changeasrebranding · 7 years
Hands down, the very first thing that i learnd from this project is how to deal with a difficult client. His stubborness and lack of trust of my skills really made me push my boundaries. A part from that it also gave me the opportunity to work with different medias such as video titles, merchandise, illustration and branding. The project is still ongoing, so i have the constant possibility of pushing my skills and my aim is to get the client to trust me 100%.
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changeasrebranding · 7 years
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Various illustrations and flyers
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changeasrebranding · 7 years
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Book cover +
The client also commissioned me a book cover that he published through the ongoing brand. The book is a novel, where the main character lives through the “golden era” of motoring in Italy, set between the 50’s and the 90’s. Since the book is sold and distributed under the Drive Experience brand i had to stick with the identity created so far. Therefore the visual research for it is basically the same as the t-shirt one.
The cars represented in the covers are all cars that the main character drives. The front over is a stylised garage, the white section is the floor, the grey behind is the back wall and the black section is the half closed door. When the book is open flat though, the alternation of black /imagery wants to remind the  checkerd flag used in motorsport.
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changeasrebranding · 7 years
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T-shirt design
by looking at stuff like early 1900’s british postcards and artists such as Joel Clark and Ricardo Santos i realised a series of artworks utilising Adobe Illustrator
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changeasrebranding · 7 years
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T-shirt design Visual research
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changeasrebranding · 7 years
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Second logo re-design.
Finally the client decided to give me more freedom, and i came up with this, which seems much more suitable for the identity requested by the client. So far the only issue i encountered was that since the personal taste of the client was so strict everything that would aesthetically go a bit “over the line” was immediately turned down.
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changeasrebranding · 7 years
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First logo re-design.
At the time of the first rebrand, I knew the client for a very short time, and his stubborness really delayed my work. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the designs but he simply wouldn’t believe that they could be liked enough from a still premature and scarse audience. The design here is the compromise that we came up with. I also set two colors as standard.
Identity speaking, the redesigned logo has far more identity and character and the initial one but still a bit to busy and not too professional.
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changeasrebranding · 7 years
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The “Davide Cironi Drive Experience” is a car related youtube channel. Davide Cironi is a test driver, the videos are fairly basic car reviews. The very strong points of the channel, when it was born, was the quality of the content, the very good cars reviewed and the carismatic attitude of the test driver. Unfortunately the channel completely lacked of identity, at the point that the ugly logo would spoil the content.
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changeasrebranding · 7 years
Hell Notes - the brief
In Chinese culture since the late 19th Century, it is customary to burn wads of printed fake money as an offering to the deceased. These mass printed joss paper notes, are beautifully illustrated and ceremoniously burnt in the streets.
They are often called ‘Hell Notes’ or ‘Hell Money’. In contrast in 1994, Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty’s K Foundation famously burned 1 Million pounds in real money. The duo had earned in the region of 6 Million pounds from the music royalties as both the KLF and The Timelords and decided to burn the money as an art act. The film by Gimbo was toured and the duo led debates about the action.
Throughout history, the printed image has had physical presence in the public environment and through its ability to mass produce, disseminate and multiply; it has found its place to delude, entice, empower, inform and enrage. We see it at work as newspapers, posters, money, loyalty cards and signage.
However much digital imaging and social networking develops,  print finds its place to react and impact. This project asks you to create printed works that may inspire change. Consider print in it’s wider context; work could exist as gallery worthy editions, self publications, a propaganda campaign, a public interaction or suite of posters. The printed works must have intention, impact on an audience and be available as a multiple.
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