole thing. Which means creating a whole new blog or staying with this one. I might even make a single blog for a sunshine character to give it a try. So I’m going to sit and think about what would be best.
Anyways maybe give this a like if you’d like for me to hang around here more & stay?
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changedchapters · 4 years
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THIS IS DEPA NEWS - bringing fast breaking information, in your face ! 
Last night while many students were PACKING UP to head home for the summer, a huge storm passed over nearby towns and our beloved school. The next morning as everyone awoke - excited to be able to see their families after another school year. They were greeting with the news that the water and winds caused by the storm had BROKEN the main ferry used to take students from school to the main island.
As of now, there is no answer on when the ferry will be fixed, or when students will be able to leave to go home. Parents and guardians are being contacted as we speak and teachers are doing their very best to calm the situation.
As normal, we will update you as the situation grows. 
Tune in next time for more of DEPA NEWS
                                  APPLICATIONS / RULES / ABOUT 
DEPA - is a discord based roleplay group about students in a elite private academy getting stuck on the island for the summer. The group is based off the ideas of growing up, making friends, and finding out more about the schools mysterious history. We hope you’ll join in to discover the lore with us !
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changedchapters · 4 years
Haruka and Usagi in A6, please.
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changedchapters · 4 years
@spidxrbittxn-snipxr gets a starter from Chloé!
Today wasn’t her day, this last week wasn’t her week. Hell even this month has felt like it has gobbled her up and spit her out. Dance shoes were ruined, the ones for her performance next Wednesday. Her little, lovely apartment, rent raised and her father possibly alerted on where she lived when she wasn’t at the hotel. Half of her designs and materials mysteriously disappeared. Chloé Bourgeois was wondering what in the hell is did exactly to make the universe this pissed off at her currently. It wasn’t even mentioning the dozen smaller things that seemed to happen every day of this week as well.
She hadn’t even mentioned to her biggest commissioner, one of her best friends, and girlfriend (girlfriend!? Chloé was still unsure if she was actually fit for a girlfriend... or boyfriend... or you know a relationship in general) that it was a good handful of her designs needed for the upcoming tour that had been taken. Chloé was lucky enough that the finish pieces she did get done where neatly and tidy tucked away at the hotel for the final, personal touches she always added.
“Nep!” Chloé called, after opening the door with her key. “I need to tell you something...” There is was the slight quiver in her voice. Even if it was a bad month of things she didn’t want to upset something she really loves. “I have some really bad news... and since I even contacted a P.I. for it and they still haven’t found anything...” As she spoke Chloé walked around the place. Cleaning up a few odd things here and there before stopping. She was to wound up to continue thing conversation without being face to face.
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changedchapters · 4 years
Her smile widened the tiniest of bits. Not daring to glance up just yet to met the others eyes. Hermione was sure he would be able to see it anyways. Nobunaga always did have a knack for reading her better then others. Still though she was hesitant, her wind whirling a mile a minute trying to figure out what kind of discussion was going to happen. The recent incident between Malfoy and his goons, as well as Ron left a light bitter taste in her mouth. From what exactly she couldn’t say.
“Hello Nobunaga.” Is what she had finally settled on. Greeting him in a familiar matter. “I don’t believe anything is to advance without proper knowledge. We are able to do wandless magic until we come here, isn’t that correct?” The question was open ended, letting silence settle between them before finally moving her eyes from the lush dark green grass to met his eyes. “Let’s not forget I was and still am in ownership of a beautiful necklace that they say can spin time.” Hermione said, her smile turning a bit rueful as well as guarded.
With a flick of her hand book, papers, and ink went floating in the air and quickly dropping into the correct piles needed for her to begin stuff her book bag until it looked as if would be ripped. Hermione has taken her time doing this, waiting and seeing how long it would take for the others patiences to break. Soon enough though Hermione could delay no longer, finally standing. A sigh left her.
“You’ve been...” ignore was the wrong word. She knew that wasn’t exactly what had been happening. With him being a Slytherin and all. Instead of biting the bullet right away Hermione changed the direction of what she was going to say. “Are you okay? I saw a nasty hex Malfoy threw at you.”
