ch1psb3tt1gan · 4 days
personally i kinda of enjoy it even though i dont use they/them because it kinda implies someone has looked at me and assumed i'm not cis lol. and at least in my social circle it's more polite to go with they/them if you aren't sure
please reblog for sample size :] its research
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 7 days
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 11 days
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🔮 Made a mock-up comic page for Nightmaiden and Batman!
Close-ups under the cut!
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 11 days
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Heads or Tails? 🎭
New from the Supervillain Bishoujo Statue collection, meet the Two-Face/Harvey Dent Bishoujo Statue! Test your luck and see if you can grab her before she’s sold out! 🎭
God I hope this isn’t blurry
(This is reposted from my old account but uh since I accidentally deleted it I decided to repost it! Based on those horror bishoujo figures: Bishoujo Two-Face using my own design! It’s not a genderbend. The coin in her hand is connected by small bits of see-through plastic to simulate motion)
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 12 days
i hate this sites music taste so much its literally Racism The Music Taste site. you guys dont like rap you dont like jazz you dont like country you dont like blues you dont like ska you dont like reggae you cannot CONCEPTUALIZE listening to foreign artists you dont even know what turbofolk is you cant conceive of music existing out of anglosphere you think that mcr is punk and its the end-all of definition of "punk" for you i hate everyone here like WHAT music do you people even listen to what the fuck is left
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 12 days
I saw this post and rushed to make this edit
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 12 days
Harvey Dent/Two Face + DID
As someone with DID, Harvey Dent/Two Face has quickly become our biggest comfort character like, ever. I’ve been thinking a LOT about his system—I know in most adaptations he’s portrayed with only two alters, Harvey and (Big Bad) Harv OR, in some portrayals, with Judge as his third alter. It’s absolutely possible to only have 2-3 alters but I believe he has more. His DID existed long before the acid attack in the courtroom (presumably since his childhood, though I don’t know much about it). But Harvey was an incredibly effective gatekeeper, as most gatekeepers are, so it wasn’t “visible” and he didn’t know. It’s just that that attack let the cat (or Harv) out of the bag. We also had a Big Trauma in adulthood that shattered the fourth wall and made it impossible to ignore our DID and that’s how I see that traumatic event for him.
One thing that intrigues me about his system is that it functions as a courtroom. Which makes sense to me outside of his obvious gimmick. Our system is set up as a family system, our headspace is a house—because our trauma happened within our family/house. But the very first time Two conceptualized his DID as a whole, it was in that courtroom (even though it existed before then) so of course the imagery stuck, especially as the roles were already so clearly filled. Harvey is the lawyer and gatekeeper, Harv is the criminal and protector, Judge is the judge and persecutor. I believe he sees his other alters as part of the jury, the ones watching and judging from a distance—which also perfectly encapsulates for us how alters function/exist when not directly at or near the front. I can very well imagine the roles that exist for other alters in his system too—witnesses, (other) defendants, the family of the accused or the victims, the bailiff, the reporter. These might be flexible roles that fragments come and go through, not as clearly defined, or they might be static the way Harvey is always the lawyer and Judge is always the judge. And it makes sense in that it allows Harvey (and the others—but this view is most important to a [former] host) to very clearly conceptualize what’s happening in the headspace in terms and visuals he intimately understands.
I also believe he has littles. I cried when I realized he probably has littles. Because even as scary and evil as most people view him, his whole system (one that imposes so much destruction upon the people of Gotham) is all just to protect and defend THEM. Harvey took to being a lawyer, DA, the hero in the light, to protect and defend Gothamites when all he actually wanted to do from the beginning was protect his littles. Harv wants to too, but he’s willing to do what needs to be done (in his mind) even when it’s awful and even when it’s not what Harvey (or Judge) would do. Clearly Harvey and Harv have different methods but they’re working towards the same goal, even if they fail to see that. I see him as having two littles—a little Harvey and a little Harv.
I could write a whole dissertation about Two’s DID experience. It’s fascinating and diving into his character has truly helped me come to terms with and even begin to love and appreciate parts of my system I didn’t see as clearly before.
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 12 days
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 13 days
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 13 days
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commisions are open!!
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 13 days
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Taking my final exam tomorrow and fucin around just salivating and so on today
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 13 days
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this is stupid ik
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 13 days
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I’m screaming at redditors not being able to understand hey girl I mean they
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 13 days
somebody will rightfully notice that europeans are really fucking weird about romani people and there will always be 1 person in the comments going "okay it's not racist, you just don't understand, bleeding heart americans, i promise my brother tony had an experience which proves they're all raping theives and hitler was right about them" and not seem to be aware of how much they sound like americans talking about black ppl
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 14 days
bought a video game
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 14 days
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FALLOUT NEW VEGAS Characters and their irl inspiration
Mr. House- Howard Hughes
Jane- Jane Russell
Benny- Benjamin “Ben” Siegel, aka Bugsy Siegel
Victor- Vegas Vic
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ch1psb3tt1gan · 14 days
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assortment of weskers
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