cbaste14 · 5 years
March 30
March 30th, a day that will forever be etched into my mind, and the minds of many others. Five years ago today, on March 30, 2014, Wil Foltz was found dead next to a gun in his father's shed. A year ago today, on March 30, 2018, Brandon Brigman was found dead with drugs racing through his system. Depression and drug abuse/overdoses are a huge problem in our society. I just can’t believe that these two tragedies happened on the same day, just four years apart.
Although I wasn’t close to Wil, the tragedy impacted my life. Walking into school the next day was horrifying. Not one dry eye was found in that hallway. Seventh grade… We were only in the seventh grade, and one of our classmates was already gone. He struggled with severe depression, but nobody knew. He was so joyful and was the class clown. He was always making inappropriate jokes, pulling pranks, and making the smiles on our faces never leave. I remember when I found out that he was gone like it was yesterday. I was in the shower, late on a Sunday night. My mom normally doesn’t try to get my attention unless there is an emergency. She knocked on the door and told me that she really needed to talk to me. I washed out my shampoo and almost ran out of the bathroom. She sat me down on her bed, and read the email that she had received from the school, telling all of the parents that Wil was in a better place. I was completely shocked, so I didn’t know how to react. I was never close to Wil, but he was still my classmate. Hearing that his desk would forever be empty broke my heart.
Brandon was a different story. Although I had never met him in person, we talked all the time for about a year and a half. We planned on meeting each other one day, and finally getting to talk instead of text. That never happened… He struggled with using drugs for years, but that day, it was taken too far. I still considered him one of my close friends, even though we hadn’t talked in a few months when he passed away. I was sitting there at a seafood restaurant with my mom, brother (Jeremy), and my brother’s girlfriend (Mae) when I heard the news. Mae turned to me and was talking about this Brandon guy that had died. She was close to him, so I was just trying to help her. I asked his last name, and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing when she said “Brigman”. I acted fine, but I was absolutely heartbroken inside. I had never lost a close friend before, and I didn’t know what to do or what to think. The anniversary is here, and it’s harder than the day I found out. I proved myself wrong today. I have never cried at a death before, but this is a different story. I cried for a solid hour and a half, and my chest felt as if someone was ripping out my heart, and then crushing my stomach. The impact he made in my life was bigger than I thought.
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cbaste14 · 5 years
I wanna dress and look like this 😍
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Radio, someone still loves you!
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cbaste14 · 6 years
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By Doy, done at Inkedwall, Seoul. http://ttoo.co/p/32720
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cbaste14 · 7 years
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cbaste14 · 7 years
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cbaste14 · 7 years
rules to perfection
this is a really big fake it til you make it thing - these rules in general make me feel more organized, more present, and just like a functioning human being. at least, from an outsider’s point of view.
- drink loads of water and tea. keeps your skin healthy, metabolism fast, and overall boosts your energy.
- in the morning, have a cup of green tea and a glass of water before eating anything. keep breakfast under 300 calories!
- stretch every single morning. it feels really good and can wake you up too.
- if you do your makeup, do it well. make your highlighter pop if you wear it and your lips look silky smooth.
- if you’re in school, dedicate yourself and only get A’s. i know that seems hard, but if you study enough it really wont be.
- study. for at least an hour every day after school, and a half hour on saturdays. keeping up with your school work will make you less stressed than letting it slip!
- always always ALWAYS dress to impress. make yourself look cute! when you’re not to busy worrying about how you look, you can focus more.
- keep your room clean. keep it swept/vacuumed, keep the clothes hung up, make sure your shelves look organized. 
- keep your school stuff organized as well! this really helps when you’re looking for things, especially if you’ve got folders or tabs.
- do your hair up twice a week in something other than just down or curled. ‘variety is the spice of life’, you know?
- have your nails painted. always. you choose the color, and as soon as they’re chipped, remove the polish and do it again. only takes ten minutes.
- eat a maximum 1,300 calories a day. this will make it so that even if you’re losing weight slowly, you’re still losing weight.
- drink at least three (500 mL) bottles of water a day. at least.
- make sure you create time for your hobbies! things like playing an instrument, reading, writing, drawing, those are all things you should practice and keep going on.
- keep a journal updated. just, vent to it. it can be really helpful.
- after school, as soon as you get home,throw on some cute comfy clothes, a facemask, and get all of that homework done.
- workout 2-5 times a week. doesnt matter if its for 20 minutes or 60, or if its stretching or cardio. something. anything counts.
- after your workout (if its a day you’ve worked out), shower. make sure to really massage the shampoo and conditioner in for soft, good smelling hair. invest in some nice smelling soaps to. shave your legs while you’re in there!
- when you get out, moisturize everywhere. i know its cold, but soft skin is way way way better than dry skin.
- every other day before bed, exfoliate!!
- stretch for fifteen minutes before bed, every single night.
- pick out your outfits the night before!! really helps save time in the morning.
- post on social media every other day. make the pictures look cute and all go together nicely when you do post. 
