certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
Bitches be like," I can make anyone fall for me"
Well then Suzzie why don't to you start loving yourself first? Why don't you first FALL FOR YOURSELF?!
@certainpoetryartisan a.k.a Juni
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
its the heart we set on fire
yet its the soul that burns
- juni
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
there is a place
there is a place
miles away from this hell
where you can laugh and dance and sing
where the flowers smile and the wind sings
where trees dance
where you cant cry, coz no one lets you cry
where everyone loves you and you love them back.
- Juni
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
hi hi i just found your account in my fyp your poetry is so coooool!!! ~đź–¤
thank u. and who r u.....?
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
Hey, I just read your poetry and I think it's amazing. It has a lot of raw emotion that you display well with simple words that are comprehensible even to me. Thank you <3
okie thank u so much! please support me by following me if u like my work!!!! its a good motivation yk
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
It took me not days but months
to overcome what had happened with me that day.......
the dirty secret I might take to my grave one day...........
to process how wretched people can be
but still smile.....and pretend like it was meant to be.......
to get over it....I dare not speak.....
I understand a little.... I am just a child you see.....
- juni
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
My pain, I have to hide,
they say,
my tears vanish when i smile
they say.....
I have my mother's tolerance for pain,
they say........
my calm hides a storm inside,
my love what would you say?
- Juni
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
Love Holiday: Lina and Frank
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*Sitting amidst the chrysanthemums and surrounded by beautiful cherry blossoms...there she was...she had eyes......only for her book...".but what is she reading? " I wondered ever she moved next door....she would come every evening in our apartment building's park to read a book sometimes with her cat, sometimes not. Sometimes with her friends sometime not. But since she moved in, that was some 6 months ago...she always got a book with her. and she would read.... and look as sacred as the winds that danced inside the Buddhist monasteries of china. Her face so angelic she looked as an apsara descended from paradise.....so silently lost in her book as if the book was escape from this world and she....could hide all those beautiful and magical secrets she knew of the unbeknownst paradise she had descended from. and that one particular day, I heard her calling her cat who was being devious....i was transfixed....mesmerized by her voice...it was like tinkling of bells in the scared shrines of Cambodia.
How could a woman like her exist? I would spend evenings just being around her....she brought peace to me. Whenever I looked in the mirror, I questioned myself......"who was this girl to me? I dont know her.....She barely acknowledged my existence.
As soon as she moved in....I out of mere formality made some cupcakes and thought, as a good neighbor, should go help the person next door.
as soon as they were made, I came out of my apartment, hers being literally opposite to mine. It didnt take me 2 seconds to turn....but as I got nervous, I started reconsidering whether I should meet the new neighbor or not.
After considering and reconsidering my decision, I finally took some long breathes and hit the doorbell. I could hear faint noises of commotion and laughter. after some seconds the door opened revealing a petite girl, her cheeks red and features bolder because of laughing.
It was Lina, the woman whom I adored now.....was it just adoration or was it affection?
Before I saw that angelic face and felt her sacred presence, my days were rough and nights were restless. Since I saw her, I felt her presence, I was calm. Everything felt so easy. Even the most difficult tasks felt easy. As exhausting as my job was I no longer felt loneliness when I came home.
I wonder what else woman's love is capable of.*
"FRANK ITS 8:30 PM WE WILL BE LATE!" I got up with the start looking around....totally confused of what was going on.....
and then it struck me....I had a dream...it was a dream.....I smiled as i reminicinsed every part of that beautiful dream.
I still couldn't believe I had the guts to ask her out...but when i did...she said yes....and now 3 yrs after...here we were....vacationing in Athens, Greece.
"fOR HEAVENS SAKE FRANK GET READY YOU PROMISED WE WOULD SEE PATHENEON TODAY" I saw my divine girlfriend looking at me with her nose scrunched up and her pretty forehead with wrinkles.
I put my arms around her, amused at her frustration.
"Okay Miss Goody Goody....what should I wear?"
"I already got it ironed"
"Can I get a kiss?" I pouted.