@nobunaga-the-warlord liked for a starter!!
Near the black lack Hermione laid on the grass, books piled around her, homework out, and dark ink was now staining her fingers. She couldn’t care less though. The sun was shinning, the tree she currently was under was providing a nice shade and the wind had a slight breeze to it.
Slowly, drawing her yes from her work to look around Hermione took the time to take in Hogwarts from her view. A smile bright across her face and yet again she couldn’t believe in how beautiful (and desctructive) magic could be. Leaning back she let her hands touch the ground, feeling that grass and imaging it blooming and growing into a even deeper dark green. Within seconds she could feel it grow past her hands and looking down noticed it had changed color as well.
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changedchapters · 4 years
@nobunaga-the-warlord liked for a starter!!
Near the black lack Hermione laid on the grass, books piled around her, homework out, and dark ink was now staining her fingers. She couldn’t care less though. The sun was shinning, the tree she currently was under was providing a nice shade and the wind had a slight breeze to it.
Slowly, drawing her yes from her work to look around Hermione took the time to take in Hogwarts from her view. A smile bright across her face and yet again she couldn’t believe in how beautiful (and desctructive) magic could be. Leaning back she let her hands touch the ground, feeling that grass and imaging it blooming and growing into a even deeper dark green. Within seconds she could feel it grow past her hands and looking down noticed it had changed color as well.
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changedchapters · 4 years
Like for a starter. :) (also hi!)
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changedchapters · 4 years
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changedchapters · 4 years
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“Chloe, it’s me—Ladybug! You can trust me!“
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changedchapters · 4 years
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Day 11 of Inktober is some HarukaxUsagi by popular demand :)
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changedchapters · 4 years
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Queen bee and Ladybug🐞🐝
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changedchapters · 4 years
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changedchapters · 4 years
✧・゚: *Oᴠᴇʀᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ Vᴏɪᴄᴇ Lɪɴᴇs
❝  I make my own luck. ❞
❝  Lucky for you we’re not keeping score. ❞
❝  You need to learn to relax. ❞
❝  You won’t be disappointed. ❞
❝  It’s just a flesh wound. ❞
❝  Leave this to an expert. ❞
❝  Try and keep up! ❞
❝  Is this easy mode? ❞
❝  I get the feeling you’re not taking me seriously. ❞
❝  You’re not bad, but not good either. ❞
❝  Spare me the commentary. ❞
❝  You test my patience ❞
❝  You seem nice, I hate to kill you. ❞
❝  I was hoping for a challenge. ❞
❝  Your eyes deceive you. ❞
❝  The outcome was never in doubt. ❞
❝  You have made an error in judgment. ❞
❝  You fought well, but not well enough. ❞
❝  If at first you don’t succeed…blow it up again! ❞
❝  Oops…dropped something. ❞
❝  I really blew that one. ❞
❝  That’s how you get tinnitus. ❞
❝  Why are you so angry? ❞
❝  I’m not hearing that noise. ❞
❝  I’m not good, not bad, but I sure as hell ain’t ugly.❞
❝  I don’t much like losing. ❞
❝  A wo/man’s gotta have rules. ❞
❝  I hope you learned your lesson. ❞
❝  You have to let it go. ❞
❝  I was only trying to help. ❞
❝ I have my eye on you. ❞
❝  Sometimes I’m not sure why I even bother. ❞
❝  You really should take better care of yourself. ❞
❝  Stupidity is not a right. ❞
❝  What are you on about? ❞
❝  Are you finished? ❞
❝  Do you need a hug? ❞
❝  I have a bad feeling about this. ❞
❝  That does not compute. ❞
❝  Rocket jump? That sounds dangerous. ❞
❝  Ready for some fireworks? ❞
❝  I live for a good fight. ❞
❝  What are you looking at? ❞
❝  Revenge is sweet. ❞
❝  I’ll see you in hell. ❞
❝  Let me show you how it’s done. ❞
❝  Catch phrase! ❞
❝  Are you chicken? ❞
❝  Violence is usually the answer. ❞
❝  Got something to say? ❞
❝  Like taking candy from a baby. ❞
❝  I’m the one who does his/her job, I’m thinkin’ you’re the other one. ❞
❝  You want something done right? You gotta do it yourself. ❞ 
❝  I’m not getting any younger. ❞