- read for at least thirty minutes a day. ‘keeps the mind sharp’ and all that
- go to the library to study sometimes. a change in scenery can be really nice. maybe visit that little cafe you love so much. go places besides school, your room, and school again. that’s really important.
thats all! these rules are all pretty damn healthy and make me feel like im more organized and put together, so yeah. stay safe, as always, xxx
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cbaste14 · 7 years
Struggling to Stop that Lower Belly from Sticking Out?
Stick to the ABCs!
There’s a great lower ab exercise that really helps with that, and here’s how you do it!
1. Lie flat on the floor on your back with your feet together, and your hands under the edges of your butt for support.
2. Keeping your legs straight and your feet together, lift your legs off the floor.
3. Slowly trace the alphabet in the air with your feet, moving your whole legs, but still keeping your feet together and legs straight.
Try to trace the letters as close to the floor as possible without touching your feet to the ground, and your lower stomach will burn like hell! See how far through the alphabet you can get, and try to do even better every time you do it!
XO ❤️
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cbaste14 · 7 years
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cbaste14 · 7 years
What if everyone was gone?  What if you had no one to be with.  Nobody to talk to, to calm you down.  Going to be honest, that’s my biggest fear.  Not that everyone on the Earth except for me somehow disappeared, but everyone I love leaves me.  I’m not really sure why they would leave, but it still terrifies me.  What would you do?  Make new friends?  Kill yourself?  Live in silence?  Buy thirty cats?  What would you do...? 
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cbaste14 · 7 years
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cbaste14 · 7 years
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cbaste14 · 7 years
Types of Love
There are seven different types of love: eros, philia, storge, agape, ludus, pragma, and philautia.  Eros is sexual love.  It’s very passionate and is the most common type of love in the world today.  Philia is more of a friendship type of love.  I tell my best friends I love them!  That doesn’t mean that I want to marry them, it just means that they mean a lot to me and that I value our friendship.  Storge love is a family type of love.  This is like when you say “I love you” to either a family member or someone that you grew up with.  Do you ever tell your parents or siblings that you love them?  Well, it’s like that.  Agape love is a more general type of love.  It is the love we show to strangers, nature, and even God.  It is the unselfish concern for others.  By Christians, it is called charity.  Ludus is a “no strings attached” type of love.  It focuses purely on fun and flirting.  Ludus relationships are said to be more casual and less complicated than other types of relationships.  Pragma is a love that is focused on the long-term happiness of the other person.  In pragmatic relationships, sex is nowhere near the main focus!  It is more of a sympathetic love where you purely think about the good of the other.  Philautia is a self-love which can be healthy but in other cases can be unhealthy.  While looking at it in an unhealthy way, it may mean that you put all of your time and effort into your social status, accomplishments, etc.  
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cbaste14 · 7 years
Real love?
What if I told you that love was real?  Some people would call me crazy and call bullshit right?  Well, I believe in it and I am actually experiencing it.  Things never come easy especially love.  Love is something that you have to work for and you have to take time and dedicate it to finding and keeping the love.  Relationships really suck sometimes but it has to be a double sided relationship.  In order for it to work, you both have to be giving one-hundred percent.  Yes, it will take a bit of time to build trust and know that you both are happy and that you can both give 100%.  Don’t give up early in the relationship.  It may not seem perfect at the beginning, but if there is real love and you are meant to be together, you will most definitely feel that connection!  Once you feel it, you may be scared.  
Some people think that when they fall in love that it will come gradually.  That’s not necessarily the condition!  Most of the time, it will hit you like a ton of bricks.  Yes, that may be a strange way to put it and it may make it seem a bit intimidating, but that’s what it is.  Love is scary, intimidating, sometimes sad, but definitely worth it!  Some people think, “I’m just going to get hurt so why even try?!”.  Well, I’m telling you this now, there will be heartbreak but there definitely also is happiness and the feel of love.  Kids have started saying I love you extremely early and it’s insane!  You do not know who you’re in love with in the sixth grade.  You may know them, but you don’t know that they are the one.  
Another thing I must mention about love is you need to pay attention!  Just because somebody says they love you, doesn’t necessarily mean that they do.  I’m sorry to say it but in some cases, they either don’t know what love is or they are trying to use you.  Yes, there are indeed many cases that they actually love you but you always need to be careful.  I don’t know how I could stress that enough for people to actually listen but be careful and watch out!  She/he may love you but they also may be trying to use you.  Some people have the idea in their minds that if they tell someone that they love them, they will do anything to keep that love.  
Believe me, I would know!  I had a boyfriend December of 2014 through January of 2015  who told me he loved me more than anything and that he’d do anything for me but he really never did.  He said those things to get me to do things that he wanted.  When we broke up, it felt like my world was falling completely apart and I couldn’t do anything about it.  The one person that I had gone to about all of my problems was the problem.  I remember the situation like it was yesterday!  He invited me to his church lock-in so I could meet his friends and spend more time with him.  We stayed up until 4 am just watching movies and hanging out.  He said “I love you” a billion times and of course, I said it back.  I thought that it was the real deal and that he was my forever!  