"Brush your teeth, take a shower and get dressed"
"okay" i pouted again. Women can be difficult. oof.
but she isnt a woman frank. she saved your soul. after all the trauma and all those years in barracks and trenches and all the scars.....she healed you
the voice in my head was right. her mere presence brought light to his dark dark life.
After taking shower and dressing up, Frank came out to find his beautiful girlfriend in an equally beautiful outfit.
how can someone be this beautiful?
Lina turned around to face Frank. Satisfied with her boyfriend. She finally smiled.
oh that smile.
"Frank...lets go"
"Sure love." he said with a smile.
"will you lock the door?"
"why not?"
"okay" she smiled again.
only if she herself knew how her smile drives me crazy.
Lina left the hotel room while frank fiddled around searching for the hotel card and that small tiny red box.
taking at the final look at the beautiful diamond ring inside the box, he closed it with his thumb and smiled to himself as he put it inside the pocket of his denim jacket.
today is going to be beautiful.
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
Love Holiday: Raan and Liza
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Alaska was cold, but not so cold that it would breakaway the warmth which engulfed my heart. The warmth of unrequited love, the sacred intimacy I shared with the nincompoop whose muscular arms were wrapped around me......his face on my shoulder as I heard him snore softly while i watched the beautiful snow shine in moonlight. 
“Babe why you still up?” Raan asked sleepily..
I giggled to myself  and wrapped his arms rather forcefully around my body. He felt Safe......he felt home.
“Gosh Raan what?”
all of the sudden, he jolted up and somehow he was on top of me and smirking, proud of his little victory. then he leaned closer...his  eyes full of love...he kissed my forehead.
“Now Lizza tell me whats going in that brain of yours”
“what if I dont tell you?” I challenged him.
He looked at me with his eyes narrowed which felt like forever. After some time he cocked up his brow and smirked down on me. then he got up and started dancing around.....without music.
“Raan its 3 AM in the morning....what the hell?”
“Ah Lizz I know it. you are thinking how could you get this lucky” his finger gestering to himself.
“You are an idiot” i said...laughing.
“Yet you love me” and with that he jumped onto the bed...tickling my dear life out of me.
“Raan stooooooooooop” i finally managed to say between taking breaths and laughing. 
“then tell me whats going on in your mind” Raan pleaded. Still in a position which screamed that if I didnt tell him....I would end up Dying; tickled by her boyfriend. How would the news paper headline look like? 
* a woman from Iceland dies of being tickled by death by her boyfriend; Police Departments have dived deep in investigation*
“LIZZIEEEEEEEEEEEE* Raan screamed in whispers....bringing me back to reality......our reality......
I exhaled.......tears fighting to break out from their cages......my heart swelling with ecstasy my soul yearning for this nincompoop’s warm embrace.
“Raan.....so many years.... so many trials and tribulations....so many times...so many people tried breaking us......i doubted you...we fought...we screamed.....yet you stayed .....so that we could be us. so that we could get that “us” working....Raan thank you.....Raan you were there for me when i was heartbroken Raa-” By this time Tears had broken free, they were no longer prisoners of my eyes...but who freed them were my emotions and those crazy neuro hormones and oxytocin which literally in every milli-liter of them had Raan’s essence embedded in them.......and i couldnt speak anymore. My irrational sentiments had taken full control over me. 
Raan looked at me....dumbfounded....eyes all round and big with surprise........as if...as if he had been knocked out of this world.....his shoulders slumped.....his forehead...full of wrinkles.....like all those times when he was trying focus hard on something. 
And now.....all of the sudden he regained his composure....like....as if he had broken out of some kind of trance......he straightened himself up...sat beside me and helped me get up.
“Lizza go wash your face. You know I hate it when you cry. you know that right?” Raan told me sternly as he held my arm and helping me get up.....without meeting my eyes. 
when he was sure that I would not fall or lose my balance...he left my arm and walked towards the bathroom, opened the bathroom door and gestured me to get inside. I looked at him.....with concern.....he always looked me in my eyes...but not this time. Why?