❝  I think you’re in over your head. ❞
❝  Boop. ❞
❝  I’d love to stay and chat but…I’m not going to. ❞
❝  Let us discuss your failures. ❞
❝  Am I supposed to be impressed? ❞
❝  What interesting ways your mind works. ❞
❝  I smell trouble brewing. ❞
❝  Now why didn’t I think of that? ❞
❝  I’m giving it all I’ve got! ❞
❝  The world could always use more heroes. ❞
❝  I have this under control. ❞
❝  I knew I forgot something. ❞
❝  Your emotions make you vulnerable. ❞
❝  You’re barking up the wrong tree. ❞
❝  What a bore. ❞
❝  Huston, uh, we have a problem. ❞
❝  Did someone say peanut butter? ❞
❝  It’s my time to shine! ❞
❝  I can bench more than you! ❞
❝  Ready to give up? ❞
❝  Are you in need of personal training? ❞
❝  I dreamt I was a butterfly. ❞
❝  I think, therefore I am. ❞
❝  Always strive for improvement. ❞
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changedchapters · 4 years
dark places | book quote starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred. warnings for mentions of death, murder, depression.
i was not a lovable child.
the truly frightening flaw in humanity is our capacity for cruelty - we all have it.
i am not angry or sad or happy to see you.
i guess i’ve been depressed for about twenty-four years.
i can feel a better version of me somewhere in there.
everyone who keeps a secret, itches to tell it.
coffee goes great with sudden death.
i should just listen to my gut and then do the opposite.
i assumed everything bad in the world could happen, because everything bad in the world already did happen.
you think after what happened there’s any peace for you, sweetheart?
worries find you easily enough without inviting them. 
i like other people’s things better.
do you understand this is serious?
how could you kill something you cared enough to name?
sometimes it feels good to fuck with something. instead of always being fucked with.
if they made any sense, they wouldn’t really be mysteries, right?
i like ponies. i hate spaghetti. i hate you.
what can i say about a man who knows how i think and still sleeps next to me with the lights off? 
what does it do to a girl who knows her mother is a murderer?
i don’t know anyone’s name.
if i say i don’t want to read the book, i don’t want to read the book. 
when i take to my bed, it’s good to know whether i’m sick or just lazy.
geez, not even a hi before you toss me out?
you’re never as broke as you say.
i’ve thought about you a lot over these years, been wondering about you. that’s what you do in here … think and wonder.
but you get what you deserve, you know? i think you know that.
every single person in this case lies, is lying, did lie.
there is such a thing as a pretty trailer park, you know. 
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changedchapters · 4 years
Send 👀 for a drabble of the first time my muse saw yours
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changedchapters · 4 years
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h a r u k a x u s a g i
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changedchapters · 4 years
Pixces didn't remember much, gods her head hurt and she couldn't breathe and then her hand found Ladybug's number and she texted. 'Top of the tower.. please.' Upon arrival the Fish hero was sitting on the ground, leaned back against the railing with her knees at her chest and face hidden. She didn't even notice she'd shown. (For normal mari)
She had just been dozing off when her phone buzzed, lightening up the darken room. As Marinette read the message her face went from confusion to fear. For Pixces to be out this late... she ran over the schedule they had all set up, eyes glancing to the top of her phone to confirm the time. It was late, later then she thought.
A glance at Tikki and Marinette sighed, knowing that the kwami had a long day herself yet still she couldn’t leave Pixces by herself. “Tikki, spots on!” She whispered. Soon she was on her way to the tower, leaping and swinging from building to building.
She landed a few feet away from Pixces, her steps silent as she approached them. Carefully, so she wouldn’t receive any backlash she landed in her knees first. Her arms going outward to rest on Pixces shoulders. “It’s Ladybug.” The spotted hero said, her voice carrying in the night as if she had spoken above a whisper. “I came as soon as I could Pixces. You’re text had be worried. Really worried. What’s wrong?”
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