I thought wrong…  The next morning we woke up and when I went to go tell him good morning, he had another girl curled up right next time him.  She had been there the whole time they slept.  I obviously got jealous and talked to him about it.  He said it was nothing and she came in while he was asleep and that nothing happened but I honestly don’t believe that!  After a twenty minute conversation, I ended up in the bathroom in tears.  He dumped me…  After all the “I love you”s and after everything that I would do for him, why’d he do this?!  I automatically texted my mom to pick me up and he helped me get ready.  He said I didn’t have to go but I couldn’t stay.  I thought I loved him and I thought he loved me.  My mom picked me up and took me to Starbucks then home so I could take a bath.  The rest of that day was pretty terrible!  
Two weeks later, I found out that him and the girl he was cuddling with were dating.  This hurt almost as badly as the break up.  The thing that hurt me the worst was the fight.  Every relationship has fights but not like this.  He told me that he was lying the entire time and that he never loved me.  He was using me the whole time!!  These are the kind of people to watch out for.  If you feel like you are being used, I’m sorry to say it ,but you most likely are.  It hurts thinking that you have found someone that actually cares about you but in reality they never wanted anything to do with you.  If I could go back and not let him use me, I would.  
The sad thing is, after we broke up and had this fight, I told my friends.  A few months later, he was dating one of my best friends.  He used her too but she was able to get out of the relationship without a broken heart.  Now he has moved on to yet another one of my friends and is attempting to get with a different one of my friends.  Where does he stop?  I’m telling you, if your friends warn you about someone, take their advice!  
Another way to see that love is fake is fighting.  If someone knows something will make you mad or cry and they do it anyways, they just are trying to get under your skin and they most likely don’t really love you.  I know that’s hard to hear but I’m serious.  There is indeed a difference between purposely hurting you and just messing with you.  Normally, it’s easy to tell the difference between the two, but not all of the time.  So, be careful.  
On a happier note, there is real love!  I just made love sound like the scariest thing in the world so now I’m going to talk it up a bit.  Love is hard to explain and everyone has their own definition of it.  My personal explanation of love is pretty simple.  Love is being there for someone no matter what.  Love is putting your feelings aside for the good and happiness of the other.  Love is knowing that if you call them at 2 am with a problem, they’ll be there to talk to you.  Love is not just an emotion, it’s also an action.  No, I don’t mean making love.  I mean showing the other that you love them by the simple things.
Let's say someone you love is having a birthday party but the person that hates you/you hate is going to be there.  Showing your love for the person that invited you is putting aside the past and the hatred and being there for the one you love.  It may not be an easy thing and you may not want to come, but being there will show your love.  Other subtle ways to show your love are saying things like this: “Drive safe.” “Text me when you’re home so I know you’re safe.” etc.   
Love is not always an easy thing.  Somebody you may love may have some personal problems that they have to deal with.  Everyone has a past and some people’s pasts haunt them.  For some, the past is something that they regret.  With people like this, they may be afraid of love.  You need to show these people real love and when they finally open up to you and tell you their past, don’t be mad.  If they had the confidence to open up and explain things that hurt them and that have made them who they are, you need to be grateful!  Yes, their past may be terrible and they may attempt to run from it but they trusted you with their problems.  
Everybody has their own problems and in a relationship, you have to not only deal with your problems but you have to deal with theirs too.  So, show your love and help them.  If they don’t want to talk about it, respect that!  Don’t continuously bring it up and make them feel bad about it because it will bring them back to that hard time in their life and that could be emotionally and possibly even physically challenging or hurtful.  The best thing to do for the one you love is be there for them and to show them how much they mean to you.  
I know that it may be extremely hard to deal with everything in your life but if you try your hardest to also help the one or ones you love, they will help you too.  If they are handling their problems and yours, you can do the same for them.  Obviously they are trying their hardest to deal with things and show you that they love you so do the same for them.  
What kind of loving relationship do you want with a potential future spouse?  In my personal opinion, I would want a love that has philia love, pragma love, agape love, and storge love.  These are just important things to me in a relationship.  You shouldn’t put sex as the many priority because you’ll most likely end up getting bored and hurt.  Even though many may think it it, sex is not everything!  When you put sex at the center of your relationship, you will most likely either end up breaking up or being in an open relationship.  From what I’ve seen from open relationships, there isn’t any trust and they don’t normally last long.  
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cbaste14 · 7 years
To be completely honest, there is one major thing I’ve learned in the past 6 months. To love and trust. Who to love. How to love. Who to trust. Who not to trust. How to trust. Its hard but its possible. I’ve been talking to someone for a couple months now and we can trust each other fully. Its what keeps us strong. Its hard as hell but we don’t care! We still tell each other everything and trust each other. Find someone like that. Maybe one person… Maybe more… You will not reqret finding them.
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cbaste14 · 7 years
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Mirko Sata
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cbaste14 · 8 years
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Only text me in emoji
NEW VIDEO : https://youtu.be/3R6rSSLMk1M
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cbaste14 · 8 years
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