I went inside the bathroom and locked it from inside. i was shocked. shocked at Raan’s indifferent behavior. What was wrong with Raan? My Raan? I cried some more. all my emotions...which i always kept bottled up inside....just came out.....why? I had never allowed myself to be this weak...then why today? on this holiday? 
i couldnt be this weak. i had to be strong...for Raan, for my family....for Juni, for lina....arent they my world? my friends and my family?
I got up and went to wash my face up....i quickly washed my face and splashed more water on my eyes....I had always hated how my eyes had stung after I cried.
after what seemed like eternity.... I finally had the courage to open the door and go out. With my waves jumping around my face (Juni litreally forced me too and Lina gladly did them) I got out of the bathroom. Inhaling a long breath and exhaling.....I finally closed the bathroom door behind me and forced a smile on my face. i was always so good at masking my true self. 
no answer
I called him again.
he must have gone out to the bar of hotel to relax. I thought to myself.
I need fresh air to relax too. i told to myself. I looked at the balcony of our hotel room. Grabbing a warm sweater....his jacket......and throwing it on my shoulders...i slid the door and stepped onto the balcony and took a long a deep breath. 
“Maybe my aunt is right... I do need yoga to calm myself down....I will enroll in a good yoga and meditation classes as soon as I go back home” I said to myself out loud.
But I slowly calmed myself down as breeze hit my face and made my hair fly. I liked the breeze.....coz I was like breeze. Always going with the flow and taking where the destiny would take me...and yes...enjoying it and appreciating it.....ofcourse.
My head was buried deep in my thoughts when I felt something very soft and velvety on my hair and face. I picked one of those many small delicate things which was sitting on my nose and scrutinized it. It was a rose petal. I turned around and more rose petals hit my face gently.....Raan looked at me and gave a little peck on my lips. I was in a trance......trying to figure out what he was doing.....and then...it happened.......
He bent on one knee and took out the red box and opened it.......it had the most beautiful ring....in it....Hold..on.....what?
“Raan dont tell me its the same ring I had marveled when we where in turkey!”
I stared at the nincompoop who was bending down...in front of me biting his lips to conceal his smirk. 
he looked at me with that mischievous look in his eyes.......
“ I knew you were the woman I saw my future with....”
“Raan.....you waited to propose for 3 years?” it was more of a confused question to me than to him.
“ I saw how much u loved the ring....so i bought it...I thought i should propose you....but.....i couldnt find the right time for it...till this night.....”
“Lizzie...will you marry me?”
“IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION?” I screamed on him as I jumped at him to hug him...but he lost the balance and we fell. 
“HO HO HO  love......i am taking that as a Yes.” He said as he slipped the ring in my finger....while we still were on the floor.
we stayed on the floor, me in his arms admiring the ring....my engagement ring while he just played with my hair.
“you know what Raan?”
“You are a Gadha”
“And where did you learn that from LIza?” 
“Someone taught me that years ago”
“And who exactly is that idiot?”
“choose your words wisely Raan”
“Tell me already?”
“ Juni” 
“oh no....I-.....hey love......lets not mention this in front of her?”
i immediately rolled out of his arms and cocked my eyebrow and imitated his  smirk......
“And exactly why should I hide things from my bestie?”
“dude.......she scars me ...please....”
I smirked at him. “Lets call this a night”
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
Short Stories Series Story 1: The Royal Garden
Standing brave in the freezing weather, the plant of rose looks around it, the jasmines and dahlias smile at it, admiring its shield of a thousand thorns and beautiful green leaves. The rose plant smiles sadly at them. Close to it, is the plant of the mints, ever so cheerful. mints tries to cheer rose up but rose barely acknowledges its existence.
The Jasmines ask Rose what is wrong and in answer, Rose flexes all of its branches, full of lush green leaves but devoid of any flower or even bud. The Rose is favored by the King, All the plants belong to his garden. But Roses are his favorite. He keeps one Rose plant in a pot, even in his room.
A few days pass in agony for the plant of Rose, and one morning the Jasmines squeal and Mints whistle in delight. the Rose plants finally bloomed!!!!!!!! 
