Living with a personality that is so rare is a struggle because it is hard to find someone who has the experience. My personality, INFJ, makes up 2% of the population.
INFJ stands for:
      - Introverted
      - Intuition
      - Feeling
      - Judging
People with INFJ are very complex people with an array of emotions, interests, and talents. Though they have a reputation for being reserved and quiet, they can be some of the most highly respected and admired people in the world.
Like all personalities they have their strengths and weaknesses. The strengths in this personality trait are:
      - Zealous and enthusiastic
      - Perceptive and deep
      - Compassionate and peace loving
      - Decisive and pragmatic
      - Virtuous and Noble
The Weaknesses are:
      - Perfectionist and too specific
      - Over sensitive and opposed to conflicts
      - Repressed and too private
      - People pleaser and meek
      - Overworked and burn out
With INFJ there are 7 signs you can pick up on if they're unhappy with their life. They are:
      - They become impulsive
      - They're tired all the time
      - They're detached
      - They ghost you
      - They see no future
      - They're always around people
       They can't concentrate
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