Soon it is time for the king to stroll in the garden and as soon as he comes, his eyes get caught on the rose. He smiles at it and plucks one rose. inhaling its scent...he turns to go back inside the palace.
the king, the great conqueror loves to own the most beautiful things in the world.. His last conquest, his wife, most beautiful lady in the lands.......another trophy to his collection. All of the sudden, they see a new young girl moving around; confused. the flowers do notice  the crown on her head. Ah! the queen. Suddenly, Jamines catch the queen’s eyes. She squeals up in delight. then slowly and ever so delicately, she lifts up the branch of Jasmine, which is in full bloom, to her nose. She closes her eyes and inhales the sweet scent. She smiles and looks at them. She thinks for a while and then sits amidst the Jasmines, her ladies in waiting utterly confused. The Jasmines wriggle and the queen, now forgotten the reason of her confusion, giggles in delight
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
My tongue shivers,
my heart sinks;
when I think;
of my freedom, of my rights,
But how can I think of my right
when I am told my duties are more;
a painful reminder of the invisible burden
on my shoulders.
I try to sit straight
But then I stoop
because the burden is heavy even if invisible
As I take steps forward,
the shackles around my ankles
sing the song of my misery.
                                                                       - Arushi Saini
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
they chained my arms and legs, then they said I was free they cut my tongue and stitched my lips they said it was the price I must pay; for my freedom
Arushi Saini
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
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A little lamp is enough to illuminate the darkest of the night.
-Arushi Saini Photo by-Arushi Saini
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
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Bringing back the poetry from classical poets. This one's from Nissim Ezekiel
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
As I sit here, here, beside this creek
this beautiful, sparkly, clear creek
beside this beautiful sycamore branch,
the creek and the sycamore branch both,remind me of him.
how His temper flows like the water in this creek,cold and free to choose its course.
how the the mighty sycamore stands,as he does, rigid and inflexible against the strong winds of time.
I sit inside the walled gardenwith a lock on the rusty iron gates of his estate.
I sit quiet, timid, gentle and delicatefor that is what is expected of me.
to stay in a property like a property.
I sit here with a pencil and paper, trying to draw or paint or sketch.
but my mind is a bundle of nerves;
it bans me from imagining.my state of mind is like stagnant water of a pond.
like the thousand delicate leaves of the sycamore tree, 
my heart is broken in thousand pieces, some flutter and dance when the wind blows, some break and falls ome close to the strong branches and trunk,
some drift faraway and some flow and are lost in the creek.
sometimes  pieces of my delicate heart, break away from the branches and cold, cold snow takes the place
of those thousand pieces of my heart in the winter
as they slowly wither on the ground, but look at the irony of nature and that of my condition.
the stagnant water of the pond would let the algae grow.
just as I would birth new life no matter how stagnant my state of mind is
.the branches and trunk of the darling sycamore
would stand strong and rigid just like him. not considering how many times my heart would be broken in a thousand many pieces, like the leaves would learn to grow afresh, then whither again,
and I would see my heart grow again according to him while my old self would lay dying in cold.
I would be like the stones embedded deep in the soil and let the creek flow on me and give me scars and put mud 
and dirt on me. because I am helpless like the stones, like the pond, like the leaves. 
I might birth a new life.
I might complete an existence which is not mine but his.
but I would never be equal to him
 my love though always devoted and faithful would never be acknowledged.
for I'm nothing but a woman in the eyes of this cruel world.
and no matter what I do, how hard I work my success would always be because of him.
and my journey would always be measured by his footsteps.
and I, like the leaves and the stones and the pond, would be insignificant without the trunk, the branches and the creek like him.                                                                                                      - Arushi Saini
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
Bewilderment planted on her face
Fear struck eyes looking all over the place
Trembling hands trying to Grasp hope
too scared to even breathe
lips, tinted red, quiver
her breathe hitches with every word
her wrists and neck adorn prettiest of pearls,
weighing on her soul
they are the chains,
binding her soul, and she
a captive in her own castle.                             
       - Arushi Saini
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certainpoetryartisan · 3 years
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welcome to my blog
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